상속: StoreBase, IPostBackEventHandler
예제 #1
 protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e)
     _formPanel = new FormPanel();
     _formPanel.BodyPadding = 10;
     _formPanel.Layout = "table";
     _formPanel.LayoutConfig.Add(new TableLayoutConfig()
         Columns = 2
     _formPanel.ID = "addForm";
     _formPanel.DefaultAnchor = "100%";
     _txtUsername = new TextField();
     _txtUsername.ID = "txtUsername";
     _txtUsername.Name = "Username";
     _txtUsername.ColSpan = 1;
     _txtUsername.Width = 300;
     _txtUsername.AllowBlank = false;
     _txtUsername.FieldLabel = "用户名";
     _txtUsername.EmptyText = "输入用户名";
     _comboStatus = new ComboBox();
     _comboStatus.EmptyText = "选择状态";
     _comboStatusStore = new Store();
     _comboStatusStore.ID = "comboStoreStatus";
         new Dictionary<string, ModelFieldType>(){
     _comboStatus.ValueHiddenName = "Status";
     _comboStatus.SimpleSubmit = true;
     _comboStatus.DisplayField = "Name";
     _comboStatus.ValueField = "Id";
     _comboStatus.FieldLabel = "状态";
     _comboStatus.Editable = false;
     _txtMemo = new TextArea();
     _txtMemo.Width = 750;
     _txtMemo.Name = "Description";
     _txtMemo.ColSpan = 2;
     _txtMemo.FieldLabel = "描述";
     _txtMemo.Height = 80;
     _treeRoleSelector = new TreePanelNodeMover();
     _treeRoleSelector.LeftReadData += _treeRoleSelector_LeftReadData;
     //_treeRoleSelector.RightReadData += _treeRoleSelector_RightReadData;
     _treeRoleSelector.Height = 180;
     _treeRoleSelector.Width = 750;
     _treeRoleSelector.ColSpan = 2;
     _treeRoleSelector.ID = "treeRoles";
     _btnAdd = new Button();
     _btnAdd.Text = "添加";
     _btnAdd.Icon = Icon.Add;
     _btnAdd.DirectEvents.Click.Event += AddUser;
예제 #2
        public BoundedComboBox(string Id, string label, string direct, string emptyText, string headerTitle) : base()
            FieldLabel   = label;
            EmptyText    = emptyText;
            SimpleSubmit = true;
            Store store = new Ext.Net.Store();

            store.ID = label + "Store";
            ID       = Id;
            IDMode   = IDMode.Static;
            store.Proxy.Add(new PageProxy()
                DirectFn = "App.direct." + direct, DirectionParam = ""

            store.IsPagingStore = true;
            store.PageSize      = 10;

            MatchFieldWidth = true;

            Editable = false;

            store.AutoSync = true;
            DisplayField   = "name";
            ValueField     = "recordId";
            ListConfig     = new BoundList();
            ListConfig.Tpl = new XTemplate();

            ListConfig.Tpl.Html = @"<tpl for='.'><tpl if='[xindex] == 1'><h3>" + headerTitle + "</h3><hr/></tpl><h4 class='x-boundlist-item'>{name}</h4><tpl if='[xcount-xindex]==0'><div><a href='#' target='_blank' >Add new one</a><br /></div></tpl></tpl>";

            Listeners.Expand.Handler = "#{" + store.ID + "}.reload();";
예제 #3
        private void BindddXMProject2()
            #region 项目名称绑定

            if (HozestERPContext.Current.User.CustomerID == 7 || HozestERPContext.Current.User.CustomerID == 84 || HozestERPContext.Current.User.CustomerID == 658 || HozestERPContext.Current.User.CustomerID == 682 || HozestERPContext.Current.User.CustomerID == 670)
                var           projectList = base.XMProjectService.GetXMProjectList();
                Ext.Net.Store Store       = ddXMProject2.GetStore();
                projectList.Add(new XMProject()
                    ProjectName = "---所有---",
                    Id          = -1,
                Store.DataSource = projectList.OrderBy(a => a.Id);
                ddXMProject2.SelectedIndex = 0;
                ddXMProject2.Value         = "-1";
                var projectList = base.XMProjectService.GetXMProjectListSS(HozestERPContext.Current.User.CustomerID, 0)
                                  .GroupBy(p => new { p.Id, p.ProjectName })
                                  .Select(p => new
                    Id          = p.Key.Id,
                    ProjectName = p.Key.ProjectName
                if (projectList.Count() == 0)
                    Ext.Net.ListItem liProject = new Ext.Net.ListItem();
                    liProject.Text  = "---无项目权限---";
                    liProject.Value = "0";
                    ddXMProject2.Value = 0;
                    Ext.Net.Store Store = ddXMProject2.GetStore();
                    Store.DataSource = projectList;
                    ddXMProject2.SelectedIndex = 0;
                    ddXMProject2.Value         = projectList.ToList()[0].Id;
                Ext.Net.ListItem liProject1 = new Ext.Net.ListItem();
                liProject1.Text  = "---所有---";
                liProject1.Value = "99";
                ddXMProject2.Value = 99;

            this.ddXMProject2_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null);//店铺
예제 #4
 protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
     _store = new Store();
     _store.Model.Add(ComponentHelper.GetModel(new Dictionary<string, ModelFieldType>() { 
     if (!Ext.Net.X.IsAjaxRequest)
         DisplayField = "Name";
         ValueField = "Id";
         SimpleSubmit = true;
예제 #5
        public DirectResult SaveData(string id, FormCollection values, string startDate, string endDate)
            DirectResult response = new DirectResult();

            Ext.Net.Store            store       = X.GetCmp <Ext.Net.Store>("StoreTest");
            StoreDataHandler         dataHandler = new StoreDataHandler(values["data"]);
            ChangeRecords <TestData> data        = dataHandler.BatchObjectData <TestData>();

            for (int i = 0; i < data.Updated.Count; i++)
                TestData testData = data.Updated[i];

                //we want to remove the record since it is processed so we use the delete record option
                ModelProxy record = store.GetById(testData.id);

예제 #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Get Store
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="storeID"></param>
    /// <param name="handlerFile"></param>
    /// <param name="tableName"></param>
    /// <param name="valueField"></param>
    /// <param name="DisplayField"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public Ext.Net.Store GetStore(string storeID, string handlerFile, string tableName, string valueField, string DisplayField)
        Ext.Net.Store store = new Ext.Net.Store()
            AutoLoad = false,
            ID       = storeID,
        store.BaseParams.Add(new Ext.Net.Parameter()
            Name = "Table", Value = tableName
        store.BaseParams.Add(new Ext.Net.Parameter()
            Name = "ValueField", Value = valueField
        store.BaseParams.Add(new Ext.Net.Parameter()
            Name = "DisplayField", Value = DisplayField
        JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonReader();

        jsonReader.IDProperty = "ID";
        jsonReader.Root       = "Data";

        HttpProxy proxy = new HttpProxy()
            Method = HttpMethod.GET,
            Url    = handlerFile,// "~/Modules/Base/ComboHandler.ashx"

        string[] columnName = { valueField, DisplayField };
        foreach (var item in columnName)
            RecordField field = new RecordField();
            field.Name = item;
예제 #7
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ComboBox b = new ComboBox();

            b.FieldLabel = "nothing ";

            formPanel1.Items.Add(new BoundedComboBox("depts", "BindDepts"));
            string label = "ddd";

            b.FieldLabel = label;
            Store store = new Ext.Net.Store();

            store.ID = label + "Store";
            b.ID     = label + "combo";
            store.Proxy.Add(new PageProxy()
                DirectFn = "App.direct.BindDepts", DirectionParam = ""
            store.IsPagingStore = true;
            store.PageSize      = 10;

            b.MatchFieldWidth = true;

            b.Editable = false;

            store.AutoSync = true;
            b.DisplayField = "name";
            b.ValueField   = "recordId";
            // b.ListConfig.Tpl.Html = @"<tpl for='.'><tpl if='[xindex] == 1'><h3>" + label + "</h3></tpl><h4 class='x-boundlist-item'>{name}</h4><tpl if='[xcount-xindex]==0'><div><a href='#' target='_blank' >Add new one</a><br /></div></tpl></tpl>";

            b.Listeners.Expand.Handler = "#{" + store.ID + "}.reload();";
            ComboBox s = cbStates;
예제 #8
        protected void loadgrid2(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
            var store = new Store { ID = "Store1" };
            var reader = new JsonReader { IDProperty = "ID" };
            reader.Fields.Add("ID", "Type", "Heji", "Biaodanhao", "Tijiao");
            reader.Fields.Add(new RecordField
                Name = "Level",
                Convert = { Handler = "return ".ConcatWith(1, ";") }

