예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Load db data into memory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        private static void LoadObject(ClientDocumentSet obj, SqlDataReader reader)
            obj.UID         = Convert.ToInt32(reader[FieldName.UID]);
            obj.FKClientUID = Convert.ToInt32(reader[FieldName.FKClientUID]);
            try { obj.Description = reader[FieldName.Description].ToString(); }
            catch { obj.Description = ""; }
            obj.Folder       = reader[FieldName.Folder].ToString();
            obj.FolderOnly   = reader[FieldName.FolderOnly].ToString();
            obj.StartDate    = Convert.ToDateTime(reader[FieldName.StartDate].ToString());
            obj.EndDate      = Convert.ToDateTime(reader[FieldName.EndDate].ToString());
            obj.ClientSetID  = Convert.ToInt32(reader[FieldName.ClientSetID].ToString());
            obj.SourceFolder = reader[FieldName.SourceFolder].ToString();
            obj.Status       = reader[FieldName.Status].ToString();
            obj.IsVoid       = reader[FieldName.IsVoid].ToString();

            // Derived field
            obj.CombinedIDName = obj.FKClientUID + ";" + obj.ClientSetID + "; " + obj.Description + "; " + obj.Status;

            try { obj.UpdateDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(reader[FieldName.UpdateDateTime].ToString()); }
            catch { obj.UpdateDateTime = DateTime.Now; }
            try { obj.CreationDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(reader[FieldName.CreationDateTime].ToString()); }
            catch { obj.CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now; }
            try { obj.IsVoid = reader[FieldName.IsVoid].ToString(); }
            catch { obj.IsVoid = "N"; }
            try { obj.UserIdCreatedBy = reader[FieldName.UserIdCreatedBy].ToString(); }
            catch { obj.UserIdCreatedBy = "N"; }
            try { obj.UserIdUpdatedBy = reader[FieldName.UserIdCreatedBy].ToString(); }
            catch { obj.UserIdCreatedBy = "N"; }
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a list of document sets for a given client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iClientUID"></param>
        /// <param name="sortOrder"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <ClientDocumentSet> List(int iClientUID, string sortOrder = "DESC")
            List <ClientDocumentSet> documentSetList = new List <ClientDocumentSet>();

            // cds.FKClientUID + ";" + cds.ClientSetID + "; " + cds.Description + "; " +cds.Status
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(ConnString.ConnectionString))
                var commandString = string.Format(
                    " SELECT  " +
                    ClientDocumentSetFieldString() +
                    "   FROM [ClientDocumentSet] " +
                    " WHERE FKClientUID = '{0}' " +
                    " ORDER BY ClientSetID " +

                using (var command = new SqlCommand(
                           commandString, connection))
                    using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            ClientDocumentSet _clientDocumentSet = new ClientDocumentSet();
                            LoadObject(_clientDocumentSet, reader);


예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ClientID"></param>
        /// <param name="ClientDocSetID"></param>
        public DocumentGeneration(int ClientID, int ClientDocSetID, IOutputMessage UIoutput = null,
                                  string OverrideDocuments = null)
            if (overrideDocuments == null)
                overrideDocuments = "N";

            // Assign to internal variables
            // iconMessage = IconMessage;

            // Set private attributes
            clientID          = ClientID;
            clientDocSetID    = ClientDocSetID;
            uioutput          = UIoutput;
            overrideDocuments = OverrideDocuments;

            // Instantiate Word
            vkFalse = false;

            vkWordApp = new Word.Application();

            // Make it not visible
            vkWordApp.Visible = false;

            vkExcelApp = new Excel.Application();

            // Make it not visible
            vkExcelApp.Visible = false;

            // Get Metadata for client

            clientMetadata = new ReportMetadataList();

            // Daniel 31/12/2011
            // clientMetadata.ListMetadataForClient(clientID);
            // The intention is to always use the full set of variables.
            // There is need to use all in order to replace the tags not used.

