public SlicedSphere(double radius, Vector3d offset, eSubdivisions subdivs, eDir[] sides, bool useDL) : base(useDL) { double Diameter = radius; PrimitiveMode = OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode.Triangles; if (sides[0] == eDir.All) { sides = new eDir[] { eDir.FrontTopRight, eDir.FrontBottomRight, eDir.FrontBottomLeft, eDir.FrontTopLeft, eDir.BackTopRight, eDir.BackBottomRight, eDir.BackBottomLeft, eDir.BackTopLeft, }; } VertexArray = new VertexT2dN3dV3d[sides.Length * 3]; IndexArray = new uint[sides.Length * 3]; uint counter = 0; foreach (eDir s in sides) { GetDefaultVertices(s, Diameter, out VertexArray[counter + 0], out VertexArray[counter + 1], out VertexArray[counter + 2]); IndexArray[counter + 0] = counter + 0; IndexArray[counter + 1] = counter + 1; IndexArray[counter + 2] = counter + 2; counter += 3; } if (subdivs != eSubdivisions.Zero) { for (int s = 0; s < (int)subdivs; s++) { #region Assemble Chunks and convert to Arrays List <Chunk> AllChunks = new List <Chunk>(); for (uint i = 0; i < IndexArray.Length; i += 3) { Chunk chu; Subdivide(Diameter, ref VertexArray[IndexArray[i + 0]], ref VertexArray[IndexArray[i + 1]], ref VertexArray[IndexArray[i + 2]], out chu); AllChunks.Add(chu); } Chunk.GetArray(ref AllChunks, out VertexArray, out IndexArray); AllChunks.Clear(); #endregion Assemble Chunks and convert to Arrays } } for (int i = 0; i < VertexArray.Length; i++) { Vector3d.Add(ref VertexArray[i].Position, ref offset, out VertexArray[i].Position); } }
public ChamferCube(double Width, double Height, double Length, SubDivs subdivs, double radius, bool useDL) : base(useDL) { SlicedSphere.eSubdivisions sphereSubDivs = SlicedSphere.eSubdivisions.Zero; uint hoseSubDivs = 0; switch (subdivs) { case SubDivs.Zero: sphereSubDivs = SlicedSphere.eSubdivisions.Zero; hoseSubDivs = 0; break; case SubDivs.One: sphereSubDivs = SlicedSphere.eSubdivisions.One; hoseSubDivs = 1; break; case SubDivs.Two: sphereSubDivs = SlicedSphere.eSubdivisions.Two; hoseSubDivs = 3; break; case SubDivs.Three: sphereSubDivs = SlicedSphere.eSubdivisions.Three; hoseSubDivs = 7; break; case SubDivs.Four: sphereSubDivs = SlicedSphere.eSubdivisions.Four; hoseSubDivs = 15; break; } #region Temporary Storage List <Chunk> AllChunks = new List <Chunk>(); OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode TemporaryMode; VertexT2dN3dV3d[] TemporaryVBO; uint[] TemporaryIBO; #endregion Temporary Storage Vector3d FrontTopRightEdge = new Vector3d(+Width - radius, +Height - radius, +Length - radius); Vector3d FrontTopLeftEdge = new Vector3d(+Width - radius, +Height - radius, -Length + radius); Vector3d FrontBottomRightEdge = new Vector3d(+Width - radius, -Height + radius, +Length - radius); Vector3d FrontBottomLeftEdge = new Vector3d(+Width - radius, -Height + radius, -Length + radius); Vector3d BackTopRightEdge = new Vector3d(-Width + radius, +Height - radius, +Length - radius); Vector3d BackTopLeftEdge = new Vector3d(-Width + radius, +Height - radius, -Length + radius); Vector3d BackBottomRightEdge = new Vector3d(-Width + radius, -Height + radius, +Length - radius); Vector3d BackBottomLeftEdge = new Vector3d(-Width + radius, -Height + radius, -Length + radius); #region 8 sliced Spheres SlicedSphere tempSphere; Vector3d tempVector = Vector3d.Zero; SlicedSphere.eDir[] tempEdge = new SlicedSphere.eDir[1]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: tempVector = FrontTopRightEdge; tempEdge = new SlicedSphere.eDir[] { SlicedSphere.eDir.FrontTopRight }; break; case 1: tempVector = FrontTopLeftEdge; tempEdge = new SlicedSphere.eDir[] { SlicedSphere.eDir.FrontTopLeft }; break; case 2: tempVector = FrontBottomRightEdge; tempEdge = new SlicedSphere.eDir[] { SlicedSphere.eDir.FrontBottomRight }; break; case 3: tempVector = FrontBottomLeftEdge; tempEdge = new SlicedSphere.eDir[] { SlicedSphere.eDir.FrontBottomLeft }; break; case 4: tempVector = BackBottomRightEdge; tempEdge = new SlicedSphere.eDir[] { SlicedSphere.eDir.BackBottomRight }; break; case 5: tempVector = BackBottomLeftEdge; tempEdge = new SlicedSphere.eDir[] { SlicedSphere.eDir.BackBottomLeft }; break; case 6: tempVector = BackTopRightEdge; tempEdge = new SlicedSphere.eDir[] { SlicedSphere.eDir.BackTopRight }; break; case 7: tempVector = BackTopLeftEdge; tempEdge = new SlicedSphere.eDir[] { SlicedSphere.eDir.BackTopLeft }; break; } tempSphere = new SlicedSphere(radius, tempVector, sphereSubDivs, tempEdge, false); tempSphere.GetArraysforVBO(out TemporaryMode, out TemporaryVBO, out TemporaryIBO); tempSphere.Dispose(); AllChunks.Add(new Chunk(ref TemporaryVBO, ref TemporaryIBO)); } #endregion 8 sliced Spheres #region 12 sliced Hoses SlicedHose tempHose; SlicedHose.eSide tempSide = SlicedHose.eSide.BackBottom; Vector3d tempHoseStart = Vector3d.Zero; Vector3d tempHoseEnd = Vector3d.Zero; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { switch (i) { #region Around X Axis case 0: tempSide = SlicedHose.eSide.BottomRight; tempHoseStart = BackBottomRightEdge; tempHoseEnd = FrontBottomRightEdge; break; case 1: tempSide = SlicedHose.eSide.TopRight; tempHoseStart = BackTopRightEdge; tempHoseEnd = FrontTopRightEdge; break; case 2: tempSide = SlicedHose.eSide.TopLeft; tempHoseStart = BackTopLeftEdge; tempHoseEnd = FrontTopLeftEdge; break; case 3: tempSide = SlicedHose.eSide.BottomLeft; tempHoseStart = BackBottomLeftEdge; tempHoseEnd = FrontBottomLeftEdge; break; #endregion Around X Axis #region Around Y Axis case 4: tempSide = SlicedHose.eSide.FrontRight; tempHoseStart = FrontBottomRightEdge; tempHoseEnd = FrontTopRightEdge; break; case 5: tempSide = SlicedHose.eSide.BackRight; tempHoseStart = BackBottomRightEdge; tempHoseEnd = BackTopRightEdge; break; case 6: tempSide = SlicedHose.eSide.BackLeft; tempHoseStart = BackBottomLeftEdge; tempHoseEnd = BackTopLeftEdge; break; case 7: tempSide = SlicedHose.eSide.FrontLeft; tempHoseStart = FrontBottomLeftEdge; tempHoseEnd = FrontTopLeftEdge; break; #endregion Around Y Axis #region Around Z Axis case 8: tempSide = SlicedHose.eSide.FrontTop; tempHoseStart = FrontTopRightEdge; tempHoseEnd = FrontTopLeftEdge; break; case 9: tempSide = SlicedHose.eSide.BackTop; tempHoseStart = BackTopRightEdge; tempHoseEnd = BackTopLeftEdge; break; case 10: tempSide = SlicedHose.eSide.BackBottom; tempHoseStart = BackBottomRightEdge; tempHoseEnd = BackBottomLeftEdge; break; case 11: tempSide = SlicedHose.eSide.FrontBottom; tempHoseStart = FrontBottomRightEdge; tempHoseEnd = FrontBottomLeftEdge; break; #endregion Around Z Axis } tempHose = new