protected void cartLabelQuantity() { if (Session["LoggedInId"] != null && Session["cartID"] != null) { int CART_QUANTITY = 0; int cartId = Int32.Parse(Session["cartID"].ToString()); int userId = Int32.Parse(Session["LoggedInId"].ToString()); using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { var order = (from c in context.Orders where c.Id == cartId && c.CustomerID == userId select c).FirstOrDefault(); var quantity = from c in context.OrderItem where c.OrderID == order.Id select c; if (order != null && quantity != null) { foreach (OrderItem item in quantity) { CART_QUANTITY += item.Quantity; lblShoppingCart.Text = "Shopping Cart" + " (" + CART_QUANTITY.ToString() + ")"; } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { search = Request.QueryString["query"]; using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { var products = (from p in context.Products where p.ProductName.ToLower().Contains(search.ToLower()) || p.ProductDescription.ToLower().Contains(search.ToLower()) select p).ToList(); if(products!= null) { foreach(Products p in products) { TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = "<img src=\"" + p.image + "\" />"; row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = p.ProductName; row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = p.ProductDescription; row.Cells.Add(cell); tblSearch.Rows.Add(row); results++; } } } lblSearch.Text+=results+" result(s) for '"+search+"'"; }
protected void btnSignIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { var pwd = FinalProject.SecuredPasswordHash.GenerateHash(txtPassword.Text); var user = (from c in context.Customer where c.UserName == txtUsername.Text && c.Password == pwd select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (user != null) { Session["LoggedInId"] = user.Id.ToString(); Session["FirstName"] = user.FirstName; Session["LastName"] = user.LastName; lblInvalidCredentials.Visible = false; updateUserName(); instantiateCart(Int32.Parse(Session["LoggedInId"].ToString())); cartLabelQuantity(); } else { lblInvalidCredentials.Visible = true; signInContent.Style.Add("visibility", "visible"); } } }
protected void completeOrder(int userId, int transactionId) { using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { var order = (from c in context.Orders where c.Id == transactionId && c.CustomerID == userId select c).FirstOrDefault(); var user = (from c in context.Customer where c.Id == userId select c).FirstOrDefault(); var shipAdd = (from c in context.Address where c.UserName == user.UserName && c.typeAdd == "Shipping" select c).FirstOrDefault(); order.OrderStatus = "Complete"; order.OrderDate = DateTime.Now; Orders newOrder = context.Orders.Create(); newOrder.CustomerID = userId; newOrder.SubTotal = 0; newOrder.OrderDate = DateTime.Now; newOrder.ShippingAddress = shipAdd.Address; newOrder.OrderStatus = "Active"; context.Orders.Add(newOrder); context.SaveChanges(); Session["cartID"] = newOrder.Id.ToString(); } }
protected void btnSignIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { var user = (from c in context.Customer where c.UserName == txtUsername.Text && c.Password == txtPassword.Text select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (user != null) { Session["LoggedInId"] = user.Id.ToString(); Session["FirstName"] = user.FirstName; Session["LastName"] = user.LastName; lblInvalidCredentials.Visible = false; updateUserName(); } else { lblInvalidCredentials.Visible = true; signInContent.Style.Add("visibility", "visible"); } } }
protected void populateAddresses() { if (Session["LoggedInId"] != null) { using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { int userId = Int32.Parse(Session["LoggedInId"].ToString()); var user = (from c in context.Customer where c.Id == userId select c).FirstOrDefault(); var shipAdd = (from c in context.Address where c.UserName == user.UserName && c.typeAdd == "Shipping" select c).FirstOrDefault(); var billAdd = (from c in context.Address where c.UserName == user.UserName && c.typeAdd == "Billing" select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (user != null) { lblShippingAddress.Text = shipAdd.Address; lblShippingCity.Text = shipAdd.City; lblShippingState.Text = shipAdd.State; lblShippingZip.Text = shipAdd.Zip.ToString(); lblBillingAddress.Text = billAdd.Address; lblBillingCity.Text = billAdd.City; lblBillingState.Text = billAdd.State; lblBillingZip.Text = billAdd.Zip.ToString(); } } } }
