예제 #1
        internal void MakeBaseNumbers()
            if( Worker.CancellationPending )

            Integer YTop = new Integer();
            Integer Y = new Integer();
            Integer XSquared = new Integer();
            Integer Test = new Integer();
            uint XSquaredBitLength = 1;

            ExponentVectorNumber ExpNumber = new ExponentVectorNumber( IntMath );

            uint Loops = 0;
            uint BSmoothCount = 0;
            uint BSmoothTestsCount = 0;
            uint IncrementYBy = 0;
            while( true )
              if( Worker.CancellationPending )

              if( (Loops & 0xF) == 0 )
            Worker.ReportProgress( 0, " " );
            Worker.ReportProgress( 0, "Loops: " + Loops.ToString( "N0" ));
            Worker.ReportProgress( 0, "BSmoothCount: " + BSmoothCount.ToString( "N0" ));
            Worker.ReportProgress( 0, "BSmoothTestsCount: " + BSmoothTestsCount.ToString( "N0" ));
            if( BSmoothTestsCount != 0 )
              double TestsRatio = (double)BSmoothCount / (double)BSmoothTestsCount;
              Worker.ReportProgress( 0, "TestsRatio: " + TestsRatio.ToString( "N3" ));

              if( (Loops & 0xFFFFF) == 0 )
            // Use Task Manager to tweak the CPU Utilization if you want
            // it be below 100 percent.
            Thread.Sleep( 1 );

              // About 98 percent of the time it is running IncrementBy().
              IncrementYBy += IncrementConst;
              uint BitLength = IncrementBy();

              const uint SomeOptimumBitLength = 2;
              if( BitLength < SomeOptimumBitLength )

              // This BitLength has to do with how many small factors you want
              // in the number.  But it doesn't limit your factor base at all.
              // You can still have any size prime in your factor base (up to
              // IntegerMath.PrimeArrayLength).  Compare the size of
              // YBaseToPrimesArrayLast to IntegerMath.PrimeArrayLength.
              YTop.AddULong( IncrementYBy );
              IncrementYBy = 0;
              Y.Copy( ProductSqrRoot );
              Y.Add( YTop );
              XSquared.Copy( Y );
              IntMath.DoSquare( XSquared );
              if( XSquared.ParamIsGreater( Product ))
            throw( new Exception( "Bug. XSquared.ParamIsGreater( Product )." ));

              IntMath.Subtract( XSquared, Product );

              XSquaredBitLength = (uint)(XSquared.GetIndex() * 32);
              uint TopDigit = (uint)XSquared.GetD( XSquared.GetIndex());
              uint TopLength = GetBitLength( TopDigit );
              XSquaredBitLength += TopLength;
              if( XSquaredBitLength == 0 )
            XSquaredBitLength = 1;

              // if( ItIsTheAnswerAlready( XSquared ))  It's too unlikely.
              // QuadResCombinatorics could run in parallel to check for that,
              // and it would be way ahead of this.

              if( OneMainFactor.IsEqual( XSquared ))
            MakeFastExpNumber( ExpNumber );
            if( OneMainFactor.IsZero())
              throw( new Exception( "OneMainFactor.IsZero()." ));

            IntMath.Divide( XSquared, OneMainFactor, Quotient, Remainder );
            ExpNumber.SetFromTraditionalInteger( Quotient );
            ExpNumber.Multiply( ExpOneMainFactor );
            ExpNumber.GetTraditionalInteger( Test );
            if( !Test.IsEqual( XSquared ))
              throw( new Exception( "!Test.IsEqual( XSquared )." ));


              if( ExpNumber.IsBSmooth())
            string DelimS = IntMath.ToString10( Y ) + "\t" +

            Worker.ReportProgress( 1, DelimS );

            if( (BSmoothCount & 0x3F) == 0 )
              Worker.ReportProgress( 0, " " );
              Worker.ReportProgress( 0, "BitLength: " + BitLength.ToString());
              Worker.ReportProgress( 0, "XSquaredBitLength: " + XSquaredBitLength.ToString());
              Worker.ReportProgress( 0, ExpNumber.ToString() );

              // What should BSmoothLimit be?
              // (Since FactorDictionary.cs will reduce the final factor base.)
              if( BSmoothCount > BSmoothLimit )
            Worker.ReportProgress( 0, "Found enough to make the matrix." );
            Worker.ReportProgress( 0, "BSmoothCount: " + BSmoothCount.ToString( "N0" ));
            Worker.ReportProgress( 0, "BSmoothLimit: " + BSmoothLimit.ToString( "N0" ));
            Worker.ReportProgress( 0, "Seconds: " + StartTime.GetSecondsToNow().ToString( "N1" ));
            double Seconds = StartTime.GetSecondsToNow();
            int Minutes = (int)Seconds / 60;
            int Hours = Minutes / 60;
            Minutes = Minutes % 60;
            Seconds = Seconds % 60;
            string ShowS = "Hours: " + Hours.ToString( "N0" ) +
                   "  Minutes: " + Minutes.ToString( "N0" ) +
                   "  Seconds: " + Seconds.ToString( "N0" );

            Worker.ReportProgress( 0, ShowS );

            catch( Exception Except )
              throw( new Exception( "Exception in MakeBaseNumbers():\r\n" + Except.Message ));
예제 #2
        private bool GetFactors( Integer Y, ExponentVectorNumber XExp )
            Integer XRoot = new Integer();
            Integer X = new Integer();
            Integer XwithY = new Integer();
            Integer Gcd = new Integer();
            XExp.GetTraditionalInteger( X );
            if( !IntMath.SquareRoot( X, XRoot ))
              throw( new Exception( "Bug. X should have an exact square root." ));

            XwithY.Copy( Y );
            XwithY.Add( XRoot );
            IntMath.GreatestCommonDivisor( Product, XwithY, Gcd );
            if( !Gcd.IsOne())
              if( !Gcd.IsEqual( Product ))
            SolutionP.Copy( Gcd );
            IntMath.Divide( Product, SolutionP, Quotient, Remainder );
            if( !Remainder.IsZero())
              throw( new Exception( "The Remainder with SolutionP can't be zero." ));

            SolutionQ.Copy( Quotient );
            MForm.ShowStatus( "SolutionP: " + IntMath.ToString10( SolutionP ));
            MForm.ShowStatus( "SolutionQ: " + IntMath.ToString10( SolutionQ ));
            return true;
            MForm.ShowStatus( "GCD was Product." );
              MForm.ShowStatus( "GCD was one." );

            MForm.ShowStatus( "XRoot: " + IntMath.ToString10( XRoot ));
            MForm.ShowStatus( "Y: " + IntMath.ToString10( Y ));

            XwithY.Copy( Y );
            if( Y.ParamIsGreater( XRoot ))
              throw( new Exception( "This can't be right. XRoot is bigger than Y." ));

            IntMath.Subtract( Y, XRoot );
            IntMath.GreatestCommonDivisor( Product, XwithY, Gcd );
            if( !Gcd.IsOne())
              if( !Gcd.IsEqual( Product ))
            SolutionP.Copy( Gcd );
            IntMath.Divide( Product, SolutionP, Quotient, Remainder );
            if( !Remainder.IsZero())
              throw( new Exception( "The Remainder with SolutionP can't be zero." ));

            SolutionQ.Copy( Quotient );
            MForm.ShowStatus( "SolutionP: " + IntMath.ToString10( SolutionP ));
            MForm.ShowStatus( "SolutionQ: " + IntMath.ToString10( SolutionQ ));
            return true;
            MForm.ShowStatus( "GCD was Product." );
              MForm.ShowStatus( "GCD was one." );

            return false;