public static List<FacebookStreamEntry> JSONToStreamEntries(JSONObject obj) { List<FacebookStreamEntry> entries = new List<FacebookStreamEntry>(); try { JSONObject data = obj.Dictionary["data"]; foreach (JSONObject dataEntry in data.Array) { FacebookStreamEntry entry = new FacebookStreamEntry() { ActorID = dataEntry.Dictionary["actor_id"].Integer, CreatedTime = TimeHelpers.UnixToDateTime(dataEntry.Dictionary["created_time"].Integer), Message = dataEntry.Dictionary["message"].String, PostID = dataEntry.Dictionary["post_id"].String }; entries.Add(entry); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Warn("Failed to parse a JSON object to a facebook entry. Exception detail: " + ex); } return entries; }
/// <summary> /// Recursively constructs this JSONObject /// </summary> private static JSONObject Create(object o) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); if (o is object[]) { object[] objArray = o as object[]; obj._arrayData = new JSONObject[objArray.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < obj._arrayData.Length; ++i) { obj._arrayData[i] = Create(objArray[i]); } } else if (o is Dictionary<string, object>) { obj._dictData = new Dictionary<string, JSONObject>(); Dictionary<string, object> dict = o as Dictionary<string, object>; foreach (string key in dict.Keys) { obj._dictData[key] = Create(dict[key]); } } else if (o != null) // o is a scalar { obj._stringData = o.ToString(); } return obj; }
public ActionResult returnfromfb() { Employee e = new Employee(); string code = Request.QueryString["code"]; if (code == null) { return(RedirectToAction("LastWindow", "Login")); } string AccessToken = ""; try { if (code != null) { string str = "" + System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["facebookappid"] + "&redirect_uri=http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/Home/returnfromfb&client_secret=" + System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["facebookappsecret"] + "&code=" + code; HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(str); req.Method = "POST"; req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; byte[] Param = Request.BinaryRead(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.ContentLength); string strRequest = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Param); req.ContentLength = strRequest.Length; StreamWriter streamOut = new StreamWriter(req.GetRequestStream(), System.Text.Encoding.ASCII); streamOut.Write(strRequest); streamOut.Close(); StreamReader streamIn = new StreamReader(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()); string strResponse = streamIn.ReadToEnd(); if (strResponse.Contains("&expires")) { strResponse = strResponse.Substring(0, strResponse.IndexOf("&expires")); } AccessToken = strResponse.Replace("access_token=", ""); streamIn.Close(); } Facebook.FacebookAPI api = new Facebook.FacebookAPI(AccessToken); string request = "/me"; Facebook.JSONObject fbobject = api.Get(request); try { string fbId = fbobject.Dictionary["id"].String; string email = fbobject.Dictionary["email"].String; Employee e2 = db.EmployeeDB.Where(x => x.Email == email).FirstOrDefault(); if (e2 == null) { Employee e1 = db.EmployeeDB.Where(x => x.FacebookId == fbId).FirstOrDefault(); if (e1 == null) { e.FirstName = fbobject.Dictionary["first_name"].String; e.LastName = fbobject.Dictionary["last_name"].String; e.Email = email; e.Gender = fbobject.Dictionary["gender"].String; if (fbobject.Dictionary.ContainsKey("birthday")) { e.DateOfBirth = Convert.ToDateTime(fbobject.Dictionary["birthday"].String); } e.FacebookId = fbId; e.Created = DateTime.Now; e.Updated = DateTime.Now; db.EmployeeDB.Add(e); db.SaveChanges(); Session["userId"] = e.Id; Session["firstLogin"] = true; string str = "" + fbobject.Dictionary["id"].String + "?fields=picture.type(large)"; HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(str); StreamReader streamIn = new StreamReader(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()); string strResponse = streamIn.ReadToEnd(); JObject je = new JObject(); je = JObject.Parse(strResponse); string ProfilePicURL = je["picture"]["data"]["url"].ToString().Replace("\"", ""); UploadProfilePic(ProfilePicURL, e.Id); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Resume", "Profile")); } } else { e2.FacebookId = fbId; db.SaveChanges(); Session["userId"] = e2.Id; return(RedirectToAction("Resume", "Profile")); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(RedirectToAction("Resume", "Profile")); }
