예제 #1
파일: Read.cs 프로젝트: madforumz/XbxEditor
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns an array of free blocks based off of the number of blocks needed
 /// </summary>
 public uint[] GetFreeBlocks(int blocksNeeded, uint StartBlock, long end, bool SecondLoop)
     int Clustersize = 0x1000;
     uint Block = StartBlock;
     if (end == 0)
         end = DataOffset();
     List<uint> BlockList = new List<uint>();
     Misc m = new Misc();
     for (long i = m.DownToNearest200(m.BlockToFATOffset(StartBlock, Partition)); i < end; i += Clustersize)
         //Create our reader
         FATX_Browser.FATX.IOReader br = ourDrive.GetIO();
         //Set our position to i
         br.BaseStream.Position = i;
         //Read our buffer
         byte[] buffer = br.ReadBytes(Clustersize);
         //Re-open our binary reader using the buffer/memory stream
         for (int j = 0; j < Clustersize; j+= (int)Partition.EntrySize, Block += (uint)Partition.EntrySize)
             br = new FATX_Browser.FATX.IOReader(new System.IO.MemoryStream(buffer));
             br.BaseStream.Position = j;
             //If we've gotten all of our requested blocks...
             if (BlockList.ToArray().Length == blocksNeeded)
                 //Close our reader -> break the loop
             //Read the next block entry
             byte[] reading = br.ReadBytes((int)Partition.EntrySize);
             //Close our reader - it's no longer needed
             //For each byte in our reading
             for (int k = 0; k < reading.Length; k++)
                 //If the byte isn't null (if the block isn't open)
                 if (reading[k] != 0x00)
                 //If we've reached the end of the array, and the last byte
                 //is 0x00, then the block is free
                 if (k == reading.Length - 1 && reading[k] == 0x00)
                     //Do some maths to get the block numbah
                     long fOff = FATOffset;
                     long blockPosition = (long)i + j;
                     uint block = (uint)(blockPosition - fOff) / (uint)EntrySize;
         //We're putting in one last check so that we don't loop more than we need to
         if (BlockList.ToArray().Length == blocksNeeded)
     //If we found the required amount of free blocks - return our list
     if (BlockList.Count == blocksNeeded)
         return BlockList.ToArray();
     //If we didn't find the amount of blocks required, but we started from a
     //block other than the first one...
     if (BlockList.Count < blocksNeeded && SecondLoop == false)
         BlockList.AddRange(GetFreeBlocks(blocksNeeded - BlockList.ToArray().Length, 1, m.DownToNearest200(m.BlockToFATOffset(StartBlock, Partition)), true));
     //We didn't find the amount of free blocks required, meaning we're out of
     //disk space
     throw new Exception("Out of Xbox 360 hard disk space");
예제 #2
파일: Read.cs 프로젝트: madforumz/XbxEditor
 //For getting an array of blocks occupied
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns an array of blocks that a file/folder entry occupies
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="baseBlock">The base block to read from the FAT chain (the root)</param>
 public uint[] GetBlocksOccupied(uint baseBlock)
     //Create our list to hold the uints
     List<uint> l = new List<uint>();
     //Create a new byte array with random input
     byte[] ourReturn = { 0xAA, 0xAA };
     //Increase the number of blocks - keep the loop going until we've
     //reached the end of the blocks (0xFFFF or equal)
     for (int i = 0; !EOF(ourReturn, false); i++)
         uint CurrentBlock = l.ToArray()[i];
         //Get our next block in the series
         //Create our list of our
         Misc m = new Misc();
         //Create our binary reader
         FATX_Browser.FATX.IOReader br = xDrive.GetIO();
         //Read our buffer to load in to the memory stream
         long BufferOffset = m.BlockToFATOffset(CurrentBlock, Holder);
         BufferOffset = BufferOffset - (BufferOffset % 0x200);
         long BlockOffsetInBuffer = m.BlockToFATOffset(CurrentBlock, Holder) - BufferOffset;
         //Go to the buffer we're reading's offset
         br.BaseStream.Position = BufferOffset;
         //Read our buffer
         byte[] buffer = br.ReadBytes(0x200);
         //Re-open our reader using the memorystream this time
         FATX_Browser.FATX.IOReader mem = new FATX_Browser.FATX.IOReader(new System.IO.MemoryStream(buffer));
         //Close our reader
         mem.BaseStream.Position = BlockOffsetInBuffer;
         ourReturn = mem.ReadBytes(EntrySize);
         //If the block is the ending block
         if (EOF(ourReturn, false))
         //The block isn't the ending block, reverse the array so we can
         //convert it to big endian uintxx
         //Create our value to add to the list
         uint addVal;
         if (bit == Info.PartitionBit.FATX32)
             addVal = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ourReturn, 0);
         else { addVal = BitConverter.ToUInt16(ourReturn, 0); }
         //Add our value to the list
         if (BufferOffset == (long)(m.DownToNearest200(m.BlockToFATOffset(addVal, Holder))))
             object[] stuff = CheckBlock(ref buffer, ourReturn, BufferOffset);
             i += ((List<uint>)stuff[1]).Count;
             if ((bool)stuff[0] == true)
     return l.ToArray();