public UserDetails (bool showDetailed, ExceptionBase.NETGTKSharp.Application app, ExceptionInfo exinfo, Server server) : 
			this.Build ();
			//Set title and description
			this.Title = language.winTitle;
			this.lblDescription.Text = language.winDescription;
			//Name the tabs
			this.btnSkip.Label = language.bSkip;
			this.btnSend.Label = language.bSend;
			GtkLabel3.Text = language.appVersionCaption;
			GtkLabel4.Text = language.netVersionCaption;
			GtkLabel5.Text = language.osVersionCaption;
			GtkLabel.Text = language.errorDetailsCaption;
			label6.Text = app.Version;
			label7.Text = Environment.Version.ToString ();
			label8.Text = ReadSTDOutput ("lsb_release", "--d").Replace ("Description:", "").Trim () + " " + ReadSTDOutput ("arch", "");
			this.image26.Pixbuf = app.Icon;
			label4.Text = exinfo.Message;
			label5.Text = exinfo.Inner;
			ex = exinfo;
			sv = server;
			appl = app;
			if (showDetailed == false)
				notebook1.GetNthPage (1).HideAll ();
		//TODO: Change The Drawing.Image to Pixbuf!
		public Base (String Server, int AppID, String Version, Gdk.Pixbuf AppIcon)
			this.language = new Language ();
			this.server = new ExceptionBase.NETGTKSharp.Server ();
			this.application = new Application ();
			this.exception = new ExceptionInfo ();
			this.application.Version = Version;
			this.application.ID = AppID;
			this.server.server = Server;
			this.application.Icon = AppIcon;
			application.ShowErrorDetails = true;
		public void Send (ExceptionInfo exception, Server server)
			string NETFramework = "0.0"; 
			string InstalledOS = "Other Linux";

			try {
				NETFramework = Environment.Version.ToString ();
				InstalledOS = ReadSTDOutput ("lsb_release", "--d").Replace ("Description:", "").Trim ();
			} catch {

			String args = "em=" + exception.Message + "&ei=" + exception.Inner + "&st=" + exception.StackTrace + "&eme=" + exception.TargetSite + "&udesc=" + exception.UserDescription + "&appid=" + appl.ID + "&v=" + appl.Version + "&net=" + NETFramework + "&os=" + InstalledOS;
			//TODO: Changed the not existing namespace to C#
			if (true) { //new System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping ().Send (server.PingIP).Status == System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus.Success) {
				if (Functions.PostURL (server.server, args).Split (';') [0] == "1") {
					//TODO: Logging into the system logs
				} else {
					//FIXME: Hey leolabs, you have a bug there.