private void GetKeyValues ( JSONObject ob, out string sPageGroupID, out string sImageURL, out string sTitle, out string sDescription, out string sLikes, out string sTalking ) { sPageGroupID = ""; sImageURL = ""; sTitle = ""; sDescription = ""; sLikes = ""; sTalking = ""; if (ob.Dictionary.ContainsKey("id")) { sPageGroupID = ob.Dictionary["id"].String; } if (ob.Dictionary.ContainsKey("picture")) { sImageURL = ob.Dictionary["picture"].Dictionary["data"].Dictionary["url"].String; } if (ob.Dictionary.ContainsKey("name")) { sTitle = ob.Dictionary["name"].String; } if (ob.Dictionary.ContainsKey("category")) { sDescription = ob.Dictionary["category"].String; } if (ob.Dictionary.ContainsKey("likes")) { sLikes = ob.Dictionary["likes"].String; } if (ob.Dictionary.ContainsKey("talking_about_count")) { sTalking = ob.Dictionary["talking_about_count"].String; } }
private void AddToResultsPanel ( JSONObject oResults ) { if (oResults != null && oResults.IsDictionary && oResults.Dictionary.ContainsKey("data")) { string sPageGroupID; string sImageURL; string sTitle; string sDescription; string sLikes; string sTalking; flpResults.Controls.Clear(); foreach (JSONObject ob in oResults.Dictionary["data"].Array) { GetKeyValues(ob, out sPageGroupID, out sImageURL, out sTitle, out sDescription, out sLikes, out sTalking); flpResults.Controls.Add(new SearchResultsComboBox( sPageGroupID, sImageURL, sTitle, sDescription, sLikes, sTalking, this)); } pnResults.Visible = true; piLoading.SendToBack(); piLoading.Stop(); } }
public DynamicJSONObject(JSONObject source) { this.source = source; }
private object ToResult(JSONObject json) { if (json.IsInteger) return json.Integer; else if (json.IsBoolean) return json.Boolean; else if (json.IsString) return json.String; else if (json.IsArray) return new DynamicJSONObject(json); else if (json.IsDictionary) return new DynamicJSONObject(json); return json; }
private void GetKeyValues ( JSONObject ob, out string sPageGroupID, out string sImageURL, out string sTitle, out string sDescription, out string sMembers ) { sPageGroupID = ""; sImageURL = ""; sTitle = ""; sDescription = "Group"; sMembers = ""; if (ob.Dictionary.ContainsKey("id")) { sPageGroupID = ob.Dictionary["id"].String; } if (ob.Dictionary.ContainsKey("name")) { sTitle = ob.Dictionary["name"].String; } }
AddUserUserCommentsEdges ( ref GraphMLXmlDocument oGraphMLXmlDocument, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, List<string>>> commentersComments, JSONObject streamPosts, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, JSONObject>> attributeValues ) { Dictionary<string, List<string>> postCommenters = new Dictionary<string,List<string>>(); XmlNode oEdgeXmlNode = null; List<string> postsIntersection = new List<string>(); string posts = ""; //Create the Post-Commenter relationship from commenterComments foreach(JSONObject item in streamPosts.Array) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Dictionary<string, List<string>>> kvp in commentersComments) { if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey(item.Dictionary["post_id"].String)) { try { postCommenters[item.Dictionary["post_id"].String].Add(kvp.Key); } catch (KeyNotFoundException e) { List<string> tmp = new List<string>(); tmp.Add(kvp.Key); postCommenters.Add(item.Dictionary["post_id"].String, tmp); } } } } //Add Edges foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<string>> kvp in postCommenters) { for (int i = 0; i < kvp.Value.Count - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < kvp.Value.Count; j++) { //Sometimes a commenter or liker can be another fan page and this is not a user if (!usersDisplayName.ContainsKey(kvp.Value[i]) || !usersDisplayName.ContainsKey(kvp.Value[j])) continue; oEdgeXmlNode = oGraphMLXmlDocument.AppendEdgeXmlNode(usersDisplayName[kvp.Value[i]], usersDisplayName[kvp.Value[j]]); postsIntersection = commentersComments[kvp.Value[i]].Keys.Intersect(commentersComments[kvp.Value[j]].Keys).ToList(); oGraphMLXmlDocument.AppendGraphMLAttributeValue(oEdgeXmlNode, "e_weight", postsIntersection.Count); string[] postsToJoin = (from p in postsIntersection select new { Post = streamPosts.Array.Single(x => x.Dictionary["post_id"].String.Equals(p)).Dictionary["message"].String }).Select(x => x.Post).ToArray(); posts = String.Join("\n\n", postsToJoin); oGraphMLXmlDocument.AppendGraphMLAttributeValue(oEdgeXmlNode, "post", posts); oGraphMLXmlDocument.AppendGraphMLAttributeValue(oEdgeXmlNode, "Relationship", "Co-Commenter"); } } } }
