public ParticleTestScreen(ScreenContainer container) : base(container) { am = FSGGame.achievementManager; pm = new MAOParticleManager(new Rectangle(0, 0, 800, 400), Constants.MaxParticles, Constants.ParticleSize, am.processParticle); brushSize = 3; rand = new Random(Environment.TickCount); //pm.addSource(new Vector2(400, 0), 1, Particle_Type.Sand,true); //pm.addSource(new Vector2(450, 0), 2, Particle_Type.Sand,true); //pm.addSource(new Vector2(500, 0), 3, Particle_Type.Sand,true); pm.addSource(new Vector2(550, 0), 1, Particle_Type.Water, true); //pm.addSource(new Vector2(5, 360), 1, Particle_Type.Fire, true); //pm.addSource(new Vector2(600, 0), 5, Particle_Type.Sand); currentParticle = Particle_Type.Sand; selectPositions = new int [7]; selectPositions[0] = 17; selectPositions[1] = 117; selectPositions[2] = 217; selectPositions[3] = 317; selectPositions[4] = 417; selectPositions[5] = 517; selectPositions[6] = 617; }
public FSGGame() { achievementManager = new AchievementManager(new List<AchievementBase>() { //new DemoAchievement(), new PyroAchievement(), new TypeOnScreenAchievement(30000, Particle_Type.Plant, "Home Tree", "Have 30,000 plants on the screen"), new TypeOnScreenAchievement(20000, Particle_Type.Water, "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea", "Have 20,000 water particles on the screen"), new TypeOnScreenAchievement(2000, Particle_Type.Fire, "Up in Flames", "Have 2,000 fire particles on the screen")}); graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; screens = new ScreenContainer(); //partMan = new ParticleManager(graphics.GraphicsDevice, 10000, 1f); controller = new Controller(PlayerIndex.One); #if XBOX this.Components.Add(new GamerServicesComponent(this)); #endif }