protected void populateData() { try { String productId = Request.QueryString["Id"]; using (StoreContent content = new StoreContent()) { var currentProduct = (from c in content.Products where c.Id.ToString() == productId select c).FirstOrDefault(); imgProduct.ImageUrl = currentProduct.image; lblProductName.Text = currentProduct.ProductName; lblProductDescription.Text = currentProduct.ProductDescription; lblPrice.Text = "$" + currentProduct.UnitPrice.ToString(); if (currentProduct.Stock > 10) { for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { ListItem itemQuantity = new ListItem(); itemQuantity.Text = i.ToString(); itemQuantity.Value = i.ToString(); ddlQuantity.Items.Add(itemQuantity); } } else { for (int i = 1; i <= currentProduct.Stock; i++) { ListItem itemQuantity = new ListItem(); itemQuantity.Text = i.ToString(); itemQuantity.Value = i.ToString(); ddlQuantity.Items.Add(itemQuantity); } } if (currentProduct.Stock > 0) { btnAddToCart.Text = "Add To Cart"; btnAddToCart.Command += new CommandEventHandler(AddToCart); btnAddToCart.CommandArgument = currentProduct.Id.ToString(); } else { btnAddToCart.Text = "Out of Stock!"; } } } catch { } }
protected void populateOrderConfirmation() { if (Session["cartID"] != null) { int cartId = Int32.Parse(Session["cartID"].ToString()); Decimal totalPrice = 0; using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { var cart = (from c in context.Orders where c.Id == cartId select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (cart != null) { var orderItems = from c in context.OrderItem where c.OrderID == cartId select c; AppTransId = cart.Id.ToString(); foreach (OrderItem item in orderItems) { var product = (from c in context.Products where c.Id == item.ProductID select c).First(); TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell cell; cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = product.ProductName; row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = "$" + (product.UnitPrice * item.Quantity).ToString("N2"); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = item.Quantity.ToString(); row.Cells.Add(cell); tblOrderConfirmation.Rows.Add(row); totalPrice += Decimal.Parse((product.UnitPrice * item.Quantity).ToString()); } } } AppTransAmount = totalPrice.ToString(); lblTotal.Text = "Total: $" + totalPrice.ToString("N2"); if (totalPrice <= 0) { Response.Redirect("index.aspx"); } } }
protected void populateOrders() { int userId = Int32.Parse(Session["LoggedInId"].ToString()); using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { var customerOrders = from c in context.Orders where c.CustomerID == userId && c.OrderStatus == "Complete" orderby c.OrderDate descending select c; if (customerOrders != null) { foreach (Orders order in customerOrders) { TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell cell; HyperLink link; cell = new TableCell(); link = new HyperLink(); link.Text = order.OrderDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); link.NavigateUrl = "orderdetail.aspx?Id=" + order.Id; cell.Controls.Add(link); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = "$" + order.SubTotal.ToString("N2"); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = order.OrderStatus; row.Cells.Add(cell); tblOrders.Rows.Add(row); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { System.Console.WriteLine("WE MADE IT HERE"); System.Console.Write("WE MADE IT HERE"); } } } else { TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell cell; cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = "You have no order history. Why not buy something now?"; tblOrders.Rows.Add(row); } } }
protected void populateData() { using (StoreContent content = new StoreContent()) { var categoryId = (from c in content.Category where c.Id == 2 //2 is the category ID for hiking select c.Id).FirstOrDefault(); var products = from c in content.Products where c.CategoryID == categoryId select c; foreach (Products product in products) { String productId = product.Id.ToString(); TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell cell; cell = new TableCell(); Image img = new Image(); img.ImageUrl = product.image; cell.Controls.Add(img); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); HyperLink link = new HyperLink(); link.Text = product.ProductName; link.NavigateUrl = "/product.aspx?Id=" + productId; cell.Controls.Add(link); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = "$" + product.UnitPrice.ToString(); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); Button addToCartBtn = new Button(); addToCartBtn.Text = "Add To Cart"; addToCartBtn.ID = product.Id.ToString(); //Will use this when adding the onClick event handler so that it can add this product ID to the user's cart addToCartBtn.CssClass = "addToCartButton"; cell.Controls.Add(addToCartBtn); row.Cells.Add(cell); tblProducts.Rows.Add(row); } } }
