public void CreateDatabaseTest_name() { SQLBuilder builder = new SQLBuilder(null, "nameDB", "", ""); Assert.AreEqual("", builder.Build()); builder.CreateDatabase(); Assert.AreEqual("IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'nameDB') CREATE DATABASE nameDB;\n", builder.Build()); }
public static void generate(string xlsxPath, string datatypePath = null) { string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(xlsxPath); filename = filename.Replace(" ", "_"); string pathWOExtension = Path.GetDirectoryName(xlsxPath)+ "\\" + filename; DatabaseInfo.DatabaseName = filename; //convert from xlsx to csv string csvPath = pathWOExtension + ".csv"; Console.WriteLine("csvPath is: " + csvPath); XLSXToCSVConverter.toCSV(xlsxPath, csvPath); //represent csv as an object CSVWrapper csv = new CSVWrapper(); csv.openCSV(csvPath); //make the contents of the sql script string sqlPath = pathWOExtension + ".sql"; Console.WriteLine("sqlPath is: " + sqlPath); string sqlContent = new SQLBuilder(csv, filename, filename+"Table", datatypePath). CreateDatabase().DropTable().CreateUse().CreateTable().CreateInsert().Build(); //make the contents of the connection string file string dbPath = pathWOExtension + ProjectStrings.CONNECTION_STRING_FILE_EXTENSION; string dbContent = DatabaseInfo.DatabaseName; //write sql to file System.IO.File.WriteAllText(sqlPath, sqlContent); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(dbPath, dbContent); string[] lines = sqlContent.Split('\n'); createDatabaseFromSql(lines, filename); populateDatabaseFromSql(lines, filename); }
public void CreateDatabaseTest_empty() { SQLBuilder builder = new SQLBuilder(null, "", "", ""); Assert.AreEqual("", builder.Build()); builder.CreateDatabase(); Assert.AreEqual("", builder.Build()); }
public void CreateInsertTest_emptyCSV() { CSVWrapper csv = new CSVWrapper(); csv.openCSV(FormatPath.formatPath("empty.csv")); SQLBuilder builder = new SQLBuilder(csv, "", "Employee", ""); Assert.AreEqual("", builder.Build()); builder.CreateInsert(); Assert.AreEqual("", builder.Build()); }
public void CleanStringTestSpace() { CSVWrapper csv = new CSVWrapper(); csv.openCSV(FormatPath.formatPath("space.csv")); SQLBuilder builder = new SQLBuilder(csv, "space", "spaceTable", null); Assert.AreEqual("", builder.Build()); builder.CreateTable(); Assert.AreEqual("CREATE TABLE spaceTable (RowID int IDENTITY (1,1) PRIMARY KEY, Name text, Gender text, Salary text, Marriage_Status text);\n", builder.Build()); }
public void CleanStringTestSpecialCharacter() { CSVWrapper csv = new CSVWrapper(); csv.openCSV(FormatPath.formatPath("specialSymbol.csv")); SQLBuilder builder = new SQLBuilder(csv, "", "Employee", ""); Assert.AreEqual("", builder.Build()); builder.CreateInsert(); string[] insertLines = builder.Build().Split('\n'); Assert.AreEqual("INSERT INTO Employee(amt_in, amt1, amt2, sum) VALUES ('10', '50', '50','100');", insertLines[0]); Assert.AreEqual("INSERT INTO Employee(amt_in, amt1, amt2, sum) VALUES ('12', '20', '70', '90');", insertLines[1]); }
public void CreateInsertTest_smallCSV() { CSVWrapper csv = new CSVWrapper(); csv.openCSV(FormatPath.formatPath("test1.csv")); SQLBuilder builder = new SQLBuilder(csv, "", "Employee", ""); Assert.AreEqual("", builder.Build()); builder.CreateInsert(); string[] insertLines = builder.Build().Split('\n'); Assert.AreEqual("INSERT INTO Employee(Name, Gender, Salary) VALUES ('Tom', 'M', '20');", insertLines[0]); Assert.AreEqual("INSERT INTO Employee(Name, Gender, Salary) VALUES ('Adam', 'M', '30');", insertLines[1]); Assert.AreEqual("INSERT INTO Employee(Name, Gender, Salary) VALUES ('Sara', 'F', '40');", insertLines[2]); Assert.AreEqual("INSERT INTO Employee(Name, Gender, Salary) VALUES ('Serena', 'F', '50');", insertLines[3]); }
public void CreateSchemaTest_empty() { SQLBuilder builder = new SQLBuilder(null, "", "", ""); Assert.AreEqual("", builder.Build()); builder.createSchema(); Assert.AreEqual("", builder.Build()); }
public void DropTableTest_name() { SQLBuilder builder = new SQLBuilder(null, "", "nameTable", ""); Assert.AreEqual("", builder.Build()); builder.DropTable(); Assert.AreEqual("If Exists(Select object_id From sys.tables Where name = 'nameTable') Drop Table nameTable;\n", builder.Build()); }
public void CreateUse() { SQLBuilder builder = new SQLBuilder(null, "useME", "", ""); Assert.AreEqual("", builder.Build()); builder.CreateUse(); Assert.AreEqual("USE useME;\n", builder.Build()); }
public void CreateTableTest_name_smallCSV() { CSVWrapper csv = new CSVWrapper(); csv.openCSV(FormatPath.formatPath("test1.csv")); SQLBuilder builder = new SQLBuilder(csv, "", "Employee", ""); Assert.AreEqual("", builder.Build()); builder.CreateTable(); Assert.AreEqual("CREATE TABLE Employee (RowID int IDENTITY (1,1) PRIMARY KEY, Name text, Gender text, Salary text);\n", builder.Build()); }
public void CreateTableTest_name_noAttributes() { CSVWrapper csv = new CSVWrapper(); csv.openCSV(FormatPath.formatPath("empty.csv")); SQLBuilder builder = new SQLBuilder(csv, "", "Account", ""); Assert.AreEqual("", builder.Build()); builder.CreateTable(); Assert.AreEqual("CREATE TABLE Account (RowID int IDENTITY (1,1) PRIMARY KEY);\n", builder.Build()); }
public void CreateTableTest_emptyCSV() { SQLBuilder builder = new SQLBuilder(new CSVWrapper(), "", "", ""); Assert.AreEqual("", builder.Build()); builder.CreateTable(); Assert.AreEqual("", builder.Build()); }