예제 #1
        async Task Canvas_CreateResourcesAsync(CanvasAnimatedControl sender)
            bitmapTiger = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, "imageTiger.jpg");

            tigerSize = bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2();

            // The Sketch shader has two input textures:
            //  - First is the image that will be processed by the sketch effect.
            //    The sketch shader applies a 3x3 edge detection filter kernel to this input,
            //    so we specify Offset coordinate mapping mode with a max offset of 1 dip.
            //  - Second is an overlay containing a pencil sketch texture. The JitterX and JitterY
            //    properties offset this by randomly varying amounts, so we specify Unknown mapping
            //    mode to indicate that the entire image must be made available to the shader.

            sketchEffect = new PixelShaderEffect(await Utils.ReadAllBytes("Shaders/Sketch.bin"))
                Source1           = bitmapTiger,
                Source1BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard,
                Source1Mapping    = SamplerCoordinateMapping.Offset,
                MaxSamplerOffset  = (int)Math.Ceiling(sender.Dpi / 96),

                Source2        = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, "Shaders/SketchTexture.jpg"),
                Source2Mapping = SamplerCoordinateMapping.Unknown

            sketchEffect.Properties["EdgeOffset"] = sender.Dpi / 96;

            // The Dissolve shader has two input textures:
            //  - The first is an image that will be dissolved away to nothing.
            //  - The second is a dissolve mask whose red channel controls the order in which pixels
            //    of the first image disappear as the dissolveAmount property is animated.
            // This example selects different dissolve masks depending on the CurrentEffect.

            dissolveEffect = new PixelShaderEffect(await Utils.ReadAllBytes("Shaders/Dissolve.bin"));

            // The Ripples shader has no input textures.
            // It generates an animatable series of concentric circles.
            // This is used as a mask input to the dissolveEffect.
            rippleEffect = new PixelShaderEffect(await Utils.ReadAllBytes("Shaders/Ripples.bin"));

            rippleEffect.Properties["frequency"] = 0.15f;
            rippleEffect.Properties["dpi"]       = sender.Dpi;
            rippleEffect.Properties["center"]    = tigerSize / 3;

            // Create other dissolve mask images.
        async Task Canvas_CreateResourcesAsync(CanvasVirtualControl sender)
            mandelbrotEffect = new PixelShaderEffect(await Utils.ReadAllBytes("Shaders/Mandelbrot.bin"));

            // The Mandelbrot pixel shader outputs grayscale values. To make the result more interesting,
            // we run it through a TableTransferEffect. This applies a color gradient that goes from black
            // through blue, cyan, green, yellow, red, magenta, blue again, and finally back toward cyan.

            colorizeEffect = new TableTransferEffect
                Source = mandelbrotEffect,

                RedTable   = new float[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0.67f, 0, 0 },
                GreenTable = new float[] { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.5f },
                BlueTable  = new float[] { 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 },
예제 #3
        async Task Canvas_CreateResourcesAsync(CanvasAnimatedControl sender)
            bitmapTiger = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, "imageTiger.jpg");

            tigerSize = bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2();

            // The Sketch shader has two input textures:
            //  - First is the image that will be processed by the sketch effect.
            //    The sketch shader applies a 3x3 edge detection filter kernel to this input,
            //    so we specify Offset coordinate mapping mode with a max offset of 1 dip.
            //  - Second is an overlay containing a pencil sketch texture. The JitterX and JitterY
            //    properties offset this by randomly varying amounts, so we specify Unknown mapping
            //    mode to indicate that the entire image must be made available to the shader.

            sketchEffect = new PixelShaderEffect(await Utils.ReadAllBytes("Shaders/Sketch.bin"))
                Source1           = bitmapTiger,
                Source1BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard,
                Source1Mapping    = SamplerCoordinateMapping.Offset,
                MaxSamplerOffset  = (int)Math.Ceiling(sender.Dpi / 96),

                Source2        = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, "Shaders/SketchTexture.jpg"),
                Source2Mapping = SamplerCoordinateMapping.Unknown

            sketchEffect.Properties["EdgeOffset"] = sender.Dpi / 96;

            // The Dissolve shader has two input textures:
            //  - The first is an image that will be dissolved away to nothing.
            //  - The second is a dissolve mask whose red channel controls the order in which pixels
            //    of the first image disappear as the dissolveAmount property is animated.
            // This example selects different dissolve masks depending on the CurrentEffect.

            dissolveEffect = new PixelShaderEffect(await Utils.ReadAllBytes("Shaders/Dissolve.bin"));

            // The Ripples shader has no input textures.
            // It generates an animatable series of concentric circles.
            // This is used as a mask input to the dissolveEffect.
            rippleEffect = new PixelShaderEffect(await Utils.ReadAllBytes("Shaders/Ripples.bin"));

            rippleEffect.Properties["frequency"] = 0.15f;
            rippleEffect.Properties["dpi"]       = sender.Dpi;
            rippleEffect.Properties["center"] = tigerSize / 3;
            rippleEffect.Properties["center"] = (Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.Numerics.Vector2)(tigerSize / 3);

            // When compiling for Windows 8.1, we must explicitly convert vector and matrix values
            // from System.Numerics to their Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.Numerics equivalents before
            // passing them to PixelShaderEffect.Properties. This is not neccessary when targetting
            // UWP, which handles the conversion automatically. For more info, see the article:
            // http://blogs.msdn.com/b/win2d/archive/2015/06/02/winrt-vector-and-matrix-types-in-windows-10.aspx

            // Create other dissolve mask images.