private void checkSSIDPassword() { Excel.Application exApp = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application as Excel.Application; Excel.Workbook wb = exApp.ActiveWorkbook as Excel.Workbook; Channel ch = new Channel(); if (!TokenStore.checkTokenInStore()) { LoginForm frm = new LoginForm(); frm.Show(); } else { ch.setAuthToken(TokenStore.getTokenFromStore()); } if (ch.checkSpreadSheetID(wb) == "0") { string id = ch.getSpreadSheetID(wb.Name.ToString()); spreadSheetID = Convert.ToInt32(id); //write to wb property when a new ID is obtained Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperties properties; properties = (Office.DocumentProperties)wb.CustomDocumentProperties; properties.Add("Excalibur ID", false, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoDocProperties.msoPropertyTypeString, id); } else { string id = ch.checkSpreadSheetID(wb); spreadSheetID = Convert.ToInt32(id); } }
private void InitializePubComboBox() { Channel ch = new Channel(); string token = TokenStore.getTokenFromStore(); ch.setAuthToken(token); JArray d = ch.getAllBroadcastsChannels(); //Need User ID to send into filterPermittedChannels JArray datafeed = ch.filterChannelsInBroadcast(d); if (datafeed.ToString() != "[]") { foreach (dynamic data in datafeed) { foreach (dynamic c in data.channels) { pubComboBox.Items.Add( + "-" + c.description.ToString()); } } } else { pubComboBox.Items.Add("No data in the channel"); pubComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } }
public PubForm() { ch = new Channel(); InitializeComponent(); checkSSIDPassword(); InitializePermittedBroadcastsComboBox(); }
public void GetAllChannelsTest() { using (ShimsContext.Create()) { var responseStream = new FileStream("Fixtures/v1.channels.index.response", FileMode.Open); var responseShim = new ShimHttpWebResponse() { GetResponseStream = () => responseStream }; String actualMethod = ""; var requestShim = new ShimHttpWebRequest() { MethodSetString = (method) => { actualMethod = method; }, GetResponse = () => responseShim }; String actualURL = ""; ShimWebRequest.CreateString = (url) => { actualURL = url; return requestShim; }; Channel ch = new Channel(); JArray json = ch.getAllBroadcastsChannels(); StringAssert.AreEqualIgnoringCase("GET", actualMethod); StringAssert.AreEqualIgnoringCase("", actualURL); Assert.AreEqual(2, json.Count); } }
public SubForm() { ch = new Channel(); currentValue = ""; currentFormula = ""; InitializeComponent(); InitializeBroadCastComboBox(); }
public void onRefreshButton(Office.IRibbonControl control) { Excel.Application exApp = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application as Excel.Application; Excel.Workbook wb = exApp.ActiveWorkbook as Excel.Workbook; Channel ch = new Channel(); ch.setAuthToken(TokenStore.getTokenFromStore()); string txt = ch.channelsRefresh(wb); MessageBox.Show(txt, "Refresh"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Channel ch = new Channel(); string token = ch.getToken("*****@*****.**", "password"); ch.setAuthToken(token); string response = ch.getAllBroadcastsChannels().ToString(); //string token = ch.getToken("*****@*****.**", "password"); //Console.Write("Token from Website: " + token + "\n"); //at.setToken(token); //at.createCookieInContainer(); //string txt = at.readTokenFromCookie(); //Console.Write("Cookie Token: " + txt + "\n"); Console.Write(response); Console.Read(); }
private void loginButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Channel ch = new Channel(); string username = usernameBox.Text.ToString(); string password = passwordBox.Text.ToString(); string token = ch.getToken(username, password); if (token == "404"|token == "401") { loginErrorLabel.Visible = true; } else { loginErrorLabel.Visible = false; TokenStore.addTokenToStore(token); MessageBox.Show(TokenStore.getTokenFromStore(), "Token Obtained and Stored"); LoginForm.ActiveForm.Close(); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Excel.Application exApp = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application as Excel.Application; Excel.Workbook wb = exApp.ActiveWorkbook as Excel.Workbook; Excel.Worksheet ws = exApp.ActiveSheet as Excel.Worksheet; Excel.Range rng = (Excel.Range)exApp.ActiveCell; Channel ch = new Channel(); string