static void Main(string[] args) { Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Console.WriteLine($"Executing from folder: {Environment.CurrentDirectory} at {DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}"); if (args.Length == 1 && args[0].ToLower().StartsWith("-delay:")) { int millisec; if (Int32.TryParse(args[0].Substring(args[0].IndexOf(":") + 1), out millisec)) { Console.WriteLine($"Sleeping for {millisec} milliseconds and will exit."); Thread.Sleep(millisec); } else { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error while trying to read the delay."); Environment.ExitCode = -99; } } else { if (args.Length == 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Can't forward execution. There is no argument (executable) provided."); Environment.ExitCode = -99; } else { var result = ProcessWithOutputCapture.Execute(args[0], string.Join(" ", args.Skip(1))); Console.Write(result.Output); Console.Error.Write(result.Error); Environment.ExitCode = result.ExitCode; } } Console.WriteLine($"Done in {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} millisecs"); }
public static ProcessWithOutputCaptureResult Execute(string executablePath, string arguments, int timeout = Timeout.Infinite, ProcessWindowStyle processWindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden) { var p = new ProcessWithOutputCapture(); return(p.ExecuteInternal(executablePath, arguments, timeout, processWindowStyle)); }