protected void EnsureCurrentCellFocused() { EditableColumnBase col = this.TableStyle.GridColumnStyles[this.CurrentColumnIndex] as EditableColumnBase; if (col == null) //if current column doesn't have a control to have focus then, send focus to grid { this.Focus(); } else { if (col.HostedControl.Focused == false) { col.HostedControl.Focus(); } } }
private void echk_onbnd_CellEditBeginning(EditableColumnBase sender, CellEditEventArgs e) { string cn = GetPointCN(e.Row); _LastPoint = cn; _LastString = null; _PointEdited[_LastPoint] = true; Kb.Hide(this); }
private void etxt_uz_edit(EditableColumnBase sender, CellEditEventArgs e) { string cn = GetPointCN(e.Row); _LastPoint = cn; _LastString = GridPoints[e.Row].UnAdjZ; Kb.ShowRegular(this); }
private void ecbo_qdm_CellEditBeginning(EditableColumnBase sender, CellEditEventArgs e) { string cn = GetPointCN(e.Row); _LastPoint = cn; _LastString = GridPoints[e.Row].QndmLink; Kb.Hide(this); }
private void etxt_pid_CellEditBeginning(EditableColumnBase sender, CellEditEventArgs e) { string cn = GetPointCN(e.Row); _LastPoint = cn; _LastString = GridPoints[e.Row].Index; Kb.ShowRegular(this); }