public static string SearchTerm(string request)
            string urlBase = URL_BASE + "search_expression=" + request + "&";

            FatSecretObj o = new FatSecretObj();

            Uri url = new Uri(urlBase);
            string normalizedUrl, normalizedRequestParameters;

            string signature = o.GenerateSignature(url, consumerKey, consumerSecret, null, null, out normalizedUrl, out normalizedRequestParameters);
            string jsonString = GetQueryResponse(normalizedUrl, normalizedRequestParameters + "&" + FatSecretObj.OAUTH_SIGNATURE + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(signature));

            return jsonString;
        public static string GetFood(string request)
            string urlBase = URL_BASE + "method=food.get" + "&food_id=" + request + "";

            FatSecretObj o = new FatSecretObj();

            Uri url = new Uri(urlBase);
            string normalizedUrl, normalizedRequestParameters;

            string signature = o.GenerateSignature(url, consumerKey, consumerSecret, null, null, out normalizedUrl, out normalizedRequestParameters);
            string jsonString = GetQueryResponse(normalizedUrl, normalizedRequestParameters + "&" + FatSecretObj.OAUTH_SIGNATURE + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(signature));

               Leaving this code in for now so I don't have to look up the process of writing JSON to a txt
               System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"c:\\Users\\nickm\\Desktop\\Test\\Test2.txt", jsonString);

            return jsonString;