public VideoGenerator(ImageDetails imgdet1, ImageDetails imgdet2, VectorOfPointF points1, VectorOfPointF points2, int fpsUser, float alphaUser, string path) { this.destinationPath = path; sizeOfVid = GetSizeOfImages(imgdet1, imgdet2); float alpha = 0.0f; MorphImage m; try { videoWriter = new VideoWriter(fileName: destinationPath, fps: fpsUser, size: sizeOfVid, isColor: true); while (alpha < 1.0f) { m = new MorphImage(imgdet1, imgdet2, points1, points2, alpha); Image <Bgr, byte> morphedImage = m.GetMorphedImageI(); videoWriter.Write(morphedImage.Mat); alpha += alphaUser; morphedImage.Dispose(); } if (videoWriter.IsOpened) { videoWriter.Dispose(); } MessageBox.Show($"Completed"); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("The program has run out of memory. Try to use fewer images, a larger alpha value (0.05 - 0.1) or a lower FPS count (25)"); } }
/// <summary> /// Generates full video /// </summary> /// <param name="images"></param> public VideoGenerator(ObservableCollection <ImageDetails> images, int fpsUser, float alphaUser, string path) { this.images = images; this.destinationPath = path; ImagePreprocessor ip1; System.Drawing.Size tmpSize = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < images.Count - 1; i++) { ip1 = new ImagePreprocessor(images.ElementAt(i), images.ElementAt(i + 1)); if (ip1.FacesListCurr.Count == 0) { images.RemoveAt(i); } if (ip1.FacesListNext.Count == 0) { images.RemoveAt(i + 1); } else { if (ip1.curr.ResizedImage.Width > tmpSize.Width) { tmpSize.Width = ip1.curr.ResizedImage.Width; } if (ip1.curr.ResizedImage.Height > tmpSize.Height) { tmpSize.Height = ip1.curr.ResizedImage.Width; } } } if (tmpSize.Width > 1280) { tmpSize.Width = 1280; tmpSize.Height = 720; } MorphImage m; ImagePreprocessor ip; try { //videoWriter = new VideoWriter(fileName: destinationPath, fps: 30, size: tmpSize, isColor: true); videoWriter = new VideoWriter(fileName: destinationPath, compressionCode: VideoWriter.Fourcc('M', 'P', '4', 'V'), fps: fpsUser, size: tmpSize, isColor: true); List <Mat> frames = new List <Mat>(); for (int i = 0; i < images.Count - 1; i++) { ip = new ImagePreprocessor(images.ElementAt(i), images.ElementAt(i + 1), tmpSize); float alpha = 0.0f; while (alpha < 1.0f) { m = new MorphImage(ip.curr,, ip.ffpCurr, ip.ffpNext, alpha); Image <Bgr, byte> morphedImage = m.GetMorphedImageI(); frames.Add(morphedImage.Mat); //videoWriter.Write(morphedImage.Mat); alpha += alphaUser; //morphedImage.Dispose(); } } int img1 = 0; foreach (Mat mat in frames) { img1 += 1; videoWriter.Write(mat); } if (videoWriter.IsOpened) { videoWriter.Dispose(); } MessageBox.Show($"Completed"); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("The program has run out of memory. Try to use fewer images, a larger alpha value (0.05 - 0.1) or a lower FPS count (25)"); } }