예제 #1
         * Create a new memory region in the address space.
         * If there are any overlaps between the current address space and the requested one,
         * this function will unamp the overlapped portions of the address space before
         * mapping in the new memory region.
         * Several clients, including the dynamic linker relies on this feature. See mmap(2)
         * for details.
         * This function requires vaddr and memorySize are aligned to the page boundary.
        internal int AddMapping(uint access, int flags, File file, uint fileOffset, int fileSize, Pointer vaddr, int memorySize)
            Contract.Requires(file == null || file.GhostOwner == GhostOwner);
            Contract.Requires(0 <= fileSize && fileSize <= memorySize);
            Contract.Requires(file == null || fileSize > 0);
            Contract.Requires(file != null || (fileSize == 0 && fileOffset == 0));
            Contract.Ensures(Brk == Contract.OldValue(Brk));

            if (memorySize <= 0 || Arch.ArchDefinition.PageOffset(memorySize) != 0)
                return -ErrorCode.EINVAL;

            var diff = Arch.ArchDefinition.PageOffset(vaddr.ToUInt32());
            if (diff != 0)
                return -ErrorCode.EINVAL;

            var r = RemoveMapping(vaddr, memorySize);
            if (r != 0)
                return r;

            var newRegion = new MemoryRegion(GhostOwner, access, flags, file, fileOffset, fileSize, vaddr, memorySize, false);
            return 0;
예제 #2
        internal int GetUnusedFd()

            var _this = this;
            var size = descriptors.Length;
            var i = finger;
            while (i < size)
                if (IsAvailableFd(i))
                    return i;

            var new_descriptors = new File[2 * size];
            for (var j = 0; j < size; ++j)
                new_descriptors[i] = descriptors[i];

            for (var j = size; j < 2 * size; ++j)
                new_descriptors[i] = null;

            descriptors = new_descriptors;

            // Proven by Dafny
            return size;
예제 #3
        internal void Add(int fd, File file)
            Contract.Requires(file != null && file.GhostOwner == GhostOwner);

            descriptors[fd] = file;
예제 #4
        internal void InstallFd(int fd, File file)
            Contract.Requires(file != null);
            Contract.Requires(file.GhostOwner == this);

            Files.Add(fd, file);
예제 #5
        public static int Parse(int helperPid, File file, Process proc, ref UserPtr stackTop)
            Contract.Requires(file.GhostOwner == proc);
            Contract.Requires(proc.Space.GhostOwner == proc);

            var buf = new byte[Size];
            uint pos = 0;
            if (file.Read(buf, ref pos) != buf.Length)
                return -ErrorCode.EINVAL;

            var eh = Read(buf);
            if (eh.type != ELF32Header.ELF_TYPE_EXECUTABLE || eh.ProgramHeaderOffest == 0)
                return -ErrorCode.ENOEXEC;

            proc.EntryPoint = eh.EntryPoint;

            ELF32ProgramHeader ph = new ELF32ProgramHeader();
            var ret = FindInterpreter(file, eh, ref ph);
            if (ret == -ErrorCode.EINVAL)
                Arch.Console.WriteLine("Malformed ELF file");
                return ret;
            else if (ret == 0)
                var interpreterBuf = new byte[ph.FileSize];
                pos = ph.offset;
                if (file.Read(interpreterBuf, ref pos) != interpreterBuf.Length)
                    return -ErrorCode.EINVAL;

                var interpreterName = new ASCIIString(interpreterBuf);
                ErrorCode ec;
                var interpreter_inode = Arch.ArchFS.Open(helperPid, interpreterName, 0, 0, out ec);
                if (interpreter_inode == null)
                    return -ErrorCode.ENOENT;

                var interpreter = new File(proc, interpreter_inode, FileFlags.ReadOnly, 0);

                 * Parse the information of linker.
                 * This function will also override the entry point.
                if (Parse(helperPid, interpreter, proc, ref stackTop) != 0)
                    return -ErrorCode.EINVAL;

