private void getrate() { try { if (Destination.Text == "" || Destination.Text == null) { throw new Exception("Enter destination properly.."); } if (CustomerSelected.Text == "" || CustomerSelected.Text == null) { throw new Exception("Select client properly..."); } if (TypeComboBox.Text == "" || TypeComboBox.Text == null) { throw new Exception("Select Service type properly..."); } if (DoxCombobox.Text == "" || DoxCombobox.Text == null) { throw new Exception("Select DOX/NDOX properly..."); } double weight; if (!double.TryParse(BilledWeightTextBox.Text, out weight)) { throw new Exception("Enter billed weight properly..."); } string custCode = ((Client)CustomerSelected.SelectedItem).CLCODE.Trim(); string destination = ((City)Destination.SelectedItem).CITY_CODE.Trim(); string type = ((Service)TypeComboBox.SelectedItem).SER_CODE.Trim(); char dox = DoxCombobox.Text.ElementAt(0); double cost = UtilityClass.getCost(custCode, weight, destination, type, dox); this.BilledAmount.Text = string.Format("{0:0.00}", cost); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; } }
public RuntimeData fillData(RuntimeData data) { List <Client> clientList = DataSources.ClientCopy; List <City> cityList = DataSources.CityCopy; List <Service> serviceList = DataSources.ServicesCopy; if (CustomerSelected.Text == "") { CustomerSelected.Text = "<NONE>"; } if (WeightAccToDTDC.Text == "") { WeightAccToDTDC.Text = "0"; } if (WeightAccToFranchize.Text == "") { WeightAccToFranchize.Text = WeightAccToDTDC.Text; } if (BilledWeightTextBox.Text == "") { BilledWeightTextBox.Text = WeightAccToFranchize.Text; } if (BilledAmount.Text == "") { BilledAmount.Text = "0"; } if (Destination.Text == "" || Destination.Text == null) { MessageBox.Show("City cannot be empty"); return(null); } data = dataContext.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ConsignmentNo == ConnsignmentNumber.Text); if (data == null) { BillingDataDataContext db = new BillingDataDataContext(); var TData = db.Transactions.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ConnsignmentNo == ConnsignmentNumber.Text); if (TData == null) { data = new RuntimeData(); data.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); data.ConsignmentNo = ConnsignmentNumber.Text; } else { data = UtilityClass.convertTransObjToRunObj(TData); } } double weight; if (Double.TryParse(WeightAccToDTDC.Text, out weight)) { data.Weight = weight; } else { MessageBox.Show("Weight is incorrect", "Error"); return(null); } data.FrWeight = Double.Parse(WeightAccToFranchize.Text); double tmpD; if (Cost.Text == "" || !double.TryParse(Cost.Text, out tmpD)) { Cost.Text = "0"; } data.Amount = Decimal.Parse(Cost.Text); var c1 = cityList.Where(x => x.NameAndCode == Destination.Text).FirstOrDefault(); if (c1 != null) { data.Destination = c1.CITY_CODE; data.City_Desc = c1.CITY_DESC; } decimal tempDecimal; if (decimal.TryParse(DestinationPin.Text, out tempDecimal)) { data.DestinationPin = tempDecimal; } data.CustCode = DataSources.ClientCopy.Where(x => x.NameAndCode == CustomerSelected.Text).Select(y => y.CLCODE).FirstOrDefault(); if (data.CustCode == "" || data.CustCode == null || data.CustCode == "<NONE>") { MessageBox.Show("No customer selected...", "Error"); return(null); } if (MODE.Text != "") { data.Mode = MODE.Text; } Service service = serviceList.Where(x => x.NameAndCode == TypeComboBox.Text.Trim()).FirstOrDefault(); if (service == null) { MessageBox.Show("No service selected...", "Error"); return(null); } data.Type = service.SER_CODE; data.Service_Desc = service.SER_DESC; data.BookingDate = InsertionDate.SelectedDate ?? DateTime.Today; if (decimal.TryParse(BilledAmount.Text, out tempDecimal)) { data.FrAmount = tempDecimal; } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid billed amount", "Error"); return(null); } if (DoxCombobox.Text == "") { DoxCombobox.Text = "Dox"; } data.DOX = DoxCombobox.Text.Length > 1 ? DoxCombobox.Text.ElementAt(0) : 'D'; float tempValue; if (float.TryParse(BilledWeightTextBox.Text, out tempValue)) { data.BilledWeight = double.Parse(BilledWeightTextBox.