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
            dr["ID"] = "10";
            dr["Type"] = "差旅费";
            dr["Heji"] = "100";
            dr["Biaodanhao"] = "BJS1101";
            dr["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-11";
            dr = dt.NewRow();
            dr["ID"] = "11";
            dr["Type"] = "通用费用";
            dr["Heji"] = "1100";
            dr["Biaodanhao"] = "BJS1112";
            dr["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-21";
            dr = dt.NewRow();
            dr["ID"] = "12";
            dr["Type"] = "差旅费";
            dr["Heji"] = "100";
            dr["Biaodanhao"] = "BJS1123";
            dr["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-31";
            dr = dt.NewRow();
            dr["ID"] = "13";
            dr["Type"] = "通用费用";
            dr["Heji"] = "100";
            dr["Biaodanhao"] = "BJS1134";
            dr["Tijiao"] = "2012-11-11";
            var grid = new GridPanel
                ID = "Grid1",
                Store = { 
                AutoScroll = true,
                Border = false,
                Title = "可按住Ctrl以多选,然后点击右侧&quot;+&quot;按钮向右侧添加数据.",
                Height = 530
            //build columns
            grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new RowNumbererColumn { Width = 25 });
            grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Biaodanhao", Header = "表单号" });
            grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Type", Header = "单据类型" });
            grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Heji", Header = "合计" });
            grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Tijiao", Header = "提交时间" });
            grid.ColumnModel.ID = "Grid1_CM";
            var view = new Ext.Net.GridView
                ID = "Grid1_View",
                ForceFit = true
            var sm = new RowSelectionModel { ID = "Grid1_SM" };
            //sm.Listeners.BeforeRowSelect.Handler = "return false;";//合计类不允许选择

            // add expander for all levels except last (last level is 5)
            view.Listeners.BeforeRefresh.Fn = "clean";
            var re = new RowExpander
                ID = "Grid1_RE",
                EnableCaching = true,
                Template = { ID = "Grid1_TPL", Html = "<div id=\"row_{ID}\" style=\"background-color:white;\"></div>" }
            re.Listeners.BeforeExpand.Fn = "loadLevel";
            store.DataSource = dt;
            grid.Listeners.ViewReady.Fn = "expangrid";
            grid.Listeners.ViewReady.Single = true;
            //BuildLevel(int level, string recId, string gridId,string dtype)
            //for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
            //    if (dt.Rows[i]["Type"].ToString() == "差旅费")
            //    {
            //        var newgridid = "L2_" + dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "_Grid";
            //        var store2 = new Store { ID = "L2_" + dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "_Store" };
            //        var reader2 = new JsonReader { IDProperty = "ID" };
            //        reader.Fields.Add("ID", "Type", "Heji", "Biaodanhao", "Tijiao");
            //        reader.Fields.Add(new RecordField
            //        {
            //            Name = "Level",
            //            Convert = { Handler = "return ".ConcatWith(2, ";") }
            //        });
            //        store2.Reader.Add(reader2);

            //        DataTable dt2 = new DataTable();
            //        dt2.Columns.Add("ID");
            //        dt2.Columns.Add("Type");
            //        dt2.Columns.Add("Heji");
            //        dt2.Columns.Add("Biaodanhao");
            //        dt2.Columns.Add("Tijiao");
            //        Random ran = new Random();
            //        DataRow dr2 = dt2.NewRow();
            //        dr2["ID"] = dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "0";
            //        dr2["Type"] = "票价合计";
            //        dr2["Heji"] = "120";
            //        dr2["Biaodanhao"] = (120 * Math.Round((decimal)ran.Next(1, 10), 1)).ToString();
            //        dr2["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-11";
            //        dt2.Rows.Add(dr2);
            //        dr2 = dt2.NewRow();
            //        dr2["ID"] = dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "1";
            //        dr2["Type"] = "酒店";
            //        dr2["Heji"] = "120";
            //        dr2["Biaodanhao"] = (120 * Math.Round((decimal)ran.Next(1, 10), 1)).ToString();
            //        dr2["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-11";
            //        dt2.Rows.Add(dr2);
            //        dr2 = dt2.NewRow();
            //        dr2["ID"] = dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "2";
            //        dr2["Type"] = "交通费";
            //        dr2["Heji"] = "120";
            //        dr2["Biaodanhao"] = (120 * Math.Round((decimal)ran.Next(1, 10), 1)).ToString();
            //        dr2["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-11";
            //        dt2.Rows.Add(dr2);
            //        dr2 = dt2.NewRow();
            //        dr2["ID"] = dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "3";
            //        dr2["Type"] = "膳食费";
            //        dr2["Heji"] = "120";
            //        dr2["Biaodanhao"] = (120 * Math.Round((decimal)ran.Next(1, 10), 1)).ToString();
            //        dr2["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-11";
            //        dt2.Rows.Add(dr2);
            //        dr2 = dt2.NewRow();
            //        dr2["ID"] = dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "4";
            //        dr2["Type"] = "机场费";
            //        dr2["Heji"] = "120";
            //        dr2["Biaodanhao"] = (120 * Math.Round((decimal)ran.Next(1, 10), 1)).ToString();
            //        dr2["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-11";
            //        dt2.Rows.Add(dr2);
            //        dr2 = dt2.NewRow();
            //        dr2["ID"] = dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "5";
            //        dr2["Type"] = "其他";
            //        dr2["Heji"] = "120";
            //        dr2["Biaodanhao"] = (120 * Math.Round((decimal)ran.Next(1, 10), 1)).ToString();
            //        dr2["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-11";
            //        dt2.Rows.Add(dr2);
            //        dr2 = dt2.NewRow();
            //        dr2["ID"] = dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "6";
            //        dr2["Type"] = "每日津贴";
            //        dr2["Heji"] = "120";
            //        dr2["Biaodanhao"] = (120 * Math.Round((decimal)ran.Next(1, 10), 1)).ToString();
            //        dr2["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-11";
            //        dt2.Rows.Add(dr2);

            //        var grid2 = new GridPanel
            //        {
            //            ID = newgridid,
            //            Store = { 
            //                        store2
            //                     },
            //            AutoHeight = true,
            //            AutoScroll = true,
            //            EnableColumnMove = false,
            //        };
            //        //build columns
            //        grid2.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new RowNumbererColumn { Width = 25 });
            //        grid2.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Type", Header = "费用类型", Resizable = false });
            //        grid2.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Heji", Header = "合计", Resizable = false });
            //        grid2.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Biaodanhao", Header = "公司预支", Resizable = false });
            //        grid2.ColumnModel.ID = newgridid + "_CM";
            //        var view2 = new Ext.Net.GridView
            //        {
            //            ID = newgridid+"_View",
            //            ForceFit = true
            //        };
            //        grid2.View.Add(view2);
            //        var sm2 = new RowSelectionModel { ID = newgridid+"_SM" };
            //        sm2.Listeners.BeforeRowSelect.Handler = "return false;";//合计类不允许选择
            //        grid2.SelectionModel.Add(sm2);

            //        // add expander for all levels except last (last level is 5)
            //        view2.Listeners.BeforeRefresh.Fn = "clean";
            //        var re2 = new RowExpander
            //        {
            //            ID = newgridid+"_RE",
            //            EnableCaching = true,
            //            Template = { ID = newgridid+"_TPL", Html = "<div id=\"row_{ID}\" style=\"background-color:white;\"></div>" }
            //        };
            //        //re2.Listeners.BeforeExpand.Fn = "loadLevel";
            //        grid2.Plugins.Add(re2);

            //        var renderEl2 = "row_" + dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString();
            //        X.Get(renderEl2).SwallowEvent(new string[] { "click", "mousedown", "mouseup", "dblclick" }, true);
            //        this.RemoveFromCache(newgridid, "Grid1");

            //        store2.DataSource = dt2;
            //        store2.DataBind();

            //        grid.Render(renderEl2, RenderMode.RenderTo);
            //        this.AddToCache(newgridid, "Grid1");
            //    }
            //if (1 == 1)
            //    grid.Title = "可按住Ctrl以多选.";
            //    grid.Height = 400;
            //    grid.AutoHeight = false;
            //    grid.Border = false;
            //    //this.Form.Controls.Add(grid);
            //    Panel5.Html = "";
            //    Panel5.Items.Add(grid);
            //    //grid.Plugins.Add(new PanelResizer());
                //var renderEl = "row_" + recId;
                //X.Get(renderEl).SwallowEvent(new string[] { "click", "mousedown", "mouseup", "dblclick" }, true);

