예제 #1
        public ModularPCA(List <Matrix> trainingSet, List <String> labels, int numOfComponents, int N)
            if (numOfComponents >= trainingSet.Count)
                throw new Exception("the expected dimensions could not be achieved!" + numOfComponents + " " + trainingSet.Count);
            this.trainingSet     = trainingSet;
            this.M               = trainingSet.Count;
            this.N               = N;
            this.labels          = labels;
            this.numOfComponents = numOfComponents;

            this.meanMatrix = getMean(this.trainingSet);
            Matrix covariance = this.calculateCovarianceMatrix(this.normalizeSubImages(this.trainingSet, this.meanMatrix));

            this.weightMatrix = getFeature(covariance, this.numOfComponents);

            // Construct projectedTrainingGeneralMatrix
            this.projectSet = new List <ProjectMatrix>();
            for (int i = 0; i < trainingSet.Count; i++)
                ProjectMatrix ptm = new ProjectMatrix(this.weightMatrix
        public ModularFaceRecognitionAlgorithms(List <Matrix> trainSet, List <String> trainLables, int numOfComponents, int N, int noOftrainingPerInd)
            this.weights            = new List <ProjectMatrix>();
            this.noOftrainingPerInd = noOftrainingPerInd;
            this.N           = N;
            this.trainingSet = new List <Matrix>();
            this.labels      = new List <string>();
            devideTheTrainingSetToN(trainSet, trainLables, N);
            this.numOfComponents = numOfComponents;

            this.meanMatrix   = getMean(this.trainingSet);                          //the average matrix of all images
            this.weightMatrix = getFeature(this.trainingSet, this.numOfComponents); //extract the features

            // Construct projectedTrainingGeneralMatrix
            this.weights = new List <ProjectMatrix>();
            for (int i = 0; i < trainingSet.Count; i++)
                ProjectMatrix ptm = new ProjectMatrix
                                        (this.weightMatrix.Transpose().Multiply(trainingSet[i].Subtract(meanMatrix)), labels[i]);
                if (!firstIndexMap.ContainsKey(labels[i]))
                    firstIndexMap.Add(labels[i], i);
        public override void loadTrainingData(string path)
            int lineCounter = 0;

            string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path);
            //read the header
            string[] splitLine = lines[lineCounter].Trim().Split(' ');
            N = Int32.Parse(splitLine[0]);                        //N, noOfComp , count
            numOfComponents    = Int32.Parse(splitLine[1]);
            noOftrainingPerInd = Int32.Parse(splitLine[2]);
            //read the average matrix
            meanMatrix = new Matrix(N * N, 1);
            splitLine = lines[lineCounter].Trim().Split(' ');
            for (int i = 0; i < N * N; i++)
                double value = Double.Parse(splitLine[i]);
                meanMatrix.SetElement(i, 0, value);
            //read the eigenvectors
            splitLine = lines[lineCounter].Trim().Split(' ');
            int file1DCounter = 0;

            weightMatrix = new Matrix(N * N, numOfComponents);
            for (int i = 0; i < N * N; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < numOfComponents; j++)
                    double value = Double.Parse(splitLine[file1DCounter]);
                    weightMatrix.SetElement(i, j, value);
            splitLine = lines[lineCounter].Trim().Split(' ');
            int noOfProjectSet = Int32.Parse(splitLine[0]);

            //read the project set
            weights = new List <ProjectMatrix>();
            for (int i = 0; i < noOfProjectSet; i++)
                splitLine = lines[lineCounter].Trim().Split(' ');
                String label = splitLine[0];
                splitLine = lines[lineCounter].Trim().Split(' ');
                Matrix mat = new Matrix(numOfComponents, 1);
                for (int j = 0; j < numOfComponents; j++)
                    double value = Double.Parse(splitLine[j]);
                    mat.SetElement(j, 0, value);
                ProjectMatrix pm = new ProjectMatrix(mat, label);
        public EigenFaceRecognizer(List <Matrix> trainingSet, List <String> labels, int numOfComponents)
            this.trainingSet     = trainingSet;
            this.labels          = labels;
            this.numOfComponents = numOfComponents;
            this.imgRows         = trainingSet[0].RowDimension;
            this.meanMatrix      = getMean(this.trainingSet);                          //the average matrix of all images
            this.weightMatrix    = getFeature(this.trainingSet, this.numOfComponents); //extract the features

