public SpawnArea(string name, int min, int max, string[] types, string[] include, string[] exclude, string safety, ExtraConditions extra) { MapName = name; //name of the targeted map, e.g. "Farm" or "BusStop" MinimumSpawnsPerDay = min; //minimum number of items to be spawned each day (before multipliers) MaximumSpawnsPerDay = max; //maximum number of items to be spawned each day (before multipliers) AutoSpawnTerrainTypes = types; //a list of strings describing the terrain on which objects may spawn IncludeAreas = include; //a list of strings describing coordinates for object spawning ExcludeAreas = exclude; //a list of strings describing coordinates *preventing* object spawning StrictTileChecking = safety; //the degree of safety-checking to use before spawning objects on a tile ExtraConditions = extra; //a list of additional conditions that may be used to limit object spawning }
//default constructor, providing settings for Forest Farm style forage placement public ForageSpawnArea() : base() { UniqueAreaID = ""; MapName = "Farm"; MinimumSpawnsPerDay = 0; MaximumSpawnsPerDay = 3; AutoSpawnTerrainTypes = new string[] { "Grass", "Diggable" }; IncludeAreas = new string[0]; ExcludeAreas = new string[0]; StrictTileChecking = "High"; ExtraConditions = new ExtraConditions(); }
//default constructor, providing Hilltop Farm style ore on the farm's quarry terrain (if any) public OreSpawnArea() : base() { UniqueAreaID = ""; MapName = "Farm"; MinimumSpawnsPerDay = 1; MaximumSpawnsPerDay = 5; AutoSpawnTerrainTypes = new string[] { "Quarry" }; IncludeAreas = new string[0]; ExcludeAreas = new string[0]; StrictTileChecking = "High"; ExtraConditions = new ExtraConditions(); }
//default constructor, providing settings for hardwood stump respawning (roughly similar to the Forest Farm) public LargeObjectSpawnArea() : base() { UniqueAreaID = ""; MapName = "Farm"; MinimumSpawnsPerDay = 999; MaximumSpawnsPerDay = 999; AutoSpawnTerrainTypes = new string[0]; IncludeAreas = new string[0]; ExcludeAreas = new string[0]; StrictTileChecking = "High"; ExtraConditions = new ExtraConditions(); ObjectTypes = new string[] { "Stump" }; FindExistingObjectLocations = true; PercentExtraSpawnsPerSkillLevel = 0; RelatedSkill = "Foraging"; }
public OreSpawnArea(string name, int min, int max, string[] types, string[] include, string[] exclude, string safety, ExtraConditions extra, Dictionary <string, int> skill, Dictionary <string, int> starting, Dictionary <string, int> levelTen) : base(name, min, max, types, include, exclude, safety, extra) //uses the original "SpawnArea" constructor to fill in the shared fields as usual { MiningLevelRequired = skill; StartingSpawnChance = starting; LevelTenSpawnChance = levelTen; }
public LargeObjectSpawnArea(string name, int min, int max, string[] types, string[] include, string[] exclude, string safety, ExtraConditions extra, string[] objTypes, bool find, int extraSpawns, string skill) : base(name, min, max, types, include, exclude, safety, extra) //uses the original "SpawnArea" constructor to fill in the shared fields as usual { ObjectTypes = objTypes; FindExistingObjectLocations = find; PercentExtraSpawnsPerSkillLevel = extraSpawns; RelatedSkill = skill; }
public ForageSpawnArea(string name, int min, int max, string[] types, string[] include, string[] exclude, string safety, ExtraConditions extra, int[] spring, int[] summer, int[] fall, int[] winter) : base(name, min, max, types, include, exclude, safety, extra) //uses the original "SpawnArea" constructor to fill in the shared fields as usual { SpringItemIndex = spring; SummerItemIndex = summer; FallItemIndex = fall; WinterItemIndex = winter; }