                //this.RemoveFromCache(newGridId, gridId);
                //grid.Render(renderEl, RenderMode.RenderTo);
                //this.AddToCache(newGridId, gridId);
예제 #9
 protected void ddXMProject2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (ddXMProject2.Value.ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
         if (HozestERPContext.Current.User.CustomerID == 7 || HozestERPContext.Current.User.CustomerID == 84 || HozestERPContext.Current.User.CustomerID == 658)
             var nickList = base.XMOrderInfoAPIService.GetXMNickList("", Convert.ToInt32(true), Convert.ToInt32(ddXMProject2.Value));
             Ext.Net.Store Store = ddlNick2.GetStore();
             nickList.Add(new XMNick()
                 nick    = "---所有---",
                 nick_id = -1,
             Store.DataSource = nickList.OrderBy(a => a.nick_id);
             ddlNick2.SelectedIndex = 0;
             if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                 ddlNick2.Value = "-1";
             var nickList = base.XMOrderInfoAPIService.GetXMNickListSS("", Convert.ToInt32(true), Convert.ToInt32(ddXMProject2.Value), HozestERPContext.Current.User.CustomerID, 0);
             if (nickList.Count() == 0)
                 nickList.Add(new XMNick()
                     nick    = "---无店铺权限---",
                     nick_id = 0,
                 Ext.Net.Store Store = ddlNick2.GetStore();
                 Store.DataSource = nickList;
                 ddlNick2.SelectedIndex = 0;
                 if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                     ddlNick2.Value = "0";
                 if (nickList.Count() > 0)
                     nickList.Insert(0, new XMNick()
                         nick    = "---所有---",
                         nick_id = 99,
                     Ext.Net.Store Store = ddlNick2.GetStore();
                     Store.DataSource = nickList;
                     ddlNick2.SelectedIndex = 0;
                     if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                         ddlNick2.Value = "99";
예제 #10
 protected virtual void AfterStoreAdd(Store item)
     //item.IsLazyInstance = true;
     this.Controls.AddAt(0, item);
     this.LazyItems.Insert(0, item);
예제 #11
 protected virtual void AfterStoreAdd(Store item)
     this.Controls.AddAt(0, item);
     this.LazyItems.Insert(0, item);
예제 #12
        private void InitComponent()
            btnCarry_out_action_message = new Button {
                Icon = Icon.ControllerAdd, Text = " Carry Out Action Message",

            #region Grid + Batch
            strBatchs = new Store
                ID           = "strBatchs",
                AutoDataBind = true,
                Model        =
                    new Model              {
                        Fields =
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "UID"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Worksheet_Template_Name"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Name"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Description"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Template_Type"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Recurring", Type = ModelFieldType.Boolean
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Company"
            cboBatchs = new SelectBox
                ID           = "cboBatchs",
                DisplayField = "Name",
                ValueField   = "Name",
                EmptyText    = "Select a batch...",
                Width        = 125

            strItems = new Store
                ID    = "strItems",
                Model =
                    new Model              {
                        IDProperty = "Key",
                        Fields     =
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Type"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "No"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Action_Message"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Accept_Action_Message"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Description"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Description2"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Description_2"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Vietnamese_Description"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Location_Code"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Shortcut_Dimension_1_Code"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Shortcut_Dimension_2_Code"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Quantity"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Unit_of_Measure_Code"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Direct_Unit_Cost"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Due_Date"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Vendor_No"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Vendor_Item_No"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Replenishment_System"

                //Sorters = {
                //    new DataSorter { Property="Converted", Direction = SortDirection.DESC },
                //    new DataSorter { Property="Due_Date", Direction = SortDirection.DESC }
            grdItems = new GridPanel
                ID          = "grdItems",
                BodyCls     = "line-body-border",
                CtCls       = "line-border",
                ColumnModel =
                    Columns           =
                        new Column       {
                            DataIndex = "Type",                      Text = "Type",                   Width = 90
                        new Column       {
                            DataIndex = "No",                        Text = "No",                     Width = 150
                        new Column       {
                            DataIndex = "Action_Message",            Text = "Action Message",         Width = 150
                        new Column       {
                            DataIndex = "Accept_Action_Message",     Text = "Accept Action Message",  Width = 150
                        new Column       {
                            DataIndex = "Description",               Text = "Description",            Width = 200, Flex   =            1, MinWidth = 200
                        new Column       {
                            DataIndex = "Description_2",             Text = "Description 2",          Width = 200, Flex   =            1, MinWidth = 200
                        new Column       {
                            DataIndex = "Vietnamese_Description",    Text = "Vietnamese Description", Width = 200, Flex   =            1, MinWidth = 200
                        new Column       {
                            DataIndex = "Location_Code",             Text = "Location Code",          Width = 120
                        new Column       {
                            DataIndex = "Shortcut_Dimension_1_Code", Text = "Entity Code",            Width = 120
                        new NumberColumn {
                            DataIndex = "Quantity",                  Text = "Quantity",               Width = 120, Format = "0,000.00",   Align    = Alignment.Right
                        new Column       {
                            DataIndex = "Unit_of_Measure_Code",      Text = "UOM Code",               Width = 100
                        new NumberColumn {
                            DataIndex = "Direct_Unit_Cost",          Text = "Direct Unit Cost",       Width = 120, Format = "0,000.00",   Align    = Alignment.Right
                        new DateColumn   {
                            DataIndex = "Due_Date",                  Text = "Due Date",               Width = 120, Format = "dd/MM/yyyy", Align    = Alignment.Left
                        new Column       {
                            DataIndex = "Vendor_No",                 Text = "Vendor_No",              Width = 150
                        new Column       {
                            DataIndex = "Vendor_Item_No",            Text = "Vendor Item No",         Width = 150
                        new Column       {
                            DataIndex = "Replenishment_System",      Text = "Replenishment_System",   Width = 100
                TopBar =
                    new Toolbar {
                        Items =
                            cboBatchs, btnCarry_out_action_message,
                            new ToolbarFill()
                Plugins   = { new FilterHeader {
                              } },
                BottomBar = { new PagingToolbar {
                                  HideRefresh = true
                              } },
                SelectionModel =
                    new RowSelectionModel {
                        //Mode = SelectionMode.Single
                        Mode = SelectionMode.Multi

            ModelField StatusType = grdItems.Store[0].Model[0].Fields.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name == "Action_Message");
            StatusType.Convert.Fn = SCOPE + ".Convert_ActionMessage_List";

            ModelField ReplenishmentSystem = grdItems.Store[0].Model[0].Fields.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name == "Replenishment_System");
            ReplenishmentSystem.Convert.Fn = SCOPE + ".Convert_ReplenishmentSystem_List";

            #region Panel
            Panel center = new Panel
                Layout = "Fit",
                Region = Region.Center,
                Items  = { grdItems }
            Panel pnlLeft = new Panel
                Width       = 250,
                Title       = "Menu",
                Collapsible = true,
                Collapsed   = true,
                Region      = Region.West,
                Layout      = "VBoxLayout",
                Items       =
                    new Ext.Net.HyperLink {
                        Width       = 250,
                        Icon        = Icon.Accept,
                        Target      = "_blank",
                        NavigateUrl = "../../login.aspx",
                        Text        = "Relogin"

                    new Ext.Net.HyperLink {
                        Width       = 250,
                        Icon        = Icon.PackageGo,
                        Target      = "_blank",
                        NavigateUrl = "../PurchaseOrder",
                        Text        = "Purchase Order"

                    new Ext.Net.HyperLink {
                        Width       = 250,
                        Icon        = Icon.PackageGo,
                        Target      = "_blank",
                        NavigateUrl = "../ReqWorksheet",
                        Text        = "Req. Worksheets"

            #region Viewport
            this.ID     = "pageMain";
            this.Layout = "BorderLayout";
            this.Items.AddRange(new ItemsCollection <Ext.Net.AbstractComponent> {
                pnlLeft, center
예제 #13
 private void InitStore()
     this._store = new Store();
     _store.ID = ID + "Store";
     this._store.RemoteFilter = true;
     this._store.RemoteGroup = true;
     this._store.RemotePaging = true;
     this._store.RemoteSort = true;
     if (Sorters != null)
     var readProxy = new AjaxProxy()
         Url = ReadUrl
     readProxy.ActionMethods.Read = HttpMethod.POST;
     readProxy.Reader.Add(new JsonReader()
         Root = "data",
         TotalProperty = "tota"
     //this._store.ReadData += new SyncStoreBase.AjaxReadDataEventHandler(this.store_ReadData);
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OnBeforeLoad))
         _store.On("beforeload", OnBeforeLoad);
     this._store.PageSize = this.PageSize;
예제 #14
        private Store GetStore()
            Store store = new Store()
                    ID = "Store1"
            store.SortOnLoad = true;

            Model model = new Model()
                    Fields =
                    new ModelField("name"),
                    new ModelField("thumb"),
                    new ModelField("url"),
                    new ModelField("type")

