public void ReceiveMessage(SubspaceMessage _message)
     if (_message.GetMessageCode() == 1)
         Logger.Log("Received message. Channel " + _message.GetMessageChannel() + " Message Code: " + _message.GetMessageCode()); //Log the message info to console.
예제 #2
         * Sends a message along a channel in Subspace. Returns true if the message was sent.
        public static Boolean SendSubspaceMessage(SubspaceMessage _message)
            if (ChannelMap.ContainsKey(_message.GetMessageChannel()) == false) return false;

            foreach (ISubspaceInterface sSI in ChannelMap[_message.GetMessageChannel()])

            return true;
  * All plug-ins using Subspace must implement this function. It gets called when
  * a message is sent along a channel.
 public void ReceiveMessage(SubspaceMessage _message)
      * Use some data in the message. Here we are getting the message code. Which is simply
      * any number you would like to use so other plugins know what "type" of message this is
      * and do the proper logic. In this case we are using it to see if the message is from the
      * second example plug-in to prevent showing our own message as well.
     if (_message.GetMessageCode() == 2)
         Logger.Log("Received message. Channel " + _message.GetMessageChannel()
                    + " Message Code: " + _message.GetMessageCode()); //Log the message info to console.
        private SubspaceMessage subspaceMessage; //The message object to send.

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public SubspaceExample1()
             * When creating a message the channel and message code must be provided.
             * As mentioned above these can be anything you wish.
            subspaceMessage = new SubspaceMessage(messageChannel, messageCode);

             * Subscribe this plug-in to receive Subspace messages on channel 0.
             * Any plug-in that implements the ISubspaceInterface can subscribe.
            Subspace.SubscribeToChannel(0, this);
        public SubspaceExample2()
            subspaceMessage = new SubspaceMessage(messageChannel, messageCode);

            Subspace.SubscribeToChannel(0, this);