            // Construct projectedTrainingGeneralMatrix
            this.weights = new List <ProjectMatrix>();
            for (int i = 0; i < trainingSet.Count; i++)
                ProjectMatrix ptm = new ProjectMatrix
                                        (this.weightMatrix.Transpose().Multiply(trainingSet[i].Subtract(meanMatrix)), labels[i]);
        public LaplacianFaceRecognizer(List <Matrix> trainingSet, List <String> labels, int numOfComponents)
            this.numOfComponents = numOfComponents;
            this.imgRows         = trainingSet[0].RowDimension;
            int n = trainingSet.Count; // sample size
            HashSet <String> tempSet = new HashSet <String>(labels);
            int c = tempSet.Count;     // class size

            // process in PCA
            EigenFaceRecognizer pca = new EigenFaceRecognizer(trainingSet, labels, numOfComponents);

            //construct the nearest graph
            Matrix S = constructGraph(pca.getWeights());
            Matrix D = constructD(S);
            Matrix L = D.Subtract(S);

            //reconstruct the trainingSet into required X;
            Matrix X    = constructTrainingMatrix(pca.getWeights());
            Matrix XLXT = X.Multiply(L).Multiply(X.Transpose());
            Matrix XDXT = X.Multiply(D).Multiply(X.Transpose());

            //calculate the eignevalues and eigenvectors of (XDXT)^-1 * (XLXT)
            Matrix targetForEigen           = XDXT.Inverse().Multiply(XLXT);
            EigenvalueDecomposition feature = targetForEigen.Eigen();

            double[] eigenValues = feature.RealEigenvalues;
            int[]    indexOfChosenEigenValues = this.getIndOfHigherEV(eigenValues, eigenValues.Length);//higher eigen values

            Matrix eigenVectors         = feature.GetV();
            Matrix selectedEigenVectors = eigenVectors.GetMatrix(0, eigenVectors.RowDimension - 1, indexOfChosenEigenValues);

            this.weightMatrix = pca.getWeightMatrix().Multiply(selectedEigenVectors);

            //Construct projectedTrainingMatrix
            this.weights = new List <ProjectMatrix>();
            for (int i = 0; i < trainingSet.Count(); i++)
                ProjectMatrix pm = new ProjectMatrix(this.weightMatrix.Transpose().Multiply(trainingSet[i].Subtract(pca.getMeanMatrix())),
            this.meanMatrix = pca.getMeanMatrix();
 public void formSubMatrixWeights()
     foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> firstIndex in firstIndexMap)
         for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
             int           r      = weights[0].getImgMat().RowDimension;
             int           c      = weights[0].getImgMat().ColumnDimension;
             ProjectMatrix sumMat = new ProjectMatrix(new Matrix(r, c), firstIndex.Key);
             for (int t = 0; t < noOftrainingPerInd; t++)
                 int projectedIndex = n + firstIndex.Value + N * t;
             sumMat.getImgMat().MultiplyEquals((double)1 / noOftrainingPerInd);
예제 #7
        // testFace has been projected to the subspace
        static public ProjectMatrix[] findKNN(ProjectMatrix[] trainingSet, Matrix testFace, int K, Metric metric)
            int NumOfTrainingSet = trainingSet.Length;

