예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes GIF metadata into extension blocks.
        /// </summary>
        protected void WriteMetadata()
            Blocks.RemoveAll(b => b as GIFCommentExtension != null);
            foreach (var prop in Properties)
                if (prop.Tag == ExifTag.GIFComment)
                    var gifComment = prop as GIFComment;
                    if (gifComment != null)
                        var block   = new GIFCommentExtension();
                        var interop = gifComment.Interoperability;
                        if (interop.Count == 0)
                        var subBlockCount = (interop.Count - 1) / 255 + 1;
                        block.Data = new byte[subBlockCount][];
                        int offset = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < subBlockCount; i++)
                            int count = Math.Min(255, interop.Data.Length - offset);
                            block.Data[i] = new byte[count];
                            Array.Copy(interop.Data, offset, block.Data[i], 0, count);
                            offset += count;

                        var insertBefore = gifComment.InsertBefore;
                        int index        = insertBefore == null ? -1 : Blocks.IndexOf(insertBefore);
                        if (index == -1)
                            index = Blocks[Blocks.Count - 1].Separator == GIFSeparator.Terminator ? Blocks.Count - 1 : Blocks.Count;

                        Blocks.Insert(index, block);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GIFFile"/> class from the
        /// specified data stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">A stream that contains image data.</param>
        /// <param name="encoding">The encoding to be used for text metadata when the source encoding is unknown.</param>
        protected internal GIFFile(MemoryStream stream, System.Text.Encoding encoding)
            Format = ImageFileFormat.GIF;

            Blocks = new List <GIFBlock>();

            var conv = BitConverterEx.LittleEndian;

            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // version
            var versionBytes = Utility.GetStreamBytes(stream, 6);

            Version = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(versionBytes, 3, 3);

            // screen descriptor
            ScreenWidth  = conv.ToUInt16(Utility.GetStreamBytes(stream, 2), 0);
            ScreenHeight = conv.ToUInt16(Utility.GetStreamBytes(stream, 2), 0);
            var sdByte = (byte)stream.ReadByte();

            // global color table flag in bit 7
            HasGCT = (sdByte & (1 << 7)) != 0;
            // color resolution in bits 6, 5, 4
            int b6 = (sdByte & (1 << 6));
            int b5 = (sdByte & (1 << 5));
            int b4 = (sdByte & (1 << 4));

            ColorResolution = (byte)(((b6 | b5 | b4) >> 4) + 1);
            // global color table sorted flag in bit 3
            IsGCTSorted = (sdByte & (1 << 3)) != 0;
            // global color table size bits 2, 1, 0
            int b2 = (sdByte & (1 << 2));
            int b1 = (sdByte & (1 << 1));
            int b0 = (sdByte & (1 << 0));

            SizeOfGCT = (byte)((b2 | b1 | b0) + 1);

            BackcolorIndex   = (byte)stream.ReadByte();
            PixelAspectRatio = (byte)stream.ReadByte();

            // global color table
            GCT = ReadColorTable(stream, HasGCT ? MathEx.Power2(SizeOfGCT) : 0);

            // Search and read blocks until we reach the end of file.
            while (stream.Position != stream.Length)
                int val = stream.ReadByte();
                if (val == -1)

                byte separator = (byte)val;
                if (separator == 0x3B)
                    // end of image
                    Blocks.Add(new GIFTerminator());
                else if (separator == 0x2C)
                    // image descriptor block
                    var block = new GIFImageDescriptor();
                    block.Left   = conv.ToUInt16(Utility.GetStreamBytes(stream, 2), 0);
                    block.Top    = conv.ToUInt16(Utility.GetStreamBytes(stream, 2), 0);
                    block.Width  = conv.ToUInt16(Utility.GetStreamBytes(stream, 2), 0);
                    block.Height = conv.ToUInt16(Utility.GetStreamBytes(stream, 2), 0);

                    var idByte = (byte)stream.ReadByte();
                    // local color table flag in bit 7
                    block.HasLCT = (idByte & (1 << 7)) != 0;
                    // interlaced flag in bit 6
                    block.IsInterlaced = (idByte & (1 << 6)) != 0;
                    // local color table sorted flag in bit 5
                    block.IsLCTSorted = (idByte & (1 << 5)) != 0;
                    // reserved value in bits 4, 3
                    int id4 = (idByte & (1 << 4));
                    int id3 = (idByte & (1 << 3));
                    block.Reserved = (byte)((id4 | id3) >> 3);
                    // local color table size bits 2, 1, 0
                    int id2 = (idByte & (1 << 2));
                    int id1 = (idByte & (1 << 1));
                    int id0 = (idByte & (1 << 0));
                    block.SizeOfLCT = (byte)((id2 | id1 | id0) + 1);