AddEdges ( ref GraphMLXmlDocument oGraphMlXmlDocument, List<NetworkType> netTypes, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, List<string>>> commentersComments, Dictionary<string, List<string>> likersPosts, JSONObject streamPosts, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, JSONObject>> attributeValues ) { if (netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.UserUserComments)) { AddUserUserCommentsEdges(ref oGraphMlXmlDocument, commentersComments, streamPosts, attributeValues); } if (netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.UserUserLikes)) { AddUserUserLikesEdges(ref oGraphMlXmlDocument, likersPosts, streamPosts, attributeValues); } if (netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.PostPostComments)) { AddPostPostCommentsEdges(ref oGraphMlXmlDocument, commentersComments); } if (netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.PostPostLikes)) { AddPostPostLikesEdges(ref oGraphMlXmlDocument, likersPosts); } if (netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.UserPostComments)) { AddUserPostCommentsEdges(ref oGraphMlXmlDocument, commentersComments, attributeValues); } if (netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.UserPostLikes)) { AddUserPostLikesEdges(ref oGraphMlXmlDocument, likersPosts, attributeValues); } }
AddPostVertices ( ref GraphMLXmlDocument oGraphMLXmlDocument, JSONObject streamPosts ) { XmlNode oVertexXmlNode; //Add nodes (posts) foreach (JSONObject ob in streamPosts.Array) { oVertexXmlNode = oGraphMLXmlDocument.AppendVertexXmlNode(ob.Dictionary["post_id"].String); //Add tooltip AppendVertexTooltipXmlNodes(oGraphMLXmlDocument, oVertexXmlNode, ob.Dictionary["post_id"].String, ob.Dictionary["message"].String); //Add attributes oGraphMLXmlDocument.AppendGraphMLAttributeValue(oVertexXmlNode, "type", "2"); oGraphMLXmlDocument.AppendGraphMLAttributeValue(oVertexXmlNode, LabelColumnName, ob.Dictionary["message"].String); oGraphMLXmlDocument.AppendGraphMLAttributeValue(oVertexXmlNode, "content", ob.Dictionary["message"].String); oGraphMLXmlDocument.AppendGraphMLAttributeValue(oVertexXmlNode, MenuTextID, "Open Facebook Page for This Post"); oGraphMLXmlDocument.AppendGraphMLAttributeValue(oVertexXmlNode, MenuActionID, ob.Dictionary["permalink"].String); //If the post contains a link to a video, photo, document etc //and it has a picture, use it as the post image if(ob.Dictionary["attachment"].Dictionary.ContainsKey("media") && ob.Dictionary["attachment"].Dictionary["media"].Array.Length>0) { oGraphMLXmlDocument.AppendGraphMLAttributeValue(oVertexXmlNode, "Image", ob.Dictionary["attachment"].Dictionary["media"].Array[0].Dictionary["src"].String); } } }
AddVertices ( ref GraphMLXmlDocument oGraphMLXmlDocument, ref Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, JSONObject>> attributeValues, Dictionary<Attribute, bool> attributes, List<NetworkType> netTypes, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, List<string>>> commentersComments, Dictionary<string, List<string>> likersPosts, JSONObject streamPosts ) { Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, object>>> statusUpdates = new Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, object>>>(); Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, object>>> wallPosts = new Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, object>>>(); List<string> uniqueVertices; //In case commenters and likers vertices need to be added //we have to produce unique vertices since a liker can be //also a commenter and this will result in having duplicate //vertices if ((netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.UserUserComments) || netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.UserPostComments)) && netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.UserUserLikes) || netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.UserPostLikes)) { uniqueVertices = commentersComments.Keys.ToList().Union(likersPosts.Keys.ToList()).Distinct().ToList(); attributeValues = getAttributes(attributes, uniqueVertices); ManageDisplayNames(ref attributeValues); if (bGetStatusUpdates) { statusUpdates = GetStatusUpdates(uniqueVertices); } if (bGetWallPosts) { wallPosts = GetWallPosts(uniqueVertices); } //Add all commenters vertices AddCommenterVertices(ref oGraphMLXmlDocument, commentersComments, attributeValues, statusUpdates, wallPosts); //Add likers vertices by excluding those who