private void Get_Customers() { ExcoODBC instance = ExcoODBC.Instance; #region Get All Customers Customer_List = new List <Customer>(); string query = "select customercode, name, pricelist from d_customer"; instance.Open(masterDB); OdbcDataReader reader = instance.RunQuery(query); while (reader.Read()) { Customer c = new Customer(); c.custCode = reader[0].ToString().Trim(); c.Name = reader[1].ToString().Trim(); c.PLCode = reader[2].ToString().Trim(); Customer_List.Add(c); } reader.Close(); #endregion // Select database using (var DBS = new DatabaseSelector(parent, Customer_List, "Select Customer", this.Location, this.Size, false)) { var returnv = DBS.ShowDialog(); // If database valid if (returnv == DialogResult.OK && DBS.dbName.Length > 0) { Ref_CustCode = DBS.dbName.Substring(DBS.dbName.Length - 7, 6);// Force form to redraw } } }
private void Import_Charges() { ExcoODBC instance = ExcoODBC.Instance; string custname = ""; #region Get Ref PL Code string query = "select pricelist, name from d_customer where customercode = '" + Ref_CustCode + "'"; instance.Open(masterDB); OdbcDataReader reader = instance.RunQuery(query); while (reader.Read()) { Ref_PLCode = reader[0].ToString().Trim(); custname = reader[1].ToString().Trim(); } reader.Close(); #endregion itemCharges ic; query = "select plcode, prefix, chargename, chargeprice, chargepercentage, maxqty from d_pricelistitemcharges where prefix like '" + Get_Die_Prefix((DieType)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(DieType), dieTypes.Text)) + "' " + "and plcode = '" + Ref_PLCode + "' " + (custname.ToLower().Contains("sapa") ? "and chargename like '%sapa%'" : "and chargename not like '%sapa%'"); instance.Open(masterDB); reader = instance.RunQuery(query); while (reader.Read()) { ic = new itemCharges(); ic.chargeName = reader[2].ToString().Trim(); ic.flatPrice = Convert.ToDouble(reader[3].ToString().Trim()); ic.percPrice = Convert.ToDouble(reader[4].ToString().Trim()); if (ic.percPrice > 0) { dataGridView1.Rows.Add(ic.chargeName, "B" + (ic.percPrice / 100)); } else { dataGridView1.Rows.Add(ic.chargeName, "F" + ic.flatPrice); } } reader.Close(); dataGridView1.Rows.Add(""); // Remove last delete button foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.Rows) { DataGridViewCellStyle style = new DataGridViewCellStyle(); style.Padding = new Padding(0, 0, (row == dataGridView1.Rows[dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1] ? 1000 : 0), 0); style.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(76, 76, 76); style.ForeColor = Color.White; row.Cells[2].Style = style; } Save_Charges(dieTypes.Text); }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Grey_Out(); ExcoODBC instance = ExcoODBC.Instance; #region Get All Customers Customer_List = new List <Customer>(); string query = "select customercode, name, pricelist from d_customer"; instance.Open(masterDB); OdbcDataReader reader = instance.RunQuery(query); while (reader.Read()) { Customer c = new Customer(); c.custCode = reader[0].ToString().Trim(); c.Name = reader[1].ToString().Trim(); c.PLCode = reader[2].ToString().Trim(); Customer_List.Add(c); } reader.Close(); #endregion string custName = ""; // Select database using (var DBS = new DatabaseSelector(parent, Customer_List, "Select Customer", this.Location, this.Size, false, "SAVE")) { var returnv = DBS.ShowDialog(); // If database valid if (returnv == DialogResult.OK && DBS.dbName.Length > 0) { Ref_CustCode = DBS.dbName.Substring(DBS.dbName.Length - 7, 6); custName = DBS.dbName.Substring(0, (DBS.dbName.Length - 9)).Length > 20 ? DBS.dbName.Substring(0, (DBS.dbName.Length - 9)).Substring(0, 20) : DBS.dbName.Substring(0, (DBS.dbName.Length - 9)); } } #region Background save charges to retain later // create appData directory if (!Directory.Exists(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\ExcoPricingTool")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\ExcoPricingTool"); } string rootPath = "EPT-" + Ref_CustCode + "-" + custName + ".ecf"; // Remove illegal path characters string invalid = new string(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) + new string(Path.GetInvalidPathChars()); foreach (char c in invalid) { rootPath = rootPath.Replace(c.ToString(), ""); } string combRootPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\ExcoPricingTool\\" + rootPath; // Try and delete existing file try { File.Delete(combRootPath); } catch { } List <string> Lines = new List <string>(); //save charges foreach (KeyValuePair <DieType, List <DieCharge> > Die_KVP in parent.Charge_Dictionary) { foreach (DieCharge DC in Die_KVP.Value) { Lines.Add("DC" + "|[D]=" + DC.Dietype + "|[N]=" + DC.Name + "|[F]=" + DC.Formula); } } //File.WriteAllLines(rootPath, Lines); File.WriteAllText(combRootPath, parent.Encrypt_Line(String.Join(Environment.NewLine, Lines))); #endregion Grey_In(); }