예제 #1
        private void CreateSlideNotes(Song s, Dictionary <Pattern, RowFxData[, ]> patternFxData)
            var processedPatterns = new HashSet <Pattern>();

            // Convert slide notes + portamento to our format.
            foreach (var c in s.Channels)
                if (!c.SupportsSlideNotes)

                var songSpeed          = s.FamitrackerSpeed;
                var lastNoteInstrument = (Instrument)null;
                var lastNoteArpeggio   = (Arpeggio)null;
                var lastNoteValue      = (byte)Note.NoteInvalid;
                var portamentoSpeed    = 0;
                var slideSpeed         = 0;
                var slideShift         = c.IsN163WaveChannel ? 2 : 0;
                var slideSign          = c.IsN163WaveChannel || c.IsFdsWaveChannel || c.IsVrc7FmChannel ? -1 : 1; // Inverted channels.

                for (int p = 0; p < s.Length; p++)
                    var pattern = c.PatternInstances[p];

                    if (pattern == null)

                    var patternLen = s.GetPatternLength(p);

                    for (var it = pattern.GetDenseNoteIterator(0, patternLen); !it.Done; it.Next())
                        var location = new NoteLocation(p, it.CurrentTime);
                        var note     = it.CurrentNote;

                        // Look for speed changes.
                        s.ApplySpeedEffectAt(location, ref songSpeed);

                        if (!patternFxData.ContainsKey(pattern) || processedPatterns.Contains(pattern))

                        var fxData      = patternFxData[pattern];
                        var slideTarget = 0;

                        for (int i = 0; i < fxData.GetLength(1); i++)
                            var fx = fxData[location.NoteIndex, i];

                            if (fx.param != 0)
                                // When the effect it turned on, we need to add a note.
                                if ((fx.fx == Effect_PortaUp ||
                                     fx.fx == Effect_PortaDown ||
                                     fx.fx == Effect_SlideUp ||
                                     fx.fx == Effect_SlideDown) &&
                                    lastNoteValue >= Note.MusicalNoteMin &&
                                    lastNoteValue <= Note.MusicalNoteMax && (note == null || !note.IsValid))
                                    if (note == null)
                                        note = pattern.GetOrCreateNoteAt(location.NoteIndex);

                                    note.Value      = lastNoteValue;
                                    note.Instrument = lastNoteInstrument;
                                    note.Arpeggio   = lastNoteArpeggio;
                                    note.HasAttack  = false;

                            if (fx.fx == Effect_PortaUp)
                                // If we have a Qxx/Rxx on the same row as a 1xx/2xx, things get weird.
                                if (slideTarget == 0)
                                    slideSpeed = (-fx.param * slideSign) << slideShift;
                            if (fx.fx == Effect_PortaDown)
                                // If we have a Qxx/Rxx on the same row as a 1xx/2xx, things get weird.
                                if (slideTarget == 0)
                                    slideSpeed = (fx.param * slideSign) << slideShift;
                            if (fx.fx == Effect_Portamento)
                                portamentoSpeed = fx.param;
                            if (fx.fx == Effect_SlideUp && note != null && note.IsMusical)
                                slideTarget = Utils.Clamp(note.Value + (fx.param & 0xf), Note.MusicalNoteMin, Note.MusicalNoteMax);
                                slideSpeed  = (-((fx.param >> 4) * 2 + 1)) << slideShift;
                            if (fx.fx == Effect_SlideDown && note != null && note.IsMusical)
                                slideTarget = Utils.Clamp(note.Value - (fx.param & 0xf), Note.MusicalNoteMin, Note.MusicalNoteMax);
                                slideSpeed  = (((fx.param >> 4) * 2 + 1)) << slideShift;

                        // Create a slide note.
                        if (note != null && !note.IsSlideNote)
                            if (note.IsMusical)
                                var slideSource = note.Value;
                                var noteTable   = NesApu.GetNoteTableForChannelType(c.Type, s.Project.PalMode, s.Project.ExpansionNumChannels);
                                var pitchLimit  = NesApu.GetPitchLimitForChannelType(c.Type);