are also commenters AddLikerVertices(ref oGraphMLXmlDocument, likersPosts.Where(x=>!commentersComments.ContainsKey(x.Key)).ToDictionary(y=>y.Key, y=>y.Value), attributeValues, statusUpdates,wallPosts); } //Only commenters vertices will be added else if (netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.UserUserComments) || netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.UserPostComments)) { attributeValues = getAttributes(attributes, commentersComments.Keys.ToList()); ManageDisplayNames(ref attributeValues); if (bGetStatusUpdates) { statusUpdates = GetStatusUpdates(commentersComments.Keys.ToList()); } if (bGetWallPosts) { wallPosts = GetWallPosts(commentersComments.Keys.ToList()); } AddCommenterVertices(ref oGraphMLXmlDocument, commentersComments, attributeValues, statusUpdates, wallPosts); } //Only likers vertices will be added else if (netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.UserUserLikes) || netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.UserPostLikes)) { attributeValues = getAttributes(attributes, likersPosts.Keys.ToList()); ManageDisplayNames(ref attributeValues); if (bGetStatusUpdates) { statusUpdates = GetStatusUpdates(likersPosts.Keys.ToList()); } if (bGetWallPosts) { wallPosts = GetWallPosts(likersPosts.Keys.ToList()); } AddLikerVertices( ref oGraphMLXmlDocument, likersPosts, attributeValues, statusUpdates, wallPosts); } //Add post vertices if any related network is selected if (netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.UserPostComments) || netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.UserPostLikes) || netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.PostPostComments) || netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.PostPostLikes)) { AddPostVertices(ref oGraphMLXmlDocument, streamPosts); } }
DownloadComments ( JSONObject streamPosts, int iLimit ) { Debug.Assert(fbAPI != null); Debug.Assert(streamPosts.IsArray); AssertValid(); JSONObject result = null; List<JSONObject> comments = new List<JSONObject>(); CurrentStep++; ReportProgress(String.Format("Step {0}/{1}: Downloading commenters network", CurrentStep, NrOfSteps)); if (streamPosts.IsArray) { for (int i = 0; i < streamPosts.Array.Length; i++) { //Get the total number of likes for the actual post int totalNrOfComments = iLimit<1?(int)streamPosts.Array[i].Dictionary["comment_info"].Dictionary["comment_count"].Integer:iLimit; //We can get a maximum of 10000 results for multiqueries, so we have to make multiple multiqueries //We have to get information from two different tables and we are limited to 5000 results each //for a total of 10000 results for the whole multiquery int nrOfMultiqueries = (int)Math.Ceiling(totalNrOfComments / 5000.0); int nrOfQueries = 10; for (int j = 0; j < nrOfMultiqueries; j++) { Dictionary<string, string> queries = new Dictionary<string, string>(); if ((j == nrOfMultiqueries - 1) && (nrOfMultiqueries % 10000 > 0)) { nrOfQueries = (int)Math.Ceiling((nrOfMultiqueries % 10000) / 1000.0); } //Divide the 10000 results in 10 different queries with 1000 results each //For each comment we get the commenter's information in another query. for (int k = 0; k < nrOfQueries; k++) { int nrRes; if (iLimit < 1) { nrRes = 1000; } else if (iLimit < 1000) { nrRes = iLimit; } else { nrRes = (k + 1) * 1000 > iLimit ? iLimit % (k * 1000) : 1000; } queries.Add("query" + (k + 1).ToString(), "SELECT fromid, text, post_id FROM comment WHERE post_id='" + streamPosts.Array[i].Dictionary["post_id"].String + "' ORDER BY time ASC LIMIT " + (k * 1000).ToString() + ", "+nrRes); } result = ExecuteFQLMultiqueryWithRetryRelogin(queries, String.Format("Step {0}/{1}: Downloading comments - Post {2}/{3}(Batch {4}/{5})", CurrentStep, NrOfSteps, i + 1, streamPosts.Array.Length, j + 1, nrOfMultiqueries),false); //After successfull run of the multiquery extract the data if (result != null && result.IsArray) { for (int k = 0; k < result.Array.Length; k++) { comments.AddRange(result.Array[k].Dictionary["fql_result_set"].Array); } } } } } Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, List<string>>> commentersComments = (from c in comments group c by new { FromID = c.Dictionary["fromid"].String } into g select new { Key = g.Key.FromID, PostID = (from x in g group x by x.Dictionary["post_id"].String into g2 select new { PostKey = g2.Key, List = g2.Select(c => c.Dictionary["text"].String).ToList() } ).ToDictionary(y => y.PostKey, y => y.List) }).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.PostID); return commentersComments; }
