예제 #1
 public RouteBDEndpoint(RouteBDEndpoint obj)
     PropertyInfo[] p = obj.GetType().GetProperties();                               // get entity properties
     for (int i = 0; i < (p.Length); i++)
         if (!p[i].PropertyType.Name.Contains("list") && !p[i].Name.Contains("arg"))
             p[i].SetValue(this, p[i].GetValue(obj, null), null);                    // set entity's property values to obj properties
예제 #2
        private void FetchBDEndpointList(int id, IDBManager dbmgr)
            string bd_endpt = Get_BD_ENDPT(id, dbmgr);
            _route.bd_endpt = bd_endpt.Replace("'", "");

            if (_route.bd_endpt=="")
                string qryString = "SELECT * FROM viewBDENDPOINTS e WHERE e.BD_ENDPT IN (" + bd_endpt + ") ORDER BY e.ENDPT";
                RouteBDEndpoint item = new RouteBDEndpoint();							    // create new object type to be able to get property info
                ArrayList list = new ArrayList();										    // create new ArrayList to house objects
                PropertyInfo[] p = item.GetType().GetProperties();					        // get property info for item

                dbmgr.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, qryString);					        // execute query

                while (dbmgr.DataReader.Read())
                    item = new RouteBDEndpoint();										    // create new item
                    item = (RouteBDEndpoint)FetchObject(item, p, dbmgr);
                    list.Add(item);													        // add item to the ArrayList

                _route.bdendpointlist = list;										        //update item list