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { BilledWeightTextBox.Text = ""; } if (data.Destination == null) { MessageBoxResult rsltMessageBox = MessageBox.Show("City not found \n Would you like to enter city", "", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk); if (MessageBoxResult.Yes == rsltMessageBox) { return(null); } else { this.Close(); } } data.CustCode = clientList.Where(x => x.NameAndCode == CustomerSelected.Text).Select(y => y.CLCODE).FirstOrDefault(); if (data.CustCode != null) { data.Client_Desc = clientList.Where(x => x.NameAndCode == CustomerSelected.Text).Select(y => y.CLNAME).FirstOrDefault(); } if (this.BilledWeightTextBox.Text == "" || this.BilledWeightTextBox.Text == null) { if (this.WeightAccToFranchize.Text == "" || this.WeightAccToFranchize == null) { data.BilledWeight = 0; } else { data.BilledWeight = data.FrWeight; } } else { if (float.TryParse(BilledWeightTextBox.Text, out tempValue)) { data.BilledWeight = double.Parse(BilledWeightTextBox.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } data.ConsigneeName = ConsgineeName.Text; data.ConsignerName = ConsignerName.Text; data.SubClient = SubClientComboBox.Text; if (RecalculateCheckBox.IsChecked == true) { data.RecalculateEnabled = 'T'; } else { data.RecalculateEnabled = 'F'; } if (decimal.TryParse(InsuranceBox.Text, out tempDecimal)) { data.Insurance = tempDecimal; } else { data.Insurance = 0; InsuranceBox.Text = "0"; } return(data); }
public PrintMainWindow(Invoice inv) { try { InitializeComponent(); BillingDataDataContext db = new BillingDataDataContext(); List <RuntimeData> data = UtilityClass.convertTransListToRuntimeList(db.ExecuteQuery <Transaction>(@" SELECT [ID] ,[AmountPayed] ,[AmountCharged] ,[ConnsignmentNo] ,[Weight] ,[WeightByFranchize] ,[Destination] ,[DestinationPin] ,[UserId] ,[BookingDate] ,[AddDate] ,[LastModified] ,[Type] ,[Mode] ,[DOX] ,[ServiceTax] ,[SplDisc] ,[InvoiceNo] ,[InvoiceDate] ,[CustCode] ,[TransMF_No] ,[BilledWeight] FROM [BillingDatabase].[dbo].[InvoiceView] where [BillId] = '" + inv.BillId + @"' ").ToList()); source = UtilityClass.convertToRuntimeVIew(data.OrderBy(x => x.BookingDate).ThenBy(z => z.ConsignmentNo).ToList()); rs = new ReportDataSource(); rs.Value = source; if (inv.Misc == null) { inv.Misc = 0; } if (inv.PreviousDue == null) { inv.PreviousDue = 0; } Client clc = DataSources.ClientCopy.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CLCODE == inv.ClientCode); List <ReportParameter> repParams = new List <ReportParameter>(); DateTime FromDate = data.Min(x => x.BookingDate); DateTime ToDate = data.Max(x => x.BookingDate); string dateString = FromDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + " to " + ToDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("DateString", dateString)); string descriptionString = "Total Consignments: " + source.Count; repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("DescriptionString", descriptionString)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("MainAmountString", String.Format("{0:0.00}", inv.Basic))); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("DiscountPString", String.Format("{0:0.00}", inv.Discount))); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("FuelString", String.Format("{0:0.00}", inv.Fuel))); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("FuelAmount", String.Format("{0:0.00}", inv.fuelAmount))); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("ServiceTaxString", String.Format("{0:0.00}", inv.STax))); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("ServiceTaxAmount", String.Format("{0:0.00}", inv.taxAmount))); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("DiscountAmountString", String.Format("{0:0.00}", inv.discountAmount))); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("SWC", String.Format("{0:0.00}", inv.SWC))); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("MiscellaneousAmountString", String.Format("{0:0.00}", inv.Misc))); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("TNC", Configs.Default.TNC)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("TotalAmountString", String.Format("{0:0.00}", inv.totalAmount))); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("TotalAmountInWordString", UtilityClass.NumbersToWords((int)Math.Round(inv.totalAmount)))); if (inv.PreviousDue == 0 || inv.PreviousDue == null) { repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("PreviousDueString", "")); } else { repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("PreviousDueString", String.Format("{0:0.00}", inv.PreviousDue))); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("PreviousDueCheck", "Previous Due .:")); } repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("CompanyName", Configs.Default.CompanyName)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("ComapnyPhoneNo", Configs.Default.CompanyPhone)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("CompanyAddress", Configs.Default.CompanyAddress)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("CompanyEmail", Configs.Default.CompanyEmail)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("CompanyFax", Configs.Default.CompanyFax)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("TinNumber", Configs.Default.Tin ?? "")); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("ClientName", clc.CLNAME)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("ClientAddress", clc.ADDRESS)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("ClientPhoneNo", clc.CONTACTNO)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("ServiceTaxNumber", Configs.Default.ServiceTaxno ?? "")); // repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("Tinnumber", Configs.Default.Tin)); DateTime invDateTime; if (inv.BillId.Length < 14) { invDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(inv.BillId, "yyyyMMddhhmm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { invDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(inv.BillId, "yyyyMMddhhmmss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("InvoiceDate", invDateTime.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"))); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("InvoiceNumber", inv.BillId)); BillViewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = "Report1.rdlc"; BillViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear(); rs.Name = "DataSet1"; BillViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(rs); BillViewer.LocalReport.SetParameters(repParams); BillViewer.LocalReport.DisplayName = inv.ClientName + "-" + inv.BillId; BillViewer.RefreshReport(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Error opening file."); this.Close(); } }
void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { Client client = DataSources.ClientCopy.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CLCODE == clientCodeSelectedValue); errorNos = ""; if (startCOnnNoIndex <= endConnNoIndex && startCOnnNoIndex != -1 && endConnNoIndex != -1) { int total = endConnNoIndex - startCOnnNoIndex; var cs = (from m in db.Cities select m).ToList(); for (int i = startCOnnNoIndex; i <= endConnNoIndex; i++) { RuntimeData data = DataStack.ElementAt(i); data = db.RuntimeDatas.Single(x => x.Id == data.Id); var c = cs.Where(x => x.CITY_CODE == data.Destination).FirstOrDefault(); if (c == null) { c = db.Cities.