예제 #1
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataTable  datacombo = new DataTable();
            TRAERDATOS datos     = new TRAERDATOS();
            // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'ALMACENDataSet.EXTRACION_EQUIPO' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
            ///llenar combo begin

            SqlDataAdapter llenar_combo = datos.llenarcombobodega();

            COMBOBODEGA_1.DataSource    = datacombo;
            COMBOBODEGA_1.DisplayMember = "BODEGA";
            //llenar como finished
            TXTNUMKIT_1.Text   = "0";
            TXTCONTADOR_1.Text = "0";
            TXTCANTIDAD_1.Text = "0";

            SqlDataAdapter data = datos.llenargrid();

            this.DataGrid_1.DataSource = table;
            DataGridViewImageColumn img = new DataGridViewImageColumn();
            Image image = Extraciones.Properties.Resources.delete;

            img.Image = image;
            img.HeaderText = "";
            img.Name       = "img";

            DataGrid_1.Columns[3].Width = 18;
        private void FORMULARIO_ALMACEN_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                ConnectionInfo myConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();
                myConnectionInfo.ServerName         = "SVR-SQL";
                myConnectionInfo.DatabaseName       = "ALMACEN";
                myConnectionInfo.UserID             = "SA";
                myConnectionInfo.Password           = "******";
                myConnectionInfo.Type               = ConnectionInfoType.Query;
                myConnectionInfo.IntegratedSecurity = false;
                TableLogOnInfos mytableloginfos = new TableLogOnInfos();
                mytableloginfos = crystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo;
                foreach (TableLogOnInfo myTableLogOnInfo in mytableloginfos)
                    myTableLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo = myConnectionInfo;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("ERROR:" + ex, "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            DataTable  datacombo = new DataTable();
            TRAERDATOS datos     = new TRAERDATOS();
            // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'ALMACENDataSet.EXTRACION_EQUIPO' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
            ///llenar combo begin

            SqlDataAdapter llenar_combo = datos.llenarcombobodega();

            COMBOBODEGA.DataSource    = datacombo;
            COMBOBODEGA.DisplayMember = "BODEGA";
            //llenar como finished
            //  TXTNUMKIT.Text = "0";
            TXTCONTADOR.Text = "0";
            TXTCANTIDAD.Text = "0";

            SqlDataAdapter data = datos.llenargrid();

            this.DataGrid.DataSource = table;
            //DataGridViewImageColumn img = new DataGridViewImageColumn();
            //Image image = Extraciones.Properties.Resources.delete;
            //img.Image = image;
            //img.HeaderText = "";
            //img.Name = "img";

            //DataGrid.Columns[3].Width = 18;