public static void BatchRequest(string accessToken) { try { var fb = new FacebookClient(accessToken); var result = (IList<object>)fb.Batch( new FacebookBatchParameter("me"), new FacebookBatchParameter(HttpMethod.Get, "me/friends", new { limit = 10 })); var result0 = result[0]; var result1 = result[1]; // Note: Always check first if each result set is an exeption. if (result0 is Exception) { var ex = (Exception)result0; // Note: make sure to handle this exception. throw ex; } else { var me = (IDictionary<string, object>)result0; var name = (string)me["name"]; Console.WriteLine("Hi {0}", name); } Console.WriteLine(); if (result1 is Exception) { var ex = (Exception)result1; // Note: make sure to handle this exception. throw ex; } else { var friends = (IList<object>)((IDictionary<string, object>)result1)["data"]; Console.WriteLine("Some of your friends: "); foreach (IDictionary<string, object> friend in friends) { Console.WriteLine(friend["name"]); } } } catch (FacebookApiException ex) { // Note: make sure to handle this exception. throw; } }
public static void BatchRequestWithFql(string accessToken) { try { var fb = new FacebookClient(accessToken); var result = (IList<object>)fb.Batch( new FacebookBatchParameter("/4"), new FacebookBatchParameter().Query("SELECT name FROM user WHERE uid=me()")); var result0 = result[0]; var result1 = result[1]; // Note: Always check first if each result set is an exeption. if (result0 is Exception) { var ex = (Exception)result0; // Note: make sure to handle this exception. throw ex; } else { Console.WriteLine("Batch Result 0: {0}", result0); } Console.WriteLine(); if (result1 is Exception) { var ex = (Exception)result1; // Note: make sure to handle this exception. throw ex; } else { var fqlResult = (IList<object>)result1; var fqlResult1 = (IDictionary<string, object>) fqlResult[0]; Console.WriteLine("Hi {0}", fqlResult1["name"]); } } catch (FacebookApiException ex) { // Note: make sure to handle this exception. throw; } }
public CanvasModule(IFacebookApplication fbApp, FacebookClient fb) { this.HandleFacebookOAuthDialogError(fbApp.AppId, scope: "user_about_me,read_stream"); this.DropFacebookQueryStrings(); Post["/"] = _ => { var canvasPageUrl = Context.FacebookCanvasPageUrl(fbApp.CanvasPage); return View["index", canvasPageUrl]; }; Post["/feed"] = _ => { var perms = Context.FacebooPermissions(); if (!perms.Intersect(new[] { "user_about_me", "read_stream" }).Any()) return Response.AsFacebookLogin(fbApp.AppId, scope: "user_about_me,read_stream"); dynamic model = new JsonObject(); model.canvasPageUrl = Context.FacebookCanvasPageUrl(fbApp.CanvasPage); model.facebookLoginUrl = Context.FacebookLoginUrl(fbApp.AppId, scope: "user_about_me,read_stream"); if (perms.Contains("user_about_me")) { dynamic result = fb.Get("me?fields=picture,name"); =; model.picture = result.picture; } if (perms.Contains("read_stream")) { dynamic result = fb.Get("me/feed"); model.feeds = result; } return View["Feed", model]; }; Post["/feed/batch"] = _ => { var perms = Context.FacebooPermissions(); if (!perms.Intersect(new[] { "user_about_me", "read_stream" }).Any()) return Response.AsFacebookLogin(fbApp.AppId, scope: "user_about_me,read_stream"); dynamic model = new JsonObject(); model.canvasPageUrl = Context.FacebookCanvasPageUrl(fbApp.CanvasPage); model.facebookLoginUrl = Context.FacebookLoginUrl(fbApp.AppId, scope: "user_about_me,read_stream"); var bp = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<int, FacebookBatchParameter>>(); int bpi = 0; if (perms.Contains("user_about_me")) bp.Add("me", new Tuple<int, FacebookBatchParameter>(bpi++, new FacebookBatchParameter("me?fields=picture,name"))); if (perms.Contains("read_stream")) bp.Add("feeds", new Tuple<int, FacebookBatchParameter>(bpi++, new FacebookBatchParameter("me/feed"))); dynamic result = fb.Batch(bp.Values.Select(t => t.Item2).ToArray()); if (bp.ContainsKey("me")) { dynamic me = result[bp["me"].Item1]; if (!(me is Exception)) { =; model.picture = me.picture; } } if (bp.ContainsKey("feeds")) { dynamic feeds = result[bp["feeds"].Item1]; if (!(feeds is Exception)) model.feeds = feeds; } return View["Feed", model]; }; }
private void BatchRequestExample() { try { var fb = new FacebookClient(_accessToken); dynamic result = fb.Batch( new FacebookBatchParameter { HttpMethod = HttpMethod.Get, Path = "/4" }, new FacebookBatchParameter(HttpMethod.Get, "/me/friend", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "limit", 10 } }), // this should throw error new FacebookBatchParameter("/me/friends", new { limit = 1 }) { Data = new { name = "one-friend", omit_response_on_success = false } }, // use Data to add additional parameters that doesn't exist new FacebookBatchParameter { Parameters = new { ids = "{result=one-friend:$}" } }, new FacebookBatchParameter("{result=one-friend:$}/feed", new { limit = 5 }), new FacebookBatchParameter().Query("SELECT name FROM user WHERE uid="), // fql new FacebookBatchParameter().Query("SELECT first_name FROM user WHERE uid=me()", "SELECT last_name FROM user WHERE uid=me()") // fql multi-query //,new FacebookBatchParameter(HttpMethod.Post, "/me/feed", new { message = "test status update" }) ); // always remember to check individual errors for the batch requests. if (result[0] is Exception) MessageBox.Show(((Exception)result[0]).Message); dynamic first = result[0]; string name =; // note: incase the omit_response_on_success = true, result[x] == null // for this example, just comment it out. //if (result[1] is Exception) // MessageBox.Show(((Exception)result[1]).Message); //if (result[2] is Exception) // MessageBox.Show(((Exception)result[1]).Message); //if (result[3] is Exception) // MessageBox.Show(((Exception)result[1]).Message); //if (result[4] is Exception) // MessageBox.Show(((Exception)result[1]).Message); //if (result[5] is Exception) // MessageBox.Show(((Exception)result[1]).Message); //if (result[6] is Exception) // MessageBox.Show(((Exception)result[1]).Message); //if (result[7] is Exception) // MessageBox.Show(((Exception)result[1]).Message); } catch (FacebookApiException ex) { //MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }