public SubStateGameMenu(StateAbstract parent) : base(parent) { StateHandler.AddDelay(); messageBoxes = new MessageBox[1]; colors = new Color[8]; menu = new string[colors.Length]; menu[0] = "Items"; menu[1] = "Equip"; menu[2] = "Rune"; menu[3] = "Status"; menu[4] = "Formation"; menu[5] = "Party Order"; menu[6] = "Return to Title"; menu[7] = "Exit"; for (int i = 1; i < colors.Length; i++) colors[i] = Color.DarkGray; colors[0] = Color.White; mX = 30; mY = 30; width = 960; height = 690; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, menu, colors, true, true); }
public SubStateCombatMenu(StateAbstract parent) : base(parent) { StateHandler.AddDelay(); messageBoxes = new MessageBox[1]; colors = new Color[4]; menu = new string[4]; menu[0] = "Attack"; menu[1] = "Magic"; menu[2] = "Items"; menu[3] = "Defend"; colors[0] = Color.White; colors[1] = Color.DarkGray; colors[2] = Color.DarkGray; colors[3] = Color.DarkGray; mX = 450; mY = 600; width = 185; height = 125; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, menu, colors, true); }
public SubStateTitleScreenMenu(StateAbstract parent) : base(parent) { StateHandler.SetDelay(0); messageBoxes = new MessageBox[1]; colors = new Color[4]; menu = new string[4]; menu[0] = "New Game"; menu[1] = "Continue"; menu[2] = "Options"; menu[3] = "Credits"; colors[0] = Color.White; colors[1] = Color.DarkGray; colors[2] = Color.DarkGray; colors[3] = Color.DarkGray; mX = 400; mY = 550; width = 200; height = 120; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, menu, colors, true); }
public SubStateStatusMenu(StateAbstract parent) : base(parent) { StateHandler.AddDelay(); messageBoxes = new MessageBox[1]; colors = new Color[31]; menu = new string[colors.Length]; PC temp = null; for (int i = 0; i < 29; i += 10) { temp = StateHandler.GetPC(i / 10); menu[i] = temp.Name + " " + temp.getTitle(); menu[i + 1] = temp.getExp() + @"/" + (temp.getLevel() * 1000); menu[i + 2] = "Level: " + temp.getLevel(); menu[i + 3] = "Health: " + temp.Health + "/" + temp.MaxHealth; menu[i + 4] = "MP: " + temp.Mp + "/" + temp.MaxMp; menu[i + 5] = "Attack: " + temp.getAttack(); menu[i + 6] = "Defense: " + temp.getDefense(); menu[i + 7] = "Magic: " + temp.getMagic(); menu[i + 8] = "Magic Defense: " + temp.getMagicDefense(); menu[i + 9] = ""; } menu[30] = "Formation: " + FormationHandler.FormName; for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++) colors[i] = Color.White; mX = 30; mY = 30; width = 960; height = 690; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, menu, colors, true, true); }
public SubStateListMenuRune(StateAbstract parent, int thePC, int theSlot) : base(parent) { PCid = thePC; slot = theSlot; StateHandler.AddDelay(); messageBoxes = new MessageBox[1]; int adjustedLen = ItemHandler.runeList.Count + 1; colors = new Color[adjustedLen]; menu = new string[adjustedLen]; int i = 0; foreach (ItemAbstract item in ItemHandler.runeList) { colors[i] = Color.DarkGray; menu[i] = item.Name; i++; } menu[i] = "Unequip"; colors[i] = Color.DarkGray; colors[0] = Color.White; mX = 240; mY = 75; width = 660; height = 390; int tempVal = (int)(Globals.hmod * height); tempVal /= Globals.FONT_HEIGHT; tempVal -= 1; if (tempVal > adjustedLen) tempVal = adjustedLen; string[] tempMenu = new string[tempVal]; for (i = 0; i < tempVal; i++) tempMenu[i] = menu[i]; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, tempMenu, colors, true, true, true); StateHandler.State = new SubStateRuneChange(this, PCid, slot, 0); }
public SubStateDisplayMessage(string[] toDisplay, int Height, int Width, int X, int Y, StateAbstract parent) : base(parent) { mX = X; mY = Y; height = Height; width = Width; messageBoxes = new MessageBox[1]; size = new int[toDisplay.Length]; colors = new Color[toDisplay.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < toDisplay.Length; i++) { size[i] = 16; colors[i] = Color.White; } messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, toDisplay, colors, true); }
public SubStateItemMenu(StateAbstract theparent) : base(theparent) { absolute = false; parent = theparent; StateHandler.AddDelay(); messageBoxes = new MessageBox[1]; colors = new Color[ItemHandler.itemList.Count]; menu = new string[ItemHandler.itemList.Count]; int i = 0; foreach(ConsumableAbstract item in ItemHandler.itemList) { colors[i] = Color.DarkGray; menu[i] = item.getName(); i++; } if (ItemHandler.itemList.Count > 0) colors[0] = Color.White; mX = 100; mY = 45; width = 860; height = 590; int tempVal = (int)(Globals.hmod * height); tempVal /= Globals.FONT_HEIGHT; tempVal -= 1; if (tempVal > menu.Length) tempVal = menu.Length; string[] tempMenu = new string[tempVal]; for (i = 0; i < tempVal; i++) tempMenu[i] = menu[i]; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, tempMenu, colors, true, true, true); }
public SubStateFeatureNotImplemented(StateAbstract parent) : base(parent) { StateHandler.AddDelay(); messageBoxes = new MessageBox[1]; colors = new Color[1]; menu = new string[1]; menu[0] = "This feature is currently not working."; for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++) colors[i] = Color.White; mX = 30; mY = 30; width = 960; height = 690; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, menu, colors, true, true); }
public SubStateDisplayFormation(StateAbstract parent, int formation) : base(parent) { StateHandler.AddDelay(); messageBoxes = new MessageBox[1]; colors = new Color[4]; menu = new string[4]; menu = setFormation(formation); for (int i = 1; i < colors.Length; i++) colors[i] = Color.DarkGray; colors[0] = Color.White; mX = 130; mY = 40; width = 0; height = 0; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, menu, colors, true, true); }
public SubStateOrderChangeOne(SubStateAbstract theparent) : base(theparent) { int i = 0; StateHandler.AddDelay(); messageBoxes = new MessageBox[1]; colors = new Color[3]; menu = new string[colors.Length]; for (i = 0; i < menu.Length; i++) menu[i] = StateHandler.GetPC(i).Name; for (i = 1; i < colors.Length; i++) colors[i] = Color.DarkGray; colors[0] = Color.White; mX = 60; mY = 60; width = 930; height = 660; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, menu, colors, true, true); }
public SubStateFormationMenu(SubStateAbstract theparent) : base(theparent) { StateHandler.AddDelay(); messageBoxes = new MessageBox[1]; colors = new Color[4]; menu = new string[4]; menu[0] = "The Intern"; menu[1] = "Defense"; menu[2] = "Caster"; menu[3] = "Offense"; for (int i = 1; i < colors.Length; i++) colors[i] = Color.DarkGray; colors[0] = Color.White; mX = 30; mY = 30; width = 960; height = 690; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, menu, colors, true, true); }
public override void Input(int input) { if (input == Globals.KEY_UP || input == Globals.KEY_DOWN) { MediaHandler.playSFX(FSCMStrikesBackLogic.Properties.Resources.menuMove, "menuMove"); StateHandler.SetDelay(8); colors[count] = Color.DarkGray; if (input == Globals.KEY_UP) { if (count == 0) count = menu.Length-1; else count--; } else if (input == Globals.KEY_DOWN) count = (count + 1) % menu.Length; colors[count] = Color.White; int tempVal = (int)(Globals.hmod * height); tempVal /= Globals.FONT_HEIGHT; tempVal -= 1; Color[] tempColor = null; string[] tempMenu = null; int prefCount = tempVal / 2; if (tempVal >= menu.Length || absolute) // The total amount of options is less than the size of the menu box { tempColor = colors; tempMenu = menu; } else { int realCount; tempMenu = new string[tempVal]; if (prefCount > count) { realCount = count; for (int i = 0; i < tempVal; i++) { tempMenu[i] = menu[i]; } } else if (prefCount >= menu.Length - count) { realCount = count - (menu.Length - tempVal); // Menu from menu-tval to menu) for (int i = 0; i < tempVal; i++) tempMenu[i] = menu[(menu.Length - tempVal) + i]; } else { realCount = tempVal / 2; for (int i = 0; i < tempVal; i++) tempMenu[i] = menu[(count-prefCount) + i]; } tempColor = new Color[tempVal]; for (int i = 0; i < tempVal; i++) tempColor[i] = Color.DarkGray; tempColor[realCount] = Color.White; } messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, tempMenu, tempColor, true, messageBoxes[0].Scaling(), messageBoxes[0].IsChildMessage()); } else if (input == Globals.KEY_CANCEL) { StateHandler.AddDelay(); MediaHandler.playSFX(FSCMStrikesBackLogic.Properties.Resources.menuBack, "menuBack"); StateHandler.State = Parent; } }