            AjaxProxy proxy = new AjaxProxy()
                    Url = "~/Areas/DataView_Basic/Content/sencha-touch-examples.json",
                    Reader =
                        new JsonReader()


            return store;
예제 #15
 public static void CargarRemateTipos(Store str)
   StoreServices.CargaStore(str, () => new bf_re_rematetipos().
     GetData(new co_re_rematetipos()), true, DateTime.Now.AddHours(12), "re_rematetipos_cached");
예제 #16
 public static void CargaCanales(Store str)
   StoreServices.CargaStore(str, () => new bf_re_canales()
       .GetData(new co_re_canales { ca_vigente = TiposBases.EstadoRegistro.ACT }), true, DateTime.Now.AddHours(12), "re_canales_cached");
예제 #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Carga los tipos de Monedas registradas en la BD
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="str"></param>
 public static void CargaMoneda(Store str)
   StoreServices.CargaStore(str,()=>new bf_tg_monedas().GetData(new co_tg_monedas{activo = TiposBases.EstadoRegistro.ACT}),true,DateTime.Now.AddHours(12),"cached_tg_monedas");
예제 #18
 public static void CargarTiposRemates(Store str)
   StoreServices.CargaStore(str, () => new bf_re_tiposremates().
       GetData(new co_re_tiposremates { activo = TiposBases.EstadoRegistro.ACT }));
예제 #19
 public static void CargaPaises(Store str)
  StoreServices.CargaStore(str,()=>new bf_tg_paises().GetData(new co_tg_paises()).OrderBy(p=>p.pa_pais),true,DateTime.Now.AddHours(24),"tg_paises_cached");
예제 #20
 public static void CargarUnidades(Store str)
   StoreServices.CargaStore(str, () => new bf_tg_unidades().GetData(new co_tg_unidades{ id_agrupador_unidad= { id = Constantes.Constantes.UNIDAD_AGRUPADOR }, activo = TiposBases.EstadoRegistro.ACT }),true,DateTime.Now.AddHours(24),"tg_unidades_cached");
예제 #21
 public static void CargarComunas(Store strCmbComunas, int id_region)
   StoreServices.CargaStore(strCmbComunas,()=>new bf_tg_comunas().GetData(new co_tg_comunas{id_region = {id = id_region},activo = TiposBases.EstadoRegistro.ACT}));
예제 #22
        public void BuildLevel(int level, string recId, string gridId)
            var storeId = "L".ConcatWith(level, "_", recId, "_Store");
            var newGridId = "L".ConcatWith(level, "_", recId, "_Grid");

            // build store
            var store = new Store { ID = storeId };
            var reader = new JsonReader { IDProperty = "ID" };
            reader.Fields.Add("ID", "Name");
            reader.Fields.Add(new RecordField
                Name = "Level",
                Convert = { Handler = "return ".ConcatWith(level, ";") }
            store.CustomConfig.Add(new ConfigItem("level", level.ToString(), ParameterMode.Raw));

            // bind store
            var data = new List<object>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
                data.Add(new { ID = recId.ConcatWith("_R", i), Name = "Level".ConcatWith(level, ": Row " + i) });

            //build grid
            var grid = new GridPanel
                ID = newGridId,
                Store = { 
                AutoHeight = true,
                EnableColumnMove = level == 1

            //build columns
            grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new RowNumbererColumn { Width = 25 });
            if (level==1)
                grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Name", Header = "Name" });
                grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Name", Header = "Class" });
                grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Name", Header = "Class1" });
                grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Name", Header = "Name", Resizable = false });
                grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Name", Header = "Class", Resizable = false });
                grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Name", Header = "Class1", Resizable = false });
            grid.ColumnModel.ID = newGridId + "_CM";

            // build view
            var view = new Ext.Net.GridView
                ID = newGridId + "_View",
                ForceFit = true

            // build selection model
            var sm = new RowSelectionModel { ID = newGridId + "_SM" };
            if (level != 3)
                sm.Listeners.BeforeRowSelect.Handler = "return false;";//合计类不允许选择

            // add expander for all levels except last (last level is 5)
            if (level < 3)
                view.Listeners.BeforeRefresh.Fn = "clean";
                var re = new RowExpander
                    ID = newGridId + "_RE",
                    EnableCaching = true,
                    Template = { ID = newGridId + "_TPL", Html = "<div id=\"row_{ID}\" style=\"background-color:white;\"></div>" }

                re.Listeners.BeforeExpand.Fn = "loadLevel";


            store.DataSource = data;

            if (level == 1)
                grid.Title = "MultiLevel grid";
                grid.Width = 600;
                grid.Height = 600;
                grid.AutoHeight = false;
                grid.Plugins.Add(new PanelResizer());
                var renderEl = "row_" + recId;
                X.Get(renderEl).SwallowEvent(new string[] { "click", "mousedown", "mouseup", "dblclick" }, true);

                this.RemoveFromCache(newGridId, gridId);
                grid.Render(renderEl, RenderMode.RenderTo);
                this.AddToCache(newGridId, gridId);
예제 #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Metodo que Carga las Familias del Sistema
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="str">Store en el cual se cargaran las familias</param>
 /// <param name="id_tipo_remate">Tipo de Remate del cual se cargaran las Familias</param>
 public static void CargaFamilias(Store str,int id_tipo_remate=0)
   StoreServices.CargaStore(str, () =>
       new bf_re_familias().GetData(new co_re_familias { id_rematetipo = { id = id_tipo_remate },fa_vigente=TiposBases.EstadoRegistro.ACT }));
예제 #24
        private void InitModel()
            if (this.ItemType != null)
                Model item = new Model();
                PropertyInfo[] infoArray2 = this.ItemType.GetProperties();
                GridFilters filters = new GridFilters();
                filters.MenuFilterText = "搜索";
                filters.ID = "filters" + ID;
                for (int i = 0; i < infoArray2.Length; i++)
                    Func<ColumnBase, bool> predicate = null;
                    PropertyInfo property = infoArray2[i];
                    ModelField field = new ModelField
                        Name = property.Name
                    #region 映射字段类型
                    string fullName = property.PropertyType.FullName;
                    if (fullName.Contains("System.Int"))
                        var enumDataTypeAttr = AttributeHelper.GetAttribute<EnumDataTypeAttribute>(property);
                        if (enumDataTypeAttr == null)
                            field.Type = ModelFieldType.Int;
                    else if (fullName.Contains("System.DateTime"))
                        field.Type = ModelFieldType.Date;
                    else if (fullName.Contains("System.Single"))
                        field.Type = ModelFieldType.Float;
                    else if (fullName.Contains("System.Boolean"))
                        field.Type = ModelFieldType.Boolean;
                    else if (fullName.Contains("System.String"))
                        field.Type = ModelFieldType.String;
                    else if (!property.PropertyType.IsPrimitive)
                        field.Type = ModelFieldType.Object;
                        field.Type = ModelFieldType.Auto;

