protected override void ThrowIfComponentIsNotValidForThisVehicleType(Component i_Component)
            eComponentType typeToAdd = i_Component.Type;

            if (typeToAdd != eComponentType.WeightComponent && typeToAdd != eComponentType.HazardousComponent)
                throw new ArgumentException("You can only add weight and hazardous components to a truck.");
예제 #2
        protected override void ThrowIfComponentIsNotValidForThisVehicleType(Component i_Component)
            eComponentType typeToAdd = i_Component.Type;

            if (typeToAdd != eComponentType.ColorComponent && typeToAdd != eComponentType.DoorsComponent)
                throw new ArgumentException("You can only add color or doors to a car");
        protected override void ThrowIfComponentIsNotValidForThisVehicleType(Component i_Component)
            eComponentType typeToAdd = i_Component.Type;

            if (typeToAdd != eComponentType.LicenceComponent && typeToAdd != eComponentType.CapacityComponent)
                throw new ArgumentException("You can only add licence and engine capacity components to a motorcycle.");
        private void throwIfComponentAlreadyExists(Component i_Component)
            eComponentType typeToAdd = i_Component.Type;

            foreach (Component component in m_Components)
                if (component.Type.Equals(typeToAdd))
                    throw new ArgumentException("This component type already exists in this vehicle.");
 protected abstract void ThrowIfComponentIsNotValidForThisVehicleType(Component i_Component);
 public void AddComponent(Component i_Component)
     if (i_Component != null)