AddPostDateRangeToNetworkDescription ( JSONObject streamPosts, NetworkDescriber oNetworkDescriber ) { DateTime minPostDate = DateTime.MaxValue; DateTime maxPostsDate = DateTime.MinValue; if (streamPosts.IsArray) { for (int i = 0; i < streamPosts.Array.Length; i++) { DateTime tmp = DateUtil.ConvertToDateTime(double.Parse(streamPosts.Array[i].Dictionary["created_time"].String)); if (tmp <= minPostDate) { minPostDate = tmp; } if(tmp >= maxPostsDate) { maxPostsDate = tmp; } } } oNetworkDescriber.AddEventTime( "The earliest post in the network was posted ", minPostDate ); oNetworkDescriber.AddEventTime( "The latest post in the network was posted ", maxPostsDate ); }
GetNetworkDescription ( JSONObject streamPosts, String fanPageUsernameID, List<NetworkType> netTypes, int iFromPost, int iToPost, DateTime fromDate, DateTime endDate, GraphMLXmlDocument oGraphMLXmlDocument ) { Debug.Assert(oGraphMLXmlDocument != null); AssertValid(); NetworkDescriber oNetworkDescriber = new NetworkDescriber(); oNetworkDescriber.AddSentence( "The graph represents the {0} network of the \"{1}\" Facebook fan page.", ConcatenateNetworkTypes(netTypes),fanPageUsernameID ); oNetworkDescriber.AddNetworkTime(); if (iFromPost > 0 && iToPost >0) { oNetworkDescriber.AddSentence( "Wall post from {0} to {1} of the fan page are analyzed.", iFromPost, iToPost ); } else { oNetworkDescriber.AddSentence( "Wall posts between {0} and {1} of the fan page are analyzed.", fromDate, endDate ); } if (netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.UserUserComments)) { oNetworkDescriber.AddSentence( "There is an edge between users that have co-commented on the same post." ); } if (netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.UserUserLikes)) { oNetworkDescriber.AddSentence( "There is an edge between users that have co-liked on the same post." ); } if (netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.UserPostComments)) { oNetworkDescriber.AddSentence( "There is an edge between the user that has commented " +"and the post in which he has commented." ); } if (netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.UserPostLikes)) { oNetworkDescriber.AddSentence( "There is an edge between the user that has liked " + "and the post which he has liked." ); } if (netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.PostPostComments)) { oNetworkDescriber.AddSentence( "There is an edge between posts that share the same commenters." ); } if (netTypes.Contains(NetworkType.PostPostLikes)) { oNetworkDescriber.AddSentence( "There is an edge between posts that share the same likers." ); } if (bGetWallPosts) { oNetworkDescriber.AddSentence( "For each user, 8000 characters of his wall posts are downloaded." ); } if (bGetStatusUpdates) { oNetworkDescriber.AddSentence( "For each user, 8000 characters of his status updates are downloaded." ); } if (bGetWallPosts || bGetStatusUpdates) { oNetworkDescriber.AddSentence( "URLs, Hashtags and user tags are extracted from the downloaded" + " wall posts/status updates." ); } AddPostDateRangeToNetworkDescription(streamPosts, oNetworkDescriber); return (oNetworkDescriber.ConcatenateSentences()); }
private static void RecursiveDictionaryToString(JSONObject obj, StringBuilder sb, int level) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JSONObject> kvp in obj.Dictionary) { sb.Append(' ', level * 2); sb.Append(kvp.Key); sb.Append(" => "); RecursiveObjectToString(kvp.Value, sb, level); sb.AppendLine(); } }
private static void RecursiveObjectToString(JSONObject obj, StringBuilder sb, int level) { if (obj.IsDictionary) { sb.AppendLine(); RecursiveDictionaryToString(obj, sb, level + 1); } else if (obj.IsArray) { foreach (JSONObject o in obj.Array) { RecursiveObjectToString(o, sb, level); sb.AppendLine(); } } else // some sort of scalar value { sb.Append(obj.String); } }
private void AddToResultsPanel ( JSONObject[] oResults ) { if (oResults != null && oResults.Length>0) { string sPageGroupID; string sImageURL; string sTitle; string sDescription; string sMembers; flpResults.Controls.Clear(); foreach (JSONObject ob in oResults) { GetKeyValues(ob, out sPageGroupID, out sImageURL, out sTitle, out sDescription, out sMembers); flpResults.Controls.Add(new SearchResultsComboBox( sPageGroupID, sImageURL, sTitle,sDescription, sMembers,this)); } pnResults.Visible = true; piLoading.SendToBack(); piLoading.Stop(); } }