                // So now let's copy the program header to the top of the stack, and push auxlirary vectors
                PushProgramHeaderAndAuxliraryVectors(proc, file, eh, ref stackTop);

            return MapInSegments(file, proc, eh);
예제 #6
        internal MemoryRegion(Process owner, uint access, int flags, File file, uint fileOffset, int fileSize, Pointer vaddr, int size, bool isFixed)
            Contract.Requires(file == null || file.GhostOwner == owner);
            Contract.Ensures(GhostOwner == owner);

            this.Access = access;
            this.Flags = flags;
            this.BackingFile = file;
            this.FileOffset = fileOffset;
            this.FileSize = fileSize;
            this.StartAddress = vaddr;
            this.Size = size;
            this.Next = null;
            this.IsFixed = isFixed;
            this.GhostOwner = owner;

            if (file != null)
예제 #7
        private static int PushProgramHeaderAndAuxliraryVectors(Process proc, File file, ELF32Header eh, ref UserPtr stackTop)
            var programHeaderLength = eh.NumOfProgramHeader * eh.ProgramHeaderSize;
            var buf = new byte[programHeaderLength];
            uint pos = eh.ProgramHeaderOffest;

            if (file.Read(buf, ref pos) != programHeaderLength)
                return -ErrorCode.ENOMEM;

            stackTop -= programHeaderLength;
            UserPtr ph_ptr = stackTop;

            if (ph_ptr.Write(proc, buf) != 0)
                return -ErrorCode.ENOMEM;

            // align
            stackTop = UserPtr.RoundDown(stackTop);

            var aux_vector = new uint[LengthOfAuxVector];
            aux_vector[0] = AT_PHDR;
            aux_vector[1] = ph_ptr.Value.ToUInt32();
            aux_vector[2] = AT_ENTRY;
            aux_vector[3] = eh.EntryPoint;
            aux_vector[4] = AT_PHNUM;
            aux_vector[5] = eh.NumOfProgramHeader;
            aux_vector[6] = 0;
            aux_vector[7] = 0;

            var auxVectorSize = sizeof(uint) * LengthOfAuxVector;
            stackTop -= auxVectorSize;

            if (stackTop.Write(proc, aux_vector) != 0)
                return -ErrorCode.ENOMEM;

            return 0;
예제 #8
        private static int MapInSegments(File file, Process proc, ELF32Header eh)
            Contract.Requires(file != null && file.GhostOwner == proc);
            Contract.Requires(proc.Space.GhostOwner == proc);

            var buf = new byte[ELF32ProgramHeader.Size];

            var ph = new ELF32ProgramHeader();
            // At this point we need to map in all stuff in PT_LOAD
            for (var i = 0; i < eh.NumOfProgramHeader; ++i)
                var pos = (uint)(eh.ProgramHeaderOffest + eh.ProgramHeaderSize * i);
                if (file.Read(buf, ref pos) != buf.Length)
                    return -ErrorCode.EINVAL;

                ph = ELF32ProgramHeader.Read(buf);

                var size = ph.FileSize > ph.MemorySize ? ph.FileSize : ph.MemorySize;

                if (ph.type != ELF32ProgramHeader.PT_LOAD)

                // Round address to page boundary

                var diff = Arch.ArchDefinition.PageOffset(ph.vaddr);
                var vaddr = new Pointer(ph.vaddr);
                var offset = ph.offset;
                var memSize = (int)Arch.ArchDefinition.PageAlign((uint)ph.MemorySize);
                var fileSize = ph.FileSize;

                if (diff < 0 || ph.offset < diff || fileSize + diff > file.inode.Size || fileSize <= 0 || memSize <= 0)
                    return -ErrorCode.EINVAL;

                vaddr -= diff;
                offset -= (uint)diff;
                fileSize += diff;

                if (fileSize > memSize)
                    fileSize = memSize;

                if (proc.Space.AddMapping(ph.ExpressOSAccessFlag, 0, file, offset, fileSize, vaddr, memSize) != 0)
                    return -ErrorCode.ENOMEM;

