public string treePanelMenuPageLoad(string pageid) { SspPageMenu mainPageMenu = pageMenuManager.GetByObjId(Convert.ToInt32(pageid)); IList <SspPageMenu> pageMenuList = pageMenuManager.GetMainPageMenuList(mainPageMenu.MenuLevel, mainPageMenu.MenuLevel.Length + 2); NodeCollection nodes = new Ext.Net.NodeCollection(); if (pageMenuList.Count > 0) { foreach (SspPageMenu pageMenu in pageMenuList) { if (pageMenuManager.GetMainPageMenuList(pageMenu.MenuLevel, pageMenu.MenuLevel.Length + 2).Count > 0) { Node node = new Node(); node.NodeID = pageMenu.ObjId.ToString(); node.Text = pageMenu.ShowName; node.Icon = Icon.FolderLink; node.Leaf = false; nodes.Add(node); } else { Node node = new Node(); node.NodeID = pageMenu.ObjId.ToString(); node.Text = pageMenu.ShowName; node.Icon = Icon.FolderLink; node.Leaf = true; nodes.Add(node); } } } return(nodes.ToJson()); }
public string GetNodes(string node) { NodeCollection nodes = new NodeCollection(false); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node)) { for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { Node asyncNode = new Node(); asyncNode.Text = node + i; asyncNode.NodeID = node + i; nodes.Add(asyncNode); } for (int i = 6; i < 11; i++) { Node treeNode = new Node(); treeNode.Text = node + i; treeNode.NodeID = node + i; treeNode.Leaf = true; nodes.Add(treeNode); } } return nodes.ToJson(); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/json"; string nodeId = context.Request["node"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeId)) { NodeCollection nodes = new NodeCollection(false); for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { Node asyncNode = new Node(); asyncNode.Text = nodeId + i; asyncNode.NodeID = nodeId + i; nodes.Add(asyncNode); } for (int i = 6; i < 11; i++) { Node node = new Node(); node.Text = nodeId + i; node.NodeID = nodeId + i; node.Leaf = true; nodes.Add(node); } context.Response.Write(nodes.ToJson()); context.Response.End(); } }
public string NodeLoad(string nodeID) { DataTable dt = BG_DepartmentLogic.GetAllBG_Department(AreaDepID); NodeCollection nodes = new Ext.Net.NodeCollection(); Node rootNode = new Node(); rootNode.Text = "部门管理"; rootNode.Icon = Icon.Folder; nodes.Add(rootNode); rootNode.Expanded = true; List <string> listdep = new List <string>(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string depname = dt.Rows[i]["DepName"].ToString(); string depid = dt.Rows[i]["DepID"].ToString(); listdep.Add(depname); Node node1 = new Node(); node1.NodeID = dt.Rows[i]["DepID"].ToString(); node1.Text = depname; node1.Icon = Icon.UserHome; int sedepid = common.IntSafeConvert((int)Session["depid"]); if (sedepid == common.IntSafeConvert(dt.Rows[i]["DepID"])) { node1.Expanded = true; } //node1.Leaf = true; rootNode.Children.Add(node1); DataTable dt1 = BG_UserLogic.GetDtUserByDepid(depid); if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < dt1.Rows.Count; j++) { Node node2 = new Node(); node2.NodeID = dt1.Rows[j]["UserID"].ToString() + "用户"; node2.Text = dt1.Rows[j]["UserName"].ToString(); node2.Icon = Icon.User; node2.Leaf = true; node1.Children.Add(node2); } } else { node1.EmptyChildren = true; } } } Session["sedep"] = listdep; return(nodes.ToJson()); }
