예제 #1
        private static Vector2 Snap(Vector2 aOriginalPoint, Vector2 aNewPoint, Matrix4x4 aTransform, Matrix4x4 aInvTransform, PathSnap aSnapMode = PathSnap.Unity)
            Vector2 result = aNewPoint;

            if (!Event.current.control)

            Vector3 snap = EditorTools.GetUnitySnap();

            if (aSnapMode == PathSnap.Local)
                result = SnapVector(aNewPoint, snap);

            if (aSnapMode == PathSnap.World)
                result = aInvTransform.MultiplyPoint(SnapVector(aTransform.MultiplyPoint(aNewPoint), snap));

            if (aSnapMode == PathSnap.Relative)
                result = aOriginalPoint + SnapVector(aNewPoint - aOriginalPoint, snap);

예제 #2
        private static void TransformHandles(SuperPlane aPlane, Vector3 rtb, Vector3 lbf)
            Vector3 snap = EditorTools.GetUnitySnap();

            EditorTools.capDir = Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, aPlane.transform.rotation, Vector3.one);

            Handles.color = Color.Lerp(Color.red, Color.white, 0.5f);
            SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Right, aPlane.transform, true, false, false, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapZ);
            SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Left, aPlane.transform, true, false, false, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapZ);

            Handles.color = Color.Lerp(Color.blue, Color.white, 0.5f);
            SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Front, aPlane.transform, false, false, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapX);
            SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Back, aPlane.transform, false, false, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapX);

            Handles.color = Color.Lerp(Color.Lerp(Color.red, Color.white, 0.5f), Color.Lerp(Color.blue, Color.white, 0.5f), .5f);
            SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Back | PivotType.Right, aPlane.transform, true, false, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapXZ);
            SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Back | PivotType.Left, aPlane.transform, true, false, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapXZ);
            SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Front | PivotType.Right, aPlane.transform, true, false, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapXZ);
            SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Front | PivotType.Left, aPlane.transform, true, false, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapXZ);

            // Check if there was an edit, and update the mesh!
            Vector3 newExtents = new Vector3(Mathf.Abs(rtb.x - lbf.x), Mathf.Abs(rtb.y - lbf.y), Mathf.Abs(rtb.z - lbf.z));

            if (aPlane.Extents != newExtents)
                aPlane.transform.position += aPlane.transform.TransformDirection(lbf + new Vector3((rtb.x - lbf.x) / 2, (rtb.y - lbf.y) / 2, (rtb.z - lbf.z) / 2));
                aPlane.Extents             = newExtents;
예제 #3
        private static void CreateSuperCube()
            GameObject obj = new GameObject("SuperCube");

            obj.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
            obj.AddComponent <SuperCube>().Build(true);
            obj.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial = EditorTools.GetDefaultMaterial();

            Vector3 snap = EditorTools.GetUnitySnap();

            obj.transform.position = SuperCubeEditorUtil.SnapVector(SuperCubeEditorUtil.GetSpawnPos() + new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0), snap);

            Selection.activeGameObject = obj;
예제 #4
        private static bool TransformHandles(SuperCube aBox, Vector3 aRtb, Vector3 aLbf)
            Vector3 rtb     = aRtb;
            Vector3 lbf     = aLbf;
            Vector3 snap    = EditorTools.GetUnitySnap();
            bool    rebuild = false;

            EditorTools.capDir = Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, aBox.transform.rotation, Vector3.one);

            // Bottom
            Handles.color = Color.Lerp(Color.green, Color.white, 0.5f);
            SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Bottom, aBox.transform, false, true, false, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.ArrowCapYN);
            Handles.color = Color.Lerp(Color.red, Color.white, 0.5f);
            SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Right, aBox.transform, true, false, false, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.ArrowCapXP);
            SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Left, aBox.transform, true, false, false, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.ArrowCapXN);
            Handles.color = Color.Lerp(Color.blue, Color.white, 0.5f);
            SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Back, aBox.transform, false, false, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.ArrowCapZP);
            SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Front, aBox.transform, false, false, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.ArrowCapZN);
            Handles.color = Color.Lerp(Color.green, Color.white, 0.5f);
            SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Top, aBox.transform, false, true, false, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.ArrowCapYP);

            if (!SuperCubeSettings.HideYRing)
                Handles.color = Color.Lerp(Color.Lerp(Color.red, Color.white, 0.5f), Color.Lerp(Color.blue, Color.white, 0.5f), .5f);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Back | PivotType.Right, aBox.transform, true, false, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapY);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Back | PivotType.Left, aBox.transform, true, false, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapY);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Front | PivotType.Right, aBox.transform, true, false, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapY);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Front | PivotType.Left, aBox.transform, true, false, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapY);

            if (!SuperCubeSettings.HideZRing)
                Handles.color = Color.Lerp(Color.Lerp(Color.red, Color.white, 0.5f), Color.Lerp(Color.green, Color.white, 0.5f), .5f);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Left | PivotType.Top, aBox.transform, true, true, false, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapZ);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Left | PivotType.Bottom, aBox.transform, true, true, false, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapZ);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Right | PivotType.Top, aBox.transform, true, true, false, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapZ);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Right | PivotType.Bottom, aBox.transform, true, true, false, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapZ);

            if (!SuperCubeSettings.HideXRing)
                Handles.color = Color.Lerp(Color.Lerp(Color.blue, Color.white, 0.5f), Color.Lerp(Color.green, Color.white, 0.5f), .5f);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Front | PivotType.Top, aBox.transform, false, true, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapX);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Front | PivotType.Bottom, aBox.transform, false, true, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapX);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Back | PivotType.Top, aBox.transform, false, true, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapX);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Back | PivotType.Bottom, aBox.transform, false, true, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapX);

            // Check if there was an edit, and notify an update to the mesh!
            Vector3 newExtents = new Vector3(Mathf.Abs(rtb.x - lbf.x), Mathf.Abs(rtb.y - lbf.y), Mathf.Abs(rtb.z - lbf.z));

            if (aBox.SliceFaces)
                float maxSize = SuperCubeSettings.MaxSize;
                if (newExtents.x > maxSize)
                    newExtents.x = aBox.Extents.x; lbf.x = aLbf.x; rtb.x = aRtb.x;
                if (newExtents.y > maxSize)
                    newExtents.y = aBox.Extents.y; lbf.y = aLbf.y; rtb.y = aRtb.y;
                if (newExtents.z > maxSize)
                    newExtents.z = aBox.Extents.z; lbf.z = aLbf.z; rtb.z = aRtb.z;
            if (aBox.Extents != newExtents)
                aBox.transform.position += aBox.transform.TransformDirection(lbf + new Vector3((rtb.x - lbf.x) / 2, (rtb.y - lbf.y) / 2, (rtb.z - lbf.z) / 2));
                aBox.Extents             = newExtents;
                rebuild = true;
