public void DDB() { DataTable TTB; string TTstations = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select stations from StationRole where UserID='" + Request.QueryString["Uid"].ToString() + "'"); string Nct = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select top 1 admin from StationRole where UserID='" + Session["UserID"].ToString() + "'").ToString(); if (Nct == "1") { DataSet ds = DIMERCO.SDK.Utilities.LSDK.getStationHierarchy(); //SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=;Initial Catalog=ReSM;User ID=sa;Password=dim1rc0@"); //SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("select distinct StationCode from SMStation order by StationCode", cn); //DataSet ds = new DataSet(); //da.Fill(ds); TTB = ds.Tables[0]; } else { string Tstations = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select stations from StationRole where UserID='" + Session["UserID"] + "'"); DataTable Dt = new DataTable(); Dt.Columns.Add("StationCode"); string[] Sp = Tstations.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < Sp.Length; i++) { if (Sp[i].ToString().Trim() != "") { DataRow newDr = Dt.NewRow(); newDr["StationCode"] = Sp[i].ToString(); Dt.Rows.Add(newDr); } } TTB = Dt; } DataTable drnw = new DataTable(); TTB.DefaultView.Sort = "StationCode ASC"; drnw = TTB.DefaultView.ToTable(); for (int i = 0; i < drnw.Rows.Count; i++) { Ext.Net.Checkbox C1 = new Ext.Net.Checkbox(); C1.ID = drnw.Rows[i]["StationCode"].ToString(); C1.BoxLabel = drnw.Rows[i]["StationCode"].ToString(); if (TTstations.Contains(drnw.Rows[i]["StationCode"].ToString() + ",")) { C1.Checked = true; } ChkGrp.Items.Add(C1); } }
public void ShowDialog(int id) { ContentItem contentItem = Engine.Persister.Get(id); var window = new Window { ID = "pageCachingSettings", Title = @"Page Caching Settings", Width = 500, Height = 300, Layout = "fit", Modal = true }; var formPanel = new FormPanel { Padding = 5 }; var formLayout = new FormLayout(); formPanel.ContentControls.Add(formLayout); window.Items.Add(formPanel); var chkEnableCache = new Checkbox { ID = "chkEnableCache", FieldLabel = @"Enable page cache?", LabelSeparator = "", Checked = contentItem.GetPageCachingEnabled() }; formLayout.Anchors.Add(new Anchor(chkEnableCache)); var tmeCacheDuration = new TimeField { ID = "tmeCacheDuration", FieldLabel = @"Cache duration", Width = 80, SelectedTime = contentItem.GetPageCachingDuration() }; formLayout.Anchors.Add(new Anchor(tmeCacheDuration)); Button btnSave = new Button { Text = @"Save" }; window.Buttons.Add(btnSave); btnSave.Listeners.Click.Handler = string.Format( "stbStatusBar.showBusy();{0}, Ext.getCmp('{1}').getValue(), Ext.getCmp('{2}').getValue(), {{ url: '{4}', success: function() {{ stbStatusBar.setStatus({{ text: 'Saved page caching settings', iconCls: '', clear: true }}); }} }}); {3}.close();", id, chkEnableCache.ClientID, tmeCacheDuration.ClientID, window.ClientID, Engine.AdminManager.GetAdminDefaultUrl()); Button btnCancel = new Button { Text = @"Cancel" }; window.Buttons.Add(btnCancel); btnCancel.Listeners.Click.Handler = string.Format("{0}.close();", window.ClientID); window.Render(pnlContainer, RenderMode.RenderTo); }
public void DDB() { DataSet Mds = dbs.GetSqlDataSet("select id,ModuleName from ModuleManage"); for (int i = 0; i < Mds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { Ext.Net.Checkbox C1 = new Ext.Net.Checkbox(); C1.ID = Mds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ID"].ToString(); C1.BoxLabel = Mds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ModuleName"].ToString(); int Tct = int.Parse(dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select count(*) from StationRole where UserID='" + Request.QueryString["Uid"].ToString() + "' and charindex('," + Mds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + ",',ModuleID)>0")); if (Tct > 0) { C1.Checked = true; } ChkGrp.Items.Add(C1); } }