public string BuildTree(int id) { object activeModule = _systemService.SessionHelper.Get("ActiveModule"); if (activeModule != null && activeModule.ToString() == id.ToString()) { return("Stop"); } //setting session and continue _systemService.SessionHelper.Set("ActiveModule", id); Ext.Net.NodeCollection nodes = null; nodes = TreeBuilder.Instance.BuildEmployeeDetailsTree(commonTree.Root); return(nodes.ToJson()); switch (id) { case 1: nodes = TreeBuilder.Instance.BuildEmployeeFilesTree(commonTree.Root); tabHome.Loader.Url = "Employees.aspx"; tabHome.Loader.LoadContent(); return(nodes.ToJson()); case 3: nodes = TreeBuilder.Instance.BuildCompanyStructureTree(commonTree.Root); tabHome.Loader.Url = "Departments.aspx"; tabHome.Loader.LoadContent(); return(nodes.ToJson()); case 4: nodes = TreeBuilder.Instance.BuildTimeManagementTree(commonTree.Root); tabHome.Loader.Url = "Dashboard.aspx"; tabHome.Loader.LoadContent(); return(nodes.ToJson()); default: nodes = TreeBuilder.Instance.BuildCaseManagementTree(commonTree.Root); return(nodes.ToJson()); } }
public string GenerarNodo(string strNodoID) { //1. Obtener las colonias del siguiente nivel List<Colonia> lColonias = ColoniaBusiness.ObtenerColoniasPorMunicipio(strNodoID); NodeCollection ncNivel = new NodeCollection(); //2. Armar el arbol de hijos foreach (Colonia col in lColonias) { Node nCol = new Node(); nCol.Text = col.Descripcion; nCol.NodeID = col.ID; nCol.Expanded = false; nCol.Expandable = false; ncNivel.Add(nCol); } //3. Regresar los nodos return ncNivel.ToJson(); }
public string NodeLoad(string storeID, string nodeID) { NodeCollection nodes = new Ext.Net.NodeCollection(); string parid = sspPageMenuManager.GetEntityList(new SspPageMenu() { ObjId = Convert.ToInt32(nodeID) })[0].MenuLevel; IList <SspPageMenu> lst = this.sspPageMenuManager.GetUserMenuPageList(this.Data.User.UserId, parid); foreach (SspPageMenu menu in lst) { nodes.Add(IniTreeNode(menu)); } if (lst.Count == 0) { Node treeNode = new Node(); treeNode.NodeID = "无相关菜单=" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); treeNode.Text = "无相关菜单"; treeNode.Leaf = true; nodes.Add(treeNode); } return(nodes.ToJson()); }
public string treePanelDeptLoad(string pageid) { IList <SsbDept> deptList = deptManager.GetEntityList(new SsbDept() { DeleteFlag = 0, ParentId = Convert.ToInt32(pageid) }, "OBJID ASC"); NodeCollection nodes = new Ext.Net.NodeCollection(); if (deptList.Count > 0) { foreach (SsbDept dept in deptList) { if (deptManager.GetEntityList(new SsbDept() { ParentId = dept.ObjId, DeleteFlag = 0 }).Count > 0) { Node node = new Node(); node.NodeID = dept.ObjId.ToString(); node.Text = dept.DeptName; node.Icon = Icon.Building; node.Leaf = false; nodes.Add(node); } else { Node node = new Node(); node.NodeID = dept.ObjId.ToString(); node.Text = dept.DeptName; node.Icon = Icon.BuildingGo; node.Leaf = true; nodes.Add(node); } } } return(nodes.ToJson()); }
public string NodeLoadBis(string nodeID) { NodeCollection nodes = new Ext.Net.NodeCollection(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeID)) { string _req = "select * from groupe where ssgroupeid=" + nodeID + " and clientid=" + this.getCurrentUser().getClientId(); SqlDataReader dr = Select(_req); IDictionary <string, string> listGroupe = new Dictionary <string, string>(); while (dr.Read()) { listGroupe.Add(dr[0].ToString(), dr[1].ToString()); } dr.Close(); int countgroupe = 0, countvehicule = 0; for (int i = 0; i < listGroupe.Count; i++) { Node asyncNode = new Node(); asyncNode.Text = listGroupe.ElementAt(i).Value; asyncNode.NodeID = listGroupe.ElementAt(i).Key; string _req11 = "select count(*) from groupe where ssgroupeid=" + listGroupe.ElementAt(i).Key + " and clientid=" + this.getCurrentUser().getClientId(); SqlDataReader dr11 = Select(_req11); if (dr11.Read()) { countgroupe = int.Parse(dr11[0].ToString()); } dr11.Close(); string _reqvehicule = "select count(*) from groupe_vehicule gv,vehicules v where gv.vehiculeid=v.vehiculeid and gv.actif='1' and groupeid=" + listGroupe.ElementAt(i).Key + " and gv.clientid=" + this.getCurrentUser().getClientId(); SqlDataReader drvehicule = Select(_reqvehicule); if (drvehicule.Read()) { countvehicule = int.Parse(drvehicule[0].ToString()); } drvehicule.Close(); if (countgroupe == 0 && countvehicule == 0) { asyncNode.EmptyChildren = true; } nodes.Add(asyncNode); } if (nodeID == racine) { string _req0 = "select vehiculeid,matricule,typevehiculeid from vehicules where actif='1' and clientid=" + this.getCurrentUser().getClientId() + " and vehiculeid not in (select vehiculeid from groupe_vehicule where actif='1' and clientid=" + this.getCurrentUser().getClientId() + ")"; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr0 = Select(_req0); while (dr0.Read()) { Node asyncNode1 = new Node(); asyncNode1.Text = dr0[1].ToString() + " <img src=\"../../Ressources/Images/backtest.png\""; asyncNode1.NodeID = dr0[0].ToString(); asyncNode1.Leaf = true; if (int.Parse(dr0[2].ToString()) == 1) { asyncNode1.IconCls = "V_Rouge"; } else if (int.Parse(dr0[2].ToString()) == 2) { asyncNode1.IconCls = "Cam_Rouge"; } asyncNode1.Checked = false; nodes.Add(asyncNode1); } dr0.Close(); } //string _req1 = "select v.vehiculeid,v.matricule,v.typevehiculeid from groupe_vehicule gv,vehicules v where gv.vehiculeid=v.vehiculeid and groupeid=" + nodeID + " and gv.actif='1' and v.actif='1' and gv.clientid=" + this.getCurrentUser().getClientId(); string _req1 = "select b.imei,v.matricule,v.typevehiculeid from groupe_vehicule gv,vehicules v ,boitier b, affectation_vehicule_boitier avb where v.vehiculeid=avb.vehiculeid and b.boitierid=avb.boitierid and gv.vehiculeid=v.vehiculeid and groupeid=" + nodeID + " and avb.actif='1' and gv.actif='1' and v.actif='1' and gv.clientid=" + this.getCurrentUser().getClientId(); System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr1 = Select(_req1); while (dr1.Read()) { Node asyncNode1 = new Node(); asyncNode1.Text = dr1[1].ToString() + " <img src=\"../../Ressources/Images/backtest.png\""; asyncNode1.NodeID = dr1[0].ToString(); asyncNode1.Leaf = true; if (int.Parse(dr1[2].ToString()) == 1) { asyncNode1.IconCls = "V_Rouge"; } else if (int.Parse(dr1[2].ToString()) == 2) { asyncNode1.IconCls = "Cam_Rouge"; } asyncNode1.Checked = false; nodes.Add(asyncNode1); } dr1.Close(); } else { } return(nodes.ToJson()); }
public string NodeLoad(string nodeID) { NodeCollection nodes = new Ext.Net.NodeCollection(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeID)) { // récupérer l'id de l'uilisateur // requete sql qui me retourne tous les vehicule et tous les groupes liés à cet id et que l'utilisateur a le droit de consulter String _reqGrp = "select g.groupeid, g.libelle from groupe g inner join Groupe_Profil gp on gp.groupeid = g.groupeid and gp.actif = '1' inner join profil p on p.profilid = gp.profilid and p.actif = '1' inner join profil_user pu on pu.actif = '1' and pu.profilid = p.profilid where g.ssgroupeid = " + nodeID + "and g.clientid = " + this.getCurrentUser().getClientId() + " and g.actif = '1' and pu.utilisateurid = " + this.getCurrentUser().getUserId() + " group by g.groupeid, g.libelle"; SqlDataReader drG = Select(_reqGrp); // construction du Json nodes IDictionary <string, string> listGroupe = new Dictionary <string, string>(); while (drG.Read()) { listGroupe.Add(drG[0].ToString(), drG[1].ToString()); } drG.Close(); for (int i = 0; i < listGroupe.Count; i++) { Node asyncNode = new Node(); asyncNode.Text = listGroupe.ElementAt(i).Value; asyncNode.NodeID = listGroupe.ElementAt(i).Key; nodes.Add(asyncNode); } //string _reqVeh = "select * from (select aff.