            //assert K <= NumOfTrainingSet : "K is lager than the length of trainingSet!";
            Debug.Assert(K <= NumOfTrainingSet, "K is lager than the length of trainingSet!");
            // initialization
            ProjectMatrix[] neighbors = new ProjectMatrix[K];
            int             i;

            for (i = 0; i < K; i++)
                trainingSet[i].setDistance(metric.getDistance(trainingSet[i].getImgMat(), testFace));
                //			System.out.println("index: " + i + " distance: "
                //					+ trainingSet[i].distance);
                neighbors[i] = trainingSet[i];

            // go through the remaining records in the trainingSet to find K nearest
            // neighbors
            for (i = K; i < NumOfTrainingSet; i++)
                trainingSet[i].setDistance(metric.getDistance(trainingSet[i].getImgMat(), testFace));
                //			System.out.println("index: " + i + " distance: "
                //					+ trainingSet[i].distance);

                int maxIndex = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < K; j++)
                    if (neighbors[j].getDistance() > neighbors[maxIndex].getDistance())
                        maxIndex = j;

                if (neighbors[maxIndex].getDistance() > trainingSet[i].getDistance())
                    neighbors[maxIndex] = trainingSet[i];
예제 #8
        public ModularFaceRecognitionAlgorithms(List <Matrix> trainSet, List <String> trainLables, int numOfComponents, int N, int noOftrainingPerInd)
            this.noOftrainingPerInd = noOftrainingPerInd;
            this.N           = N;
            this.trainingSet = new List <Matrix>();
            this.labels      = new List <string>();
            devideTheTrainingSetToN(trainSet, trainLables, N);
            this.numOfComponents = numOfComponents;

            this.meanMatrix   = getMean(this.trainingSet);                          //the average matrix of all images
            this.weightMatrix = getFeature(this.trainingSet, this.numOfComponents); //extract the features

            // Construct projectedTrainingGeneralMatrix
            this.projectSet = new List <ProjectMatrix>();
            for (int i = 0; i < trainingSet.Count; i++)
                ProjectMatrix ptm = new ProjectMatrix
                                        (this.weightMatrix.Transpose().Multiply(trainingSet[i].Subtract(meanMatrix)), labels[i]);
                if (!firstIndexMap.ContainsKey(labels[i]))
                    firstIndexMap.Add(labels[i], i);
            int count = 0;

            for (int u = 1; u <= 40; u++)
                String filePath = "C:/img/s" + u + "/10.bmp";
                Matrix temp;
                temp = FileManager.GetBitMapColorMatrix(filePath);
                string x = this.test(temp);
                if (x.Equals("s" + u.ToString()))

            int m = count;
        public FisherFaceRecognizer(List <Matrix> trainingSet, List <String> labels, int numOfComponents)
            int n = trainingSet.Count; // sample size
            HashSet <String> tempSet = new HashSet <String>(labels);
            int c = tempSet.Count;     // class size

            // process in PCA
            EigenFaceRecognizer pca = new EigenFaceRecognizer(trainingSet, labels, numOfComponents);

            //construct the nearest neighbor graph
            Matrix S = constructNearestNeighborGraph(pca.getProjectSet());
            Matrix D = constructD(S);
            Matrix L = D.Subtract(S);

            //reconstruct the trainingSet into required X;
            Matrix X    = constructTrainingMatrix(pca.getProjectSet());
            Matrix XLXT = X.Multiply(L).Multiply(X.Transpose());
            Matrix XDXT = X.Multiply(D).Multiply(X.Transpose());

            //calculate the eignevalues and eigenvectors of (XDXT)^-1 * (XLXT)
            Matrix targetForEigen           = XDXT.Inverse().Multiply(XLXT);
            EigenvalueDecomposition feature = targetForEigen.Eigen();

            double[] d = feature.RealEigenvalues;
            //assert d.length >= c - 1 :"Ensure that the number of eigenvalues is larger than c - 1";///
            int[] indexes = getIndOfHigherEV(d, d.Length);

