/******************************Maintain Rooms Events**********************************************/ public void Room_Cell_Click(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if ((e.ColumnIndex == 3) && (e.RowIndex > -1))// ------------------------------Extinguisher { _roomForm.ShowServiceItemView("extinguisher", e.RowIndex); } if ((e.ColumnIndex == 4) && (e.RowIndex > -1))// ------------------------------Hose { _roomForm.ShowServiceItemView("hose", e.RowIndex); } if ((e.ColumnIndex == 5) && (e.RowIndex > -1))// ------------------------------Light { _roomForm.ShowServiceItemView("light", e.RowIndex); } if ((e.ColumnIndex == 6) && (e.RowIndex > -1))// ------------------------------Remove { var dgv = sender as DataGridView; _roomForm.ShowServiceItemView("none", e.RowIndex); string roomID = dgv.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["idCol"].Value.ToString(); MRoom.Delete(roomID); dgv.Rows.RemoveAt(e.RowIndex); _roomForm.noChanges = false; } // Hide datepicker _roomForm.ShowPicker(false, 0, 0, 'n'); }
/**************************************** Constructor *************************************/ public AddEditRoomForm(MaintainClientController parent, String id, int AddrIndex) { InitializeComponent(); my_controller = parent; AddressID = id; AddrRow = AddrIndex; noChanges = true; DatePicker.Value = DateTime.Today; this.Ok_Button.Click += new EventHandler(my_controller.Room_Ok_Button_Click); this.Cancel_Button.Click += new EventHandler(my_controller.Room_Cancel_Button_Click); this.RoomGridView.CellContentClick += new DataGridViewCellEventHandler(my_controller.Room_Cell_Click); PopulateRoomGridView(MRoom.GetRoomsForAddr(id)); }
public void Room_Cancel_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_roomForm.noChanges) { _roomForm.Close(); return; } else { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to discard?", "Confirm Cancel", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK) { MRoom.RemoveBlanks(); _roomForm.Close(); } } }
public void PopulateRoomGridView(DataTable rooms) { int nRows = rooms.Rows.Count; String roomID; for (int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) { roomID = rooms.Rows[i][0].ToString(); AddRoom(); RoomGridView.Rows[i].Cells["idCol"].Value = rooms.Rows[i][0]; RoomGridView.Rows[i].Cells["roomNum"].Value = rooms.Rows[i][1]; RoomGridView.Rows[i].Cells["floor"].Value = rooms.Rows[i][2]; PopulateExtinguisherView(i, MRoom.GetExtinguishers(roomID)); PopulateHoseView(i, MRoom.GetHoses(roomID)); PopulateLightView(i, MRoom.GetLights(roomID)); } noChanges = true; }
public static String AddBlank() { MRoom r = new MRoom(); String newID = r.FindID(); String connString = Properties.Settings.Default.FAFOS; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connString); con.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Room VALUES (" + newID + ", '" + "<empty>" + "', '" + "<empty>" + "', " + "0" + ")", con); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); return newID; }
public void HoseView_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if ((e.ColumnIndex == 6) && (e.RowIndex > -1)) { var dgv = sender as DataGridView; try { string hoseID = dgv.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); MRoom.DeleteHose(hoseID); } catch (Exception) { } dgv.Rows.RemoveAt(e.RowIndex); _roomForm.noChanges = false; } else { _roomForm.noChanges = false; } }
public static String AddBlank() { MRoom r = new MRoom(); String newID = r.FindID(); String connString = Properties.Settings.Default.FAFOS; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connString); con.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Room VALUES (" + newID + ", '" + "<empty>" + "', '" + "<empty>" + "', " + "0" + ")", con); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); return(newID); }
public void LightView_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("Click " + e.ColumnIndex); if ((e.ColumnIndex == 12) && (e.RowIndex > -1)) { var dgv = sender as DataGridView; try { string lightID = dgv.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); MRoom.DeleteLight(lightID); } catch (Exception) { } dgv.Rows.RemoveAt(e.RowIndex); _roomForm.noChanges = false; } else { _roomForm.noChanges = false; } }
/**************************************** AddTos *****************************************/ private void AddRoom() { int i = RoomGridView.Rows.Add(); MRoom.AddBlank(); RoomGridView.Rows[i].Cells["floor"].Value = ""; RoomGridView.Rows[i].Cells["idCol"].Value = MRoom.AddBlank(); RoomGridView.Rows[i].Cells["extCol"].Value = "0"; RoomGridView.Rows[i].Cells["hoseCol"].Value = "0"; RoomGridView.Rows[i].Cells["lightCol"].Value = "0"; extViews.Add(NewExtinguisherView()); this.Controls.Add(extViews[extViews.Count - 1]); hoseViews.Add(NewHoseView()); this.Controls.Add(hoseViews[hoseViews.Count - 1]); lightViews.Add(NewLightView()); this.Controls.Add(lightViews[lightViews.Count - 1]); noChanges = false; }
