public bool ExportSessions(string sExportFormat, Session[] oSessions, Dictionary<string, object> dictOptions, EventHandler<ProgressCallbackEventArgs> evtProgressNotifications) { if (sExportFormat != "SmileVideo") return false; string sampleFilename = null; string[] filenameBase = new string[]{null}; if (dictOptions != null && dictOptions.ContainsKey("FileName")) sampleFilename = dictOptions["FileName"] as string; if(sampleFilename != null) filenameBase = pathMatcher.Match(sampleFilename).GetGroupValues().ToArray(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filenameBase[0])) { sampleFilename = Utilities.ObtainSaveFilename("Export as SmileVideo", "Video (use sm{num} as placeholder)|*.mp4;*.flv"); if (sampleFilename != null) filenameBase = pathMatcher.Match(sampleFilename).GetGroupValues().ToArray(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filenameBase[0])) return false; } bool isHitted = false; int processedCount = 0; foreach (var s in oSessions) { var vid = uriMatcher.Match(s.url).Groups[1].Value; var ctype = s["Response","Content-Type"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vid) && ctype.StartsWith("video/")) { var filename = string.Format("{0}sm{1}{2}.{3}", filenameBase[1], vid, filenameBase[2], ctype.Substring(6)); if (evtProgressNotifications != null) { var args = new ProgressCallbackEventArgs((float)processedCount++ / oSessions.Length, string.Format("Saving sm{0}...", vid)); evtProgressNotifications(this, args); if (args.Cancel) return false; } s.SaveResponseBody(filename); isHitted = true; } } return isHitted; }
public bool ExportSessions(string sFormat, Session[] oSessions, Dictionary<string, object> dictOptions, EventHandler<ProgressCallbackEventArgs> evtProgressNotifications) { if (sFormat != "Raw Files") { return false; } string folderPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); bool bValue = true; bool flag2 = true; bool flag3 = false; if (dictOptions != null) { if (dictOptions.ContainsKey("Folder")) { folderPath = dictOptions["Folder"] as string; flag3 = true; } if (dictOptions.ContainsKey("RecreateStructure")) { bValue = string.Equals("True", dictOptions["RecreateStructure"] as string, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); flag3 = true; } if (dictOptions.ContainsKey("OpenFolder")) { flag2 = string.Equals("True", dictOptions["OpenFolder"] as string, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); flag3 = true; } } if (!flag3) { UIFileExport export = new UIFileExport { txtLocation = { Text = folderPath }, cbRecreateFolderStructure = { Checked = FiddlerApplication.Prefs.GetBoolPref("fiddler.exporters.RawFiles.RecreateStructure", true) }, cbOpenFolder = { Checked = FiddlerApplication.Prefs.GetBoolPref("fiddler.exporters.RawFiles.OpenFolder", true) } }; this.SetDefaultPath(export.txtLocation, "fiddler.exporters.RawFiles.DefaultPath", folderPath); if (export.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return false; } bValue = export.cbRecreateFolderStructure.Checked; flag2 = export.cbOpenFolder.Checked; folderPath = export.txtLocation.Text; FiddlerApplication.Prefs.SetBoolPref("fiddler.exporters.RawFiles.RecreateStructure", bValue); FiddlerApplication.Prefs.SetBoolPref("fiddler.exporters.RawFiles.OpenFolder", flag2); FiddlerApplication.Prefs.SetStringPref("fiddler.exporters.RawFiles.DefaultPath", folderPath); export.Dispose(); folderPath = folderPath + @"\Dump-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMdd-HH-mm-ss") + @"\"; } try { Directory.CreateDirectory(folderPath); } catch (Exception exception) { FiddlerApplication.ReportException(exception, "Export Failed"); return false; } int num = 0; foreach (Session session in oSessions) { try { if (session.HTTPMethodIs("CONNECT")) { num++; } else { if ((session.responseBodyBytes != null) && (session.responseBodyBytes.Length > 0)) { string str2; if (bValue) { str2 = Utilities.TrimAfter(session.url, '?').Replace('/', '\\'); if (str2.EndsWith(@"\")) { str2 = str2 + session.SuggestedFilename; } if ((str2.Length > 0) && (str2.Length < 260)) { str2 = folderPath + this._MakeSafeFilename(str2); } else { str2 = folderPath + session.SuggestedFilename; } } else { str2 = folderPath + session.SuggestedFilename; } str2 = Utilities.EnsureUniqueFilename(str2); byte[] responseBodyBytes = session.responseBodyBytes; if (session.oResponse.headers.Exists("Content-Encoding") || session.oResponse.headers.Exists("Transfer-Encoding")) { responseBodyBytes = (byte[]) responseBodyBytes.Clone(); Utilities.utilDecodeHTTPBody(session.oResponse.headers, ref responseBodyBytes); } Utilities.WriteArrayToFile(str2, responseBodyBytes); } num++; if (evtProgressNotifications != null) { ProgressCallbackEventArgs e = new ProgressCallbackEventArgs(((float) num) / ((float) oSessions.Length), "Dumped " + num.ToString() + " files to disk."); evtProgressNotifications(null, e); if (e.Cancel) { return false; } } } } catch (Exception exception2) { FiddlerApplication.ReportException(exception2, "Failed to generate response file."); } } if (flag2) { Process.Start("explorer.exe", folderPath); } return true; }
public bool ExportSessions(string sFormat, Session[] oSessions, Dictionary<string, object> dictOptions, EventHandler<ProgressCallbackEventArgs> evtProgressNotifications) { if (sFormat != "MeddlerScript") { return false; } string str = null; if ((dictOptions != null) && dictOptions.ContainsKey("Filename")) { str = dictOptions["Filename"] as string; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { str = Utilities.ObtainSaveFilename("Export As " + sFormat, "MeddlerScript (*.ms)|*.ms"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int num = 0; string str2 = null; foreach (Session session in oSessions) { if (str2 == null) { str2 = "http://*****:*****@"\'")); sb.AppendFormat("\r\n\t\t\t\toHeaders.Version='{0}';", session.oResponse.headers.HTTPVersion.Replace("'", @"\'")); sb.AppendFormat("\r\n\t\t\t\toHeaders.Status='{0}';\r\n", session.oResponse.headers.HTTPResponseStatus.Replace("'", @"\'")); foreach (HTTPHeaderItem item in session.oResponse.headers) { sb.AppendFormat("\r\n\t\t\t\toHeaders.Add('{0}', '{1}');", item.Name.Replace("'", @"\'"), item.Value.Replace("'", @"\'")); } sb.AppendFormat("\r\n\t\t\t\toSession.WriteString(oHeaders);\r\n", new object[0]); sb.AppendFormat("\r\n\t\t\t\toSession.WriteBytes(Convert.FromBase64String('", new object[0]); sb.AppendFormat(Convert.ToBase64String(session.responseBodyBytes), new object[0]); sb.AppendFormat("'));\r\n", new object[0]); sb.AppendFormat("\t\t\t\toSession.CloseSocket(); return;\r\n\t\t\t}}\r\n", new object[0]); num++; if (evtProgressNotifications != null) { ProgressCallbackEventArgs e = new ProgressCallbackEventArgs(((float) num) / ((float) oSessions.Length), "Added " + num.ToString() + " sessions to MeddlerScript."); evtProgressNotifications(null, e); if (e.Cancel) { return false; } } } this.PrependMeddlerHeader(sb, str2 ?? "http://localhost:{$PORT}/"); this.EmitMeddlerFooter(sb); File.WriteAllText(str, sb.ToString()); return true; } catch (Exception exception) { FiddlerApplication.ReportException(exception, "Failed to save MeddlerScript"); return false; } } return false; }