            Matrix eigenVectors         = feature.GetV();
            Matrix selectedEigenVectors = eigenVectors.GetMatrix(0, eigenVectors.RowDimension - 1, indexes);

            this.weightMatrix = pca.getWeightMatrix().Multiply(selectedEigenVectors);

            //Construct projectedTrainingMatrix
            this.projectSet = new List <ProjectMatrix>();
            for (int i = 0; i < trainingSet.Count(); i++)
                ProjectMatrix ptm = new ProjectMatrix(this.weightMatrix.Transpose().Multiply(trainingSet[i].Subtract(pca.getMeanMatrix())), labels[i]);
            this.meanMatrix = pca.getMeanMatrix();
예제 #10
        // get the class label by using neighbors
        static String classify(ProjectMatrix[] neighbors)
            Dictionary <String, Double> map = new Dictionary <String, Double>();
            int num = neighbors.Length;

            for (int index = 0; index < num; index++)
                ProjectMatrix temp = neighbors[index];
                String        key  = temp.getLabel();
                if (!map.ContainsKey(key))
                    map.Add(key, 1 / temp.getDistance());
                    double value = map[key]; // to get value from key
                    value   += 1 / temp.getDistance();
                    map[key] = value;        // to put into dictionary

            // Find the most likely label
            double maxSimilarity = 0;
            String returnLabel   = "";

            //Set<String> labelSet = map.keySet();
            HashSet <string> labelSet = new HashSet <string>(map.Keys);

            foreach (String label in labelSet)
                double value = map[label];
                if (value > maxSimilarity)
                    maxSimilarity = value;
                    returnLabel   = label;

예제 #11
        public LDA(List <Matrix> trainingSet, List <String> labels,
                   int numOfComponents)
            int n = trainingSet.Count(); // sample size
            HashSet <string> tempSet = new HashSet <string>(labels);
            int c = tempSet.Count();     // class size

            /// deh mfrod used for debugging issues, so fakes for nw //////////////////////////
            //assert numOfComponents >= n - c : "the input components is smaller than n - c!";
            //assert n >= 2 * c : "n is smaller than 2c!";

            // process in PCA
            EigenFaceRecognizer pca = new EigenFaceRecognizer(trainingSet, labels, n - c);

            // classify
            Matrix meanTotal = new Matrix(n - c, 1);

            Dictionary <string, List <Matrix> > map = new Dictionary <string, List <Matrix> >();
            List <ProjectMatrix> pcaTrain           = pca.getProjectSet();

            for (int i = 0; i < pcaTrain.Count(); i++)
                string key = pcaTrain[i].getLabel();

                if (!map.ContainsKey(key))
                    List <Matrix> temp = new List <Matrix>();
                    map.Add(key, temp);
                    List <Matrix> temp = map[key];
                    map[key] = temp;
            meanTotal.Multiply((double)1 / n);

            // calculate Sw, Sb
            Matrix Sw = new Matrix(n - c, n - c);
            Matrix Sb = new Matrix(n - c, n - c);

            /*** !!! **/
            tempSet = new HashSet <string>(map.Keys);
            /*** !!! **/
            foreach (string s in tempSet)
                //iterator<string> it = tempSet.iterator();
                //while (it.hasNext()) {
                //String s = (String)it.next();
                List <Matrix> matrixWithinThatClass = map[s];

                Matrix meanOfCurrentClass = getMean(matrixWithinThatClass);
                for (int i = 0; i < matrixWithinThatClass.Count(); i++)
                    Matrix temp1 = matrixWithinThatClass[i].Subtract(meanOfCurrentClass);
                    temp1 = temp1.Multiply(temp1.Transpose());

                Matrix temp = meanOfCurrentClass.Subtract(meanTotal);
                temp = temp.Multiply(temp.Transpose()).Multiply(matrixWithinThatClass.Count());