public static int SetExtinguishers(String[,] values) { String connString = Properties.Settings.Default.FAFOS; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connString); SqlCommand command; int temp = 1; int nExt = (values.Length / 9); con.Open(); for (int i = 0; i < nExt; i++) { MRoom r; if (values[i, 0] == null) { r = new MRoom(); values[i, 0] = r.getNewID("extinguisher_id", "Extinguisher"); if (values[i, 0] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 1] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 2] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 3] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 4] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 5] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 6] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 7] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 8] == null) { temp = 0; } if (temp == 0) { MessageBox.Show("please fill in all fields"); } else if (temp == 1) { command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Extinguisher VALUES (" + values[i, 0] + ",'" + values[i, 1] + "','" + values[i, 2] + "','" + values[i, 3] + "','" + values[i, 4] + "'," + values[i, 5] + "," + values[i, 6] + "," + values[i, 7] + ",'" + values[i, 8] + "')", con); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } else { if (values[i, 0] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 1] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 2] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 3] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 4] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 5] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 6] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 7] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 8] == null) { temp = 0; } if (temp == 0) { MessageBox.Show("please fill in all fields"); } else if (temp == 1) { command = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Extinguisher SET location = '" + values[i, 1] + "', size = '" + values[i, 2] + "', type = '" + values[i, 3] + "', model = '" + values[i, 4] + "', serial = " + values[i, 5] + ", room_id = " + values[i, 6] + ", bar_code = " + values[i, 7] + ", manufacture_date = '" + values[i, 8] + "' WHERE extinguisher_id = " + values[i, 0], con); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } con.Close(); return(temp); }
public static int SetLights(String[,] values) { String connString = Properties.Settings.Default.FAFOS; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connString); SqlCommand command; int temp = 1; int nLight = (values.Length / 12); MRoom r; con.Open(); for (int i = 0; i < nLight; i++) { if (values[i, 0] == null) { r = new MRoom(); values[i, 0] = r.getNewID("light_id", "Light"); if (values[i, 0] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 1] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 2] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 3] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 4] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 5] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 6] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 8] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 9] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 10] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 11] == null) { temp = 0; } if (temp == 0) { MessageBox.Show("please fill in all fields"); } else if (temp == 1) { if (values[i, 7] == null) { values[i, 7] = "F"; } command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Light VALUES (" + values[i, 0] + ",'" + values[i, 1] + "','" + values[i, 2] + "','" + values[i, 3] + "','" + values[i, 4] + "','" + values[i, 5] + "','" + values[i, 6] + "','" + values[i, 7][0] + "'," + values[i, 8] + "," + values[i, 9] + "," + values[i, 10] + ",'" + values[i, 11] + "')", con); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } else { if (values[i, 0] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 1] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 2] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 3] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 4] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 5] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 6] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 8] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 9] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 10] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 11] == null) { temp = 0; } if (temp == 0) { MessageBox.Show("please fill in all fields"); } else if (temp == 1) { if (values[i, 7] == null) { values[i, 7] = "F"; } command = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Light SET location = '" + values[i, 1] + "', model = '" + values[i, 2] + "', make = '" + values[i, 3] + "', heads = '" + values[i, 4] + "', power = '" + values[i, 5] + "', voltage = '" + values[i, 6] + "', require_service = '" + values[i, 7][0] + "', serial = " + values[i, 8] + ", room_id = " + values[i, 9] + ", bar_code = " + values[i, 10] + ", manufacture_date = '" + values[i, 11] + "' WHERE light_id = " + values[i, 0], con); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } con.Close(); return(temp); }
public static int SetExtinguishers(String[,] values) { String connString = Properties.Settings.Default.FAFOS; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connString); SqlCommand command; int temp = 1; int nExt = (values.Length / 9); con.Open(); for (int i = 0; i < nExt; i++) { MRoom r; if (values[i, 0] == null) { r = new MRoom(); values[i, 0] = r.getNewID("extinguisher_id", "Extinguisher"); if (values[i, 0] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 1] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 2] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 3] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 4] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 5] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 6] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 7] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 