private void OnClickRename(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ItemType type; List <Item> items = GetSelected(); foreach (var x in items) { if (x.Directory != null) { type = ItemType.Directory; } else { type = ItemType.File; } RenameDialog dialog = new RenameDialog(type, x.Name, x.Extension); dialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialog.Name != "") { if (type == ItemType.Directory) { FileSystem.Rename(x.Directory, dialog.Name); } else { FileSystem.Rename(x.File, dialog.Name + dialog.Extension); } } } NotifyObserves("Rename"); }
private void OnClickNew(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { RenameDialog dialog = new RenameDialog(); var panel = GetActivePanel(); dialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialog.Name != "") { FileSystem.New(panel.GetCurrentDirectory(), dialog.Type, dialog.Name, dialog.Extension); NotifyObserves("New"); } }
private void OnClickRename(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ItemType type; List<Item> items = GetSelected(); foreach (var x in items) { if (x.Directory != null) type = ItemType.Directory; else type = ItemType.File; RenameDialog dialog = new RenameDialog(type, x.Name, x.Extension); dialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialog.Name != "") { if (type == ItemType.Directory) FileSystem.Rename(x.Directory, dialog.Name); else FileSystem.Rename(x.File, dialog.Name + dialog.Extension); } } NotifyObserves("Rename"); }
private void OnClickRename(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ItemType type; List<Item> items = GetSelected(); foreach (var x in items) { if (x.Directory != null) type = ItemType.Directory; else type = ItemType.File; RenameDialog dialog = new RenameDialog(type, x.Name, x.Extension); dialog.ShowDialog(); if ((x.Directory != null && dialog.Name.Length + x.Directory.Parent.FullName.Length >= FileSystem.MaxPathLength) || (x.File != null && dialog.Name.Length + dialog.Extension.Length + x.File.Directory.FullName.Length >= FileSystem.MaxPathLength)) { MessageBox.Show("A full path cannot be longer than " + FileSystem.MaxPathLength + " symbols"); return; } if ((dialog.Name != x.Name) || (type == ItemType.File && dialog.Extension != x.Extension)) { if (type == ItemType.Directory) { string correctName = dialog.Name; int dotOrSpace = correctName.Length - 1; while (correctName[dotOrSpace] == '.' || correctName[dotOrSpace] == ' ') --dotOrSpace; if (dotOrSpace != correctName.Length - 1) correctName = correctName.Remove(dotOrSpace + 1); if (correctName != x.Name) FileSystem.Rename(x.Directory, correctName); } else FileSystem.Rename(x.File, dialog.Name, dialog.Extension); NotifyObserves("Rename"); } } }
private void OnClickNew(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { RenameDialog dialog = new RenameDialog(); var panel = GetActivePanel(); dialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialog.Name.Length + dialog.Extension.Length + panel.GetCurrentDirectory().FullName.Length >= FileSystem.MaxPathLength) { MessageBox.Show("A full path cannot be longer than " + FileSystem.MaxPathLength + " symbols"); return; } else if (dialog.Name != "") { FileSystem.New(panel.GetCurrentDirectory(), dialog.Type, dialog.Name, dialog.Extension); NotifyObserves("New"); } }