public static void Update(string id, string columnId, string newValue, SQLiteDatabase db) { try { Dictionary<string, string> data = new Dictionary<string, string>(); data.Add(columnId, newValue); bool succ = db.Update("Books", data, String.Format("id={0}", id)); if (!succ) { throw new Exception(); } } catch { throw new FSSQLiteException("An unexpected error occured when trying to update a book."); } }
public static void Update(string id, Book newData, SQLiteDatabase db) { try { Dictionary<string, string> data = BookToFieldsDictionary(newData); bool succ = db.Update("Books", data, String.Format("id={0}", id)); if (!succ) { throw new Exception(); } } catch { throw new FSSQLiteException("An unexpected error occured when trying to update a book."); } }