            ts = new List <WordDocumentTasks.TagStructure>();

            // Load variables/ metadata into memory
            #region ClientMetadata
            foreach (ReportMetadata metadata in clientMetadata.reportMetadataList)
                // Add client ID
                metadata.ClientUID = this.clientID;

                // Retrieve value for the field selected
                string value = metadata.GetValue();

                // If the field is not enabled, the program has to replace the value with spaces.
                // 01-Jan-2012 - No longer necessary.
                // All the variables have to be used

                // var valueOfTag = metadata.Enabled == 'Y' ? value : string.Empty;

                // Set to the value. If value is null, set to spaces.
                var valueOfTag = string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? string.Empty : value;

                // When the field is an image and it is not enable, do not include the "No image" icon in the list
                //if (metadata.InformationType == Utils.InformationType.IMAGE && metadata.Enabled == 'N')
                //    continue;

                // If the field is an image but it has no value, no need to include.
                // Regular fields must be included because they need to be replaced.
                // Images uses bookmarks, no need to be replace. It is not displayed in the document.
                if (metadata.InformationType == Utils.InformationType.IMAGE)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))

                // Add label before value to print.
                if (metadata.UseAsLabel == 'Y')
                    valueOfTag = metadata.Description + " " + valueOfTag;

                ts.Add(new WordDocumentTasks.TagStructure()
                    TagType  = metadata.InformationType,
                    Tag      = metadata.FieldCode,
                    TagValue = valueOfTag
            #endregion ClientMetadata

            // Get Client Document Set Details
            // To get the source and destination folders
            cds = new ClientDocumentSet();
            cds.Get(clientID, clientDocSetID);

            fileprocessedcount  = 0;
            valueForProgressBar = 0;
            startTime           = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate documents selected for a client
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clientID"></param>
        /// <param name="clientDocSetID"></param>
        /// <param name="uioutput"></param>
        /// <param name="overrideDocuments"></param>
        private void TBD_GenerateDocumentsForClient(
            int clientID, int clientDocSetID,
            string overrideDocuments)
            uioutput.AddOutputMessage("Start time: " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString());

            // Instantiate Word
            object vkFalse = false;

            Word.Application vkWordApp =
                new Word.Application();

            // Make it not visible
            vkWordApp.Visible = false;

            Excel.Application vkExcelApp = new Excel.Application();

            // Make it not visible
            vkExcelApp.Visible = false;

            // Get Metadata for client

            ReportMetadataList clientMetadata = new ReportMetadataList();


            var ts = new List <WordDocumentTasks.TagStructure>();

            // Load variables/ metadata into memory
            foreach (ReportMetadata metadata in clientMetadata.reportMetadataList)
                // Retrieve value for the field selected
                string value = metadata.GetValue();

                // If the field is not enabled, the program has to replace the value with spaces.
                var valueOfTag = metadata.Enabled == 'Y' ? value : string.Empty;

                // When the field is an image and it is not enable, do not include the "No image" icon in the list
                if (metadata.InformationType == Utils.InformationType.IMAGE && metadata.Enabled == 'N')

                ts.Add(new WordDocumentTasks.TagStructure()
                    TagType  = metadata.InformationType,
                    Tag      = metadata.FieldCode,
                    TagValue = valueOfTag

            // Get Client Document Set Details
            // To get the source and destination folders
            ClientDocumentSet cds = new ClientDocumentSet();

            cds.Get(clientID, clientDocSetID);

            // Get List of documents for a client
            var cdl = new ClientDocument();

            cdl.List(Utils.ClientID, Utils.ClientSetID);

            bool fileNotFound = false;
            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
            //    Check if source files exist before generation starts
            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
            int filecount = 0;

            foreach (scClientDocSetDocLink doco in cdl.clientDocSetDocLink)
                #region File Inspection

