public static bool HandlerRoutine(int CtrlType) { AutoCaoZuoBase autoCaoZuo = Program.AutoCaoZuo; if (autoCaoZuo != null) { autoCaoZuo.Close(); } else { } FiddlerMgr.Quit(); int ctrlType = CtrlType; if (ctrlType == 0) { Console.WriteLine("0工具被强制关闭"); } else if (ctrlType == 2) { Console.WriteLine("2工具被强制关闭"); } Program.ClearProcess(); Thread.Sleep(100); return(false); }
private static void SaveSessionsToDesktop(IEnumerable <Session> sessions, string password) { string response; string folderPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory); string str = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; string filename = string.Concat(folderPath, str, now.ToString("hh-mm-ss"), ".saz"); try { try { FiddlerMgr.sessionsLock.EnterReadLock(); response = (!sessions.Any <Session>() ? "No sessions have been captured." : string.Concat((Utilities.WriteSessionArchive(filename, sessions.ToArray <Session>(), password, false) ? "Wrote" : "Failed to save"), ": ", filename)); } catch (Exception exception) { response = string.Concat("Save failed: ", exception.Message); } } finally { FiddlerMgr.sessionsLock.ExitReadLock(); } FiddlerMgr.WriteCommandResponse(response); }
private static void ReadSessions(ICollection <Session> sessions) { string folderPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); char directorySeparatorChar = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; string sazFilename = string.Concat(folderPath, directorySeparatorChar.ToString(), "ToLoad.saz"); Session[] loaded = Utilities.ReadSessionArchive(sazFilename, false, "", (string file, string part) => { Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("Enter the password for ", part, " (or just hit Enter to cancel):")); string sResult = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); return(sResult); }); if ((loaded == null ? false : loaded.Length != 0)) { try { FiddlerMgr.sessionsLock.EnterWriteLock(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)loaded.Length; i++) { sessions.Add(loaded[i]); } } finally { FiddlerMgr.sessionsLock.ExitWriteLock(); } FiddlerMgr.WriteCommandResponse(string.Format("Loaded: {0} sessions.", (int)loaded.Length)); } else { FiddlerMgr.WriteCommandResponse(string.Concat("Could not load sessions from ", sazFilename)); } }
public static byte[] hexStringToBytes(string hexString) { hexString = hexString.Replace("-", ""); int length = hexString.Length / 2; char[] hexChars = hexString.ToCharArray(); byte[] d = new byte[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { int pos = i * 2; d[i] = (byte)(FiddlerMgr.charToByte(hexChars[pos]) << 4 | FiddlerMgr.charToByte(hexChars[pos + 1])); } return(d); }
public static void EndFidder() { FiddlerMgr.Quit(); }
private static void ExecuteUserCommands() { int sessionsCount; bool done = false; do { Console.WriteLine("Enter a command [C=Clear; L=List; W=write SAZ; R=read SAZ; Q=Quit]:"); Console.Write(">"); ConsoleKeyInfo cki = Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(); char lower = char.ToLower(cki.KeyChar); if (lower <= 'l') { if (lower == 'c') { try { FiddlerMgr.sessionsLock.EnterWriteLock(); FiddlerMgr.sessions.Clear(); } finally { FiddlerMgr.sessionsLock.ExitWriteLock(); } Console.Title = "Session list contains: 0 sessions"; FiddlerMgr.WriteCommandResponse("Clear..."); FiddlerApplication.Log.LogString("Cleared session list."); } else if (lower == 'l') { FiddlerMgr.WriteSessions(FiddlerMgr.sessions); } } else if (lower == 'q') { done = true; } else if (lower == 'r') { FiddlerMgr.ReadSessions(FiddlerMgr.sessions); try { FiddlerMgr.sessionsLock.EnterReadLock(); sessionsCount = FiddlerMgr.sessions.Count; } finally { FiddlerMgr.sessionsLock.ExitReadLock(); } Console.Title = string.Format("Session list contains: {0} sessions", sessionsCount); } else if (lower == 'w') { string password = null; Console.WriteLine("Password Protect this Archive (Y/N)?"); ConsoleKeyInfo yesNo = Console.ReadKey(); if ((yesNo.KeyChar == 'y' ? true : yesNo.KeyChar == 'Y')) { Console.WriteLine(string.Concat(Environment.NewLine, "Enter the password:")); password = Console.ReadLine(); } Console.WriteLine(); FiddlerMgr.SaveSessionsToDesktop(FiddlerMgr.sessions, password); } }while (!done); }
private static void AttachEventListeners() { FiddlerApplication.OnNotification += new EventHandler <NotificationEventArgs>((object o, NotificationEventArgs nea) => { }); FiddlerApplication.Log.OnLogString += new EventHandler <LogEventArgs>((object o, LogEventArgs lea) => { }); FiddlerApplication.BeforeRequest += new SessionStateHandler((Session session) => HookMgr.ReplaceHyDeviceJs(session)); FiddlerApplication.AfterSessionComplete += new SessionStateHandler((Session session) => HookMgr.RspWanCheng(session)); Console.CancelKeyPress += new ConsoleCancelEventHandler((object o, ConsoleCancelEventArgs ccea) => FiddlerMgr.Quit()); }
public FiddlerMgr() { FiddlerMgr.AttachEventListeners(); FiddlerMgr.EnsureRootCertificate(); FiddlerMgr.StartupFiddlerCore(); }
private static void WriteSessions(IEnumerable <Session> sessions) { ConsoleColor oldColor = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(string.Concat("Session list contains:", Environment.NewLine)); try { FiddlerMgr.sessionsLock.EnterReadLock(); foreach (Session s in sessions) { sb.AppendLine(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}",, s.oRequest.headers.HTTPMethod, FiddlerMgr.Ellipsize(s.fullUrl, 60))); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("{0} {1}{2}", s.responseCode, s.oResponse.MIMEType, Environment.NewLine)); } } finally { FiddlerMgr.sessionsLock.ExitReadLock(); } Console.Write(sb.ToString()); Console.ForegroundColor = oldColor; }
public static void Quit() { FiddlerMgr.WriteCommandResponse("Shutting down..."); FiddlerApplication.Shutdown(); }