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CITY_CODE == "DEL"); } data.CustCode = clientCodeSelectedValue; if (client != null) { data.Client_Desc = client.CLNAME; } if (data.FrWeight == null) { data.FrWeight = data.Weight; } if (data.BilledWeight == null) { data.BilledWeight = data.Weight; } if (setWeightCheck == true) { data.BilledWeight = weight; } if (subClientCheck == true) { data.SubClient = subClient; } if (consignerCheck == true) { data.ConsignerName = consigner; } if (consigneeCheck == true) { data.ConsigneeName = consignee; } if (calcRateCheck == true) { try { decimal costObt = (decimal)UtilityClass.getCost(data.CustCode.Trim(), (double)data.BilledWeight, data.Destination.Trim(), data.Type.Trim(), (char)data.DOX); if (data.Insurance != null) { costObt = costObt + (decimal)data.Insurance; } data.FrAmount = costObt; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message + ": Occured in " + data.ConsignmentNo); data.FrAmount = -1; } } try { RuntimeData ndata = DataStack.ElementAt(i); dupliData(data, ndata); db.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception) { errorNos = errorNos + "\n " + data.ConsignmentNo; } worker.ReportProgress((((i - startCOnnNoIndex + 1) * 100) / total)); } } }
void bgWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { unreadableData = new List <string>(); Guid Id = Guid.NewGuid(); BillingDataDataContext db = new BillingDataDataContext(); MatchCollection matches; double progress = 0; try { PdfReader reader = new PdfReader((string)e.Argument); StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i <= reader.NumberOfPages; i++) { text.Append(PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(reader, i)); } Regex reg = new Regex(@"(\d+)\s+([A-Za-z]\d+)\s+\d+\s+(\d{1,2}/){2}\d{2}\s+([^\d]*)(\d+\.\d*)\s+(\w{3})\s+([^\d]*\d+\.\d*)"); matches = reg.Matches(text.ToString()); progress = 5; bgWorker.ReportProgress((int)progress); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); throw new Exception("Unable to parse invoice"); } double count = matches.Count, ctr = 0; foreach (Match match in matches) { InvoiceAnalyzeResult data = new InvoiceAnalyzeResult(); double temp; bool isValid = true; data.AnalyzeId = Id; data.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); data.SrlNo = match.Groups[1].Value; data.ConnNo = match.Groups[2].Value; data.Destination = match.Groups[4].Value; if (double.TryParse(match.Groups[5].Value, out temp) == true) { data.Weight = temp; } else { isValid = false; } data.serviceCode = match.Groups[6].Value; if (double.TryParse(match.Groups[7].Value, out temp) == true) { data.Amount = temp; } else { isValid = false; } if (isValid) { db.InvoiceAnalyzeResults.InsertOnSubmit(data); db.SubmitChanges(); } else { unreadableData.Add(match.Groups[1].Value); } ctr++; bgWorker.ReportProgress((int)(((ctr / count) * 50) + progress)); } Results = db.InvoiceAnalyzeResults.Where(x => x.AnalyzeId == Id); List <TransactionCityView> Transactions = (from transaction in db.TransactionCityViews join result in Results on transaction.ConnsignmentNo equals result.ConnNo select transaction).ToList(); progress = 60; bgWorker.ReportProgress((int)progress); count = Results.Count(); ctr = 0; db.UpdateBillingAmount(); foreach (InvoiceAnalyzeResult result in Results) { TransactionCityView trans = Transactions.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ConnsignmentNo == result.ConnNo); result.MisMatchDesc = ""; try { if (trans == null) { result.hasError = true; result.MisMatchDesc = "Transaction not found"; continue; } if (trans.WeightByFranchize != result.Weight) { result.MisMatchDesc = "Weight should be " + trans.WeightByFranchize; result.WeightDif = (decimal)((result.Weight ?? 0) - (trans.WeightByFranchize ?? 0)); } if (trans.CITY_DESC.Trim() != result.Destination.Trim()) { result.MisMatchDesc = result.MisMatchDesc + " Destination should be " + trans.CITY_DESC; } if (trans.Type.Trim() != result.serviceCode.Trim()) { result.MisMatchDesc = result.MisMatchDesc + " Service should be " + trans.Type.Trim(); } trans.AmountCharged = (decimal)UtilityClass.getCost("<DTDC>", (double)trans.WeightByFranchize, trans.Destination.Trim(), trans.Type.Trim(), trans.DOX); if (Math.Abs((trans.AmountCharged - (decimal)result.Amount) ?? 0) > 2) { result.hasError = true; result.MisMatchDesc = result.MisMatchDesc + " Amount should be " + Math.Round((trans.AmountCharged ?? 0), 2); result.AmountDiff = (decimal)(result.Amount ?? 0) - (decimal)(trans.AmountCharged ?? 0); } } catch (Exception ex) { result.hasError = true; result.MisMatchDesc = result.MisMatchDesc + " Unable to process record: " + ex.Message; } ctr++; bgWorker.ReportProgress((int)(((ctr / count) * 30) + progress)); } bgWorker.ReportProgress(100); }