                    if (predicate == null)
                        predicate = x => x.DataIndex == property.Name;
                    ColumnBase column = this.ColumnModel.Columns.FirstOrDefault<ColumnBase>(predicate);
                    if (column == null)
                        ColumnBase base2;
                        DataGridColumnAttribute displayAttr = AttributeHelper.GetAttribute<DataGridColumnAttribute>(property);
                        FilterAttribute filterAttr = AttributeHelper.GetAttribute<FilterAttribute>(property);
                        bool simpleFilterable = filterAttr != null && filterAttr.Enabled && filterAttr.FilterType == null;
                        GridFilter filter = null;
                        #region 映射列类型
                        if (fullName.Contains("System.Int")
                                            || fullName.Contains("System.Single")
                                            || fullName.Contains("System.Decimal")
                                            || fullName.Contains("System.Double"))
                            NumberColumn column1 = new NumberColumn
                                Format = this.GetFormat(displayAttr, "0")
                            base2 = column1;
                            if (simpleFilterable && filterAttr.FilterType == null)
                                filter = new NumericFilter();
                        else if (fullName.Contains("System.DateTime"))
                            DateColumn column2 = new DateColumn
                                Format = this.GetFormat(displayAttr, "Y-m-d")
                            base2 = column2;
                            if (simpleFilterable)
                                filter = new DateFilter()
                                    AfterText = "在这之后",
                                    BeforeText = "在这之前",
                                    OnText = "在这天"
                        else if (fullName.Contains("System.Boolean"))
                            string[] strArray = this.GetFormat(displayAttr, "是|否").Split(new char[] { '|' });
                            BooleanColumn column4 = new BooleanColumn
                                TrueText = strArray[0],
                                FalseText = strArray[1]
                            base2 = column4;
                            if (simpleFilterable)
                                filter = new BooleanFilter()
                                    NoText = strArray[1],
                                    YesText = strArray[0]
                        else if (fullName.Contains("System.String"))
                            base2 = new Column();
                            if (simpleFilterable)
                                filter = new StringFilter();
                        else if (!property.PropertyType.IsPrimitive)
                            base2 = new Column();
                            if (simpleFilterable)
                                filter = new StringFilter();
                            base2 = new Column();
                            if (simpleFilterable)
                                filter = new StringFilter();
                        #region 生成外键过滤器
                        if (filterAttr != null && filterAttr.Enabled && filterAttr.FilterType != null)
                            Store store = new Store();
                            store.ID = "filterStore" + property.Name;
                            if (filterAttr.FilterType.IsEnum)
                                var valueType = filterAttr.FilterType;
                                var values = Enum.GetValues(valueType);
                                var names = Enum.GetNames(valueType);
                                List<KeyValueModel> enumDict = new List<KeyValueModel>();
                                for (int it = 0; it < values.Length; it++)
                                    var fieldInfo = valueType.GetField(names[it]);
                                    var descAttr = AttributeHelper.GetAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>(fieldInfo);
                                    if (descAttr == null)
                                        throw new Exception("枚举必须要有Description");
                                    int key = (int)values.GetValue(it);
                                    enumDict.Add(new KeyValueModel()
                                        Id = key,
                                        Name = descAttr.Description
                                Model model = new Model();
                                model.Fields.Add(new ModelField("Id", ModelFieldType.Int));
                                model.Fields.Add(new ModelField("Name", ModelFieldType.String));
                                store.DataSource = enumDict;
                                filter = new ListFilter()
                                    StoreID = store.ID,
                                    Single = true,
                                    IDField = "Id",
                                    LabelField = "Name"
                                var filterObject = Activator.CreateInstance(filterAttr.FilterType);
                                var filterGen = filterObject as ForeignFilterBase;
                                if (filterGen == null)
                                    throw new ArgumentException("FilterAttribute中的FilterType的类型必须为ForeignFilterBase的子类或枚举类型");
                                store.DataSource = filterGen.GetData();
                                filter = new ListFilter()
                                    StoreID = store.ID,
                                    Single = true,
                                    IDField = filterGen.IdField,
                                    LabelField = filterGen.LabelField
                        base2.Text = (displayAttr == null) ? property.Name : displayAttr.DisplayName;
                        base2.DataIndex = property.Name;
                        if (displayAttr != null && displayAttr.Width != -1)
                            base2.Width = displayAttr.Width;
                        if (displayAttr != null && displayAttr.ValueType != null)
                            Type valueType = displayAttr.ValueType;
                            var values = Enum.GetValues(valueType);
                            var names = Enum.GetNames(valueType);
                            Dictionary<int, string> enumDict = new Dictionary<int, string>();
                            List<string> valueList = new List<string>();
                            for (int it = 0; it < values.Length; it++)
                                var fieldInfo = valueType.GetField(names[it]);
                                var descAttr = AttributeHelper.GetAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>(fieldInfo);
                                int key = (int)values.GetValue(it);
                                enumDict.Add(key, descAttr.Description);
                                valueList.Add("values[\"" + names[it] + "\"]=\"" + (descAttr != null ? descAttr.Description : names[it]) + "\";");

                            base2.Renderer.Fn = "function(){var values=Array();" + string.Join(string.Empty, valueList) + "return values[arguments[0]];}";
                        if (filter != null)
                            filter.DataIndex = property.Name;
                        column = base2;
                    column.TabIndex = (short)i;
                if (this.ColumnModel.Columns.Count >= 10)
                    this.AutoScroll = true;
                var list = ColumnModel.Columns.OrderBy(x => x.TabIndex).ToList();
예제 #25
 public static void CargaEstadoRemateLinea(Store str)
   StoreServices.CargaStore(str, () => new bf_re_rematesestados().GetData(new co_re_rematesestados()),
         true, DateTime.Now.AddHours(12), "re_rematesestadosRL_cached");
예제 #26
 private void InitComponents()
     this.btnRefresh = new Ext.Net.Button {
         Icon = Icon.ArrowRefresh, Text = "Tải lại", ToolTip = "Tải lại"
     this.btnSelect = new Ext.Net.Button {
         Icon = Icon.Find, Text = "Chọn", ToolTip = "Chọn và đóng"
     this.storeMain = new Ext.Net.Store
         ID       = "storeMain",
         PageSize = 20,
         AutoLoad = true,
         Model    =
             new Model              {
                 IDProperty = "No",
                 Fields     =
                     new ModelField {
                         Name = "No"
                     new ModelField {
                         Name = "Description"
                     new ModelField {
                         Name = "Base_Unit_of_Measure"
     this.grdMain = new Ext.Net.GridPanel
         ID          = "grdMain",
         ColumnModel =
             Columns           =
                 new Column {
                     DataIndex = "No",                   Text = "No",                   Width = 100
                 new Column {
                     DataIndex = "Description",          Text = "Description",          Width = 100
                 new Column {
                     DataIndex = "Base_Unit_of_Measure", Text = "Base Unit of Measure", Width = 100
         Plugins        = { new FilterHeader {
                            } },
         BottomBar      = { new PagingToolbar {
                            } },
         SelectionModel = { new RowSelectionModel {
                                Mode = SelectionMode.Single
                            } }
     this.pnlMain = new Ext.Net.Panel
         Region = Region.Center,
         Border = false,
         TopBar =
             new Toolbar
                 Items ={ this.btnRefresh,             new ToolbarSeparator(), this.btnSelect }
         ContentControls = { this.grdMain }
     this.viewPort = new Viewport {
         Layout = "Border", Items = { this.pnlMain }
예제 #27
        private void InitComponent()
            #region Button
            btnAddUser = new Button {
                ID = "btnAddUser", Text = "Add User", Icon = Icon.UserAdd
            btnDelete = new Button {
                ID = "btnDelete", Text = "Delete User", Icon = Icon.UserDelete
            #endregion Button

            #region Card
            txtUserName = new TextField
                ID         = "txtUserName",
                EmptyText  = "Enter username",
                Flex       = 1,
                LabelWidth = 80,
                FieldLabel = "Username",
                AllowBlank = false

            txtFullName = new TextField
                ID         = "txtFullName",
                EmptyText  = "Enter full name",
                Flex       = 1,
                LabelWidth = 80,
                FieldLabel = "Full name",
                AllowBlank = false

            cbgCinema = new CheckboxGroup
                ID            = "cbgCinema",
                FieldLabel    = "Cinema",
                ColumnsNumber = 3,
                Cls           = "x-check-group-alt"

            cboLocation = new ComboBox
                ID         = "cboLocation",
                FieldLabel = "Location",
                EmptyText  = "Enter Location",
                Flex       = 1,
                LabelWidth = 80,
                AllowBlank = false

            cboBatch = new ComboBox
                ID         = "cboBatch",
                EmptyText  = "Enter Batch",
                Flex       = 1,
                LabelWidth = 80,
                FieldLabel = "Batch",
                AllowBlank = false

            rdgRole = new RadioGroup
                ID            = "rdgRole",
                FieldLabel    = "Role",
                ColumnsNumber = 1,
                Items         =
                    new Radio {
                        ID = "rdoAdmin", BoxLabel = "Admin", Value = "Admin", InputValue = "Admin"
                    new Radio {
                        ID = "rdoFnb", BoxLabel = "F&B", Value = "FnB", InputValue = "FnB"
                    new Radio {
                        ID = "rdoAccSite", BoxLabel = "Accounting Site", Value = "AccSite", InputValue = "AccSite", Checked = true
                    new Radio {
                        ID = "rdoCM", BoxLabel = "Cinema Manager", Value = "CM", InputValue = "CM"

            cboCompanyCard = new ComboBox {
                ID         = "cboCompanyCard",
                EmptyText  = "Enter company",
                Flex       = 1,
                LabelWidth = 80,
                FieldLabel = "Company",
                AllowBlank = false