            // calculate the eigenvalues and vectors of Sw^-1 * Sb
            Matrix targetForEigen           = Sw.Inverse().Multiply(Sb);
            EigenvalueDecomposition feature = targetForEigen.Eigen();

            double[] d = feature.RealEigenvalues;
            //assert d.length >= c - 1 : "Ensure that the number of eigenvalues is larger than c - 1";

            int[]  indexes              = getIndOfHigherEV(d, c - 1);
            Matrix eigenVectors         = feature.GetV();
            Matrix selectedEigenVectors = eigenVectors.GetMatrix(0, eigenVectors.RowDimension - 1, indexes);

            this.weightMatrix = pca.getWeightMatrix().Multiply(selectedEigenVectors);

            // Construct projectedTrainingMatrix
            this.projectSet = new List <ProjectMatrix>();
            for (int i = 0; i < trainingSet.Count(); i++)
                ProjectMatrix ptm = new ProjectMatrix(this.weightMatrix
            this.meanMatrix = pca.getMeanMatrix();
        public LinearDescriminantAnalysis(List <Matrix> trainingSet, List <String> labels)
            this.trainingSet = trainingSet;
            this.imgRows     = trainingSet[0].RowDimension;
            int n = trainingSet.Count();  // sample size
            HashSet <string> uniqueLabels = new HashSet <string>(labels);
            int c = uniqueLabels.Count(); // class size

            this.numOfComponents = c - 1;

            EigenFaceRecognizer pca = new EigenFaceRecognizer(trainingSet, labels, n - c);

            Matrix meanTotal = new Matrix(n - c, 1);

            Dictionary <string, List <Matrix> > dic = new Dictionary <string, List <Matrix> >();
            List <ProjectMatrix> pcaWeights         = pca.getWeights();

            for (int i = 0; i < pcaWeights.Count(); i++)
                string key = pcaWeights[i].getLabel();

                if (!dic.ContainsKey(key))
                    List <Matrix> temp = new List <Matrix>();
                    dic.Add(key, temp);
                    List <Matrix> temp = dic[key];
                    dic[key] = temp;
            meanTotal.Multiply((double)1 / n);

            // calculate Sw, Sb
            Matrix Sw = new Matrix(n - c, n - c);
            Matrix Sb = new Matrix(n - c, n - c);

            uniqueLabels = new HashSet <string>(dic.Keys);
            foreach (string s in uniqueLabels)
                List <Matrix> matrixWithinThatClass = dic[s];
                Matrix        meanOfCurrentClass    = getMean(matrixWithinThatClass);

                for (int i = 0; i < matrixWithinThatClass.Count(); i++)
                    Matrix mat = matrixWithinThatClass[i].Subtract(meanOfCurrentClass);
                    mat = mat.Multiply(mat.Transpose());
                Matrix temp = meanOfCurrentClass.Subtract(meanTotal);
                temp = temp.Multiply(temp.Transpose()).Multiply(matrixWithinThatClass.Count());

            // calculate the eigenvalues and vectors of Sw^-1 * Sb
            Matrix targetForEigen           = Sw.Inverse().Multiply(Sb);
            EigenvalueDecomposition feature = targetForEigen.Eigen();

            double[] eigenValues = feature.RealEigenvalues;

            int[]  indexOfChosenEigenValues = getIndOfHigherEV(eigenValues, c - 1);
            Matrix eigenVectors             = feature.GetV();
            Matrix selectedEigenVectors     = eigenVectors.GetMatrix(0, eigenVectors.RowDimension - 1, indexOfChosenEigenValues);

            this.weightMatrix = pca.getWeightMatrix().Multiply(selectedEigenVectors);

            // Construct weights
            this.weights = new List <ProjectMatrix>();
            for (int i = 0; i < trainingSet.Count(); i++)
                ProjectMatrix ptm = new ProjectMatrix(this.weightMatrix.Transpose().Multiply(trainingSet[i].Subtract(pca.getMeanMatrix()))
                                                      , labels[i]);
            this.meanMatrix = pca.getMeanMatrix();