void loadData_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Effect = null; LoadData dataWind = (LoadData)sender; if (dataWind.dataLoaded == false) { return; } //TODO: Get Name string name = ""; string stockStart = "", stockEnd = ""; if (dataWind.isLoadedFromBook == true) { try { stockStart = dataWind.startConnNo; stockEnd = dataWind.endConnNo; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error loading data: " + ex.Message, "Error"); return; } } if (dataWind.dataLoaded) { isLoadedFromBook = dataWind.isLoadedFromBook; toDate_loadDataWin = dataWind.toDate; fromDate_loadDataWin = dataWind.fromDate; } if (dataWind.isNewSheet || dataGridHelper.CurrentNumberOfSheets <= 0) { if (dataWind.isLoadedFromBook == false) { = UtilityClass.loadDataFromDatabase(fromDate_loadDataWin ?? DateTime.Now, toDate_loadDataWin ?? DateTime.Now, dataGridHelper.currentMaxSheetNumber + 1); } else { = UtilityClass.loadDataFromBook(dataGridHelper.currentMaxSheetNumber + 1, stockStart, stockEnd); } int key = dataGridHelper.addNewSheet(, name); addingNewPage(key); } else { if (dataWind.isLoadedFromBook == false) { = UtilityClass.loadDataFromDatabase(toDate_loadDataWin ?? DateTime.Now, fromDate_loadDataWin ?? DateTime.Now, dataGridHelper.currentSheetNumber); } else { = UtilityClass.loadDataFromBook(dataGridHelper.currentSheetNumber, stockStart, stockEnd); } dataGridHelper.addDataToCurrentSheet(; dataGridHelper.refreshCurrentPage(); } MessageBlock.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + ": " + "Data loading successfull" + "\n" + MessageBlock.Text; }
private void printObj(Client client = null) { #region temp string errorMsg = ""; if (ToDate.SelectedDate == null || FromDate.SelectedDate == null || ToDate.SelectedDate < FromDate.SelectedDate) { errorMsg += "Please set the date properly. \n"; } if (ServiceTaxBox.Text == "") { ServiceTaxBox.Text = "0"; } double temp; if (TaxBox.Text == "") { TaxBox.Text = "0"; } if (MiscBox.Text == "") { MiscBox.Text = "0"; } if (PreviousDueTextBox.Text == "") { PreviousDueTextBox.Text = "0"; } if (double.TryParse(TaxBox.Text, out temp) == false) { errorMsg += "Please enter fuel surcharge correctly. \n"; } if (double.TryParse(ServiceTaxBox.Text, out temp) == false) { errorMsg += "Please enter service tax correctly. \n"; } if (double.TryParse(MiscBox.Text, out temp) == false) { errorMsg += "Please enter miscellenaeous charge correctly. \n"; } if (double.TryParse(PreviousDueTextBox.Text, out temp) == false) { errorMsg += "Please enter previous charge correctly. \n"; } if (double.TryParse(DiscountBox.Text, out temp) == false) { errorMsg += "Enter customer discount properly. \n"; } if (errorMsg != "") { MessageBox.Show(errorMsg); return; } #endregion invoice = new FinalUi.Invoice(); BillingDataDataContext db = new BillingDataDataContext(); source = UtilityClass.convertToRuntimeVIew(dataGridSource).Where(x => x.CustCode == ((Client)ClientList.SelectedItem).CLCODE && x.BookingDate <= ToDate.SelectedDate && x.BookingDate >= FromDate.SelectedDate).OrderBy(y => y.BookingDate).ThenBy(z => z.ConsignmentNo).ToList(); if (SubClientComboBox.Text == "") { source = source.Where(x => x.SubClient == "" || x.SubClient == null).ToList(); } else { source = source.Where(x => x.SubClient == SubClientComboBox.Text).ToList(); } rs.Value = source; Client curClient; if (client == null) { curClient = ((Client)ClientList.SelectedItem); } else { curClient = client; } invoice.Basic = (double)(source.Sum(x => x.FrAmount) ?? 