public override string XGetDesignTimeHtml() { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); HtmlTextWriter htmlWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(writer); Checkbox c = (Checkbox)this.Control; object[] args = new object[7]; args[0] = c.ClientID; args[1] = c.Checked.ToString().ToLower(); args[5] = c.StyleSpec; args[6] = "x-form-checkbox x-form-field " + c.ClearCls; LiteralControl ctrl = new LiteralControl(string.Format(this.Html, args)); ctrl.RenderControl(htmlWriter); return(writer.ToString()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!X.IsAjaxRequest) { if (!IsPostBack) { SelectSoftType.SelectedItem.Value = "1"; isSearch.Text = "1"; platChecksGroup.Items.Clear(); foreach (MobileOption platform in new MobileOption[] { MobileOption.iPhone, MobileOption.Android, MobileOption.IPAD }) { var check = new Ext.Net.Checkbox(false, platform.ToString()); check.RawValue = (int)platform; check.Checked = false; check.ID = "plat_" + (int)platform; check.Width = 90; platChecksGroup.Items.Add(check); } btnSave.Disabled = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public Checkbox.Builder Checkbox(Checkbox component) { return(new Checkbox.Builder(component)); }
/// <summary> /// Lấy fieldname và giá trị /// </summary> /// <param name="control"></param> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string GetFieldName(Ext.Net.Component control, ref object value) { switch (control.ToString()) { case "Ext.Net.TextField": Ext.Net.TextField txtControl = (Ext.Net.TextField)control; value = txtControl.Text; if (!txtControl.ID.Contains("_")) { return(""); } else { return(txtControl.ID.Substring(txtControl.ID.IndexOf("_") + 1)); } case "Ext.Net.Hidden": Ext.Net.Hidden hdfControl = (Ext.Net.Hidden)control; value = hdfControl.Text; if (!hdfControl.ID.Contains("_")) { return(""); } else { return(hdfControl.ID.Substring(hdfControl.ID.IndexOf("_") + 1)); } case "Ext.Net.Checkbox": Ext.Net.Checkbox chk = (Ext.Net.Checkbox)control; value = chk.Checked == true ? 1 : 0; if (!chk.ID.Contains("_")) { return(""); } else { return(chk.ID.Substring(chk.ID.IndexOf("_") + 1)); } case "Ext.Net.DateField": Ext.Net.DateField dfDate = (Ext.Net.DateField)control; if (!SoftCore.Util.GetInstance().IsDateNull(dfDate.SelectedDate)) { value = dfDate.SelectedDate.Month + "/" + dfDate.SelectedDate.Day + "/" + dfDate.SelectedDate.Year; } else { value = ""; } if (!dfDate.ID.Contains("_")) { return(""); } else { return(dfDate.ID.Substring(dfDate.ID.IndexOf("_") + 1)); } case "Ext.Net.NumberField": Ext.Net.NumberField nbf = (Ext.Net.NumberField)control; value = nbf.Text; if (!nbf.ID.Contains("_")) { return(""); } else { return(nbf.ID.Substring(nbf.ID.IndexOf("_") + 1)); } case "Ext.Net.ComboBox": Ext.Net.ComboBox cbBox = (Ext.Net.ComboBox)control; value = cbBox.SelectedItem.Value; if (!cbBox.ID.Contains("_")) { return(""); } else { return(cbBox.ID.Substring(cbBox.ID.IndexOf("_") + 1)); } case "Ext.Net.SpinnerField": Ext.Net.SpinnerField spinnerField = (Ext.Net.SpinnerField)control; value = spinnerField.Text; if (!spinnerField.ID.Contains("_")) { return(""); } else { return(spinnerField.ID.Substring(spinnerField.ID.IndexOf("_") + 1)); } case "Ext.Net.TextArea": Ext.Net.TextArea txtArea = (Ext.Net.TextArea)control; value = txtArea.Text; if (!txtArea.ID.Contains("_")) { return(""); } else { return(txtArea.ID.Substring(txtArea.ID.IndexOf("_") + 1)); } case "Ext.Net.Container": Ext.Net.Container cContainer = (Ext.Net.Container)control; GetChildControl(cContainer); break; case "Ext.Net.FieldSet": Ext.Net.FieldSet fieldSet = (Ext.Net.FieldSet)control; GetChildControl(fieldSet); break; case "Ext.Net.HtmlEditor": Ext.Net.HtmlEditor htmlEditor = (Ext.Net.HtmlEditor)control; value = htmlEditor.Text; if (!htmlEditor.ID.Contains("_")) { return(""); } else { return(htmlEditor.ID.Substring(htmlEditor.ID.IndexOf("_") + 1)); } } return(""); }