                // Ignore for now
                if (doco.clientDocument.RecordType.Trim() == Utils.RecordType.FOLDER)
                    string er = "Folder " + doco.document.Name;


                // Retrieve updated file name from source
                Document.Document document = new Document.Document();
                document.UID = doco.clientDocument.FKDocumentUID;

                uioutput.AddOutputMessage("Inspecting file: " + document.UID + " === " + document.Name);

                // Client Document.SourceFileName is the name for the FCM File
                // Client Document.FileName is the client file name

                // Update client records with new file name
                // Instantiate client document
                ClientDocument cd = new ClientDocument();
                cd.UID = doco.clientDocument.UID;
                // cd.FileName = document.FileName;
                cd.SourceFileName = document.FileName;

                // Update memory with latest file name
                // doco.clientDocument.SourceFileName = cd.FileName;
                doco.clientDocument.SourceFileName = cd.SourceFileName;

                string sourceFileLocationName = Utils.getFilePathName(

                // check if source folder/ file exists
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(doco.clientDocument.Location))
                    MessageBox.Show("Document Location is empty.");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(doco.clientDocument.FileName))
                    MessageBox.Show("File Name is empty.");

                if (!File.Exists(sourceFileLocationName))
                    string er = "File does not exist " +
                                sourceFileLocationName + " - File Name: " + doco.clientDocument.SourceFileName;

                    fileNotFound = true;
                #endregion File Inspection

            // Can't proceed if file not found
            if (fileNotFound)

            // Check if destination folder exists
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cds.Folder))
                MessageBox.Show("Destination folder not set. Generation stopped.");
            string PhysicalCDSFolder = Utils.GetPathName(cds.Folder);
            if (!Directory.Exists(PhysicalCDSFolder))

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            //                          Generation starts here
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

            fileprocessedcount  = 0;
            valueForProgressBar = 0;
            startTime           = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
            estimated           = System.DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(5 * filecount);

            var previousTime = System.DateTime.Now;
            var agora        = System.DateTime.Now;

            foreach (scClientDocSetDocLink doco in cdl.clientDocSetDocLink)
                valueForProgressBar = (fileprocessedcount / filecount) * 100;

                // Get current time
                agora = System.DateTime.Now;

                // Get the time it took to process one file
                TimeSpan span = agora.Subtract(previousTime);

                // Calculate the estimated time to complete
                estimated = System.DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(span.TotalSeconds * filecount);

                uioutput.UpdateProgressBar(valueForProgressBar, estimated);

                previousTime = System.DateTime.Now;

                // Retrieve latest version
                Document.Document document = new Document.Document();
                document.UID = doco.clientDocument.FKDocumentUID;

                uioutput.AddOutputMessage(">>> Generating file: " + document.UID + " === " + document.SimpleFileName);

                string sourceFileLocationName = Utils.getFilePathName(

                // This is the client file name
                string clientFileLocation = cds.Folder.Trim() +

                string clientFileLocationName = Utils.getFilePathName(

                // Check if file destination directory exists
                string PhysicalLocation = Utils.GetPathName(clientFileLocation);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhysicalLocation))
                    string er = "Location is empty " + doco.clientDocument.Location + "\n" +
                                "File Name: " + doco.document.Name;


                if (!Directory.Exists(PhysicalLocation))

                if (File.Exists(clientFileLocationName))
                    // Proceed but report in list
                    if (overrideDocuments == "Yes")
                        // Delete file
                            uioutput.AddOutputMessage("File replaced " +
                        catch (Exception)
                            uioutput.AddOutputMessage("Error deleting file " +
                            uioutput.AddErrorMessage("Error deleting file " +

                        uioutput.AddOutputMessage("File already exists " +

                // Copy and fix file

                // Word Documents
                if (doco.clientDocument.RecordType.Trim() == Utils.RecordType.FOLDER)
                    // Update file - set as GENERATED.