SlicedHose(tempSide, hoseSubDivs, radius, tempHoseStart, tempHoseEnd, false); tempHose.GetArraysforVBO(out TemporaryMode, out TemporaryVBO, out TemporaryIBO); tempHose.Dispose(); AllChunks.Add(new Chunk(ref TemporaryVBO, ref TemporaryIBO)); } #endregion 12 sliced Hoses #region 6 quads for the sides VertexT2dN3dV3d[] tempVBO = new VertexT2dN3dV3d[4]; uint[] tempIBO = new uint[6] { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3 }; // all quads share this IBO // all quads use the same texcoords tempVBO[0].TexCoord = new Vector2d(0.0, 1.0); tempVBO[1].TexCoord = new Vector2d(0.0, 0.0); tempVBO[2].TexCoord = new Vector2d(1.0, 0.0); tempVBO[3].TexCoord = new Vector2d(1.0, 1.0); // front face tempVBO[0].Normal = tempVBO[1].Normal = tempVBO[2].Normal = tempVBO[3].Normal = Vector3d.UnitX; tempVBO[0].Position = FrontTopRightEdge + new Vector3d(radius, 0.0, 0.0); tempVBO[1].Position = FrontBottomRightEdge + new Vector3d(radius, 0.0, 0.0); tempVBO[2].Position = FrontBottomLeftEdge + new Vector3d(radius, 0.0, 0.0); tempVBO[3].Position = FrontTopLeftEdge + new Vector3d(radius, 0.0, 0.0); AllChunks.Add(new Chunk(ref tempVBO, ref tempIBO)); // back face tempVBO[0].Normal = tempVBO[1].Normal = tempVBO[2].Normal = tempVBO[3].Normal = -Vector3d.UnitX; tempVBO[0].Position = BackTopLeftEdge - new Vector3d(radius, 0.0, 0.0); tempVBO[1].Position = BackBottomLeftEdge - new Vector3d(radius, 0.0, 0.0); tempVBO[2].Position = BackBottomRightEdge - new Vector3d(radius, 0.0, 0.0); tempVBO[3].Position = BackTopRightEdge - new Vector3d(radius, 0.0, 0.0); AllChunks.Add(new Chunk(ref tempVBO, ref tempIBO)); // top face tempVBO[0].Normal = tempVBO[1].Normal = tempVBO[2].Normal = tempVBO[3].Normal = Vector3d.UnitY; tempVBO[0].Position = BackTopRightEdge + new Vector3d(0.0, radius, 0.0); tempVBO[1].Position = FrontTopRightEdge + new Vector3d(0.0, radius, 0.0); tempVBO[2].Position = FrontTopLeftEdge + new Vector3d(0.0, radius, 0.0); tempVBO[3].Position = BackTopLeftEdge + new Vector3d(0.0, radius, 0.0); AllChunks.Add(new Chunk(ref tempVBO, ref tempIBO)); // bottom face tempVBO[0].Normal = tempVBO[1].Normal = tempVBO[2].Normal = tempVBO[3].Normal = -Vector3d.UnitY; tempVBO[0].Position = BackBottomLeftEdge - new Vector3d(0.0, radius, 0.0); tempVBO[1].Position = FrontBottomLeftEdge - new Vector3d(0.0, radius, 0.0); tempVBO[2].Position = FrontBottomRightEdge - new Vector3d(0.0, radius, 0.0); tempVBO[3].Position = BackBottomRightEdge - new Vector3d(0.0, radius, 0.0); AllChunks.Add(new Chunk(ref tempVBO, ref tempIBO)); // right face tempVBO[0].Normal = tempVBO[1].Normal = tempVBO[2].Normal = tempVBO[3].Normal = Vector3d.UnitZ; tempVBO[0].Position = BackTopRightEdge + new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, radius); tempVBO[1].Position = BackBottomRightEdge + new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, radius); tempVBO[2].Position = FrontBottomRightEdge + new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, radius); tempVBO[3].Position = FrontTopRightEdge + new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, radius); AllChunks.Add(new Chunk(ref tempVBO, ref tempIBO)); // left face tempVBO[0].Normal = tempVBO[1].Normal = tempVBO[2].Normal = tempVBO[3].Normal = -Vector3d.UnitZ; tempVBO[0].Position = FrontTopLeftEdge - new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, radius); tempVBO[1].Position = FrontBottomLeftEdge - new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, radius); tempVBO[2].Position = BackBottomLeftEdge - new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, radius); tempVBO[3].Position = BackTopLeftEdge - new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, radius); AllChunks.Add(new Chunk(ref tempVBO, ref tempIBO)); #endregion 6 quads for the sides #region Final Assembly of Chunks PrimitiveMode = OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode.Triangles; Chunk.GetArray(ref AllChunks, out VertexArray, out IndexArray); AllChunks.Clear(); #endregion Final Assembly of Chunks }
public Capsule(double radius, double height, eSubdivisions subdivs, bool useDL) : base(useDL) { uint HoseSubDivs = 0; SlicedSphere.eSubdivisions spheresubdivs = SlicedSphere.eSubdivisions.Zero; switch (subdivs) { case eSubdivisions.None: spheresubdivs = SlicedSphere.eSubdivisions.Zero; HoseSubDivs = 0; break; case eSubdivisions.One: spheresubdivs = SlicedSphere.eSubdivisions.One; HoseSubDivs = 1; break; case eSubdivisions.Two: spheresubdivs = SlicedSphere.eSubdivisions.Two; HoseSubDivs = 3; break; case eSubdivisions.Three: spheresubdivs = SlicedSphere.eSubdivisions.Three; HoseSubDivs = 7; break; case eSubdivisions.Four: spheresubdivs = SlicedSphere.eSubdivisions.Four; HoseSubDivs = 15; break; } PrimitiveMode = OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode.Triangles; OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode TemporaryMode; VertexT2dN3dV3d[] TemporaryVBO; uint[] TemporaryIBO; List <Chunk> AllChunks = new List <Chunk>(); Vector3d offset1 = new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, height), offset2 = new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, -height); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { SlicedHose.eSide tempSide = SlicedHose.eSide.FrontTop; switch (i) { case 0: tempSide = SlicedHose.eSide.FrontBottom; break; case 1: tempSide = SlicedHose.eSide.BackBottom; break; case 2: tempSide = SlicedHose.eSide.BackTop; break; case 3: tempSide = SlicedHose.eSide.FrontTop; break; } SlicedHose tempHose = new SlicedHose(tempSide, HoseSubDivs, radius, offset1, offset2, false); tempHose.GetArraysforVBO(out TemporaryMode, out TemporaryVBO, out TemporaryIBO); tempHose.Dispose(); AllChunks.Add(new Chunk(ref TemporaryVBO, ref TemporaryIBO)); } SlicedSphere front = new SlicedSphere(radius, offset1, spheresubdivs, new SlicedSphere.eDir[] { SlicedSphere.eDir.BackBottomRight, SlicedSphere.eDir.FrontTopRight, SlicedSphere.eDir.BackTopRight, SlicedSphere.eDir.FrontBottomRight, }, false); front.GetArraysforVBO(out TemporaryMode, out TemporaryVBO, out TemporaryIBO); AllChunks.Add(new Chunk(ref TemporaryVBO, ref TemporaryIBO)); front.Dispose(); SlicedSphere back = new SlicedSphere(radius, offset2, spheresubdivs, new SlicedSphere.eDir[] { SlicedSphere.eDir.FrontBottomLeft, SlicedSphere.eDir.FrontTopLeft, SlicedSphere.eDir.BackTopLeft, SlicedSphere.eDir.BackBottomLeft }, false); back.GetArraysforVBO(out TemporaryMode, out TemporaryVBO, out TemporaryIBO); AllChunks.Add(new Chunk(ref TemporaryVBO, ref TemporaryIBO)); back.Dispose(); Chunk.GetArray(ref AllChunks, out VertexArray, out IndexArray); AllChunks.Clear(); }