* from (select v.vehiculeid, v.matricule, v.typevehiculeid , , isnull(gv.groupeid, 1) as groupeid from vehicules v left outer join groupe_vehicule gv on gv.vehiculeid = v.vehiculeid and gv.actif = '1' inner join affectation_vehicule_boitier abv on abv.vehiculeid=v.vehiculeid inner join boitier b on b.boitierid=abv.boitierid inner join Datatracker d on d.imei=b.imei where v.clientid = " + this.getCurrentUser().getClientId() + " and v.actif = '1' )aff union select v.vehiculeid, v.matricule, v.typevehiculeid , , 1 as groupeid from vehicules v inner join profil_vehicule pv on pv.vehiculeid = v.vehiculeid and pv.actif = '1' inner join profil p on p.profilid = pv.profilid and p.actif ='1' inner join affectation_vehicule_boitier abv on abv.vehiculeid=v.vehiculeid inner join boitier b on b.boitierid=abv.boitierid inner join Datatracker d on d.imei=b.imei inner join profil_user pu on pu.actif = '1' and pu.profilid = p.profilid where pu.utilisateurid = " + this.getCurrentUser().getUserId() + " and v.clientid = " + this.getCurrentUser().getClientId() + " and v.actif = '1') aff2 where groupeid =" + nodeID; //SqlDataReader drV = Select(_reqVeh); string _reqVeh = " select * from (select *, (select top 1 contact from Datatracker where imei = aff2.imei order by datatrackerid desc) as dernier_contact ,(select top 1 signialGPS from Datatracker where imei = aff2.imei order by datatrackerid desc) as signal from (select aff.* from " + "(select v.vehiculeid, v.matricule, v.typevehiculeid , isnull(gv.groupeid, 1) as groupeid , b.imei" + " from vehicules v" + " left outer join groupe_vehicule gv on gv.vehiculeid = v.vehiculeid and gv.actif = '1'" + " inner join affectation_vehicule_boitier abv on abv.vehiculeid=v.vehiculeid " + " inner join boitier b on b.boitierid=abv.boitierid" + " where v.clientid = " + this.getCurrentUser().getClientId() + " and v.actif = '1' )aff " + " union " + " select v.vehiculeid, v.matricule, v.typevehiculeid ,1 as groupeid , b.imei from vehicules v inner join profil_vehicule pv on pv.vehiculeid = v.vehiculeid and pv.actif = '1' inner join profil p on p.profilid = pv.profilid and p.actif ='1' inner join affectation_vehicule_boitier abv on abv.vehiculeid=v.vehiculeid inner join boitier b on b.boitierid=abv.boitierid inner join profil_user pu on pu.actif = '1' and pu.profilid = p.profilid where pu.utilisateurid = " + this.getCurrentUser().getUserId() + " and v.clientid = " + this.getCurrentUser().getClientId() + " and v.actif = '1' ) aff2 where groupeid =" + nodeID + ")t where t.dernier_contact is not null"; SqlDataReader drV = Select(_reqVeh); while (drV.Read()) { Node asyncNode1 = new Node(); if ((int)drV[5] == 0) { if ((int)drV[6] < 10) { asyncNode1.Text = drV[1].ToString() + " <img src=\"../../Ressources/Images/OFFimg1.png\""; } else if ((int)drV[6] < 80) { asyncNode1.Text = drV[1].ToString() + " <img src=\"../../Ressources/Images/OFFimg2.png\""; } else { asyncNode1.Text = drV[1].ToString() + " <img src=\"../../Ressources/Images/OFFimg3.png\""; } } else { if ((int)drV[6] < 10) { asyncNode1.Text = drV[1].ToString() + " <img src=\"../../Ressources/Images/ONimg1.png\""; } else if ((int)drV[6] < 80) { asyncNode1.Text = drV[1].ToString() + " <img src=\"../../Ressources/Images/ONimg2.png\""; } else { asyncNode1.Text = drV[1].ToString() + " <img src=\"../../Ressources/Images/ONimg3.png\""; } } asyncNode1.NodeID = drV[0].ToString(); asyncNode1.Leaf = true; if (int.Parse(drV[2].ToString()) == 1) { asyncNode1.IconCls = "camioncls"; } else if (int.Parse(drV[2].ToString()) == 2) { asyncNode1.IconCls = "voiturecls"; } asyncNode1.Checked = false; nodes.Add(asyncNode1); } drV.Close(); } else { } return(nodes.ToJson()); }