                // Update brk

                var segmentEnd = (vaddr + memSize).ToUInt32();
                if (segmentEnd > proc.Space.Brk)
            return 0;
예제 #9
        // We do sync read for this one, since it's simpler..
        public static Process CreateProcess(ASCIIString path, ASCIIString[] argv, ASCIIString[] envp, AndroidApplicationInfo appInfo)
            var proc = new Process(path, appInfo);

            uint addr;
            int workspace_fd;
            uint workspace_size;
            proc.helperPid = Arch.IPCStubs.linux_sys_take_helper(out addr, out workspace_fd, out workspace_size);

            if (proc.helperPid < 0)
                Arch.Console.WriteLine("CreateProcess: cannot get helper");
                return null;

            proc.ShadowBinderVMStart = addr;

            ErrorCode ec;
            var inode = Arch.ArchFS.Open(proc.helperPid, path, 0, 0, out ec);
            if (inode == null)
                Arch.Console.WriteLine("CreateProcess: cannot open file");
                return null;

            var stack_top = new UserPtr(INITIAL_STACK_LOCATION);

            // 4M Initial stack
            var stack_size = 4096 * Arch.ArchDefinition.PageSize;
            proc.Space.AddStackMapping(stack_top, stack_size);
            stack_top += stack_size;

            var augmented_envp = CreateEnvpArrayWithWorkspace(envp, proc, workspace_fd, workspace_size);

            var envp_ptr = PushCharArray(proc, augmented_envp, ref stack_top);
            if (envp_ptr == null)
                Arch.Console.WriteLine("CreateProcess: Push envp failed");
                return null;

            var argv_ptr = PushCharArray(proc, argv, ref stack_top);
            if (argv_ptr == null)
                Arch.Console.WriteLine("CreateProcess: Push argv failed");
                return null;

            stack_top = UserPtr.RoundDown(stack_top);

            // Parse the ELF file, which might push additional info on to the stack
            // (i.e., aux vectors when the ELF is dynamically linked)
            var file = new File(proc, inode, FileFlags.ReadWrite, 0);

            int ret = ELF32Header.Parse(proc.helperPid, file, proc, ref stack_top);

            if (ret != 0)
                Arch.Console.WriteLine("CreateProcess: Parse ELF file failed");
                return null;

            //%esp         The stack contains the arguments and environment:
            //     0(%esp)                 argc
            //     4(%esp)                 argv[0]
            //     ...
            //     (4*argc)(%esp)          NULL
            //     (4*(argc+1))(%esp)      envp[0]
            //     ...
            //                             NULL
            if (PushArgumentPointers(proc, envp_ptr, ref stack_top) != 0)
                return null;

            if (PushArgumentPointers(proc, argv_ptr, ref stack_top) != 0)
                return null;

            if (PushInt(proc, argv_ptr.Length, ref stack_top) != 0)
                return null;

            // Stdio
            var file_stdout = File.CreateStdout(proc);
            proc.InstallFd(Process.STDOUT_FD, file_stdout);

            var file_stderr = File.CreateStdout(proc);
            proc.InstallFd(Process.STDERR_FD, file_stderr);

            var mainThread = Thread.Create(proc);

            if (appInfo != null)
                var p = appInfo.ToParcel();
                Globals.LinuxIPCBuffer.CopyFrom(0, p);
                Arch.IPCStubs.WriteAppInfo(proc.helperPid, p.Length);