protected void populateData() { try { String productId = Request.QueryString["Id"]; using (StoreContent content = new StoreContent()) { var currentProduct = (from c in content.Products where c.Id.ToString() == productId select c).FirstOrDefault(); //ADD IMAGE HERE imgProductImage imgProduct.ImageUrl = currentProduct.image; lblProductName.Text = currentProduct.ProductName; lblProductDescription.Text = currentProduct.ProductDescription; lblPrice.Text = "$" + currentProduct.UnitPrice.ToString(); if (currentProduct.Stock > 10) { for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { ListItem itemQuantity = new ListItem(); itemQuantity.Text = i.ToString(); itemQuantity.Value = i.ToString(); ddlQuantity.Items.Add(itemQuantity); } } else { for (int i = 1; i <= currentProduct.Stock; i++) { ListItem itemQuantity = new ListItem(); itemQuantity.Text = i.ToString(); itemQuantity.Value = i.ToString(); ddlQuantity.Items.Add(itemQuantity); } } } } catch { } }
protected void populateLinks() { using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { int userId = Int32.Parse(Session["LoggedInId"].ToString()); var userFirstName = (from c in context.Customer where c.Id == userId select c.FirstName).FirstOrDefault().ToString(); if (userFirstName != null) { lblPageName.Text = "Welcome, " + userFirstName; } } }
public void ClearData(StoreContent content) { List<string> tablenames = content.Database.SqlQuery<string>("SELECT Table_Name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' AND TABLE_NAME NOT LIKE '%Migration%'").ToList(); for (int i = 0; tablenames.Count > 0; i++) { try { content.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(string.Format("DELETE FROM {0}", tablenames.ElementAt(i % tablenames.Count))); tablenames.RemoveAt(i % tablenames.Count); i = 0; } catch { } content.SaveChanges(); } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { using (StoreContent content = new StoreContent()) { var checkUsername = (from c in content.Customer where c.UserName == txtUsername.Text select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (checkUsername == null) { Customer newCustomer = content.Customer.Create(); newCustomer.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; newCustomer.LastName = txtLastName.Text; newCustomer.BillingAddress = txtBillingAddress.Text; newCustomer.ShippingAddress = txtShippingAddress.Text; newCustomer.City = txtCity.Text; newCustomer.Zip = Int32.Parse(txtZip.Text); newCustomer.State = ddlState.SelectedItem.ToString(); = txtEmail.Text; newCustomer.UserName = txtUsername.Text; newCustomer.Password = txtPass1.Text; if (chkNewsletter.Checked) { newCustomer.NewsLetter = true; } else { newCustomer.NewsLetter = false; } } else { lblPageName.Text = "Username is already taken! Please choose another."; lblPageName.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } } } }
protected void updateUserName() { if (Session["LoggedInId"] != null) { using (StoreContent content = new StoreContent()) { var userId = Session["LoggedInId"].ToString(); var userName = (from c in content.Customer where c.Id.ToString() == userId select c.FirstName).FirstOrDefault(); lblSignInUsername.Text = "Hi, " + (String)userName + "! ▼"; userFirstName = (String)userName; } pnlSignIn.Visible = false; pnlSignedInOptions.Visible = true; lblFirstName.Text = userFirstName; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (StoreContent content = new StoreContent()) { ClearData(content); Category c = new Category(); c.Id = 00; c.Description = "Climbing"; content.Category.Add(c); c = new Category(); c.Id = 01; c.Description = "Hiking"; content.Category.Add(c); c = new Category(); c.Id = 11; c.Description = "Apparel"; content.Category.Add(c); Products p = new Products(); p.ProductName = "Climbing Shoes"; p.ProductDescription = "Shoes that won't weigh you down."; p.UnitPrice = 119.99; p.CategoryID = 00; p.Featured = false; p.image = "/images/climbing-shoes.jpg"; p.Stock = 49; content.Products.Add(p); p = new Products(); p.ProductName = "Climbing Harness"; p.ProductDescription = "Hang on"; p.UnitPrice = 79.99; p.CategoryID = 00; p.Featured = false; p.Stock = 28; p.image = "/images/climbing-harness.jpg"; content.Products.Add(p); p = new Products(); p.ProductName = "Climbing Carabiner"; p.ProductDescription = "Attach yourself to what's important"; p.UnitPrice = 19.99; p.CategoryID = 00; p.Featured = false; p.Stock = 150; p.image = "/images/climbing-carabiner.jpg"; content.Products.Add(p); p = new Products(); p.ProductName = "Climbing Belay Device"; p.ProductDescription = "Belay with ease."; p.UnitPrice = 99.99; p.CategoryID = 00; p.Featured = false; p.Stock = 100; p.image = "/images/climbing-belaydevice.jpg"; content.Products.Add(p); p = new Products(); p.ProductName = "Climbing Quickdraw"; p.ProductDescription = "Precisioned attachment."; p.UnitPrice = 14.99; p.CategoryID = 00; p.Featured = false; p.Stock = 25; p.image = "/images/climbing-quickdraw"; content.Products.Add(p); p = new Products(); p.ProductName = "Climbing Rope"; p.ProductDescription = "Strong durable rope for scaling cliffs."; p.UnitPrice = 199.99; p.CategoryID = 00; p.Featured = false; p.Stock = 200; p.image = "/images/climbing-rope.jpg"; content.Products.Add(p); p = new Products(); p.ProductName = "Climbing Cams"; p.ProductDescription = "For when the only thing to hold on to is between a rock and another rock."; p.UnitPrice = 300; p.CategoryID = 00; p.Featured = false; p.Stock = 300; p.image = "/images/climbing-cams.jpg"; content.Products.Add(p); p = new Products(); p.ProductName = "Hiking boots"; p.ProductDescription = "Never lose traction"; p.UnitPrice = 110.00; p.CategoryID = 01; p.Featured = false; p.Stock = 115; p.image = "/images/hiking-boots.jpg"; content.Products.Add(p); p = new Products(); p.ProductName = "Hiking Pack"; p.ProductDescription = "Mystery bags of all bags"; p.UnitPrice = 200.00; p.CategoryID = 01; p.Featured = false; p.Stock = 35; p.image = "/images/hiking-pack.jpg"; content.Products.Add(p); p = new Products(); p.ProductName = "Hiking Sleeping Bag"; p.ProductDescription = "Made of that material that will hug you back when you sleep."; p.UnitPrice = 140.00; p.CategoryID = 01; p.Featured = false; p.Stock = 60; p.image = "/images/hiking-sleepingbag.jpg"; content.Products.Add(p); p = new Products(); p.ProductName = "Apparel-Jacket"; p.ProductDescription = "Look ready to take on the climb."; p.UnitPrice = 170.00; p.CategoryID = 11; p.Featured = false; p.Stock = 180; p.image = "/images/apparel-jacket.jpg"; content.Products.Add(p); p = new Products(); p.ProductName = "Apparel-Pants"; p.ProductDescription = "The swiss army knife of pants."; p.UnitPrice = 80.00; p.CategoryID = 11; p.Featured = false; p.Stock = 360; p.image = "/images/apparel-pants.jpg"; content.Products.Add(p); p = new Products(); p.ProductName = "Apparel-Shorts"; p.ProductDescription = "Like the pants but half the length."; p.UnitPrice = 60.00; p.CategoryID = 11; p.Featured = false; p.Stock = 360; p.image = "/images/apparel-shorts.jpg"; //this image can be changed, i just couldn't find a picture of actual shorts content.Products.Add(p); content.SaveChanges(); } }
private void AddToCart(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { if (Session["LoggedInId"] == null) { lblPageName.Text = "Please sign in or register to add items!"; lblPageName.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; return; } int addId = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); int custId, cartId; bool hasCart = false; if (Session["LoggedInId"] == null) custId = 1; else custId = Int32.Parse(Session["LoggedInId"].ToString()); if (Session["cartID"] == null) { using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { var check = (from c in context.Orders where c.CustomerID == custId && c.OrderStatus == "Active" orderby c.Id descending select c).FirstOrDefault(); if(check!= null) { Session["cartID"] = check.Id; hasCart = true; } } if (!hasCart) { var cart = new Orders(); cart.CustomerID = custId; cart.OrderStatus = "Active"; cart.OrderDate = DateTime.Now; cart.SubTotal = 0; using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { context.Orders.Add(cart); context.SaveChanges(); Session["cartID"] = cart.Id; } } } cartId = Int32.Parse(Session["cartID"].ToString()); using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { var cart = (from c in context.Orders where c.Id == cartId select c).FirstOrDefault(); var item = (from p in context.Products where p.Id == addId select p).FirstOrDefault(); var checkItem = (from c in context.OrderItem where c.ProductID == item.Id && c.OrderID == cart.Id select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (checkItem != null) { checkItem.Quantity++; } else { var orditem = new OrderItem(); orditem.CustomerID = custId; orditem.OrderID = cartId; orditem.ProductID = item.Id; orditem.Quantity = 1; //hard coded, can add function to add multiple items context.OrderItem.Add(orditem); } if (cart != null) cart.SubTotal += Decimal.Parse(item.UnitPrice.ToString()); item.Stock--; //remove from stock context.SaveChanges(); } }
