private void cbDialFreq_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { band = WsprBands.GetBands()[cbDialFreq.SelectedIndex]; settings.wsprBandIndex = cbDialFreq.SelectedIndex; settings.Save(); UpdateVerticalScale(); }
public static void Spectrogram( Spectrogram.Spectrogram spec, WsprBand band, List <WsprSpot> spots, Bitmap bmpSpectrogram, Bitmap bmpVericalScale, bool drawBandLines, bool drawVerticalLine, ProgramSettings settings) { using (Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bmpSpectrogram)) using (Bitmap bmpIndexed = spec.GetBitmapMax(settings.brightness, reduction: settings.verticalReduction, roll: settings.roll)) using (Pen bandEdgePen = new Pen(Color.White) { DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dash }) using (Pen grabEdgePen = new Pen(Color.Yellow) { DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dash }) using (Pen rollPen = new Pen(Color.White)) using (var font = new Font("consolas", 10, FontStyle.Bold)) using (var sfMiddleCenter = new StringFormat { LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center, Alignment = StringAlignment.Center }) using (var sfUpperLeft = new StringFormat { LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near, Alignment = StringAlignment.Near }) { // copy source bitmaps onto this display bitmap gfx.DrawImage(bmpIndexed, 0, 0); gfx.DrawImage(bmpVericalScale, spec.Width, 0); int wsprBandTopPx = spec.PixelY(band.upperFreq - band.dialFreq, settings.verticalReduction) + 1; int wsprBandBottomPx = spec.PixelY(band.lowerFreq - band.dialFreq, settings.verticalReduction) + 1; int qrssBandBottomPx = spec.PixelY(band.lowerFreq - band.dialFreq - 200, settings.verticalReduction) + 1; int grabTopPx = wsprBandTopPx - settings.grabSavePxAbove; int grabBotPx = qrssBandBottomPx + settings.grabSavePxBelow; if (drawBandLines) { gfx.DrawLine(bandEdgePen, 0, wsprBandTopPx, spec.Width, wsprBandTopPx); gfx.DrawLine(bandEdgePen, 0, wsprBandBottomPx, spec.Width, wsprBandBottomPx); gfx.DrawLine(bandEdgePen, 0, qrssBandBottomPx, spec.Width, qrssBandBottomPx); gfx.DrawLine(grabEdgePen, 0, grabTopPx - 1, spec.Width, grabTopPx - 1); gfx.DrawLine(grabEdgePen, 0, grabBotPx, spec.Width, grabBotPx); } if (settings.roll && drawVerticalLine) { gfx.DrawLine(rollPen, spec.NextColumnIndex, 0, spec.NextColumnIndex, spec.Height); } if (settings.isWsprEnabled == false) { return; } // plot spots in a single segment (the 2m block within a 10m time frame) for (int segment = 0; segment < 5; segment++) { WsprSpot[] segmentSpots = spots .Where(x => x.segment == segment) // only this segment .Where(x => Math.Abs(x.frequencyHz - band.dialFreq) < 1e5) // only this band .OrderBy(x => x.strength).GroupBy(x => x.callsign).Select(x => x.Last()) // only strongest .OrderBy(x => x.frequencyHz).Reverse().ToArray(); // top to bottom int segmentX = spec.Width * segment / 5; if (settings.roll == false && segmentSpots.Length > 0) { segmentX = (int)(spec.Width - segmentSpots[0].ageSec / spec.SecPerPx) + 10; } for (int spotIndex = 0; spotIndex < segmentSpots.Length; spotIndex++) { WsprSpot spot = segmentSpots[spotIndex]; int r = 7; int y = spec.PixelY(spot.frequencyHz - band.dialFreq, settings.verticalReduction); // draw the marker if (spot.isWspr) { int xSpot = segmentX + r * 2 * (spotIndex % 8 + 1); // determine where to place the marker gfx.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, xSpot - r, y - r, r * 2, r * 2); gfx.DrawString($"{spotIndex + 1}", font, Brushes.White, xSpot + 0.5f, y + 1, sfMiddleCenter); // draw the key label at the top of the band edge DrawStringWithShadow(gfx, $"{spotIndex + 1}: {spot.callsign} ({spot.strength} dB) ", segmentX, wsprBandTopPx - settings.grabSavePxAbove + 13 * spotIndex, font, sfUpperLeft, Brushes.White, Brushes.Black); } else { // draw the callsign exactly where the spot is on the spectrogram int xSpot = (int)(segmentX + (spot.dt.Minute % 2 * 60 + spot.dt.Second) / spec.SecPerPx); DrawStringWithShadow(gfx, spot.callsign, xSpot, y, font, sfUpperLeft, Brushes.White, Brushes.Black); } } } } }