returnID; string token; int broadcastID; string[] array = broadcastComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString().Split(new string[] { "-" }, StringSplitOptions.None); broadcastID = Convert.ToInt16(array[0]); //get token and send token together with publication request token = TokenStore.getTokenFromStore(); ch.setAuthToken(token); returnID = ch.publishChannel(feedNametextBox.Text.ToString(), rng.Value.ToString(), spreadSheetID, broadcastID); rng.Name = "PUB_" + returnID; MessageBox.Show("Published as Channel ID:" + returnID, "Response from Server"); //Add indicator to show publication status Excel.Shape aShape; aShape = ws.Shapes.AddShape(Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoAutoShapeType.msoShapeCross, rng.Left, rng.Top, 3, 3); aShape.Name = "Pub"; aShape.Fill.Visible = Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoTrue; aShape.Fill.Solid(); aShape.Line.Visible = Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse; aShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 90).ToArgb(); aShape.Placement = Excel.XlPlacement.xlMove; PubForm.ActiveForm.Close(); }
private void updateChannelDescription(object sender, EventArgs e) { Channel ch = new Channel(); this.readSelectedChannel(); descriptionTextBox.Text = ch.getChannelDesc(channelSelected.ToString()); }
private void rePubButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string responseFromServer; Excel.Application exApp = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application as Excel.Application; Excel.Workbook wb = exApp.ActiveWorkbook as Excel.Workbook; Excel.Worksheet ws = exApp.ActiveSheet as Excel.Worksheet; Excel.Range rng = (Excel.Range)exApp.ActiveCell; Channel ch = new Channel(); this.readSelectedChannel(); ch.setAuthToken(TokenStore.getTokenFromStore()); string to_replace = ""; if (forceCheckBox.Checked) { to_replace = "true"; } else { to_replace = "false"; } responseFromServer = ch.rePublishChannel(channelSelected, descriptionTextBox.Text, rng.Value.ToString(), spreadSheetID, to_replace); MessageBox.Show(responseFromServer.ToString()); if (responseFromServer == "409") { MessageBox.Show(@"This workbook is not the original publisher. Please check 'OverWrite' and retry if you want to overwrite data in the channel", "Cannot Overwrite"); } else if (responseFromServer == "401") { MessageBox.Show(@"You are not authorized to publish into the channel", "Unauthorized"); } else { rng.Name = "PUB_" + channelSelected.ToString(); //Add indicator to show publication status Excel.Shape aShape; aShape = ws.Shapes.AddShape(Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoAutoShapeType.msoShapeCross, rng.Left, rng.Top, 3, 3); aShape.Name = "Pub"; aShape.Fill.Visible = Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoTrue; aShape.Fill.Solid(); aShape.Line.Visible = Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse; aShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 90).ToArgb(); aShape.Placement = Excel.XlPlacement.xlMove; RePubForm.ActiveForm.Close(); } }
private void refreshAll(Office.CommandBarButton cmdBarbutton, ref bool cancel) { Excel.Application exApp = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application as Excel.Application; Excel.Workbook wb = exApp.ActiveWorkbook as Excel.Workbook; Channel ch = new Channel(); string txt; txt = ch.channelsRefresh(wb); MessageBox.Show(txt, "Refresh"); }
public void onRegButton(Office.IRibbonControl control) { Excel.Application exApp = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application as Excel.Application; Excel.Workbook wb = exApp.ActiveWorkbook as Excel.Workbook ; string filename = wb.Name.ToString(); Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperties properties; properties = (Office.DocumentProperties)wb.CustomDocumentProperties; Channel ch = new Channel(); ch.setAuthToken(TokenStore.getTokenFromStore()); if (ch.checkSpreadSheetID(wb) == "0") { string fileID = ch.getSpreadSheetID(filename); MessageBox.Show(fileID, "File ID"); properties.Add("Excalibur ID", false, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoDocProperties.msoPropertyTypeString, fileID); } else { MessageBox.Show("ID Exists - Excalibur ID: " + ch.checkSpreadSheetID(wb), "File Already Registered"); } }