private void InitComponents() { #region Header #region Button btnSave = new Button { ID = "btnSave", Icon = Icon.Disk, Text = "Save", ToolTip = "Save" }; btnPost = new Button { ID = "btnPost", Icon = Icon.PackageAdd, Text = "Post Receive", ToolTip = "Post Receive" }; topBar = new Toolbar { ID = "topBar", Items = { btnSave, btnPost } }; #endregion Button #region Fields txtKey = new Hidden { DataIndex = "Key", Name = "Key", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Key", ID = "Key" }; txtNo = new TextField { LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "No.", DataIndex = "No", Name = "No", ID = "txtNo", ReadOnly = true }; txtBuy_from_Vendor_No = new TextField { LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Buy-from Vendor No.", DataIndex = "Buy_from_Vendor_No", Name = "Buy_from_Vendor_No", ID = "txtBuy_from_Vendor_No", ReadOnly = true }; txtBuy_from_Vendor_Name = new TextField { LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Buy-from Vendor Name", DataIndex = "Buy_from_Vendor_Name", Name = "Buy_from_Vendor_Name", ID = "txtBuy_from_Vendor_Name", ReadOnly = true }; txtOrder_Date = new DateField { LabelWidth = 150, FieldLabel = "Order Date", Anchor = "100%", Format = "dd/MM/yyyy", SubmitFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy", DataIndex = "Order_Date", Name = " Order_Date", SelectOnFocus = true, ID = "txtOrder_Date", ReadOnly = true }; txtDocument_Date = new DateField { LabelWidth = 150, FieldLabel = "Document Date", Anchor = "100%", Format = "dd/MM/yyyy", SubmitFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy", DataIndex = "Document_Date", Name = " Document_Date", SelectOnFocus = true, ID = "txtDocument_Date", ReadOnly = true }; txtPosting_Date = new DateField { LabelWidth = 150, FieldLabel = "Posting Date", Anchor = "100%", Format = "dd/MM/yyyy", SubmitFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy", DataIndex = "Posting_Date", Name = " Posting_Date", SelectOnFocus = true, ID = "txtPosting_Date", AllowBlank = false, MsgTarget = MessageTarget.Side }; txtVietnamese_Desc = new TextField { LabelWidth = 150, FieldLabel = "Vietnamese Description", Anchor = "100%", DataIndex = "Vietnamese_Description", Name = " Vietnamese_Description", SelectOnFocus = true, ID = "txtVietnamese_Desc", AllowBlank = false, MsgTarget = MessageTarget.Side }; txtVAT_Desc = new TextField { LabelWidth = 150, FieldLabel = "VAT Description", Anchor = "100%", DataIndex = "VAT_Description", Name = " VAT_Description", SelectOnFocus = true, ID = "txtVAT_Desc", AllowBlank = false, MsgTarget = MessageTarget.Side }; cboReceive = new Checkbox { LabelWidth = 150, FieldLabel = "Receive", Anchor = "100%", DataIndex = "Receive", Name = " Receive", ID = "cboReceive" }; #endregion Fields #region FormPanel frmHeader = new FormPanel { //Margins = "10 10 0 10", Region = Region.North, Icon = Ext.Net.Icon.ApplicationForm, Title = "General", Border = true, CollapseMode = CollapseMode.Header, Collapsible = true, ID = "frmHeader", TrackResetOnLoad = true, Layout = "Hbox", Items = { new Panel { Layout = "Anchor", Flex = 1, BodyPaddingSummary = "10 10 0 10", Border = false, Items = { txtKey, txtNo, txtBuy_from_Vendor_No, txtBuy_from_Vendor_Name, txtOrder_Date } }, new Panel { Layout = "Anchor", Flex = 1, BodyPaddingSummary = "10 10 0 10", Border = false, Items = { txtPosting_Date, txtVietnamese_Desc, txtVAT_Desc, cboReceive } } } }; #endregion FormPanel #endregion Header #region Line #region GridLine dataTemplateLine = BuilDataTemplateLine(); grdLine = new GridPanelEditBase { ID = "grdLine", Border = false, TitleAlign = Ext.Net.TitleAlign.Center, ProxyUrl = @"..//..//..//..//PurchaseOrder//SvcPurchaseOrder.asmx/GetPOLine", DocumentType = "", DocumentNo = DocumentNo, CurCompany = GlobalVariable.CompanyName, SCOPE = this.SCOPE, DataTemplate = dataTemplateLine, }; #endregion GridLine #region pnlLine pnlLine = new Panel { ID = "pnlLine", Region = Ext.Net.Region.Center, Layout = "Fit", Icon = Ext.Net.Icon.Group, Title = "Lines", Border = true, //Margins = "10 10 5 10", Split = true, Items = { grdLine } }; #endregion pnlLine #endregion Line #region Windows this.ID = "winCard"; this.Maximizable = false; this.Minimizable = false; this.CloseAction = CloseAction.Destroy; this.Icon = Icon.ApplicationEdit; this.TopBar.Add(topBar); this.Layout = "Border"; this.Items.AddRange(new ItemsCollection <Ext.Net.AbstractComponent> { this.frmHeader, this.pnlLine }); #endregion Windows }
