internal void FireAsyncEvent(string eventName, ParameterCollection extraParams) { ComponentDirectEvents directevents = this.GetDirectEvents(); if (directevents == null) { throw new HttpException("The control has no DirectEvents"); } PropertyInfo eventListenerInfo = directevents.GetType().GetProperty(eventName); if (eventListenerInfo.PropertyType != typeof(ComponentDirectEvent)) { throw new HttpException("The control '{1}' does not have an DirectEvent with the name '{0}'".FormatWith(eventName, this.ClientID)); } ComponentDirectEvent directevent = eventListenerInfo.GetValue(directevents, null) as ComponentDirectEvent; if (directevent == null || directevent.IsDefault) { throw new HttpException("The control '{1}' does not have an DirectEvent with the name '{0}' or the handler is absent".FormatWith(eventName, this.ClientID)); } DirectEventArgs e = new DirectEventArgs(extraParams); directevent.Owner = this; directevent.OnEvent(e); }
public DirectEventTriplet(string name, ComponentDirectEvent directEvent, ConfigOptionAttribute attribute, PropertyInfo propertyInfo) { = name; this.directEvent = directEvent; this.attribute = attribute; this.propertyInfo = propertyInfo; }
public override void LoadViewState(object state) { object[] states = state as object[]; ResourceManager rm = this.ResourceManager; if (rm != null && !rm.ManageEventsViewState) { base.LoadViewState(state); } if (states != null) { foreach (Pair pair in states) { string directEventName = (string)pair.First; object directEventState = pair.Second; if (directEventName == "base") { base.LoadViewState(directEventState); } else { PropertyInfo property = this.GetType().GetProperty(directEventName); if (property == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't find the property '{0}'".FormatWith(directEventName)); } ComponentDirectEvent componentDirectEvent = (ComponentDirectEvent)property.GetValue(this, null); if (componentDirectEvent != null) { componentDirectEvent.LoadViewState(directEventState); } } } } else { base.LoadViewState(state); } }
public override void WriteJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer) { if (value != null && value is ComponentDirectEvent) { ComponentDirectEvent directEvent = (ComponentDirectEvent)value; if (!directEvent.IsDefault) { Control owner = null; MessageBusDirectEvent busEvent = directEvent as MessageBusDirectEvent; if (this.Owner is BaseItem) { owner = ((BaseItem)this.Owner).Owner; } else if (this.Owner is Control) { owner = (Control)this.Owner; } directEvent.Owner = owner; directEvent.ExtraParams.Owner = owner; foreach (Parameter param in directEvent.ExtraParams) { param.Owner = owner; } string configObject = new ClientConfig().SerializeInternal(directEvent, directEvent.Owner); StringBuilder cfgObj = new StringBuilder(configObject.Length + 64); cfgObj.Append(configObject); cfgObj.Remove(cfgObj.Length - 1, 1); cfgObj.AppendFormat("{0}control:this", configObject.Length > 2 ? "," : ""); if (busEvent != null) { cfgObj.Append(",eventType:'bus'"); } if (this.PropertyName != "Click") { cfgObj.AppendFormat(",action:'{0}:'+name", busEvent != null ? busEvent.Name : this.PropertyName); } cfgObj.Append("}"); if (this.PropertyName.IsNotEmpty()) { directEvent.SetArgumentList(this.Owner.GetType().GetProperty(this.PropertyName)); } JFunction jFunction = new JFunction("".ConcatWith(cfgObj.ToString(), ");"), directEvent.ArgumentList.ToArray()); HandlerConfig cfg = directEvent.GetListenerConfig(); string scope = directEvent.Scope.IsEmpty() || directEvent.Scope == "this" ? "" : directEvent.Scope; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("{"); sb.Append("fn:").Append(jFunction.ToScript()).Append(","); if (scope.Length > 0) { sb.Append("scope:").Append(scope).Append(","); } if (busEvent != null) { if (busEvent.Bus.IsNotEmpty()) { sb.Append("bus:'").Append(busEvent.Bus).Append("',"); } if (busEvent.Name.IsNotEmpty()) { sb.Append("name:'").Append(busEvent.Name).Append("',"); } } string cfgStr = cfg.Serialize(); if (cfgStr != "{}") { sb.Append(cfgStr.Chop()); } if (sb[sb.Length - 1] == ',') { sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1); } sb.Append("}"); writer.WriteRawValue(sb.ToString()); return; } } writer.WriteRawValue("{}"); }
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer) { if (value != null && value is ComponentDirectEvent) { ComponentDirectEvent directEvent = (ComponentDirectEvent)value; if (!directEvent.IsDefault) { Control owner = null; if (this.Owner is StateManagedItem) { owner = ((StateManagedItem)this.Owner).Owner; } else if (this.Owner is Control) { owner = (Control)this.Owner; } directEvent.Owner = owner; directEvent.ExtraParams.Owner = owner; foreach (Parameter param in directEvent.ExtraParams) { param.Owner = owner; } string configObject = new ClientConfig().SerializeInternal(directEvent, directEvent.Owner); StringBuilder cfgObj = new StringBuilder(configObject.Length + 64); cfgObj.Append(configObject); cfgObj.Remove(cfgObj.Length - 1, 1); cfgObj.AppendFormat("{0}control:this", configObject.Length > 2 ? "," : ""); if (this.PropertyName != "Click") { cfgObj.AppendFormat(",action:'{0}'", this.PropertyName); } cfgObj.Append("}"); directEvent.SetArgumentList(this.Owner.GetType().GetProperty(this.PropertyName)); JFunction jFunction = new JFunction("var params=arguments;".ConcatWith(cfgObj.ToString(), ");"), directEvent.ArgumentList.ToArray()); HandlerConfig cfg = directEvent.GetListenerConfig(); string scope = directEvent.Scope.IsEmpty() || directEvent.Scope == "this" ? "" : directEvent.Scope; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("{"); sb.Append("fn:").Append(jFunction.ToScript()).Append(","); if (scope.Length > 0) { sb.Append("scope:").Append(scope).Append(","); } string cfgStr = cfg.ToJsonString(); if (cfgStr != "{}") { sb.Append(cfgStr.Chop()); } if (sb[sb.Length - 1] == ',') { sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1); } sb.Append("}"); writer.WriteRawValue(sb.ToString()); return; } } writer.WriteRawValue("{}"); }
private void __BuildControl__control20(ComponentDirectEvent __ctrl) { this.__BuildControl__control21(__ctrl.EventMask); __ctrl.Event -= btnLogin_DirectClick; __ctrl.Event += btnLogin_DirectClick; }