void Day5()
     // Setting opponent to bandits
     opponent = bandits;
     // Output story for day 5
     Console.WriteLine($"D A Y  5" +
                       $"You awaken mid-morning and continue on your quest. By mid-afternoon you begin to see the outline of the castle\n" +
                       $"on the horizon. At dusk you are approached by {opponent.name}. You can pay or fight...\n");
     // Call EncounterOpponent to initiate pay or fight
     // If statement to check adventurers stats to determine if they have enough to go to next day
     if (adventurer.Health > 40 && adventurer.GoldBalance > 50)
         // Finish day 5 story
         Console.WriteLine($"\nYou continue a few miles and make camp. You will reach your destination tomorrow! You end the day\n" +
                           $"with {adventurer.Health} Health & {adventurer.GoldBalance} Gold");
         Validation.PauseBeforeContinuing("Press any key to continue...\n");
         // Call Day6
         // Display GameOver method if adventurer doesn't have enough for next day
 void Day3()
     // Setting opponent to troll
     opponent = troll;
     // Output story for day 3
     Console.WriteLine($"D A Y  3\n" +
                       $"You awake to an unknown sound! There's a {opponent.name} in your camp! You must fight him off...\n");
     // Call EncounterOpponent to initiate pay or fight
     // If statement to check adventurers stats to determine if they have enough to go to next day
     if (adventurer.Health > 40 && adventurer.GoldBalance > 50)
         // Finish day 3 story
         Console.WriteLine($"\nYou continue on your journey without further encounters today. You end the day with {adventurer.Health} Health & {adventurer.GoldBalance} Gold");
         Validation.PauseBeforeContinuing("Press any key to continue...\n");
         // Call Day4
         // Display GameOver method if adventurer doesn't have enough for next day
 void Day4()
     // Setting opponent to giant
     opponent = giant;
     // Output story for day 4
     Console.WriteLine($"D A Y  4\n" +
                       $"You awake at dawn and set out. You take a mountain pass. You've saved yourself 2 days of traveling\n" +
                       $"but have to pass through a {opponent.name}'s camp. You must fight the {opponent.name}...\n");
     // Call EncounterOpponent to initiate pay or fight
     // If statement to check adventurers stats to determine if they have enough to go to next day
     if (adventurer.Health > 40 && adventurer.GoldBalance > 50)
         // Finish day 4 story
         Console.WriteLine($"\nYou continue on your journey and make camp in a mountain cave.\n" +
                           $"You end the day with {adventurer.Health} Health & {adventurer.GoldBalance} Gold");
         Validation.PauseBeforeContinuing("Press any key to continue...\n");
         // Call Day5
         // Display GameOver method if adventurer doesn't have enough for next day
 void Day2()
     // Setting opponent to highwayMen
     opponent = highwayMen;
     // Output story for day 2
     Console.WriteLine($"D A Y  2\n" +
                       $"You awake at sunrise and set out. Mid-day you are met by {opponent.name}. You can choose to\n" +
                       $"pay or fight.\n");
     // Call EncounterOpponent to initiate pay or fight
     // If statement to check adventurers stats to determine if they have enough to go to next day
     if (adventurer.Health > 40 && adventurer.GoldBalance > 50)
         // Finish day 2 story
         Console.WriteLine($"\nAt dusk you make camp. You end the day with {adventurer.Health} Health & {adventurer.GoldBalance} Gold");
         Validation.PauseBeforeContinuing("Press any key to continue...\n");
         // Call Day3
         // Display GameOver method if adventurer doesn't have enough for next day
 void Day6()
     // Setting opponent to travelTax(gate guard)
     opponent = travelTax;
     // Output story for day 6
     Console.WriteLine($"You awaken before sunrise eager to arrive at the castle. You set off while it's still dark. The land around the\n" +
                       $"Town of Middle is well patroled by the town guards. Mid-day you arrive at the town gates.\n" +
                       $"There is a travelers tax and you must pay 50 gold to enter the city.");
     // Call NPC class method to travelers tax
     // Output users stats when they enter the city (ending stats)
     Console.WriteLine($"\nYou enter the city with {adventurer.Health} Health & {adventurer.GoldBalance} Gold.");
     Validation.PauseBeforeContinuing("Press any key to continue...\n");
     // Call FileIO method to create user's decree of knighthood