예제 #1
        private SafeFileHandle CreateHandle(int segmentId)
            uint fileAccess   = Native32.GENERIC_READ | Native32.GENERIC_WRITE;
            uint fileShare    = unchecked (((uint)FileShare.ReadWrite & ~(uint)FileShare.Inheritable));
            uint fileCreation = unchecked ((uint)FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
            uint fileFlags    = Native32.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED;

            fileFlags = fileFlags | Native32.FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING;
            if (deleteOnClose)
                fileFlags = fileFlags | Native32.FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE;

                // FILE_SHARE_DELETE allows multiple FASTER instances to share a single log directory and each can specify deleteOnClose.
                // This will allow the files to persist until all handles across all instances have been closed.
                fileShare = fileShare | Native32.FILE_SHARE_DELETE;

            var logHandle = Native32.CreateFileW(
                fileAccess, fileShare,
                IntPtr.Zero, fileCreation,
                fileFlags, IntPtr.Zero);

            if (logHandle.IsInvalid)
                var error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                throw new IOException($"Error creating log file for {GetSegmentName(segmentId)}, error: {error}", Native32.MakeHRFromErrorCode(error));

            if (preallocateFile)
                SetFileSize(FileName, logHandle, segmentSize);

            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception("Error binding log handle for " + GetSegmentName(segmentId) + ": " + e.ToString());
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a SafeFileHandle for the specified segment. This can be used by derived classes to prepopulate logHandles in the constructor.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal static SafeFileHandle CreateHandle(int segmentId, bool disableFileBuffering, bool deleteOnClose, bool preallocateFile, long segmentSize, string fileName, IntPtr ioCompletionPort)
            uint fileAccess   = Native32.GENERIC_READ | Native32.GENERIC_WRITE;
            uint fileShare    = unchecked (((uint)FileShare.ReadWrite & ~(uint)FileShare.Inheritable));
            uint fileCreation = unchecked ((uint)FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
            uint fileFlags    = Native32.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED;

            if (disableFileBuffering)
                fileFlags = fileFlags | Native32.FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING;

            if (deleteOnClose)
                fileFlags = fileFlags | Native32.FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE;

                // FILE_SHARE_DELETE allows multiple FASTER instances to share a single log directory and each can specify deleteOnClose.
                // This will allow the files to persist until all handles across all instances have been closed.
                fileShare = fileShare | Native32.FILE_SHARE_DELETE;

            var logHandle = Native32.CreateFileW(
                GetSegmentName(fileName, segmentId),
                fileAccess, fileShare,
                IntPtr.Zero, fileCreation,
                fileFlags, IntPtr.Zero);

            if (logHandle.IsInvalid)
                var error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                throw new IOException($"Error creating log file for {GetSegmentName(fileName, segmentId)}, error: {error}", Native32.MakeHRFromErrorCode(error));

            if (preallocateFile && segmentSize != -1)
                SetFileSize(fileName, logHandle, segmentSize);

            if (ioCompletionPort != IntPtr.Zero)
                ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out int workerThreads, out _);
                Native32.CreateIoCompletionPort(logHandle, ioCompletionPort, (UIntPtr)(long)logHandle.DangerousGetHandle(), (uint)(workerThreads + NumCompletionThreads));
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new FasterException("Error binding log handle for " + GetSegmentName(fileName, segmentId) + ": " + e.ToString());