public List<Reservation> ViewUpcomingUserRes(string usrID) { DBWrapper wrap = new DBWrapper("localhost", "finalproject", "devon", "devon"); wrap.Connect(); List<Reservation> usrRes = wrap.GetUpcomingUserRes(usrID); wrap.Disconnect(); return usrRes; }
public List<Reservation> ViewReservationsByRoom(string date, string rm) { DBWrapper wrap = new DBWrapper("localhost", "finalproject", "devon", "devon"); wrap.Connect(); List<Reservation> rmRes = wrap.GetReservationsByRoom(date, rm); wrap.Disconnect(); return rmRes; }
public List<Reservation> ViewReservations(string date) { DBWrapper wrap = new DBWrapper("localhost", "finalproject", "devon", "devon"); wrap.Connect(); List<Reservation> dayRes = wrap.GetReservationsByDay(date); wrap.Disconnect(); return dayRes; }
public bool Cancel() { DateTime time = DateTime.Now; string timeFormat = "HH:mm:ss"; string today = time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //check for possible time-based errors before submitting the cancellation to DB if (string.Compare(resDate, today) < 0) { cancelMsg = "Unable to cancel reservation: date has already passed."; return false; } else if (resDate == today) { if (string.Compare(resStartTime, time.ToString(timeFormat)) < 0) { cancelMsg = "Unable to cancel reservation: reserved time has already passed."; return false; } } //check for possible user-based errors before submitting the cancellation to DB // 12/5/12 May not need to anymore //connect to DB for cancellation DBWrapper wrap = new DBWrapper("localhost", "finalproject", "devon", "devon"); wrap.Connect(); wrap.CancelReservation(resID); wrap.Disconnect(); cancelMsg = "Cancellation successful."; NotifyCancelByEmail(); return true; }
private string SubmitToDB() { //dbwrapper will check for errors for this method string reservationID; DBWrapper wrap = new DBWrapper("localhost", "finalproject", "devon", "devon"); wrap.Connect(); reservationID = wrap.MakeReservation(resDate, resStartTime, resEndTime, resRoom, resUserID); wrap.Disconnect(); if (reservationID == null) { makeResMsg = "Error in making reservation. Data not submitted to DB."; } else makeResMsg = "Successfully made reservation: submitted to DB."; return reservationID; }
public bool Change(string newDate, string newStartTime, string newEndTime) { DateTime time = DateTime.Now; string timeFormat = "HH:mm:ss"; string today = time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //check for possible errors before submitting the change to DB if (string.Compare(resDate, today) < 0) { changeMsg = "Unable to change reservation: date has already passed."; return false; } else if (resDate == today) { if (string.Compare(resStartTime, time.ToString(timeFormat)) < 0) { changeMsg = "Unable to change reservation: reserved time has already passed."; return false; } } //check for possible user-based errors before submitting the cancellation to DB //connect to DB for change DBWrapper wrap = new DBWrapper("localhost", "finalproject", "devon", "devon"); wrap.Connect(); wrap.ChangeReservation(resID, resDate, resStartTime, resEndTime, resRoom, resUserID); wrap.Disconnect(); cancelMsg = "Change successful."; return true; }