                                // If we have a new note with auto-portamento enabled, we need to
                                // swap the notes since our slide notes work backward compared to
                                // FamiTracker.
                                if (portamentoSpeed != 0)
                                    // Ignore notes with no attack since we created them to handle a previous slide.
                                    if (note.HasAttack && lastNoteValue >= Note.MusicalNoteMin && lastNoteValue <= Note.MusicalNoteMax)
                                        slideSpeed  = portamentoSpeed;
                                        slideTarget = note.Value;
                                        slideSource = lastNoteValue;
                                        note.Value  = lastNoteValue;

                                // Our implementation of VRC7 pitches is quite different from FamiTracker.
                                // Compensate for larger pitches in higher octaves by shifting. We cant shift by
                                // a large amount because the period is 9-bit and FamiTracker is restricted to
                                // this for slides (octave never changes).
                                var octaveSlideShift = c.IsVrc7FmChannel && note.Value >= 12 ? 1 : 0;

                                // 3xx/Qxy/Rxy : We know which note we are sliding to and the speed, but we
                                //               don't know how many frames it will take to get there.
                                if (slideTarget != 0)
                                    // Advance in the song until we have the correct number of frames.
                                    var numFrames = Math.Max(1, Math.Abs((noteTable[slideSource] - noteTable[slideTarget]) / (slideSpeed << octaveSlideShift)));
                                    note.SlideNoteTarget = (byte)slideTarget;

                                    // TODO: Here we consider if the start note has a delay, but ignore the end note. It might have one too.
                                    var nextLocation = location;
                                    s.AdvanceNumberOfFrames(ref nextLocation, numFrames, note.HasNoteDelay ? -note.NoteDelay : 0, songSpeed, s.Project.PalMode);

                                    // Still to see if there is a note between the current one and the
                                    // next note, this could append if you add a note before the slide
                                    // is supposed to finish.
                                    if (FindNextSlideEffect(c, location, out var nextLocation2, patternFxData))
                                        nextLocation = NoteLocation.Min(nextLocation, nextLocation2);

                                        // If the slide is interrupted by another slide effect, we will not reach
                                        // the final target, but rather some intermediate note. Let's do our best
                                        // to interpolate and figure out the best note.
                                        var numFramesUntilNextSlide = s.CountFramesBetween(location, nextLocation, songSpeed, s.Project.PalMode);
                                        var ratio             = Utils.Clamp(numFramesUntilNextSlide / numFrames, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                                        var intermediatePitch = (int)Math.Round(Utils.Lerp(noteTable[slideSource], noteTable[slideTarget], ratio));

                                        slideTarget          = FindBestMatchingNote(noteTable, intermediatePitch, Math.Sign(slideSpeed));
                                        note.SlideNoteTarget = (byte)slideTarget;

                                    if (nextLocation.PatternIndex < s.Length)
                                        // Add an extra note with no attack to stop the slide.
                                        var nextPattern = c.PatternInstances[nextLocation.PatternIndex];
                                        if (!nextPattern.Notes.TryGetValue(nextLocation.NoteIndex, out var nextNote) || !nextNote.IsValid)
                                            nextNote            = nextPattern.GetOrCreateNoteAt(nextLocation.NoteIndex);
                                            nextNote.Instrument = note.Instrument;
                                            nextNote.Value      = (byte)slideTarget;
                                            nextNote.HasAttack  = false;
                                        else if (nextNote != null && nextNote.IsRelease)
                                            Log.LogMessage(LogSeverity.Warning, $"A slide note ends on a release note. This is currently unsupported and will require manual correction. {GetPatternString(nextPattern, nextLocation.NoteIndex)}");

                                    // 3xx, Qxx and Rxx stops when its done.
                                    slideSpeed = 0;

                                // 1xx/2xy : We know the speed at which we are sliding, but need to figure out what makes it stop.
                                else if (slideSpeed != 0 && FindNextSlideEffect(c, location, out var nextLocation, patternFxData))
                                    // See how many frames until the slide stops.
                                    var numFrames = (int)Math.Round(s.CountFramesBetween(location, nextLocation, songSpeed, s.Project.PalMode));