public override void Update() { int mX, mY, width, height; count++; if (fresh) { fresh = false; MediaHandler.Background = "teamlogo.jpg"; } Color[] colors; if (count < 260) {//title colors = new Color[3]; colors[0] = Color.White; colors[1] = Color.White; colors[2] = Color.White; mX = 400; mY = 100; height = 100; width = 345; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, credits[0], colors, true); } else if(count < 520) {//team mX = 250; mY = 250; height = 80; width = 210; colors = new Color[2]; colors[0] = Color.White; colors[1] = Color.White; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, credits[1], colors, true); } else if (count < 780) {//lead mX = 500; mY = 250; height = 100; width = 165; colors = new Color[3]; colors[0] = Color.White; colors[1] = Color.White; colors[2] = Color.White; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, credits[2], colors, true); } else if (count < 1040) {//programmers mX = 300; mY = 450; height = 175; width = 290; colors = new Color[6]; colors[0] = Color.White; colors[1] = Color.White; colors[2] = Color.White; colors[3] = Color.White; colors[4] = Color.White; colors[5] = Color.White; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, credits[3], colors, true); } else if (count < 1300) {//3D Art mX = 110; mY = 211; height = 120; width = 150; colors = new Color[4]; colors[0] = Color.White; colors[1] = Color.White; colors[2] = Color.White; colors[3] = Color.White; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, credits[4], colors, true); } else if (count < 1560) {//2D Art mX = 454; mY = 316; height = 140; width = 150; colors = new Color[5]; colors[0] = Color.White; colors[1] = Color.White; colors[2] = Color.White; colors[3] = Color.White; colors[4] = Color.White; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, credits[5], colors, true); } else if (count < 1820) {//Sound mX = 303; mY = 434; height = 90; width = 180; colors = new Color[3]; colors[0] = Color.White; colors[1] = Color.White; colors[2] = Color.White; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, credits[6], colors, true); } else if (count < 2080) {//Story mX = 601; mY = 430; height = 130; width = 170; colors = new Color[4]; colors[0] = Color.White; colors[1] = Color.White; colors[2] = Color.White; colors[3] = Color.White; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, credits[7], colors, true); } else if (count < 2140) {//Thanks1 mX = 450; mY = 450; height = 120; width = 270; colors = new Color[1]; colors[0] = Color.White; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, credits[8], colors, true); } else if (count < 2400) {//Thanks2 mX = 450; mY = 450; height = 120; width = 270; colors = new Color[3]; colors[0] = Color.White; colors[1] = Color.White; colors[2] = Color.White; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, credits[9], colors, true); } else if (count < 2680) {//Thanks3 mX = 450; mY = 450; height = 120; width = 270; colors = new Color[4]; colors[0] = Color.White; colors[1] = Color.White; colors[2] = Color.White; colors[3] = Color.White; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, credits[10], colors, true); } else if (count < 2730) {//thanks for playing1 mX = 500; mY = 500; height = 110; width = 110; colors = new Color[1]; colors[0] = Color.White; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, credits[11], colors, true); } else if (count < 2780) {//thanks for playing2 mX = 500; mY = 500; height = 110; width = 110; colors = new Color[2]; colors[0] = Color.White; colors[1] = Color.White; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, credits[12], colors, true); } else if (count < 2940) { mX = 500; mY = 500; height = 110; width = 110; colors = new Color[3]; colors[0] = Color.White; colors[1] = Color.White; colors[2] = Color.White; messageBoxes[0] = new MessageBox(mX, mY, width, height, credits[13], colors, true); } else StateHandler.State = new StateTitleScreen(); }