예제 #1
        public void receive_chat(NetIncomingMessage p, Exilania g, Display d, World w)
            byte   player_id = p.ReadByte();
            string msg       = p.ReadString();

            if (player_id < w.players.Count)
                if (msg[0] == '!' && Exilania.gstate == 100)
                    for (int i = 0; i < msg.Length; i++)
                        if (msg[i] == '!')
                            msg = msg.Substring(0, i) + msg.Substring(i + 1);
                    d.fading_text.Add(new FadeText("@00" + msg, 3000, (int)w.players[player_id].avatar.world_loc.X,
                                                   (int)w.players[player_id].avatar.world_loc.Y - 60, true, TargetType.Player, player_id, w));
                    d.add_message("@05" + w.players[player_id].avatar.name + "@00: " + msg);
                Exilania.text_stream.WriteLine("@05" + w.players[player_id].avatar.name + "@00: " + msg);
                d.add_message("@05New Player@00: " + msg);
                Exilania.text_stream.WriteLine(Acc.sanitize_text_color("@05New Player@00: " + msg));
예제 #2
        public void update_choose_name(Input input, Exilania e)
            if (input.key_input.Length > 30)
                input.key_input = input.key_input.Substring(0, 30);
            chosen_world_name = input.key_input.Trim();
            if (input.mouse_cur_spot.X < Exilania.screen_size.X / 2 - 200 || input.mouse_cur_spot.X > Exilania.screen_size.X / 2 + 100)
                cur_hover = -1;
            if (input.mouse_now.Y < Exilania.screen_size.Y * (.30f))
                cur_hover = -1;
            else if (input.mouse_now.Y > Exilania.screen_size.Y - 100)
                cur_hover = -2;
                float loc = (float)input.mouse_now.Y / (float)Exilania.screen_size.Y;
                loc      -= .285f;
                cur_hover = (int)(loc * 100f) / 5;
            if (input.left_clicked && input.mouse_now.X > -1 && input.mouse_now.Y > -1 &&
                input.mouse_now.X <= Exilania.screen_size.X && input.mouse_now.Y <= Exilania.screen_size.Y && e.IsActive)
                input.left_clicked = false;
                switch (cur_hover)
                case -2:     //you have chosen to create the world... continue?
                    if (Acc.sanitize_text_color(input.key_input.Trim()).Length >= 5 && cur_option > -1)
                        chosen_world_name     = input.key_input.Trim();
                        input.key_input       = "";
                        world_template        = cur_option;
                        making                = new World(chosen_world_name, Exilania.seed_id, (int)(System.DateTime.Now.Ticks / 1000));
                        cur_info_text         = "Initializing.";
                        Exilania.gstate       = 92;
                        creation_state        = -1;
                        creation_fine_control = 0;
                        Exilania.disable_chat = false;

                default:     //learn more about a world type.
                    if (cur_hover > -1)
                        cur_option = cur_hover;
예제 #3
        public void draw_text_with_outline(SpriteBatch s, SpriteFont sf, string text, int x_start, int y_start, int max_width, AccColors c_use)
            string sanitized = "@" + ((int)c_use).ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + Acc.sanitize_text_color(text);

            for (int i = 0; i < World.xes.Length; i++)
                draw_text(s, small_font, sanitized, x_start + (World.xes[i] * 2), y_start + (World.yes[i] * 2), max_width);
            draw_text(s, small_font, text, x_start, y_start, max_width);
예제 #4
        public void draw_choosing_menu(SpriteBatch s, Display d)
            string add_beginning = "@00";

            s.Draw(d.planet_bkd, new Rectangle((Exilania.screen_size.X / 2) - (1920 / 2), (Exilania.screen_size.Y / 2) - (1080 / 2), 1920, 1080), new Rectangle(0, 0, 1920, 1080), Color.White);
            Vector2 size_text = d.font.MeasureString("World Creation Menu");

            d.draw_text(s, d.font, "@05World Creation Menu", Exilania.screen_size.X / 2 - (int)size_text.X / 2, 10, Exilania.screen_size.X);
            s.Draw(d.Exilania_title, new Rectangle(Exilania.screen_size.X - 400, (int)((float)Exilania.screen_size.Y - 100), 392, 87), new Rectangle(0, 0, 392, 87), Color.White);

            for (int x = 0; x < diff_worlds.Count; x++)
                if (x == cur_option)
                    add_beginning = "@05";
                else if (x == cur_hover)
                    add_beginning = "@08";
                    add_beginning = "@00";
                d.draw_text(s, d.middle_font, add_beginning + diff_worlds[x].ToString(), Exilania.screen_size.X / 2 - 166, (int)((float)Exilania.screen_size.Y * (.30f + ((float)x * .05f))), Exilania.screen_size.X / 2);

            string fix_text = "";