                    // local color table
                    block.LCT = ReadColorTable(stream, block.HasLCT ? MathEx.Power2(block.SizeOfLCT) : 0);

                    // raster data
                    block.LZWMinimumCodeSize = (byte)stream.ReadByte();
                    block.ImageData          = ReadDataBlock(stream);

                else if (separator == 0x21)
                    // extension block
                    val = stream.ReadByte();
                    if (val == -1)
                    var label = (byte)val;
                    if (label == 0xF9)
                        // graphic control extension
                        var size   = stream.ReadByte();
                        var block  = new GIFGraphicControlExtension();
                        var geByte = (byte)stream.ReadByte();
                        // reserved value in bits 7, 6, 5
                        int ge7 = (geByte & (1 << 7));
                        int ge6 = (geByte & (1 << 6));
                        int ge5 = (geByte & (1 << 5));
                        block.Reserved = (byte)((ge7 | ge6 | ge5) >> 5);
                        // disposal method in bits 4, 3, 2
                        int ge4 = (geByte & (1 << 4));
                        int ge3 = (geByte & (1 << 3));
                        int ge2 = (geByte & (1 << 2));
                        block.DisposalMethod = (byte)((ge4 | ge3 | ge2) >> 2);
                        // user input flag in bit 1
                        block.UserInputFlag = (geByte & (1 << 1)) != 0;
                        // transparent color flag in bit 0
                        block.TransparentColorFlag = (geByte & (1 << 0)) != 0;

                        block.DelayTime             = conv.ToUInt16(Utility.GetStreamBytes(stream, 2), 0);
                        block.TransparentColorIndex = (byte)stream.ReadByte();

                        var term = stream.ReadByte();

                    else if (label == 0xFE)
                        // comment extension
                        var block = new GIFCommentExtension();

                        // comment data
                        block.Data = ReadDataBlock(stream);

                    else if (label == 0x01)
                        // plain text extension
                        var block = new GIFPlainTextExtension();
                        var size  = stream.ReadByte();
                        block.Left                 = conv.ToUInt16(Utility.GetStreamBytes(stream, 2), 0);
                        block.Top                  = conv.ToUInt16(Utility.GetStreamBytes(stream, 2), 0);
                        block.Width                = conv.ToUInt16(Utility.GetStreamBytes(stream, 2), 0);
                        block.Height               = conv.ToUInt16(Utility.GetStreamBytes(stream, 2), 0);
                        block.CellWidth            = (byte)stream.ReadByte();
                        block.CellHeight           = (byte)stream.ReadByte();
                        block.ForegroundColorIndex = (byte)stream.ReadByte();
                        block.BackgroundColorIndex = (byte)stream.ReadByte();

                        // plain text data
                        block.Data = ReadDataBlock(stream);

                    else if (label == 0xFF)
                        // application extension
                        var block = new GIFApplicationExtension();
                        var size  = stream.ReadByte();
                        block.ApplicationIdentifier = Utility.GetStreamBytes(stream, 8);
                        block.AuthenticationCode    = Utility.GetStreamBytes(stream, 3);

                        // application data
                        block.Data = ReadDataBlock(stream);

                        // unkown extension block
                        var block = new GIFExtensionBlock(label);
                        block.Data = ReadDataBlock(stream);
                    // unknown block
                    throw new NotValidGIFFileException(string.Format("Unkown GIF block separator: 0x{0:X}", separator));

            // insert a terminator if it doesn't exist
            if (Blocks[Blocks.Count - 1].Separator != GIFSeparator.Terminator)
                Blocks.Add(new GIFTerminator());

            // process metadata