8] == null) { temp = 0; } if (temp == 0) { MessageBox.Show("please fill in all fields"); } else if (temp == 1) { command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Extinguisher VALUES (" + values[i, 0] + ",'" + values[i, 1] + "','" + values[i, 2] + "','" + values[i, 3] + "','" + values[i, 4] + "'," + values[i, 5] + "," + values[i, 6] + "," + values[i, 7] + ",'" + values[i, 8] + "')", con); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } else { if (values[i, 0] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 1] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 2] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 3] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 4] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 5] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 6] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 7] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 8] == null) { temp = 0; } if (temp == 0) { MessageBox.Show("please fill in all fields"); } else if (temp == 1) { command = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Extinguisher SET location = '" + values[i, 1] + "', size = '" + values[i, 2] + "', type = '" + values[i, 3] + "', model = '" + values[i, 4] + "', serial = " + values[i, 5] + ", room_id = " + values[i, 6] + ", bar_code = " + values[i, 7] + ", manufacture_date = '" + values[i, 8] + "' WHERE extinguisher_id = " + values[i, 0], con); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } con.Close(); return temp; }
public static int SetLights(String[,] values) { String connString = Properties.Settings.Default.FAFOS; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connString); SqlCommand command; int temp = 1; int nLight = (values.Length / 12); MRoom r; con.Open(); for (int i = 0; i < nLight; i++) { if (values[i, 0] == null) { r = new MRoom(); values[i, 0] = r.getNewID("light_id", "Light"); if (values[i, 0] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 1] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 2] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 3] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 4] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 5] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 6] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 8] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 9] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 10] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 11] == null) { temp = 0; } if (temp == 0) { MessageBox.Show("please fill in all fields"); } else if (temp == 1) { if (values[i, 7] == null) values[i, 7] = "F"; command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Light VALUES (" + values[i, 0] + ",'" + values[i, 1] + "','" + values[i, 2] + "','" + values[i, 3] + "','" + values[i, 4] + "','" + values[i, 5] + "','" + values[i, 6] + "','" + values[i, 7][0] + "'," + values[i, 8] + "," + values[i, 9] + "," + values[i, 10] + ",'" + values[i, 11] + "')", con); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } else { if (values[i, 0] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 1] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 2] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 3] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 4] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 5] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 6] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 8] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 9] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 10] == null) { temp = 0; } if (values[i, 11] == null) { temp = 0; } if (temp == 0) { MessageBox.Show("please fill in all fields"); } else if (temp == 1) { if (values[i, 7] == null) values[i, 7] = "F"; command = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Light SET location = '" + values[i, 1] + "', model = '" + values[i, 2] + "', make = '" + values[i, 3] + "', heads = '" + values[i, 4] + "', power = '" + values[i, 5] + "', voltage = '" + values[i, 6] + "', require_service = '" + values[i, 7][0] + "', serial = " + values[i, 8] + ", room_id = " + values[i, 9] + ", bar_code = " + values[i, 10] + ", manufacture_date = '" + values[i, 11] + "' WHERE light_id = " + values[i, 0], con); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } con.Close(); return temp; }
public void Room_Ok_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int test1 = 0; int test2 = 0; int test3 = 0; if (_roomForm.noChanges) { _roomForm.Close(); return; } else { // String[,] rooms = _roomForm.GetRooms(); // int nRooms = rooms.Length/4; int nRooms = _roomForm.GetRoomIndex(); bool okToSubmit = true; /* * Validate....okToSubmit = False; */ if (okToSubmit) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to submit these changes?", "Confirm Submission", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK) {// if we are good, submit changes to dataBase String[,] ext, hoses, lights; for (int i = 0; i < nRooms; i++) { ext = _roomForm.GetExtinguishers(i); hoses = _roomForm.GetHoses(i); lights = _roomForm.GetLights(i); /* * Validate....okToSubmit = False; */ if (okToSubmit) { test1 = MRoom.SetExtinguishers(ext); test2 = MRoom.SetHoses(hoses); test3 = MRoom.SetLights(lights); } else { return; } } if (okToSubmit) { String[,] rooms = _roomForm.GetRooms(); int test4 = MRoom.SetMany(rooms); _contractForm.noChanges = false; if (test1 == 1 && test2 == 1 && test3 == 1 && test4 == 1) { _roomForm.Close(); } } } else { return; } } } }