public string RefreshMenu() { Ext.Net.NodeCollection nodes = this.BuildTree(null); return(nodes.ToJson()); }
public string NodeLoad(string nodeID) { DataTable dt = BG_DepartmentLogic.GetAllBG_Department(AreaDepID); NodeCollection nodes = new Ext.Net.NodeCollection(); Node rootNode = new Node(); rootNode.Text = "部门管理"; rootNode.Icon = Icon.Folder; nodes.Add(rootNode); rootNode.Expanded = true; List<string> listdep = new List<string>(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string depname = dt.Rows[i]["DepName"].ToString(); string depid = dt.Rows[i]["DepID"].ToString(); listdep.Add(depname); Node node1 = new Node(); node1.NodeID = dt.Rows[i]["DepID"].ToString(); node1.Text = depname; node1.Icon = Icon.UserHome; int sedepid = common.IntSafeConvert((int)Session["depid"]); if (sedepid == common.IntSafeConvert(dt.Rows[i]["DepID"])) { node1.Expanded = true; } //node1.Leaf = true; rootNode.Children.Add(node1); DataTable dt1 = BG_UserLogic.GetDtUserByDepid(depid); if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < dt1.Rows.Count; j++) { Node node2 = new Node(); node2.NodeID = dt1.Rows[j]["UserID"].ToString()+"用户"; node2.Text = dt1.Rows[j]["UserName"].ToString(); node2.Icon = Icon.User; node2.Leaf = true; node1.Children.Add(node2); } } else { node1.EmptyChildren = true; } } } Session["sedep"] = listdep; return nodes.ToJson(); }
public string NodeLoad(string NodeID) { if (!ISNode(NodeID)) { return "failure"; } NodeCollection nodes = new NodeCollection(); int tem = 1; int nodeID = common.IntSafeConvert(NodeID); string Financial_allocation = "财政拨款"; string Other_funds = "其他资金"; string BasicIncome = "基本支出"; string ProjectIncome = "项目支出"; Node rootNode = new Node(); Node nodeO = new Node(); Node nodeF = new Node(); Node nodeFB = new Node(); Node nodeFP = new Node(); Node nodeOB = new Node(); Node nodeOP = new Node(); //if (NodeID == "root") //{ // rootNode.Text = "经济科目"; // rootNode.NodeID = "PA"; // rootNode.Icon = Icon.Folder; // nodes.Add(rootNode); // rootNode.Expanded = true; //} //else if (NodeID == "PA") //{ // if (SingleNode(NodeID) == 2) // { // nodeF.NodeID = "nodeF"; // nodeF.Text = Financial_allocation; // nodeF.Icon = Icon.Folder; // nodes.Add(nodeF); // nodeF.Expanded = true; // } // //else if (SingleNode(NodeID) == 1) // //{ // // nodeO.NodeID = "nodeO"; // // nodeO.Text = Other_funds; // // nodeO.Icon = Icon.Folder; // // nodes.Add(nodeO); // // nodeO.Expanded = true; // //} // else if (SingleNode(NodeID) == 3) // { // nodeF.NodeID = "nodeF"; // nodeF.Text = Financial_allocation; // nodeF.Icon = Icon.Folder; // nodes.Add(nodeF); // //nodeO.NodeID = "nodeO"; // //nodeO.Text = Other_funds; // //nodeO.Icon = Icon.Folder; // //nodes.Add(nodeO); // //nodeO.Expanded = true; // nodeF.Expanded = true; // } //} //else if (NodeID == "nodeF") //{ // //if (SingleNode(NodeID) == 21) // //{ // // nodeFB.NodeID = "nodeFB"; // // nodeFB.Text = BasicIncome; // // nodeFB.Icon = Icon.Folder; // // nodes.Add(nodeFB); // // nodeFB.Expanded = true; // //} // //else if (SingleNode(NodeID) == 22) // //{ // // nodeFP.NodeID = "nodeFP"; // // nodeFP.Text = ProjectIncome; // // nodeFP.Icon = Icon.Folder; // // nodes.Add(nodeFP); // // nodeFP.Expanded = true; // //} // //else if (SingleNode(NodeID) == 23) // //{ // // nodeFB.NodeID = "nodeFB"; // // nodeFB.Text = BasicIncome; // // nodeFB.Icon = Icon.Folder; // // nodes.Add(nodeFB); // // nodeFP.NodeID = "nodeFP"; // // nodeFP.Text = ProjectIncome; // // nodeFP.Icon = Icon.Folder; // // nodes.Add(nodeFP); // // nodeFB.Expanded = true; // // nodeFP.Expanded = true; // //} // nodeFB.NodeID = "nodeFB"; // nodeFB.Text = BasicIncome; // nodeFB.Icon = Icon.Folder; // nodes.Add(nodeFB); // nodeFB.Expanded = true; //} //else if (NodeID == "nodeO") //{ // if (SingleNode(NodeID) == 11) // { // nodeOB.NodeID = "nodeOB"; // nodeOB.Text = BasicIncome; // nodeOB.Icon = Icon.Folder; // nodes.Add(nodeOB); // nodeOB.Expanded = true; // } // else if (SingleNode(NodeID) == 12) // { // nodeOP.NodeID = "nodeOP"; // nodeOP.Text = ProjectIncome; // nodeOP.Icon = Icon.Folder; // nodes.Add(nodeOP); // nodeOP.Expanded = true; // } // else if (SingleNode(NodeID) == 13) // { // nodeOB.NodeID = "nodeOB"; // nodeOB.Text = BasicIncome; // nodeOB.Icon = Icon.Folder; // nodes.Add(nodeOB); // nodeOP.NodeID = "nodeOP"; // nodeOP.Text = ProjectIncome; // nodeOP.Icon = Icon.Folder; // nodes.Add(nodeOP); // nodeOB.Expanded = true; // nodeOP.Expanded = true; // } //} if (NodeID == "root") { SetNode(tem, Financial_allocation, BasicIncome, nodes); } //else if (NodeID == "nodeFP") //{ // SetNode(tem, Financial_allocation, ProjectIncome, nodes); //} //else if (NodeID == "nodeOB") //{ // SetNode(tem, Other_funds, BasicIncome, nodes); //} //else if (NodeID == "nodeOP") //{ // SetNode(tem, Other_funds, ProjectIncome, nodes); //} if (nodeID >= 1000) { SetNode(nodeID, nodes); } Session["Slist"] = HidSlist.Text; return nodes.ToJson(); }
public string BuildTree(int id) { object activeModule = _systemService.SessionHelper.Get("ActiveModule"); if (activeModule != null && activeModule.ToString() == id.ToString()) { return("Stop"); } //setting session and continue _systemService.SessionHelper.Set("ActiveModule", id); Ext.Net.NodeCollection nodes = null; switch (id) { case 1: nodes = TreeBuilder.Instance.BuildEmployeeFilesTree(commonTree.Root); tabHome.Loader.Url = "Dashboard.aspx"; tabHome.Loader.LoadContent(); return(nodes.ToJson()); case 3: nodes = TreeBuilder.Instance.BuildCompanyStructureTree(commonTree.Root); tabHome.Loader.Url = "Dashboard.aspx"; tabHome.Loader.LoadContent(); return(nodes.ToJson()); case 4: nodes = TreeBuilder.Instance.BuildTimeManagementTree(commonTree.Root); tabHome.Loader.Url = "Dashboard.aspx"; tabHome.Loader.LoadContent(); return(nodes.ToJson()); case 5: nodes = TreeBuilder.Instance.BuildReportsTree(commonTree.Root); tabHome.Loader.Url = "Dashboard.aspx"; tabHome.Loader.LoadContent(); return(nodes.ToJson()); case 6: nodes = TreeBuilder.Instance.BuildPayrollTree(commonTree.Root); tabHome.Loader.Url = "Dashboard.aspx"; tabHome.Loader.LoadContent(); return(nodes.ToJson()); case 7: nodes = TreeBuilder.Instance.BuildSelftService(commonTree.Root); if (_systemService.SessionHelper.GetUserType() != 4) { tabHome.Loader.Url = "Dashboard.aspx"; } else { ClassPermissionRecordRequest classReq = new ClassPermissionRecordRequest(); classReq.ClassId = "81101"; classReq.UserId = _systemService.SessionHelper.GetCurrentUserId(); RecordResponse <ModuleClass> modClass = _accessControlService.ChildGetRecord <ModuleClass>(classReq); if (modClass.result.accessLevel == 0) { tabHome.Loader.Url = "BlankPage.aspx"; } else { tabHome.Loader.Url = "Dashboard.aspx"; } } tabHome.Loader.LoadContent(); return(nodes.ToJson()); case 8: nodes = TreeBuilder.Instance.BuildAdminTemplates(commonTree.Root); tabHome.Loader.Url = "Dashboard.aspx"; tabHome.Loader.LoadContent(); return(nodes.ToJson()); case 9: nodes = TreeBuilder.Instance.BuildAdminTemplates(commonTree.Root); tabHome.Loader.Url = "Dashboard.aspx"; tabHome.Loader.LoadContent(); return(nodes.ToJson()); default: nodes = TreeBuilder.Instance.BuildCaseManagementTree(commonTree.Root); return(nodes.ToJson()); } }