            #region Account
            strUsername = new Store
                ID    = "strUsername",
                Model =
                    new Model              {
                        Fields =
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Account"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Fullname"

            cboUsername = new Ext.Net.ComboBox
                DataIndex     = "Account",
                Name          = "Account",
                LabelWidth    = 80,
                Anchor        = "100%",
                FieldLabel    = "Account",
                ID            = "cboUsername",
                SelectOnFocus = true,
                AllowBlank    = false,
                MsgTarget     = MessageTarget.Side,
                DisplayField  = "Account",
                ValueField    = "Account",
                PageSize      = 100,
            cboUsername.ListConfig = new BoundList {
                Width        = 320,
                Height       = 300,
                ItemSelector = ".x-boundlist-item",
                Tpl          = new XTemplate {
                    Html = string.Format(@"
					    <tpl for=""."">
						    <tpl if=""[xindex] == 1"">
							    <table class=""cbStates-list"">
									<th style =""font-weight: bold;padding: 3px;background: #3892d3"">{0}</th> 
                                    <th style =""font-weight: bold;padding: 3px;background: #3892d3"">{1}</th>   
						    <tr class=""x-boundlist-item"">
							    <td style=""padding:3px;"">{{{0}}}</td>    
                                <td style=""padding:3px;"">{{{1}}}</td> 
						    <tpl if=""[xcount-xindex]==0"">
				    </Html>"                , "Account", "Fullname")
            cboUsername.Triggers.Add(new FieldTrigger {
                Icon = TriggerIcon.Clear, HideTrigger = true
            #endregion Account

            #region Permission
            strPermission = new Store
                ID    = "strPermission",
                Model =
                    new Model              {
                        Fields =
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "UID"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Company"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Username"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Page"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Action"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Allow"
            grdPermission = new GridPanel
                ID          = "grdPermission",
                BodyCls     = "line-body-border",
                CtCls       = "line-border",
                Title       = "Permissions List",
                Height      = 250,
                ColumnModel =
                    Columns           =
                        new Column {
                            DataIndex = "UID",      Text = "UID",      Width    = 0
                        new Column {
                            DataIndex = "Company",  Text = "Company",  MinWidth = 100, Flex = 1
                        new Column {
                            DataIndex = "Username", Text = "Username", Width    = 100
                        new Column {
                            DataIndex = "Page",     Text = "Page",     Width    = 120
                        new Column {
                            DataIndex = "Action",   Text = "Action",   MinWidth = 150, Flex = 1
                        new Column {
                            DataIndex = "Allow",    Text = "Allow",    Width    = 100
                BottomBar = { new PagingToolbar {
                                  HideRefresh = true
                              } },
                SelectionModel = { new RowSelectionModel {
                                       Mode = SelectionMode.Single
                                   } }
            #endregion Permission

            #region GLXAccount
            strGLXAccount = new Store
                ID    = "strGLXAccount",
                Model =
                    new Model              {
                        Fields =
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "UID"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Account"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Company"
            grdGLXAccount = new GridPanel
                ID          = "grdGLXAccount",
                BodyCls     = "line-body-border",
                CtCls       = "line-border",
                Title       = "Company List",
                Height      = 250,
                ColumnModel =
                    Columns           =
                        new Column {
                            DataIndex = "UID",     Text = "UID",     Width = 0
                        new Column {
                            DataIndex = "Company", Text = "Company", Width = 100, Flex = 1
                BottomBar = { new PagingToolbar {
                                  HideRefresh = true
                              } },
                SelectionModel = { new RowSelectionModel {
                                       Mode = SelectionMode.Single
                                   } }
            #endregion GLXAccount

            #region LocationAndAccount
            strLocationAndAccount = new Store
                ID    = "strLocationAndAccount",
                Model =
                    new Model              {
                        Fields =
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "UID"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Account"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Location"
            grdLocationAndAccount = new GridPanel
                ID          = "grdLocationAndAccount",
                BodyCls     = "line-body-border",
                CtCls       = "line-border",
                Title       = "Location List",
                Height      = 220,
                ColumnModel =
                    Columns           =
                        new Column {
                            DataIndex = "UID",      Text = "UID",      Width = 0
                        new Column {
                            DataIndex = "Location", Text = "Location", Width = 100, Flex = 1
                BottomBar = { new PagingToolbar {
                                  HideRefresh = true
                              } },
                SelectionModel = { new RowSelectionModel {
                                       Mode = SelectionMode.Single
                                   } }

            #region Worksheet
            strWorksheet = new Store
                ID    = "strWorksheet",
                Model =
                    new Model              {
                        Fields =
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "UID"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Worksheet Template Name"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Name"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Description"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Template Type"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Recurring"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Company"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Account"

            grdWorksheet = new GridPanel
                ID          = "grdWorksheet",
                BodyCls     = "line-body-border",
                CtCls       = "line-border",
                Title       = "Worksheet List",
                Height      = 220,
                ColumnModel =
                    Columns           =
                        new Column {
                            DataIndex = "UID",         Text = "UID",         Width = 0
                        new Column {
                            DataIndex = "Company",     Text = "Company",     Width = 150
                        new Column {
                            DataIndex = "Name",        Text = "Name",        Width = 100
                        new Column {
                            DataIndex = "Description", Text = "Description", Width = 120, Flex = 1
                        new Column {
                            DataIndex = "Account",     Text = "Account",     Width = 100
                BottomBar = { new PagingToolbar {
                                  HideRefresh = true
                              } },
                SelectionModel = { new RowSelectionModel {
                                       Mode = SelectionMode.Single
                                   } }

            #region FormPanel
            frmHeader = new FormPanel
                Collapsed   = false,
                Collapsible = true,
                Region      = Region.North,
                Layout      = "HBox",
                Items       =
                    new FormPanel {
                        Layout             = "Anchor",
                        Flex               = 1,
                        BodyPaddingSummary = "10 10 10 10",
                        Border             = false,
                        Items              = { cboUsername }
                    new FormPanel {
                        Layout             = "Anchor",
                        Flex               = 1,
                        BodyPaddingSummary = "10 10 10 10",
                        Border             = false
                TopBar =
                    new Toolbar {
                        Items =

            frmGrid = new FormPanel
                Layout             = "HBoxLayout",
                Region             = Region.Center,
                Header             = true,
                BodyPaddingSummary = "5,5,5,5",
                Items =
                    new Panel         {
                        BodyPadding  = 5,
                        Layout       = "VBoxLayout",
                        Flex         = 2,
                        Region       = Region.Center,
                        LayoutConfig ={ new Ext.Net.VBoxLayoutConfig          {
                                            Align = VBoxAlign.Stretch
                                        } },
                        Items =
                            grdPermission, grdWorksheet
                    new Panel         {
                        BodyPaddingSummary = "5,5,5,5",
                        Layout             = "Fit",
                        Flex   = 1,
                        Region = Region.East,
                        Items  =
                            new Panel {
                                Items ={ grdGLXAccount, grdLocationAndAccount }
            #endregion FormPanel

            this.ID     = "pageMain";
            this.Layout = "BorderLayout";
            this.Items.AddRange(new ItemsCollection <Ext.Net.AbstractComponent> {
                frmGrid, frmHeader
예제 #28
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            // Store

            JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonReader();
            jsonReader.IDProperty = "ID";

            _store = new Store { ID = ID + "Store" };

            var items = GetItems();
            if (!ExtNet.IsAjaxRequest)
                _store.DataSource = items;


            // Grid Panel

            _gridPanel = new ChildrenEditorGridPanel { ID = ID + "GridPanel" };
            _gridPanel.AddItemButtonClicked += OnGridPanelAddItemButtonClicked;
            _gridPanel.ItemsRemoved += OnGridPanelItemsRemoved;

            _gridPanel.StoreID = _store.ID;

            // Editor Windows

            foreach (ContentItem contentItem in items)

예제 #29
 public override void RenderView(System.Web.Mvc.ViewContext viewContext, System.IO.TextWriter writer)
     var _formPanel = new ValidatedForm();
     _formPanel.BodyPadding = 10;
     _formPanel.Layout = "table";
     _formPanel.Url = Url.Action("AddAccount");
     _formPanel.LayoutConfig.Add(new TableLayoutConfig()
         Columns = 2
     _formPanel.ID = "addForm";
     _formPanel.DefaultAnchor = "100%";
     var _txtUsername = new TextField();
     _txtUsername.ID = "txtUsername";
     _txtUsername.Name = "Username";
     _txtUsername.ColSpan = 1;
     _txtUsername.Width = 300;
     _txtUsername.AllowBlank = false;
     _txtUsername.FieldLabel = "用户名";
     _txtUsername.EmptyText = "输入用户名";
     var _comboStatus = new ComboBox();
     _comboStatus.EmptyText = "选择状态";
     _comboStatus.Name = "Status";
     var _comboStatusStore = new Store();
     _comboStatusStore.ID = "comboStoreStatus";
     _comboStatus.AllowBlank = false;
     _comboStatus.BlankText = "必须选择一个状态";
         new Dictionary<string, ModelFieldType>(){
     _comboStatus.ValueHiddenName = "Status";
     _comboStatus.SimpleSubmit = true;
     _comboStatus.DisplayField = "Name";
     _comboStatus.ValueField = "Id";
     _comboStatus.FieldLabel = "状态";
     _comboStatus.Editable = false;
     _comboStatusStore.DataSource = EnumHelper.GetList(typeof(BaseStatuses), (k, v) =>
         return new
             Id = k,
             Name = v
     var _txtMemo = new TextArea();
     _txtMemo.Width = 750;
     _txtMemo.Name = "Description";
     _txtMemo.ColSpan = 2;
     _txtMemo.FieldLabel = "描述";
     _txtMemo.Height = 80;
     var _treeRoleSelector = new TreePanelNodeMover();
     _treeRoleSelector.LeftReadProxy.Url = Url.Action("GetNotAddedRoles");
     _treeRoleSelector.RightReadProxy.Url = Url.Action("GetAddedRoles");
     _treeRoleSelector.Height = 180;
     _treeRoleSelector.Width = 750;
     _treeRoleSelector.ColSpan = 2;
     _treeRoleSelector.ID = "treeRoles";
     _formPanel.Add(new Hidden()
         Name = "RoleIds",
         ID = "hdnRoleIds"
     var _btnAdd = new Button();
     _btnAdd.Text = "添加";
     _btnAdd.Icon = Icon.Add;
     _btnAdd.Handler = _treeRoleSelector.SyncAddedNodes("hdnRoleIds") + "App." + _formPanel.ID + ".submitData(function(r){if(r.success){" + HideWindowReloadGrid("gridUsers") + "}})";
예제 #30
        protected virtual void AfterStoreRemove(Store item)
            if (this.Controls.Contains(item))