            // Start the main thread
            mainThread.Start(new Pointer(proc.EntryPoint), stack_top.Value);
            return proc;
예제 #10
        private static ASCIIString[] CreateEnvpArrayWithWorkspace(ASCIIString[] envp, Process proc, int workspace_fd, uint workspace_size)
            var res = new ASCIIString[envp.Length + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < envp.Length; ++i)
                res[i] = envp[i];

            var inode = new Arch.ArchINode(workspace_fd, workspace_size, proc.helperPid);

            var file = new File(proc, inode, FileFlags.ReadOnly, 0);

            var fd = proc.GetUnusedFd();
            proc.InstallFd(fd, file);

            var s = "ANDROID_PROPERTY_WORKSPACE=" + fd.ToString() + "," + workspace_size.ToString();
            res[envp.Length] = new ASCIIString(s);

            return res;
예제 #11
        internal static void HandleOpenFileCompletion(OpenFileCompletion c, int linux_fd, int size)
            var current = c.thr;
            var proc = current.Parent;

            GenericINode inode = null;
            int ret = linux_fd;

            if (ret < 0)

            switch (c.fileKind)
                case GenericINode.INodeKind.ArchINodeKind:
                    inode = new Arch.ArchINode(linux_fd, (uint)size, proc.helperPid);
                case GenericINode.INodeKind.SecureFSINodeKind:
                    inode = SecureFS.HandleOpenFileCompletion(c, linux_fd, size, ref ret);


            if (inode != null)
                var file = new File(proc, inode, c.flags, c.mode);
                ret = proc.GetUnusedFd();
                proc.InstallFd(ret, file);

예제 #12
        public static int Open(Thread current, ref Arch.ExceptionRegisters regs, UserPtr filenamePtr, int flags, int mode)
            // TODO: Deal with current path
            var filenameBuf = new byte[PATH_MAX];
            var ret = filenamePtr.ReadString(current, filenameBuf);

            var proc = current.Parent;
            int fd = 0;
            GenericINode inode = null;

            var startTime = Arch.NativeMethods.l4api_get_system_clock();

            if (Util.ByteStringCompare(filenameBuf, IPCFilename.GetByteString()) == 0)
                fd = proc.GetUnusedFd();
                inode = BinderINode.Instance;
            else if (Util.ByteStringCompare(filenameBuf, AshmemFileName.GetByteString()) == 0)
                var linux_fd = Arch.ArchFS.OpenAndReturnLinuxFd(current.Parent.helperPid, new ASCIIString(filenameBuf), flags, mode);
                if (linux_fd < 0)
                    return linux_fd;

                inode = new AshmemINode(linux_fd, current.Parent.helperPid);
                fd = proc.GetUnusedFd();
            else if (SecureFS.IsSecureFS(current, filenameBuf))
                var completion = SecureFS.OpenAndReadPagesAsync(current, filenameBuf, flags, mode);
                if (completion == null)
                    return -ErrorCode.ENOMEM;

                current.SaveState(ref regs);
                current.AsyncReturn = true;
                return 0;
                var filename_len = ret;

                var completion = Arch.ArchFS.OpenAndGetSizeAsync(current, filenameBuf, flags, mode);
                if (completion == null)
                    return -ErrorCode.ENOMEM;

                current.SaveState(ref regs);
                current.AsyncReturn = true;
                return 0;

            if (fd > 0)
                var file = new File(proc, inode, flags, mode);
                proc.InstallFd(fd, file);

            if (SyscallProfiler.Enable)
                var endTime = Arch.NativeMethods.l4api_get_system_clock();
                SyscallProfiler.AccountOpen((int)inode.kind, (long)(endTime - startTime));

            return fd;
예제 #13
         * Write a segment buffer.
         * The buffer itself is passed as a reference, because some inode might take the ownership
         * of the buffer and put it as a part of its completion. In this case the buf is set to empty
        internal int Write(Thread current, ref Arch.ExceptionRegisters regs, ref ByteBufferRef buf, int len, uint pos, File file)
            switch (kind)
                case INodeKind.ConsoleINodeKind:
                        uint dummy = 0;
                        return ConsoleINode.WriteImpl(current, buf, len, ref dummy);
                case INodeKind.ArchINodeKind:
                case INodeKind.SocketINodeKind:
                    return ArchINode.ArchWrite(current, ref regs, ref buf, len, pos, file);

