C# (CSharp) Fan.Sys ClassType - 2개의 예제가 발견되었습니다. 이것들은 오픈소스 프로젝트에서 추출된 C# (CSharp)의 Fan.Sys.ClassType에 대한 실세계 최고 등급의 예제들입니다. 예제들을 평가하여 예제의 품질 향상에 도움을 줄 수 있습니다.
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ClassType models a static type definition for an Obj class: 1) Hollow: in this state we know basic identity of the type, and it's inheritance hierarchy. A type is setup to be hollow during Pod.load(). 2) Reflected: in this state we read all the slot definitions from the fcode to populate the slot tables used to for reflection. At this point clients can discover the signatures of the Type. 3) Emitted: the final state of loading a Type is to emit to a .NET class called "Fan.{pod}.{type}". Once emitted we can instantiate the type or call it's methods. 4) Finished: once we have reflected the slots into memory and emitted the .NET class, the last stage is to bind the all the System.Reflection representations to the Slots for dynamic dispatch. We delay this until needed by Method or Field for a reflection invocation