protected void checkBoxChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckBox chkBox = (CheckBox) sender; if (chkBox.Checked) { lblPageName.Text = "Filtered by: " + chkBox.Text; using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { string subcategory = chkBox.Text; string filterQuery = subcategory.Substring(0, subcategory.Length - 2); var categoryId = (from c in context.Category where c.Id == 1 //1 is the category ID for climbing select c.Id).FirstOrDefault(); var products = from c in context.Products where c.CategoryID == categoryId select c; foreach (Products product in products) { TableRow row = tblProducts.Rows[0]; tblProducts.Rows.Remove(row); } foreach (Products product in products) { if (product.ProductName.Contains(filterQuery)) { String productId = product.Id.ToString(); TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell cell; cell = new TableCell(); Image img = new Image(); img.ImageUrl = product.image; cell.Controls.Add(img); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); HyperLink link = new HyperLink(); link.Text = product.ProductName; link.NavigateUrl = "/product.aspx?Id=" + productId; cell.Controls.Add(link); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = "$" + product.UnitPrice.ToString(); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); Button addToCartBtn = new Button(); addToCartBtn.Text = "Add To Cart"; addToCartBtn.ID = product.Id.ToString(); //Will use this when adding the onClick event handler so that it can add this product ID to the user's cart addToCartBtn.CssClass = "addToCartButton"; cell.Controls.Add(addToCartBtn); row.Cells.Add(cell); tblProducts.Rows.Add(row); } } } } else { lblPageName.Text = "CLIMBING"; } uncheckBoxes(chkBox); }
protected void priceCheckBoxChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckBox chkBox = (CheckBox)sender; if (chkBox.Checked) { lblPageName.Text = "Filtered by: " + chkBox.Text; int caseSwitch = caseSwitchMax(chkBox.Text); using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { var categoryId = (from c in context.Category where c.Id == 1 //1 is the category ID for climbing select c.Id).FirstOrDefault(); var products = from c in context.Products where c.CategoryID == categoryId select c; foreach (Products product in products) //Only used this as the iterator because this way it removes the exact amount of rows necessary { TableRow row = tblProducts.Rows[0]; tblProducts.Rows.Remove(row); } switch(caseSwitch) { case 1: foreach(Products product in products) { if (product.UnitPrice <= 50) { String productId = product.Id.ToString(); TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell cell; cell = new TableCell(); Image img = new Image(); img.ImageUrl = product.image; cell.Controls.Add(img); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); HyperLink link = new HyperLink(); link.Text = product.ProductName; link.NavigateUrl = "/product.aspx?Id=" + productId; cell.Controls.Add(link); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = "$" + product.UnitPrice.ToString(); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); Button addToCartBtn = new Button(); addToCartBtn.Text = "Add To Cart"; addToCartBtn.ID = product.Id.ToString(); //Will use this when adding the onClick event handler so that it can add this product ID to the user's cart addToCartBtn.CssClass = "addToCartButton"; cell.Controls.Add(addToCartBtn); row.Cells.Add(cell); tblProducts.Rows.Add(row); } } break; case 2: foreach (Products product in products) { if (product.UnitPrice > 50 && product.UnitPrice <= 100) { String productId = product.Id.ToString(); TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell cell; cell = new TableCell(); Image img = new Image(); img.ImageUrl = product.image; cell.Controls.Add(img); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); HyperLink link = new HyperLink(); link.Text = product.ProductName; link.NavigateUrl = "/product.aspx?Id=" + productId; cell.Controls.Add(link); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = "$" + product.UnitPrice.ToString(); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); Button addToCartBtn = new Button(); addToCartBtn.Text = "Add To Cart"; addToCartBtn.ID = product.Id.ToString(); //Will use this when adding the onClick event handler so that it can add this product ID to the user's cart addToCartBtn.CssClass = "addToCartButton"; cell.Controls.Add(addToCartBtn); row.Cells.Add(cell); tblProducts.Rows.Add(row); } } break; case 3: foreach (Products product in products) { if (product.UnitPrice > 100 && product.UnitPrice <= 200) { String productId = product.Id.ToString(); TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell cell; cell = new TableCell(); Image img = new Image(); img.ImageUrl = product.image; cell.Controls.Add(img); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); HyperLink link = new HyperLink(); link.Text = product.ProductName; link.NavigateUrl = "/product.aspx?Id=" + productId; cell.Controls.Add(link); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = "$" + product.UnitPrice.ToString(); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); Button addToCartBtn = new Button(); addToCartBtn.Text = "Add To Cart"; addToCartBtn.ID = product.Id.ToString(); //Will use this when adding the onClick event handler so that it can add this product ID to the user's cart addToCartBtn.CssClass = "addToCartButton"; cell.Controls.Add(addToCartBtn); row.Cells.Add(cell); tblProducts.Rows.Add(row); } } break; case 4: foreach (Products product in products) { if (product.UnitPrice > 200) { String productId = product.Id.ToString(); TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell cell; cell = new TableCell(); Image img = new Image(); img.ImageUrl = product.image; cell.Controls.Add(img); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); HyperLink link = new HyperLink(); link.Text = product.ProductName; link.NavigateUrl = "/product.aspx?Id=" + productId; cell.Controls.Add(link); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = "$" + product.UnitPrice.ToString(); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); Button addToCartBtn = new Button(); addToCartBtn.Text = "Add To Cart"; addToCartBtn.ID = product.Id.ToString(); //Will use this when adding the onClick event handler so that it can add this product ID to the user's cart addToCartBtn.CssClass = "addToCartButton"; cell.Controls.Add(addToCartBtn); row.Cells.Add(cell); tblProducts.Rows.Add(row); } } break; } } } else { lblPageName.Text = "CLIMBING"; } uncheckBoxes(chkBox); }
protected void instantiateCart(int userId) { using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { var order = (from c in context.Orders where c.CustomerID == userId && c.OrderStatus == "Active" select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (order != null) { Session["cartID"] = order.Id.ToString(); } else { var user = (from c in context.Customer where c.Id == userId select c).First(); var shipAdd = (from c in context.Address where c.UserName == txtUsername.Text && c.typeAdd == "Shipping" select c).FirstOrDefault(); Orders newOrder = context.Orders.Create(); newOrder.CustomerID = userId; newOrder.SubTotal = 0; newOrder.OrderDate = DateTime.Now; newOrder.ShippingAddress = shipAdd.Address; newOrder.OrderStatus = "Active"; context.Orders.Add(newOrder); context.SaveChanges(); } } Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["LoggedInId"] == null) { lblCart.Text = "Please sign in or register to view your cart!"; lblCart.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; lblCartQuantity.Text = null; return; } //Test cart Session["cartID"] = 2; if (Session["cartID"] == null) { lblCartQuantity.Text = "(0 items)"; lblSubtotal.Text += "0.00"; btnCheckout.Enabled = false; } else { btnCheckout.Enabled = true; int cartId = Int32.Parse(Session["cartID"].ToString()); int cartQuantity = 0; using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { var cart = (from c in context.Orders where c.Id == cartId select c).First(); if(cart!= null) { int itemQty = 0; bool firstFound = true; var orderitems = (from o in context.OrderItem where o.OrderID == cartId select o); foreach(OrderItem item in orderitems) { var product = (from p in context.Products where p.Id == item.ProductID select p).First(); int products = (from p in context.OrderItem where p.OrderID == cartId && p.ProductID == product.Id select p).Count(); if (products == 1) { cartQuantity += item.Quantity; TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = "<img src=\"" + product.image + "\" />"; row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); HyperLink link = new HyperLink(); link.Text = product.ProductName; link.NavigateUrl = "product.aspx?Id=" + product.Id; cell.Controls.Add(link); row.Cells.Add(cell); //If item quantity is > 1, show total price and price of each unit cell = new TableCell(); if (item.Quantity <= 1) { cell.Text = "$" + product.UnitPrice.ToString("N2"); } else { cell.Text = "$" + (product.UnitPrice * item.Quantity).ToString("N2") + " ($" + product.UnitPrice.ToString("N2") + " ea)"; } row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = item.Quantity.ToString(); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); Button removeFromCart = new Button(); removeFromCart.Text = "Remove From Cart"; removeFromCart.ID = product.Id.ToString(); //Will use this when adding the onClick event handler so that it can add this product ID to the user's cart removeFromCart.CssClass = "actionButton"; removeFromCart.Command += new CommandEventHandler(RemoveFromCart); removeFromCart.CommandArgument = product.Id.ToString(); cell.Controls.Add(removeFromCart); row.Cells.Add(cell); tblCart.Rows.Add(row); } else { cartQuantity += item.Quantity; itemQty+= item.Quantity; TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell cell = new TableCell(); if (firstFound) { cell.Text = "<img src=\"" + product.image + "\" />"; row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); HyperLink link = new HyperLink(); link.Text = product.ProductName; link.NavigateUrl = "product.aspx?Id=" + product.Id; cell.Controls.Add(link); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = product.UnitPrice.ToString(); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); cell.ID = product.ProductName; cell.Text = item.Quantity.ToString(); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); Button removeFromCart = new Button(); removeFromCart.Text = "Remove From Cart"; removeFromCart.ID = product.Id.ToString(); //Will use this when adding the onClick event handler so that it can add this product ID to the user's cart removeFromCart.CssClass = "addToCartButton"; removeFromCart.Command += new CommandEventHandler(RemoveFromCart); removeFromCart.CommandArgument = product.Id.ToString(); cell.Controls.Add(removeFromCart); row.Cells.Add(cell); tblCart.Rows.Add(row); firstFound = false; } else { TableCell c = tblCart.FindControl(product.ProductName.ToString()) as TableCell; c.Text = itemQty.ToString(); } } } lblCartQuantity.Text = "(" + cartQuantity + " items)"; lblSubtotal.Text += cart.SubTotal.ToString("N2"); } } } }
protected void populateData() { int orderId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Id"].ToString()); int userId = Int32.Parse(Session["LoggedInId"].ToString()); using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { var orderItems = from c in context.OrderItem where c.OrderID == orderId && c.CustomerID == userId select c; if (orderItems != null) { foreach (OrderItem item in orderItems) { var product = (from c in context.Products where c.Id == item.ProductID select c).FirstOrDefault(); TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell cell; cell = new TableCell(); HyperLink link = new HyperLink(); link.NavigateUrl = "product.aspx?Id=" + product.Id; link.Text = product.ProductName; cell.Controls.Add(link); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); cell.Text = item.Quantity.ToString(); row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new TableCell(); if (item.Quantity > 1) { cell.Text = "$" + (product.UnitPrice * item.Quantity).ToString("N2") + " ($" + product.UnitPrice.ToString("N2") + " ea)"; } else { cell.Text = "$" + product.UnitPrice.ToString("N2"); } row.Cells.Add(cell); tblOrderDetail.Rows.Add(row); } var orderTotal = (from c in context.Orders where c.Id == orderId select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (orderTotal != null) { lblOrder.Text = "Order Date: " + orderTotal.OrderDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); lblTotal.Text = orderTotal.SubTotal.ToString("N2"); } } } }
protected void transactionApproved() { int userId = Int32.Parse(Session["LoggedInId"].ToString()); randomDeliveryTime = rand.Next(10, 60); String fact = randomFact[rand.Next(0, randomFact.Length - 1)]; String email; using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { var customerEmail = (from c in context.Customer where c.Id == userId select c).FirstOrDefault(); email =; } lblPageName.Text = "CHECKOUT SUCCESSFUL"; lblStatus.Text = "The transaction was approved. Your credit card will be charged $" + transactionAmount.ToString(); lblShipping.Text = "Your order will be shipped by supersonic drone for free!"; lblDelivery.Text = "Drone will depart in 15 minutes and arrive at your doorstep in " + randomDeliveryTime + " minutes!"; lblWarning.Text = "Please watch the sky when opening your door, as Above Treeline accepts no liability for customers hit by flying boxes."; lblConfirmationEmail.Text = "You should receive an order confirmation shortly at " + email; lblRandomFact.Text = "Did you know? " + fact; completeOrder(userId, transactionId); }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { using (StoreContent content = new StoreContent()) { var checkUsername = (from c in content.Customer where c.UserName == txtUsername.Text select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (checkUsername == null) { Customer newCustomer = content.Customer.Create(); newCustomer.