                                    // TODO: Here we consider if the start note has a delay, but ignore the end note. It might have one too.
                                    numFrames = Math.Max(1, numFrames - (note.HasNoteDelay ? note.NoteDelay : 0));

                                    // Compute the pitch delta and find the closest target note.
                                    var newNotePitch = Utils.Clamp(noteTable[slideSource] + numFrames * (slideSpeed << octaveSlideShift), 0, pitchLimit);
                                    var newNote      = FindBestMatchingNote(noteTable, newNotePitch, Math.Sign(slideSpeed));

                                    note.SlideNoteTarget = (byte)newNote;

                                    // If the FX was turned off, we need to add an extra note.
                                    var nextPattern = c.PatternInstances[nextLocation.PatternIndex];
                                    if (!nextPattern.Notes.TryGetValue(nextLocation.NoteIndex, out var nextNote) || !nextNote.IsValid)
                                        nextNote            = nextPattern.GetOrCreateNoteAt(nextLocation.NoteIndex);
                                        nextNote.Instrument = note.Instrument;
                                        nextNote.Value      = (byte)newNote;
                                        nextNote.HasAttack  = false;
                                    else if (nextNote != null && nextNote.IsRelease)
                                        Log.LogMessage(LogSeverity.Warning, $"A slide note ends on a release note. This is currently unsupported and will require manual correction. {GetPatternString(nextPattern, nextLocation.NoteIndex)}");

                        if (note != null && (note.IsMusical || note.IsStop))
                            lastNoteValue      = note.IsSlideNote ? note.SlideNoteTarget : note.Value;
                            lastNoteInstrument = note.Instrument;
                            lastNoteArpeggio   = note.Arpeggio;

예제 #2
        public bool ComputeSlideNoteParams(Note note, int patternIdx, int noteIdx, int famitrackerSpeed, ushort[] noteTable, bool pal, bool applyShifts, out int pitchDelta, out int stepSize, out float stepSizeFloat)

            var slideShift = 0;

            if (applyShifts)
                GetShiftsForType(type, song.Project.ExpansionNumChannels, out _, out slideShift);

            pitchDelta = noteTable[note.Value] - noteTable[note.SlideNoteTarget];

            if (pitchDelta != 0)
                pitchDelta = slideShift < 0 ? (pitchDelta << -slideShift) : (pitchDelta >> slideShift);

                // Find the next note to calculate the slope.
                FindNextNoteForSlide(patternIdx, noteIdx, 256, out var nextPatternIdx, out var nextNoteIdx); // 256 is kind of arbitrary.

                // Approximate how many frames seperates these 2 notes.
                var frameCount = 0.0f;
                if (patternIdx != nextPatternIdx || noteIdx != nextNoteIdx)
                    // Take delayed notes/cuts into avvound.
                    var delayFrames = -(note.HasNoteDelay ? note.NoteDelay : 0);
                    if (Song.UsesFamiTrackerTempo)
                        var nextNote = GetNoteAt(nextPatternIdx, nextNoteIdx);
                        if (nextNote != null)
                            if (nextNote.HasNoteDelay)
                                if (nextNote.HasCutDelay)
                                    delayFrames += Math.Min(nextNote.NoteDelay, nextNote.CutDelay);
                                    delayFrames += nextNote.NoteDelay;
                            else if (nextNote.HasCutDelay)
                                delayFrames += nextNote.CutDelay;

                    frameCount = Song.CountFramesBetween(patternIdx, noteIdx, nextPatternIdx, nextNoteIdx, famitrackerSpeed, pal) + delayFrames;
                    Debug.Assert(note.HasCutDelay && Song.UsesFamiTrackerTempo);

                    // Slide note starts and end on same note, this mean we have a delayed cut.
                    frameCount = note.HasCutDelay ? note.CutDelay : 0;

                var absStepPerFrame = Math.Abs(pitchDelta) / Math.Max(1, frameCount);

                stepSize      = Utils.Clamp((int)Math.Ceiling(absStepPerFrame) * -Math.Sign(pitchDelta), sbyte.MinValue, sbyte.MaxValue);
                stepSizeFloat = pitchDelta / Math.Max(1, frameCount);

                stepSize      = 0;
                stepSizeFloat = 0.0f;