public bool ExportSessions(string sFormat, Session[] oSessions, Dictionary<string, object> dictOptions, EventHandler<ProgressCallbackEventArgs> evtProgressNotifications) { if (sFormat != "WCAT Script") { return false; } string str = null; if ((dictOptions != null) && dictOptions.ContainsKey("Filename")) { str = dictOptions["Filename"] as string; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { str = Utilities.ObtainSaveFilename("Export As " + sFormat, "WCAT Script (*.wcat)|*.wcat"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); this.EmitScenarioHeader(sb); int num = 0; foreach (Session session in oSessions) { if (session.HTTPMethodIs("GET") || session.HTTPMethodIs("POST")) { sb.AppendLine(" request"); sb.AppendLine(" {"); if (session.HTTPMethodIs("POST")) { sb.AppendLine(" verb = POST;"); sb.AppendFormat(" postdata = \"{0}\";", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(session.requestBodyBytes).Replace("\"", "\\\"")); } sb.AppendFormat(" url = \"{0}\";", session.PathAndQuery.Replace("\"", "\\\"")); foreach (HTTPHeaderItem item in session.oRequest.headers) { this.EmitRequestHeaderEntry(sb, item.Name, item.Value); } sb.AppendLine(" }"); num++; if (evtProgressNotifications != null) { ProgressCallbackEventArgs e = new ProgressCallbackEventArgs(((float) num) / ((float) oSessions.Length), "Added " + num.ToString() + " sessions to WCAT Script."); evtProgressNotifications(null, e); if (e.Cancel) { return false; } } } } sb.AppendLine(" }\r\n}"); File.WriteAllText(str, sb.ToString()); return true; } catch (Exception exception) { FiddlerApplication.ReportException(exception, "Failed to save WCAT Script"); return false; } } return false; }
internal static bool WriteStream(StreamWriter swOutput, Session[] oSessions, bool bUseV1dot2Format, EventHandler<ProgressCallbackEventArgs> evtProgressNotifications, int iMaxTextBodyLength, int iMaxBinaryBodyLength) { _iMaxTextBodyLength = iMaxTextBodyLength; _iMaxBinaryBodyLength = iMaxBinaryBodyLength; Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(); hashtable.Add("version", bUseV1dot2Format ? "1.2" : "1.1"); hashtable.Add("pages", new ArrayList(0)); if (bUseV1dot2Format) { hashtable.Add("comment", "exported @ " + DateTime.Now.ToString()); } Hashtable hashtable2 = new Hashtable(); hashtable2.Add("name", "Fiddler"); hashtable2.Add("version", Application.ProductVersion); if (bUseV1dot2Format) { hashtable2.Add("comment", ""); } hashtable.Add("creator", hashtable2); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); int num = 0; foreach (Session session in oSessions) { try { if (session.state < SessionStates.Done) { continue; } Hashtable hashtable3 = new Hashtable(); hashtable3.Add("startedDateTime", session.Timers.ClientBeginRequest.ToString("o")); hashtable3.Add("request", getRequest(session)); hashtable3.Add("response", getResponse(session, bUseV1dot2Format)); hashtable3.Add("cache", new Hashtable()); Hashtable htTimers = getTimings(session.Timers, bUseV1dot2Format); hashtable3.Add("time", getTotalTime(htTimers)); hashtable3.Add("timings", htTimers); if (bUseV1dot2Format) { string str = session["ui-comments"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { hashtable3.Add("comment", session["ui-comments"]); } string hostIP = session.m_hostIP; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) && !session.isFlagSet(SessionFlags.SentToGateway)) { hashtable3.Add("serverIPAddress", session.m_hostIP); } hashtable3.Add("connection", session.clientPort.ToString()); } list.Add(hashtable3); } catch (Exception exception) { FiddlerApplication.ReportException(exception, "Failed to Export Session"); } num++; if (evtProgressNotifications != null) { ProgressCallbackEventArgs e = new ProgressCallbackEventArgs(((float) num) / ((float) oSessions.Length), "Wrote " + num.ToString() + " sessions to HTTPArchive."); evtProgressNotifications(null, e); if (e.Cancel) { return false; } } } hashtable.Add("entries", list); Hashtable json = new Hashtable(); json.Add("log", hashtable); swOutput.WriteLine(JSON.JsonEncode(json)); return true; }