public CableJoint(CableBody body1, CableBody body2, Vector3 offset1, Vector3 offset2, float restLength) { Body1 = body1; Body2 = body2; this.offset1 = offset1; this.offset2 = offset2; this.restLength = restLength; }
public CableJoint(CableBody body1, CableBody body2, Vector3 offset1, Vector3 offset2, float restLength) { this.body1 = body1; this.body2 = body2; this.rb1 = body1.GetRigidbody(); this.rb2 = body2.GetRigidbody(); this.offset1 = offset1; this.offset2 = offset2; this.restLength = restLength; }
private void SplitMerge() { if (!dynamicSplitMerge) { return; } // merge links with negative stored cable: for (int i = 1; i < links.Count - 1; ++i) { CableJoint prevJoint = joints[i - 1]; CableJoint nextJoint = joints[i]; if (links[i].type == Link.LinkType.Rolling && links[i].body != null && prevJoint != null && nextJoint != null) { if (links[i].storedCable < 0) { prevJoint.restLength += nextJoint.restLength; prevJoint.Body2 = nextJoint.Body2; // Update joint attachment points: Vector3 t1, t2; FindCommonTangents(links[i - 1], links[i + 1], out t1, out t2); prevJoint.offset1 = prevJoint.Body1.transform.InverseTransformPoint(t1); prevJoint.offset2 = prevJoint.Body2.transform.InverseTransformPoint(t2); prevJoint.Initialize(); links.RemoveAt(i); joints.RemoveAt(i); } } } // split joints that intersect a body: for (int i = 0; i < joints.Count; ++i) { CableJoint currentJoint = joints[i]; if (currentJoint != null) { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(new Ray(currentJoint.WorldSpaceAttachment1, currentJoint.WorldSpaceAttachment2 - currentJoint.WorldSpaceAttachment1), out hit, currentJoint.length)) { CableBody body = hit.collider.GetComponent <CableBody>(); // Only split if the body is a disc or a convex shape, and the raycast hit is sane. if ((body is CableDisc || body is CableShape) && hit.distance > 0.1f && hit.distance + 0.1f < currentJoint.length) { float initialRestLength = currentJoint.restLength; // Create new joint and link: CableJoint newJoint = new CableJoint(body, currentJoint.Body2,,, currentJoint.restLength); currentJoint.Body2 = body; Link newLink = new Link(); newLink.type = Link.LinkType.Rolling; newLink.body = body; // Calculate orientation. Vector3 v = body.transform.position - currentJoint.WorldSpaceAttachment1; Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross(body.GetCablePlaneNormal(), v); newLink.orientation = Vector3.Dot(cross, hit.point - currentJoint.WorldSpaceAttachment1) < 0; // Update joint attachment points: Vector3 t1, t2; FindCommonTangents(links[i], newLink, out t1, out t2); currentJoint.offset1 = currentJoint.Body1.transform.InverseTransformPoint(t1); currentJoint.offset2 = currentJoint.Body2.transform.InverseTransformPoint(t2); FindCommonTangents(newLink, links[i + 1], out t1, out t2); newJoint.offset1 = newJoint.Body1.transform.InverseTransformPoint(t1); newJoint.offset2 = newJoint.Body2.transform.InverseTransformPoint(t2); currentJoint.Initialize(); newJoint.Initialize(); // Adjust rest lengths so that tensions are equal: float tension = initialRestLength / (currentJoint.length + newJoint.length); currentJoint.restLength = currentJoint.length * tension; newJoint.restLength = newJoint.length * tension; // Insert new joint/link: joints.Insert(i + 1, newJoint); links.Insert(i + 1, newLink); } } } } }