private string _Get_Column_Value(string[] sel, DataRow selrow) { string rtn_str = ""; for (int i = 1; i < sel.Length; i++) { string colName = sel[i]; if (colName.Equals("info_date")) { rtn_str = selrow[colName].ToString() + "、"; } if (colName.Equals("section")) { rtn_str = selrow[colName].ToString() + "、"; } if (colName.Equals("bed_no")) { rtn_str = selrow[colName].ToString() + "、"; } else { switch (colName.Substring(0, 3)) { case "dat": rtn_str += selrow[colName].ToString() + "、"; break; case "txt": rtn_str += selrow[colName].ToString() + "、"; break; case "are": rtn_str += selrow[colName].ToString() + "、"; break; case "num": rtn_str += selrow[colName].ToString() + "、"; break; case "cbo": break; case "opt": string optVal = selrow[colName].ToString(); string optsel = colName + "_" + optVal.ToString(); if (_haTable.ContainsKey(optsel)) { Ext.Net.Radio radio = (Ext.Net.Radio)_objTable[optsel]; rtn_str += radio.BoxLabel + "、"; } break; case "chk": string chkVal = selrow[colName].ToString(); for (int x = 1; x <= chkVal.Length; x++) { if (chkVal.Substring(x - 1, 1).Equals("1")) { string chksel = colName + "_" + x.ToString(); if (_haTable.ContainsKey(chksel)) { Ext.Net.Checkbox checkbox = (Ext.Net.Checkbox)_objTable[chksel]; rtn_str += checkbox.BoxLabel + "、"; } } } break; } } } if (rtn_str.Length > 0) { rtn_str = rtn_str.Substring(0, rtn_str.Length - 1); } return(rtn_str); }
private void InitComponents() { #region Button and Toolbar bool display = (Status == "Open" || Status == "") ? true : false; btnSave = new Button { ID = "btnSave", Icon = Icon.Disk, Text = "Lưu", ToolTip = "Save", Visible = display }; btnDeleteCard = new Button { ID = "btnDeleteCard", Icon = Icon.Delete, Text = "Xóa", ToolTip = "Delete", Visible = display }; topBar = new Toolbar { ID = "topBar", Items = { btnSave, btnDeleteCard }, Visible = display }; #endregion Button and Toolbar #region Batch and Key txtBatch = new Ext.Net.Hidden { Name = "Batch", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Batch", ID = "txtBatch" }; txtKey = new Ext.Net.Hidden { DataIndex = "UID", Name = "UID", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "UID", ID = "txtKey" }; #endregion Batch and Key #region cboNo cboNo = new ComboBoxLookup { DataIndex = "No", Name = "No", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "No.", ID = "cboNo", SelectOnFocus = true, AllowBlank = false, MsgTarget = MessageTarget.Side, ProxyUrl = "../../../Handler/ItemListHandler.ashx", DataTemplete = { new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "No", FieldTitle = "No.", ColWidth = 100 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Description", FieldTitle = "Description", ColWidth = 250 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Base_Unit_of_Measure", FieldTitle = "Base Unit of Measure", ColWidth = 150 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Unit_Cost", FieldTitle = "Unit Cost", ColWidth = 120 } }, idProperty = "No", DisplayField = "No", ValueField = "No", PageSize = 100, CurCompany = GlobalVariable.CompanyName, SCOPE = "GLX.Lookup.ItemNo" }; #endregion cboNo #region cboType cboType = new ComboBox { DataIndex = "Type", Name = "Type", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Type", ID = "cboType", SelectOnFocus = true, AllowBlank = false, ReadOnly = true, Items = { new ListItem { Text = "G/L Account", Value = "G/L Account" }, new ListItem { Text = "Item", Value = "Item" }, } }; #endregion cboType #region cboAction_Message cboAction_Message = new ComboBox { DataIndex = "Action_Message", Name = "Action_Message", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Action Message", ID = "cboAction_Message", SelectOnFocus = true, ReadOnly = true, //Items = { // new ListItem {Text="", Value="" }, // new ListItem {Text="New", Value="New" }, // new ListItem {Text="Change Qty.", Value="Change Qty." }, // new ListItem {Text="Reschedule", Value="Reschedule" }, // new ListItem {Text="Resched. & Chg. Qty.", Value="Resched. & Chg. Qty." }, // new ListItem {Text="Cancel", Value="Cancel" }, //} Store = { new Store { Data = ActionMessage, AutoDataBind = true, Model = { new Model { Fields = { new ModelField { Name = "value" }, new ModelField { Name = "text" }, new ModelField { Name = "displaytext" } } } } } } }; #endregion cboAction_Message #region Accept Action Message and Description cboAccept_Action_Message = new Checkbox { DataIndex = "Accept_Action_Message", Name = "Accept_Action_Message", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Accept Action Message", ID = "cboAccept_Action_Message", ReadOnly = true }; txtDescription = new TextField { DataIndex = "Description", Name = "Description", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Description", ID = "txtDescription", ReadOnly = true }; txtRemark = new TextField { DataIndex = "Remark", Name = "Remark", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Remark", ID = "txtRemark", ReadOnly = false }; #endregion Accept Action Message and Description #region cboLocation_Code cboLocation_Code = new ComboBoxLookup { DataIndex = "Location_Code", Name = "Location_Code", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Location Code", ID = "cboLocation_Code", SelectOnFocus = true, AllowBlank = true, MsgTarget = MessageTarget.Side, ProxyUrl = "../../../Handler/LocationListHandler.ashx", DataTemplete = { new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Code", FieldTitle = "Code", ColWidth = 100 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Name", FieldTitle = "Name", ColWidth = 150 } }, idProperty = "Code", DisplayField = "Code", ValueField = "Code", PageSize = 100, CurCompany = GlobalVariable.CompanyName, SCOPE = "GLX.Lookup.Location" }; #endregion cboLocation_Code #region Original_Quantity and Quantity txtOriginal_Quantity = new NumberField { DataIndex = "Original_Quantity", Name = "Original_Quantity", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Original Quantity", ID = "txtOriginal_Quantity", MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 1000000, ReadOnly = true }; //1.000.000 txtQuantity = new TextField { DataIndex = "Quantity", Name = "Quantity", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Quantity", ID = "txtQuantity", MaskRe = @"/[0-9\.]/", }; #endregion Original_Quantity and Quantity #region cboUnit_of_Measure_Code cboUnit_of_Measure_Code = new ComboBoxLookup { DataIndex = "Unit_of_Measure_Code", Name = "Unit_of_Measure_Code", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Unit of Measure Code", ID = "cboUnit_of_Measure_Code", SelectOnFocus = true, AllowBlank = false, MsgTarget = MessageTarget.Side, ProxyUrl = "../../../Handler/UOMHandler.ashx", DataTemplete = { new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Code", FieldTitle = "Code", ColWidth = 100 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Description", FieldTitle = "Description", ColWidth = 150 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Qty_per_Unit_of_Measure", FieldTitle = "Qty per Unit of Measure", ColWidth = 150 } }, idProperty = "Code", DisplayField = "Code", ValueField = "Code", PageSize = 100, CurCompany = GlobalVariable.CompanyName, SCOPE = "GLX.Lookup.UOM" }; #endregion txtUnit_of_Measure_Code #region Direct_Unit_Cost and Due_Date txtDirect_Unit_Cost = new TextField { DataIndex = "Direct_Unit_Cost", Name = "txtDirect_Unit_Cost", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Direct Unit Cost", ID = "txtDirect_Unit_Cost", ReadOnly = true }; txtDue_Date = new DateField { DataIndex = "Due_Date", Name = "Due_Date", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Due Date", ID = "txtDue_Date", Format = "dd/MM/yyyy", SubmitFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy" }; #endregion Direct_Unit_Cost and Due_Date #region cboVendor_No cboVendor_No = new ComboBoxLookup { DataIndex = "Vendor_No", Name = "Vendor_No", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Vendor No.", ID = "cboVendor_No", ReadOnly = true, AllowBlank = true, MsgTarget = MessageTarget.Side, ProxyUrl = "../../../Handler/ItemVendorCatalogHandler.ashx", DataTemplete = { new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Vendor_No", FieldTitle = "Vendor No", ColWidth = 100 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Vendor_Item_No", FieldTitle = "Vendor Item No.", ColWidth = 100 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Lead_Time_Calculation", FieldTitle = "Lead Time Calculation", ColWidth = 150 } }, idProperty = "Vendor_No", DisplayField = "Vendor_No", ValueField = "Vendor_No", PageSize = 100, CurCompany = GlobalVariable.CompanyName, SCOPE = "GLX.Lookup.ItemVendorCatalog" }; #endregion cboVendor_No #region cboUOMHandler //cboUOMHandler = new ComboBoxLookup { // DataIndex = "Unit_of_Measure_Code", // Name = "Unit_of_Measure_Code", // LabelWidth = 150, // Anchor = "100%", // FieldLabel = "UOM", // ID = "cboUOMHandler", // ReadOnly = false, // AllowBlank = false, // MsgTarget = MessageTarget.Side, // ProxyUrl = "../../../Handler/UOMHandler.ashx", // DataTemplete = { // new LookupFormatData{FieldName = "Code", FieldTitle = "Code", ColWidth = 100}, // new LookupFormatData{FieldName = "Description", FieldTitle = "Description", ColWidth = 100}, // new LookupFormatData{FieldName = "Qty_per_Unit_of_Measure", FieldTitle = "Qty per Unit of Measure", ColWidth = 200, Format="N0"}, // }, // idProperty = "Unit_of_Measure_Code", // DisplayField = "Unit_of_Measure_Code", // ValueField = "Unit_of_Measure_Code", // PageSize = 5, // CurCompany = GlobalVariable.CompanyName, // SCOPE = "GLX.Lookup.UOM" //}; //cboUOMHandler.Store.Primary.Parameters.AddRange(new Ext.Net.StoreParameter[] { // new Ext.Net.StoreParameter{Name = "type", Value = String.Format("2|3"), Mode = ParameterMode.Value}, //}); #endregion cboUOMHandler #region Vendor_Item_No txtVendor_Item_No = new TextField { DataIndex = "Vendor_Item_No", Name = "Vendor_Item_No", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Vendor Item No", ID = "txtVendor_Item_No", ReadOnly = true }; #endregion Vendor_Item_No #region cboReplenishment_System cboReplenishment_System = new ComboBox { DataIndex = "Replenishment_System", Name = "Replenishment_System", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "Replenishment System", ID = "cboReplenishment_System", ReadOnly = true, Store = { new Store { Data = ReplenishmentSystem, AutoDataBind = true, Model = { new Model { Fields = { new ModelField { Name = "value" }, new ModelField { Name = "text" }, new ModelField { Name = "displaytext" } } } } } } //Items = { // new ListItem { Text="Purchase", Value="Purchase"}, // new ListItem { Text="Prod. Order", Value="Prod. Order"}, // new ListItem { Text="Transfer", Value="Transfer"}, // new ListItem { Text="Assembly", Value="Assembly"} //} }; #endregion cboReplenishment_System #region cboNo cboNo = new ComboBoxLookup { DataIndex = "No", Name = "No", LabelWidth = 150, Anchor = "100%", FieldLabel = "No.", ID = "cboNo", SelectOnFocus = true, AllowBlank = false, MsgTarget = MessageTarget.Side, ProxyUrl = "../../../Handler/ItemListHandler.ashx", DataTemplete = { new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "No", FieldTitle = "No.", ColWidth = 100 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Description", FieldTitle = "Description", ColWidth = 250 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Base_Unit_of_Measure", FieldTitle = "Base Unit of Measure", ColWidth = 150 }, new LookupFormatData { FieldName = "Unit_Cost", FieldTitle = "Unit Cost", ColWidth = 120 } }, idProperty = "No", DisplayField = "No", ValueField = "No", PageSize = 100, CurCompany = GlobalVariable.CompanyName, SCOPE = "GLX.Lookup.ItemNo" }; #endregion cboNo TextAreaChangeLogComment = new TextArea { Flex = 1, ID = "TextAreaChangeLogComment", ReadOnly = true }; hiddenConverted = new Ext.Net.Hidden { DataIndex = "Converted", Name = "Converted", ID = "hiddenConverted" }; hiddenStatus = new Ext.Net.Hidden { DataIndex = "Status", Name = "Status", ID = "hiddenStatus" }; #region frmHeader frmHeader = new FormPanel { Header = false, Region = Region.North, Icon = Ext.Net.Icon.ApplicationForm, Border = true, ID = "frmHeader", TrackResetOnLoad = true, Layout = "Hbox", Items = { new Panel { Layout = "Anchor", Flex = 1, BodyPaddingSummary = "10 10 10 10", Border = false, //Items = { txtKey, txtBatch, cboType, cboNo, cboAction_Message, cboAccept_Action_Message, txtDescription, cboLocation_Code } //txtOriginal_Quantity Items ={ txtKey, txtBatch, hiddenConverted, hiddenStatus, cboNo, txtDescription, txtRemark, cboUnit_of_Measure_Code, txtDirect_Unit_Cost, cboLocation_Code, txtQuantity, txtDue_Date }//txtOriginal_Quantity, cboType, cboAction_Message, cboAccept_Action_Message, }, } }; frmComment = new FormPanel { ID = "frmComment", Title = "Comment", Icon = Icon.Comments, Border = false, Region = Region.South, Layout = "Fit", Height = 150, Items = { TextAreaChangeLogComment } }; #endregion frmHeader #region Windows this.ID = "winCard"; this.Maximizable = false; this.Minimizable = false; this.CloseAction = CloseAction.Destroy; this.Icon = Icon.ApplicationEdit; this.TopBar.Add(topBar); this.Layout = "Border"; this.Items.AddRange( new ItemsCollection <Ext.Net.AbstractComponent> { this.frmHeader, frmComment } ); #endregion Windows }
public void DDB() { DataSet Mds = dbs.GetSqlDataSet("select id,ModuleName from ModuleManage"); for (int i = 0; i < Mds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { Ext.Net.Checkbox C1 = new Ext.Net.Checkbox(); C1.ID = Mds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ID"].ToString(); C1.BoxLabel = Mds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ModuleName"].ToString(); int Tct=int.Parse(dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select count(*) from StationRole where UserID='" + Request.QueryString["Uid"].ToString() + "' and charindex('," + Mds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + ",',ModuleID)>0")); if (Tct > 0) { C1.Checked = true; } ChkGrp.Items.Add(C1); } }
public void DDB() { DataTable TTB; string TTstations = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select stations from StationRole where UserID='" + Request.QueryString["Uid"].ToString() + "'"); string Nct = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select top 1 admin from StationRole where UserID='" + Session["UserID"].ToString() + "'").ToString(); if (Nct == "1") { DataSet ds = DIMERCO.SDK.Utilities.LSDK.getStationHierarchy(); //SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=;Initial Catalog=ReSM;User ID=sa;Password=dim1rc0@"); //SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("select distinct StationCode from SMStation order by StationCode", cn); //DataSet ds = new DataSet(); //da.Fill(ds); TTB = ds.Tables[0]; } else { string Tstations = dbs.ExeSqlScalar("select stations from StationRole where UserID='" + Session["UserID"] + "'"); DataTable Dt = new DataTable(); Dt.Columns.Add("StationCode"); string[] Sp = Tstations.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < Sp.Length; i++) { if (Sp[i].ToString().Trim() != "") { DataRow newDr = Dt.NewRow(); newDr["StationCode"] = Sp[i].ToString(); Dt.Rows.Add(newDr); } } TTB = Dt; } DataTable drnw = new DataTable(); TTB.DefaultView.Sort = "StationCode ASC"; drnw = TTB.DefaultView.ToTable(); for (int i = 0; i < drnw.Rows.Count; i++) { Ext.Net.Checkbox C1 = new Ext.Net.Checkbox(); C1.ID = drnw.Rows[i]["StationCode"].ToString(); C1.BoxLabel = drnw.Rows[i]["StationCode"].ToString(); if (TTstations.Contains(drnw.Rows[i]["StationCode"].ToString()+",")) { C1.Checked = true; } ChkGrp.Items.Add(C1); } }