                case INodeKind.SecureFSINodeKind:
                    return SFSINode.SFSWrite(current, ref regs, buf, len, pos, file);
            return -ErrorCode.EINVAL;
예제 #14
        internal int Write(Thread current, ref Arch.ExceptionRegisters regs, UserPtr userBuf, int len, uint pos, File file)
            var buf = Globals.AllocateAlignedCompletionBuffer(len);

            if (!buf.isValid)
                return -ErrorCode.ENOMEM;

            var l = userBuf.Read(current, buf, len);
            var bytesToBeWritten = len - l;

            var ret = Write(current, ref regs, ref buf, bytesToBeWritten, pos, file);

            // Buffer hasn't been taken by write(), free it here
            if (buf.isValid)
                Globals.CompletionQueueAllocator.FreePages(new Pointer(buf.Location), buf.Length >> Arch.ArchDefinition.PageShift);

            return ret;
예제 #15
        internal int Read(Thread current, ref Arch.ExceptionRegisters regs, UserPtr userBuf, int len, uint pos, File file)
            switch (kind)
                case INodeKind.ArchINodeKind:
                case INodeKind.SocketINodeKind:
                    return ArchINode.ArchRead(current, ref regs, userBuf, len, pos, file);

                case INodeKind.SecureFSINodeKind:
                    return SFSINode.SFSRead(current, ref regs, userBuf, len, pos, file);
            return -ErrorCode.EINVAL;
예제 #16
파일: Net.cs 프로젝트: samarunraj/expressos
        public static void HandleSocketCompletion(SocketCompletion c, int ret)
            var current = c.thr;
            if (ret < 0)

            var proc = current.Parent;

            var inode = new SocketINode(ret, proc.helperPid);
            var file = new File(proc, inode, FileFlags.ReadWriteMask, 0);

            var fd = proc.GetUnusedFd();
            proc.InstallFd(fd, file);
예제 #17
        private static int FindInterpreter(File file, ELF32Header eh, ref ELF32ProgramHeader ret)
            var buf = new byte[ELF32ProgramHeader.Size];

            uint pos = 0;
            ushort i = 0;

            while (i < eh.NumOfProgramHeader)
                pos = (uint)(eh.ProgramHeaderOffest + eh.ProgramHeaderSize * i);
                if (file.Read(buf, ref pos) != ELF32ProgramHeader.Size)
                    return -ErrorCode.EINVAL;

                ret = ELF32ProgramHeader.Read(buf);

                if (ret.type == ELF32ProgramHeader.PT_INTERP)

            return i == eh.NumOfProgramHeader ? -ErrorCode.ENOENT : 0;
예제 #18
        public static int Pipe(Thread current, UserPtr pipeFd)
            var proc = current.Parent;
            var helperPid = proc.helperPid;
            int fd0, fd1;

            var ret = Arch.IPCStubs.Pipe(helperPid, out fd0, out fd1);

            if (ret < 0)
                return ret;

            var inode1 = new Arch.ArchINode(fd0, 0, helperPid);
            var inode2 = new Arch.ArchINode(fd1, 0, helperPid);

            // XXX: are the permission settings correct?
            var file1 = new File(proc, inode1, FileFlags.ReadWrite, 0);

            var rfd0 = proc.GetUnusedFd();
            proc.InstallFd(rfd0, file1);

            var file2 = new File(proc, inode2, FileFlags.ReadWrite, 0);

            var rfd1 = proc.GetUnusedFd();
            proc.InstallFd(rfd1, file2);

            //Arch.Console.Write("pipe: linux_fd [");
            //Arch.Console.Write("] => [");
            //Arch.Console.Write("], ret=");

            if (pipeFd.Write(current, rfd0) != 0 || (pipeFd + sizeof(int)).Write(current, rfd1) != 0)
                Arch.IPCStubs.Close(helperPid, fd0);
                Arch.IPCStubs.Close(helperPid, fd1);

                return -ErrorCode.EFAULT;

            return ret;