예제 #1
파일: frmMenu.cs 프로젝트: Credo10/Rex_FPY
        private void ShowImages()
            Int32 intNums = 0;

            lstImageView.Visible = true;

            frmNavigate f = (frmNavigate)this.MdiParent;

            lstImageView.LargeImageList = f.lstImage;
            intNums = f.lstImage.Images.Count;

            var query = (from app in db.Nums
                         where app.n < intNums
                         select app).ToList();

                Int32 i = 0;
                foreach (var r in query)
                    this.lstImageView.Items[i].ImageIndex = r.n;

                    i = i + 1;
            catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException exc)
                //Debug.WriteLine("Out of range" + exc.Message);
예제 #2
파일: frmMenu.cs 프로젝트: Credo10/Rex_FPY
        private void lnkExport_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
            frmNavigate f       = (frmNavigate)this.MdiParent;
            ImageList   il      = f.lstImage;
            string      strPath = Path.GetTempPath().ToString();

            for (int x = 0; x < il.Images.Count; ++x)
                strPath = Path.Combine(strPath, "tmpimage");

                if (!(System.IO.Directory.Exists(strPath)))
                strPath = Path.Combine(strPath, x.ToString() + ".bmp");

                    Image temp = imageList1.Images[x];

                catch (Exception ex)
예제 #3
파일: clsStart.cs 프로젝트: Credo10/Rex_FPY
        public static void PostMain(Int32 intAPPID, Int32 intLNID, string strUser, int intTSID)
            string          strVer     = "";
            string          strAppBeta = "";
            string          strDEV     = clsUtility.ConfigVal("DEV");
            HRLEntities     db         = efdb();
            RexrothEntities dbRexroth  = efdbRexroth();

                System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal s = new System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal(System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent());

                if (strUser == "")
                    strUser = s.Identity.Name;
                    strUser = strUser.Substring(strUser.IndexOf("\\") + 1);

                //var list = db.tblBISystemUID.Where(w => w.BSU_Active == true && w.BSU_Deleted.HasValue == false).ToList();
                //var systemUIDs = list.Select(uid => uid.BSU_UID).ToList();

                if (strDEV == "1")
                    string strDevUser = clsUtility.ConfigVal("UID");

                    if (strDevUser + "" != "")
                        strUser = strDevUser;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Credo");

                //Verify the version
                var qryApp = (from ap in db.tblApp
                              where ap.APPID == intAPPID
                              select ap).FirstOrDefault();

                strVer = qryApp.APP_Version;

                Assembly        assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
                FileVersionInfo fvi      = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(assembly.Location);

                string strVer2 = fvi.FileVersion.ToString().Substring(0, strVer.Length).Trim();

                if (Debugger.IsAttached == false)
                    if (strVer != strVer2)
                        MessageBox.Show("This App is version " + strVer2 + ", should be " + strVer + ". Be certain you are using the correct shortcut and re-open.", "Credo");

                intAPPID = Convert.ToInt16(qryApp.APP_BetaFor);

                if (intAPPID == 22 || intAPPID == 24)
                    var appUserBIList = (from ap in db.vwAppView2
                                         where ap.APPID == 22 && ap.AB_Level == 2
                                         select ap.AS_User).ToList();

                    var appUserBIAdminList = (from ap in db.vwAppView2
                                              where ap.APPID == 22 && ap.AB_Level > 2
                                              select ap.AS_User).ToList();

                    var removeList = new List <string>();

                    foreach (var user in appUserBIList)
                        if (appUserBIAdminList.Contains(user))

                    foreach (var user in removeList)

                frmNavigate f     = new frmNavigate();
                Boolean     fOpen = false;

                //if navidation is already open, then close
                    frmNavigate frm = clsFormUtil.ReturnFormInst("frmNavigate");
                    if (frm.Name == "frmNavigate")
                        f     = frm;
                        fOpen = true;
                catch (Exception ex)

                f.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
                f.Text        = qryApp.APP_Desc + "  Version " + strVer2;
                f.Token       = strUser + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
                f.Parm1       = qryApp.APP_Color;
                f.AppName     = qryApp.APP_Desc;
                f.LNID        = intLNID;
                f.TSID        = intTSID;
                f.Image       = Convert.ToInt32(qryApp.APP_Image);
                    vwAssociate qry = (from ct in db.vwAssociate
                                       where ct.AS_User == strUser &&
                                       ct.APPID == intAPPID
                                       orderby ct.AB_Level descending
                                       select ct).First();
                    f.Associate = qry;

                    //clsMail.SendPBRoleAssign(1901, 0, qry, true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //get default user
                    vwAssociate qry = (from ct in db.vwAssociate
                                       where ct.ASID == 1 &&
                                       ct.APPID == intAPPID
                                       orderby ct.AB_Level descending
                                       select ct).First();

                        //supplement the default user with this users info...
                        var qry2 = (from ct in dbRexroth.tblAssociate
                                    where ct.AS_User == strUser
                                    select ct).First();

                        qry.ASID     = qry2.ASID;
                        qry.AS_Email = qry2.AS_Email;
                        qry.AS_First = qry2.AS_First;
                        qry.AS_Last  = qry2.AS_Last;
                        qry.AS_User  = qry2.AS_User;
                        qry.FullName = qry2.AS_Display;
                    catch (Exception ex2)

                    f.Associate = qry;
                //    var qry5 = (from ct in dbRexroth.tblAssociate
                //                where ct.AS_User == strUser
                //                select ct).First();
                //    f.RexAssoc = qry5;
                //catch (Exception ex4)
                //    //throw ex4;

                f.APPID = intAPPID;

                if (fOpen == false)
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Credo");