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; newCustomer.LastName = txtLastName.Text; //adding different type of addresses //billing first TypeofAddress add = new TypeofAddress(); add.UserName = txtUsername.Text; add.typeAdd = "Billing"; add.Address = txtBillingAddress.Text; add.City = txtBillingCity.Text; add.State = ddlBillingState.SelectedItem.ToString(); add.Zip = Int32.Parse(txtBillingZip.Text); content.Address.Add(add); //shipping address now add = new TypeofAddress(); add.UserName = txtUsername.Text; add.typeAdd = "Shipping"; add.Address = txtShippingAddress.Text; add.City = txtShippingCity.Text; add.State = ddlShippingState.SelectedItem.ToString(); add.Zip = Int32.Parse(txtShippingZip.Text); content.Address.Add(add); = txtEmail.Text; newCustomer.UserName = txtUsername.Text; //password will be hashed here newCustomer.Password = FinalProject.SecuredPasswordHash.GenerateHash(txtPass1.Text); if (chkNewsletter.Checked) { newCustomer.NewsLetter = true; } else { newCustomer.NewsLetter = false; } content.Customer.Add(newCustomer); content.SaveChanges(); Session["LoggedInId"] = newCustomer.Id; Response.Redirect("account.aspx?Id=" + newCustomer.Id.ToString()); } else { lblPageName.Text = "Username is already taken! Please choose another."; lblPageName.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } } } }
protected void verifyUser() { using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { try { int userId = Int32.Parse(Session["LoggedInId"].ToString()); int orderId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Id"].ToString()); var order = (from c in context.Orders where c.Id == orderId && c.CustomerID == userId select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (order == null) { Response.Redirect("index.aspx"); } } catch { Response.Redirect("index.aspx"); } } }
private void RemoveFromCart(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { int remId = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); int cartId = Int32.Parse(Session["cartID"].ToString()); using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { var items = (from o in context.OrderItem where o.OrderID == cartId && o.ProductID == remId select o).ToList(); var cart = (from c in context.Orders where c.Id == cartId select c).FirstOrDefault(); var product = (from p in context.Products where p.Id == remId select p).First(); foreach (OrderItem item in items) { cart.SubTotal -= (decimal)(item.Quantity * product.UnitPrice); product.Stock += item.Quantity; context.OrderItem.Remove(item); context.SaveChanges(); } } Response.Redirect("cart.aspx"); }
private void AddToCart(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { if (Session["LoggedInId"] == null) { lblProductName.Text = "Please sign in or register to add items!"; lblProductName.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; return; } int addId = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); int custId, cartId; bool hasCart = false; if (Session["LoggedInId"] == null) custId = 1; else custId = Int32.Parse(Session["LoggedInId"].ToString()); if (Session["CartID"] == null) { using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { var check = (from c in context.Orders where c.CustomerID == custId && c.OrderStatus == "Active" orderby c.Id descending select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (check != null) { Session["cartID"] = check.Id; hasCart = true; } } if (!hasCart) { var cart = new Orders(); cart.CustomerID = custId; cart.OrderStatus = "Active"; cart.OrderDate = DateTime.Now; cart.SubTotal = 0; using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { context.Orders.Add(cart); context.SaveChanges(); Session["cartID"] = cart.Id; } } } cartId = Int32.Parse(Session["cartID"].ToString()); using (StoreContent context = new StoreContent()) { int quantityToAdd; var cart = (from c in context.Orders where c.Id == cartId select c).FirstOrDefault(); var item = (from p in context.Products where p.Id == addId select p).FirstOrDefault(); var checkItem = (from c in context.OrderItem where c.ProductID == item.Id && c.OrderID == cart.Id select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (checkItem != null) { checkItem.Quantity = checkItem.Quantity + Int32.Parse(ddlQuantity.SelectedValue); quantityToAdd = Int32.Parse(ddlQuantity.SelectedValue); } else { var orditem = new OrderItem(); orditem.CustomerID = custId; orditem.OrderID = cartId; orditem.ProductID = item.Id; if (Int32.Parse(ddlQuantity.SelectedValue) > 1) { quantityToAdd = Int32.Parse(ddlQuantity.SelectedValue); orditem.Quantity = quantityToAdd; } else { quantityToAdd = 1; orditem.Quantity = Int32.Parse(ddlQuantity.SelectedValue); } context.OrderItem.Add(orditem); } if (cart != null) { cart.SubTotal += Decimal.Parse((item.UnitPrice * Int32.Parse(ddlQuantity.SelectedValue)).ToString()); //Subtotal now reflects unit price * quantity of units --RID } item.Stock = item.Stock - quantityToAdd; //remove from stock context.SaveChanges(); } Page.Response.Redirect(Page.Request.Url.ToString(), true); }