0); invoice.ClientCode = curClient.CLCODE; invoice.Discount = double.Parse(DiscountBox.Text); invoice.Fuel = double.Parse(TaxBox.Text); invoice.STax = double.Parse(ServiceTaxBox.Text); List <ReportParameter> repParams = new List <ReportParameter>(); DateTime toDate = ToDate.SelectedDate ?? DateTime.Today; DateTime fromDate = FromDate.SelectedDate ?? DateTime.Today; string dateString = fromDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + " to " + toDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("DateString", dateString)); string descriptionString = "Total Consignments: " + source.Count; repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("DescriptionString", descriptionString)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("MainAmountString", String.Format("{0:0.00}", invoice.Basic))); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("FuelString", TaxBox.Text)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("ServiceTaxString", String.Format("{0:0.00}", double.Parse(ServiceTaxBox.Text)))); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("DiscountPString", String.Format("{0:0.00}", double.Parse(DiscountBox.Text)))); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("MiscellaneousAmountString", MiscBox.Text)); double temp2; if (double.TryParse(MiscBox.Text, out temp2)) { invoice.Misc = temp2; } repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("DiscountAmountString", String.Format("{0:0.00}", invoice.discountAmount))); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("FuelAmount", String.Format("{0:0.00}", invoice.fuelAmount))); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("ServiceTaxAmount", String.Format("{0:0.00}", invoice.taxAmount))); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("SWC", String.Format("{0:0.00}", invoice.SWC))); if (PreviousDueCheck.Checked == true) { invoice.PreviousDue = double.Parse(PreviousDueTextBox.Text); } repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("TotalAmountString", String.Format("{0:0.00}", invoice.totalAmount))); string totalAmountinWordString = UtilityClass.NumbersToWords((int)Math.Round(invoice.totalAmount)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("TotalAmountInWordString", totalAmountinWordString)); if (PreviousDueCheck.Checked == true) { repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("PreviousDueString", PreviousDueTextBox.Text)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("PreviousDueCheck", "Previous Due .:")); } repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("CompanyName", Configs.Default.CompanyName)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("ComapnyPhoneNo", Configs.Default.CompanyPhone)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("CompanyAddress", Configs.Default.CompanyAddress)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("CompanyEmail", Configs.Default.CompanyEmail)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("CompanyFax", Configs.Default.CompanyFax)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("ClientName", curClient.CLNAME + " " + SubClientComboBox.Text ?? " ")); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("ClientAddress", curClient.ADDRESS)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("ClientPhoneNo", curClient.CONTACTNO)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("TinNumber", Configs.Default.Tin ?? "")); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("TNC", Configs.Default.TNC)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("ServiceTaxNumber", Configs.Default.ServiceTaxno ?? "")); invoice.BillId = (InvoiceDate.SelectedDate ?? DateTime.Today).ToString("yyyyMMdd"); invoice.Date = InvoiceDate.SelectedDate ?? DateTime.Today; invoice.BillId = invoice.BillId + DateTime.Now.ToString("hhmmss"); invoice.Remarks = RemarkBox.Text; invoice.TotalAmount = invoice.totalAmount; repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("InvoiceNumber", invoice.BillId)); repParams.Add(new ReportParameter("InvoiceDate", (InvoiceDate.SelectedDate ?? DateTime.Today).ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"))); PrintMainWindow win = new PrintMainWindow(rs, repParams); win.Show(); }