            if (this.LazyItems.Contains(item))
예제 #31
 public static void CargarRegiones(Store str)
   StoreServices.CargaStore(str,()=>new bf_tg_regiones().GetData(new co_tg_regiones{activo = TiposBases.EstadoRegistro.ACT}));
        private Store BuildStore()
            Store store = new Store
                Model = 
                    new Model 
                        Fields = 
                            new ModelField("company"),
                            new ModelField("price", ModelFieldType.Float),
                            new ModelField("change", ModelFieldType.Float),
                            new ModelField("pctChange", ModelFieldType.Float),
                            new ModelField("lastChange", ModelFieldType.Date, "M/d hh:mmtt")

            store.DataSource = Companies.GetAllCompanies();

            return store;
예제 #33
 public static void CargaCategorias(Store str, int id_familia)
   StoreServices.CargaStore(str,()=>new bf_re_categorias().GetData(new co_re_categorias{id_familia = {id = id_familia},activo = TiposBases.EstadoRegistro.ACT}));
예제 #34
        private void InitComponent()
            btnSearch = new Button {
                Icon = Icon.Find, Text = "Find", ToolTip = "Find"
            btnAddItem = new Button {
                Icon = Icon.ImageAdd, Text = "Thêm", ToolTip = "Thêm"
            btnEditItem = new Button {
                Icon = Icon.ImageEdit, Text = "Sửa", ToolTip = "Sửa"
            btnPrint = new Button {
                Icon = Icon.Printer, Text = "Print", ToolTip = "Print"

            int      daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month);
            DateTime FromDate    = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1 * daysInMonth);

            dfFromDate = new DateField
                LabelWidth      = 100,
                FieldLabel      = "Document Date",
                Anchor          = "100%",
                Format          = "dd/MM/yyyy",
                SubmitFormat    = "dd/MM/yyyy",
                SelectOnFocus   = true,
                SelectedDate    = FromDate,
                ID              = "dfFromDate",
                EnableKeyEvents = true,
                Vtype           = "daterange",
                CustomConfig    =
                    new ConfigItem {
                        Name = "endDateField", Value = "dfToDate", Mode = ParameterMode.Value
            dfToDate = new DateField
                LabelWidth      = 20,
                Anchor          = "100%",
                Format          = "dd/MM/yyyy",
                SubmitFormat    = "dd/MM/yyyy",
                SelectOnFocus   = true,
                SelectedDate    = DateTime.Now,
                ID              = "dfToDate",
                Vtype           = "daterange",
                EnableKeyEvents = true,
                CustomConfig    =
                    new ConfigItem {
                        Name = "startDateField", Value = "dfFromDate", Mode = ParameterMode.Value

            strItems = new Store
                ID    = "strItems",
                Model =
                    new Model              {
                        IDProperty = "Key",
                        Fields     =
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Key"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "No"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Buy_from_Vendor_No"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Buy_from_Vendor_Name"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Status"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Document_Date", Type = ModelFieldType.Date
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Posting_Date", Type = ModelFieldType.Date
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Order_Date", Type = ModelFieldType.Date
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Vendor_Authorization_No"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Vista_Order_No"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Location_Code"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Assigned_User_ID"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Job_Queue_Status"
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Amount", Type = ModelFieldType.Float
                            new ModelField {
                                Name = "Amount_Including_VAT", Type = ModelFieldType.Float

            grdItems = new GridPanel
                ID          = "grdItems",
                BodyCls     = "line-body-border",
                CtCls       = "line-border",
                ColumnModel =
                    Columns           =
                        new Column     {
                            DataIndex = "Key",                  Text = "Key",                  Width = 0
                        new Column     {
                            DataIndex = "No",                   Text = "No",                   Width = 120,
                        new Column     {
                            DataIndex = "Buy_from_Vendor_No",   Text = "Vendor No.",           Width = 120
                        new Column     {
                            DataIndex = "Buy_from_Vendor_Name", Text = "Buy from Vendor Name", Width = 220,Flex    = 1
                        new Column     {
                            DataIndex = "Location_Code",        Text = "Location_Code",        Width = 120
                        new Column     {
                            DataIndex = "Status",               Text = "Status",               Width = 120
                        new DateColumn {
                            DataIndex = "Document_Date",        Text = "Document Date",        Width = 120,Format  = "dd/MM/yyyy"
                        new DateColumn {
                            DataIndex = "Posting_Date",         Text = "Posting Date",         Width = 120,Format  = "dd/MM/yyyy"
                        //new DateColumn{ DataIndex = "Order_Date", Text = "Order Date", Width = 120, Format = "dd/MM/yyyy" },
                TopBar =
                    new Toolbar {
                        Items =
                            dfFromDate, dfToDate, btnSearch,//btnAddItem, btnEditItem
                Plugins   = { new FilterHeader {
                              } },
                BottomBar = { new PagingToolbar {
                                  HideRefresh = true
                              } },
                SelectionModel =
                    new RowSelectionModel {
                        Mode = SelectionMode.Single


            pnlCenter = new Panel
                Layout = "Fit",
                Region = Region.Center,
                Items  = { grdItems }
            pnlLeft = new Panel {
                Width       = 250,
                Title       = "Menu",
                Collapsible = true,
                Collapsed   = true,
                Region      = Region.West,
                Layout      = "VBoxLayout",
                Items       =
                    new Ext.Net.HyperLink {
                        Width       = 250,
                        Icon        = Icon.Accept,
                        Target      = "_blank",
                        NavigateUrl = "../../Login.aspx",
                        Text        = "Relogin"

                    new Ext.Net.HyperLink {
                        Width       = 250,
                        Icon        = Icon.PackageGo,
                        Target      = "_blank",
                        NavigateUrl = "../ReqWorksheet",
                        Text        = "Req. Worksheets"

                    //new Ext.Net.HyperLink {
                    //    Width = 250,
                    //    Icon = Icon.Page,
                    //    Target = "_blank",
                    //    NavigateUrl = "../ReqWorksheet2",
                    //    Text = "Req. Worksheets 2"
            this.ID     = "pageMain";
            this.Layout = "BorderLayout";
            this.Items.AddRange(new ItemsCollection <Ext.Net.AbstractComponent> {
예제 #35
 private void InitStore()
     this._store = new Store();
     _store.ID = ID + "Store";
     this._store.RemoteFilter = true;
     this._store.RemoteGroup = true;
     this._store.RemotePaging = true;
     this._store.RemoteSort = true;
     if (Sorters != null)
     this._store.Proxy.Add(new PageProxy());
     this._store.ReadData += new SyncStoreBase.AjaxReadDataEventHandler(this.store_ReadData);
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OnBeforeLoad))
         _store.On("beforeload", OnBeforeLoad);
     this._store.PageSize = this.PageSize;
예제 #36
 public static void CargarNoticiasTipos(Store str)
   StoreServices.CargaStore(str, () => new bf_re_noticiastipo().GetData(new co_re_noticiastipo { noti_vigente = TiposBases.EstadoRegistro.ACT }), true, DateTime.Now.AddHours(12), "re_noticiasTipo_cached");
예제 #37
        public void BuildLevel(int level, string recId, string gridId,string dtype)
            var storeId = "L".ConcatWith(level, "_", recId, "_Store");
            var newGridId = "L".ConcatWith(level, "_", recId, "_Grid");