            if (Acc.sanitize_text_color(chosen_world_name).Length >= 5 && cur_option > -1)
                add_beginning = "@05";
                if (Acc.sanitize_text_color(chosen_world_name).Length < 5)
                    fix_text += "Type a name for this world. It must have at least 5 characters.";
                if (cur_option < 0)
                    fix_text += " You must choose a template.";
                add_beginning = "@08";
            if (fix_text != "")
                Vector2 meas = d.middle_font.MeasureString(fix_text);
                d.draw_text(s, d.middle_font, "@00" + fix_text,
                            Exilania.screen_size.X / 2 - (int)(meas.X / 2), (int)((float)Exilania.screen_size.Y - 150), Exilania.screen_size.X);
            d.draw_text(s, d.middle_font, add_beginning + "[ Click to Generate World ]", Exilania.screen_size.X / 2 - 166, (int)((float)Exilania.screen_size.Y - 60), Exilania.screen_size.X / 2);
            d.draw_text(s, d.middle_font, "@00World Name: " + chosen_world_name, Exilania.screen_size.X / 2 - 166, (int)((float)Exilania.screen_size.Y - 200), Exilania.screen_size.X / 2);
예제 #5
        public void draw_fade_text(SpriteBatch s, Vector2 top_left)
            Vector2 size_string;
            int     left, top;
            byte    use;

            for (int x = 0; x < fading_text.Count; x++)
                size_string = small_font.MeasureString(Acc.sanitize_text_color(fading_text[x].text));
                if (size_string.X >= Exilania.screen_size.X || size_string.Y >= Exilania.screen_size.Y)
                    if (fading_text[x].world_loc)
                        left = fading_text[x].loc.X - (int)(size_string.X / 2) - (int)top_left.X;
                        top  = fading_text[x].loc.Y - (int)(size_string.Y / 2) - (int)top_left.Y;
                        left = fading_text[x].loc.X - (int)(size_string.X / 2);
                        top  = fading_text[x].loc.Y - (int)(size_string.Y / 2);
                    if (fading_text[x].time_left <0 && fading_text[x].time_left> -255)
                        use = (byte)((255 + fading_text[x].time_left) / 2);
                        //use.A = Convert.ToByte(255 + fading_text[x].time_left);
                        use = 255;
                    if (fading_text[x].time_left > -256)
                        string sanitized = "@31" + Acc.sanitize_text_color(fading_text[x].text);
                        for (int i = 0; i < World.xes.Length; i++)
                            draw_text(s, small_font, sanitized, left + (World.xes[i] * 2), top + (World.yes[i] * 2), (int)size_string.X, use);
                        draw_text(s, small_font, fading_text[x].text, left, top, (int)size_string.X, use);
                    if (fading_text[x].time_left <= -255)
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// controls the viewing of the messaging system... always visible, always able to be turned off (unless enter has been pressed and message typing is commenced)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        public void input_message_display(Input input, Settings settings, Actor me, World w)
            if (Exilania.input.current_input_type != InputConsume.Message && !Exilania.disable_chat)
                if (input.enter)
                    input.enter     = false;
                    show_messages   = true;
                    input.key_input = "";
                    Exilania.input.current_input_type = InputConsume.Message;
                if (input.key_input.Contains('M') || input.key_input.Contains('m'))
                    input.key_input = input.key_input.Replace("M", "");
                    input.key_input = input.key_input.Replace("m", "");

                    show_messages = !show_messages;
                if (input.key_input.Contains('-'))
                    input.key_input = input.key_input.Replace("-", "");
                    if (start_show_messages < Math.Min(20, messages.Count - 1))
                        start_show_messages = Math.Min(20, messages.Count - 1);
                if (input.key_input.Contains('+'))
                    input.key_input = input.key_input.Replace("+", "");
                    if (start_show_messages > messages.Count - 1)
                        start_show_messages = messages.Count - 1;
                if (input.keys_now.Contains(Keys.PageUp) && !input.keys_previous.Contains(Keys.PageUp))
                    start_show_messages -= 20;
                    if (start_show_messages < Math.Min(20, messages.Count - 1))
                        start_show_messages = Math.Min(20, messages.Count - 1);
                if (input.keys_now.Contains(Keys.PageDown) && !input.keys_previous.Contains(Keys.PageDown))
                    start_show_messages += 20;
                    if (start_show_messages > messages.Count - 1)
                        start_show_messages = messages.Count - 1;
                if (input.keys_now.Contains(Keys.Home) && !input.keys_previous.Contains(Keys.Home))
                    start_show_messages = Math.Min(20, messages.Count - 1);
                if (input.keys_now.Contains(Keys.End) && !input.keys_previous.Contains(Keys.End))
                    start_show_messages = messages.Count - 1;
            else if (!Exilania.disable_chat)
                if (input.enter)
                    input.enter     = false;
                    show_messages   = true;
                    input.key_input = input.key_input.Trim();
                    if (input.key_input != "")
                        if (input.key_input[0] == '/')
                            add_message(settings.modify_settings(input.key_input.Substring(1), w));
                            if (Exilania.game_client)
                                Exilania.network_client.send_chat(Exilania.game_my_user_id, input.key_input);
                            if (input.key_input[0] == '!' && me != null)
                                for (int i = 0; i < input.key_input.Length; i++)
                                    if (input.key_input[i] == '!')
                                        input.key_input = input.key_input.Substring(0, i) + input.key_input.Substring(i + 1);
                                fading_text.Add(new FadeText("@00" + input.key_input, 3000, (int)me.world_loc.X, (int)me.world_loc.Y - 60, true, TargetType.Player, Exilania.game_my_user_id, w));
                                add_message("@02You@00: " + input.key_input);
                            Exilania.text_stream.WriteLine(Acc.sanitize_text_color("@02You@00: " + input.key_input));
                    input.key_input = "";
                    Exilania.input.current_input_type = InputConsume.Normal;