                    uioutput.AddOutputMessage("FOLDER: " + doco.clientDocument.SourceFileName);
                    // If is is not a folder, it must be a regular file.
                    // Trying to copy it as well...

                    var currentDocumentPath = Path.GetExtension(doco.clientDocument.FileName);

                    if (doco.clientDocument.DocumentType == Utils.DocumentType.WORD)
                        #region Word
                        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        // Generate Document and replace tag values in new document generated
                        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        var results = WordDocumentTasks.CopyDocument(sourceFileLocationName, clientFileLocationName, ts, vkWordApp, uioutput);
                        if (results.ReturnCode < 0)
                            // Error has occurred
                            var er = (System.Exception)results.Contents;
                            uioutput.AddOutputMessage("ERROR: " + er.ToString());
                            uioutput.AddErrorMessage("ERROR: " + er.ToString());


                        // Instantiate client document
                        ClientDocument cd = new ClientDocument();
                        cd.UID = doco.clientDocument.UID;

                        // Update file - set as GENERATED.

                        cd.SetGeneratedFlagVersion('Y', document.IssueNumber);

                        uioutput.AddOutputMessage("Document generated: " +

                        #endregion Word
                    else if (doco.clientDocument.DocumentType == Utils.DocumentType.EXCEL)
                        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        // Generate Document and replace tag values in new document generated
                        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

                        ExcelSpreadsheetTasks.CopyDocument(sourceFileLocationName, clientFileLocationName, ts, vkExcelApp, uioutput);

                        // Instantiate client document
                        ClientDocument cd = new ClientDocument();
                        cd.UID = doco.clientDocument.UID;

                        // Update file - set as GENERATED.

                        cd.SetGeneratedFlagVersion('Y', document.IssueNumber);

                        uioutput.AddOutputMessage("Document generated: " +
                        File.Copy(sourceFileLocationName, clientFileLocationName);

                        uioutput.AddOutputMessage("File copied but not modified: " +
                                                  Path.GetExtension(doco.clientDocument.FileName) + " == File: " + clientFileLocationName);

            // close word application
            vkWordApp.Quit(ref vkFalse, ref vkFalse, ref vkFalse);

            uioutput.AddOutputMessage("End time: " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString());
예제 #5
        public WordReport(int ClientID, int ClientDocSetID, IOutputMessage UIoutput = null,
                          string OverrideDocuments = null)
            row = 1;

            // Set private attributes
            clientID       = ClientID;
            clientDocSetID = ClientDocSetID;
            uioutput       = UIoutput;

            // Instantiate Word
            vkFalse = false;

            vkWordApp = new Word.Application();

            // Make it not visible
            vkWordApp.Visible = false;

            vkExcelApp = new Excel.Application();

            // Make it not visible
            vkExcelApp.Visible = false;

            // Get Metadata for client

            clientMetadata = new ReportMetadataList();

            ts = new List <WordDocumentTasks.TagStructure>();

            // Load variables/ metadata into memory
            #region ClientMetadata
            foreach (ReportMetadata metadata in clientMetadata.reportMetadataList)
                // Retrieve value for the field selected
                string value = metadata.GetValue();

                // If the field is not enabled, the program has to replace the value with spaces.
                var valueOfTag = metadata.Enabled == 'Y' ? value : string.Empty;

                // When the field is an image and it is not enable, do not include the "No image" icon in the list
                if (metadata.InformationType == Utils.InformationType.IMAGE && metadata.Enabled == 'N')

                ts.Add(new WordDocumentTasks.TagStructure()
                    TagType  = metadata.InformationType,
                    Tag      = metadata.FieldCode,
                    TagValue = valueOfTag
            #endregion ClientMetadata

            // Get Client Document Set Details
            // To get the source and destination folders
            cds = new ClientDocumentSet();
            cds.Get(clientID, clientDocSetID);

            valueForProgressBar = 0;
            startTime           = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();