            // build store
            var store = new Store { ID = storeId };
            var reader = new JsonReader { IDProperty = "ID" };
            reader.Fields.Add("ID", "Type", "Heji", "Biaodanhao", "Tijiao");
            reader.Fields.Add(new RecordField
                Name = "Level",
                Convert = { Handler = "return ".ConcatWith(level, ";") }
            //store.CustomConfig.Add(new ConfigItem("level", level.ToString(), ParameterMode.Raw));

            // bind store
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            if (level == 1)
                DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                dr["ID"] = "0";
                dr["Type"] = "差旅费";
                dr["Heji"] = "100";
                dr["Biaodanhao"] = "BJS110" + level.ToString();
                dr["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-11";
                dr = dt.NewRow();
                dr["ID"] = "1";
                dr["Type"] = "通用费用";
                dr["Heji"] = "1100";
                dr["Biaodanhao"] = "BJS111" + level.ToString();
                dr["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-21";
                dr = dt.NewRow();
                dr["ID"] = "2";
                dr["Type"] = "差旅费";
                dr["Heji"] = "100";
                dr["Biaodanhao"] = "BJS112" + level.ToString();
                dr["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-31";
                dr = dt.NewRow();
                dr["ID"] = "3";
                dr["Type"] = "通用费用";
                dr["Heji"] = "100";
                dr["Biaodanhao"] = "BJS113" + level.ToString();
                dr["Tijiao"] = "2012-11-11";
            else if(level == 2)
                if (dtype == "差旅费")

                    Random ran = new Random();
                    DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr["ID"] = recId + "20";
                    dr["Type"] = "票价合计";
                    dr["Heji"] = "120";
                    dr["Biaodanhao"] = (120 * Math.Round((decimal)ran.Next(1, 10), 1)).ToString();
                    dr["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-11";
                    dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr["ID"] = recId + "21";
                    dr["Type"] = "酒店";
                    dr["Heji"] = "120";
                    dr["Biaodanhao"] = (120 * Math.Round((decimal)ran.Next(1, 10), 1)).ToString();
                    dr["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-11";
                    dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr["ID"] = recId + "22";
                    dr["Type"] = "交通费";
                    dr["Heji"] = "120";
                    dr["Biaodanhao"] = (120 * Math.Round((decimal)ran.Next(1, 10), 1)).ToString();
                    dr["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-11";
                    dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr["ID"] = recId + "23";
                    dr["Type"] = "膳食费";
                    dr["Heji"] = "120";
                    dr["Biaodanhao"] = (120 * Math.Round((decimal)ran.Next(1, 10), 1)).ToString();
                    dr["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-11";
                    dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr["ID"] = recId + "24";
                    dr["Type"] = "机场费";
                    dr["Heji"] = "120";
                    dr["Biaodanhao"] = (120 * Math.Round((decimal)ran.Next(1, 10), 1)).ToString();
                    dr["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-11";
                    dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr["ID"] = recId + "25";
                    dr["Type"] = "其他";
                    dr["Heji"] = "120";
                    dr["Biaodanhao"] = (120 * Math.Round((decimal)ran.Next(1, 10), 1)).ToString();
                    dr["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-11";
                    dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr["ID"] = recId + "26";
                    dr["Type"] = "每日津贴";
                    dr["Heji"] = "120";
                    dr["Biaodanhao"] = (120 * Math.Round((decimal)ran.Next(1, 10), 1)).ToString();
                    dr["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-11";
                    DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr["ID"] = recId + "20";
                    dr["Type"] = "交际费";
                    dr["Heji"] = "100";
                    dr["Biaodanhao"] = "BJS110" + level.ToString();
                    dr["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-11";
                    dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr["ID"] = recId + "21";
                    dr["Type"] = "交通费";
                    dr["Heji"] = "1100";
                    dr["Biaodanhao"] = "BJS111" + level.ToString();
                    dr["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-21";
                    dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr["ID"] = recId + "22";
                    dr["Type"] = "通讯费";
                    dr["Heji"] = "100";
                    dr["Biaodanhao"] = "BJS112" + level.ToString();
                    dr["Tijiao"] = "2012-12-31";
                    dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr["ID"] = recId + "23";
                    dr["Type"] = "其他费用";
                    dr["Heji"] = "100";
                    dr["Biaodanhao"] = "BJS113" + level.ToString();
                    dr["Tijiao"] = "2012-11-11";
            else if (level == 3 && dtype != "差旅费")
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr["ID"] = recId + "3" + i.ToString();
                    dr["Type"] = "其他费用";
                    dr["Heji"] = (100 + i).ToString();
                    dr["Biaodanhao"] = "费用描述";
                    dr["Tijiao"] = "2012-11-11";

            //var data = new List<object>();

            //for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
            //    data.Add(new { ID = recId.ConcatWith("_R", i), Biaodanhao = "Level".ConcatWith(level, ": Row " + i), Type = "Level".ConcatWith(level, ": Row " + i), Heji = "Level".ConcatWith(level, ": Row " + i), Tijiao = "Level".ConcatWith(level, ": Row " + i) });

            //build grid
            var grid = new GridPanel
                ID = newGridId,
                Store = { 
                AutoHeight = true,
                AutoScroll = true,
                EnableColumnMove = level == 1,

            //build columns
            grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new RowNumbererColumn { Width = 25 });
            if (level==1)
                grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Biaodanhao", Header = "表单号" });
                grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Type", Header = "单据类型" });
                grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Heji", Header = "合计" });
                grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Tijiao", Header = "提交时间" });
            else if(level == 2)
                if (dtype == "差旅费")
                    grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Type", Header = "费用类型", Resizable = false });
                    grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Heji", Header = "合计", Resizable = false });
                    grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Biaodanhao", Header = "公司预支", Resizable = false });
                    grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Type", Header = "单据类型", Resizable = false });
                    grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Heji", Header = "合计", Resizable = false });
            else if (level == 3)
                grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Heji", Header = "金额", Resizable = false });
                grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(new Column { DataIndex = "Heji", Header = "费用描述", Resizable = false });
            grid.ColumnModel.ID = newGridId + "_CM";

            // build view
            var view = new Ext.Net.GridView
                ID = newGridId + "_View",
                ForceFit = true

            // build selection model
            var sm = new RowSelectionModel { ID = newGridId + "_SM" };
            //if (level != 3 && dtype != "差旅费")
            //    sm.Listeners.BeforeRowSelect.Handler = "return false;";//合计类不允许选择
            RowExpander rem = new RowExpander();
            // add expander for all levels except last (last level is 5)
            if (level < 3 && dtype != "差旅费")
                view.Listeners.BeforeRefresh.Fn = "clean";
                var re = new RowExpander
                    ID = newGridId + "_RE",
                    EnableCaching = true,
                    Template = { ID = newGridId + "_TPL", Html = "<div id=\"row_{ID}\" style=\"background-color:white;\"></div>" }
                re.Listeners.BeforeExpand.Fn = "loadLevel";
                rem = re;

            store.DataSource = dt;

            if (level == 1)
                grid.Title = "可按住Ctrl以多选.";
                grid.Height = 400;
                grid.AutoHeight = false;
                grid.Border = false;
                Panel5.Html = "";
                //grid.Plugins.Add(new PanelResizer());
                var renderEl = "row_" + recId;
                X.Get(renderEl).SwallowEvent(new string[] { "click", "mousedown", "mouseup", "dblclick" }, true);

                this.RemoveFromCache(newGridId, gridId);
                if (level < 3)
                    grid.Listeners.ViewReady.Fn = "expangrid";
                    grid.Listeners.ViewReady.Single = true;
                grid.Render(renderEl, RenderMode.RenderTo);
                this.AddToCache(newGridId, gridId);
            //string gl = newGridId;
            //if (level == 3 || (level == 2 && dtype == "差旅费"))
            //    X.AddScript("var st=Hidden1.getValue();Hidden1.setValue(st+='" + gl + ",');");
            //    //X.AddScript("var st=TextField1.getValue();TextField1.setValue(st+='" + gl + ",');");
예제 #38
        private Store GetStore()
            Store store = new Store()
                    ID = "Store1"

            Model model = new Model()
                    Fields =
                        new ModelField("name"),
                        new ModelField("thumb"),
                        new ModelField("url"),
                        new ModelField("type")

            AjaxProxy proxy = new AjaxProxy()
                    Url = "~/Examples/DataView/Shared/sencha-touch-examples.json",
                    Reader =
                        new JsonReader()


            return store;
예제 #39
 public static void CargarLoteosEstado(Store str)
   StoreServices.CargaStore(str,()=>new bf_rl_loteosestados().GetData(new co_rl_loteosestados{activo = TiposBases.EstadoRegistro.ACT}),true,DateTime.Now.AddHours(12),"rl_loteosestados_cached");