listNotebooks() 공개 메소드

public listNotebooks ( string authenticationToken ) : List
authenticationToken string
리턴 List
        public IEnumerable<EverNote> GetDefaultNoteBookNotes(string authToken)
            var noteStoreUrl = GetNoteStoreUrl(authToken);
            var transport = new THttpClient(new Uri(noteStoreUrl));
            var protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport);
            var noteStore = new NoteStore.Client(protocol);
            var notes = new List<EverNote>();

            var notebooks = noteStore.listNotebooks(authToken);

            foreach (Notebook notebook in notebooks)
                if (notebook.DefaultNotebook)
                    var findResult = noteStore.findNotes(authToken, new NoteFilter { NotebookGuid = notebook.Guid }, 0, int.MaxValue);
                    foreach (var note in findResult.Notes)
                        notes.Add(new EverNote(note.Guid, note.Title));

            return notes;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetches the first n suitable notes to tweet.
        /// </summary>
        public static List<Note> GetNotesToTweet( int numNotesWanted )
            if ( LoginNeeded )
                Login( );

            // Connect to the note store.  
            log.Info( "Fetching notebooks..." );
            NoteStore.Client noteClient = new NoteStore.Client( new TBinaryProtocol( new THttpClient( new Uri( BaseUrl + "/edam/note/" + authentication.User.ShardId ) ) ) );

            // Find the specified notebook.
            List<Notebook> notebooks = noteClient.listNotebooks( authentication.AuthenticationToken );
            Notebook notebook = notebooks.Find( delegate( Notebook n ) { return n.Name == "Users in Hell"; } );

            // Get a list of the most recent notes.
            NoteList notes = noteClient.findNotes( authentication.AuthenticationToken, new NoteFilter { Ascending = true, Order = 1, NotebookGuid = notebook.Guid }, 0, 300 );
            log.Info( "Found " + notes.Notes.Count + " notes in the notebook." );
            // Filter down to the first n untweeted notes. Download the attached images. And return!
            return FetchResources( FilterNotes( notes.Notes, numNotesWanted), noteClient );
예제 #3
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Developer token for Evernote API
        String authToken = "S=s1:U=2261f:E=13eccfa5d71:C=13775493171:P=1cd:A=en-devtoken:H=fe7ee8dac619c7d380a0f9f3731a8698";

        String evernoteHost = "";

        Uri userStoreUrl = new Uri("https://" + evernoteHost + "/edam/user");
        TTransport userStoreTransport = new THttpClient(userStoreUrl);
        TProtocol userStoreProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol(userStoreTransport);
        UserStore.Client userStore = new UserStore.Client(userStoreProtocol);

        FNHSessionManager<NoteEntry> sessionManager = new FNHSessionManager<NoteEntry>(FNHSessionManager<NoteEntry>.DatabaseType.MySQL);
        FNHRepository<NoteEntry> repository = new FNHRepository<NoteEntry>(sessionManager);

        bool versionOK =
            userStore.checkVersion("Evernote EDAMTest (C#)",
        Console.WriteLine("Is my Evernote API version up to date? " + versionOK);
        if (!versionOK) {

        // Get the URL used to interact with the contents of the user's account
        // When your application authenticates using OAuth, the NoteStore URL will
        // be returned along with the auth token in the final OAuth request.
        // In that case, you don't need to make this call.
        String noteStoreUrl = userStore.getNoteStoreUrl(authToken);

        TTransport noteStoreTransport = new THttpClient(new Uri(noteStoreUrl));
        TProtocol noteStoreProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol(noteStoreTransport);
        NoteStore.Client noteStore = new NoteStore.Client(noteStoreProtocol);

        // Lists all of the notebooks in the user's account with a notebook count
        List<Notebook> notebooks = noteStore.listNotebooks(authToken);
        Console.WriteLine("Found " + notebooks.Count + " notebooks:");
        foreach (Notebook notebook in notebooks) {
            Console.WriteLine("  * " + notebook.Name);

        //The offset represents the index of the first note that is to be returned
        int offset = 0;

        //maxNotes represents the number of note that is to be returned
        int maxNotes = 15;

        //NoteFilter is a struct that contains a list of criteria you can search notes for.
        //In this app, NoteFilter.Words will be used to return notes containing a certain string.
        NoteFilter filter = new NoteFilter();

        Console.WriteLine("What word do you want to search through the notes for?");
        Console.WriteLine("Enter word: ");
        filter.Words = Console.ReadLine();
        //filter.Words = "business";

        //Creates a new NoteList struct, which returns a list of individual notes out of a larger set of them
        NoteList noteList = new NoteList();

        //This finds all notes containing the word that was given by the user
        noteList = noteStore.findNotes(authToken, filter, offset, maxNotes);

        //This stores the Guids of the notes containing the word
        ArrayList guidList = new ArrayList();

        // For each note in the list of notes...
        foreach (Note fetchedNote in noteList.Notes)
            //Console.WriteLine("  * " + fetchedNote.Guid);

            // Add guid to list

        // For each guid in the list...
        foreach (String Guid in guidList)
            // Get the contents of the matching notes
            String text = noteStore.getNoteContent(authToken, Guid);

            // Then split the contents by line
            string[] split = Regex.Split(text, "\\n");


            int MAX = split.Length;

            String line1;
            String line2;
            String line3;

            // This for-loop cycles through each line in the array of lines and tests if the line contains the word.
            // If so, it sets the note Guid as well as the surrounding lines as properties to a new Entry object.

            for (int n = 0; n < MAX; n++)
                Boolean b = split[n].Contains(filter.Words);

                if (b == true)
                    line2 = split[n];
                    line1 = split[n - 1];
                    line3 = split[n + 1];

                    Entry postgresEntry = new Entry();

                    Console.WriteLine("Note GUID: " + postgresEntry.getGuid());

                    NoteEntry mysqlNote = new NoteEntry();
                    mysqlNote.Guid = Guid;
                    mysqlNote.Line1 = line1;
                    mysqlNote.Line2 = line2;
                    mysqlNote.Line3 = line3;


        Console.WriteLine("These lines have been saved to a Postgresql database using ODBC.");
        Console.WriteLine("They have also been saved to a MySQL database using Fluent NHibernate.");
        Console.WriteLine("Which row do you want to retrieve from the MySQL database?");
        String id = Console.ReadLine();
        int num = int.Parse(id);
        NoteEntry noteEntry = repository.RetrieveById(num);

        Console.WriteLine("This is entry " + num + " retrieved from the MySQL database...");
        Console.WriteLine("GUID: " + noteEntry.Guid);
        Console.WriteLine("Line 1: " + noteEntry.Line1);
        Console.WriteLine("Line 2: " + noteEntry.Line2);
        Console.WriteLine("Line 3: " + noteEntry.Line3);

        Console.WriteLine("Click ENTER to continue...");
예제 #4
파일: Sample.cs 프로젝트: sankarj/evernote
        public static void RunImpl(object state)
            // Username and password of the Evernote user account to access
            const string username = ""; // Enter your username here
            const string password = ""; // Enter your password here

            if ((ConsumerKey == String.Empty) || (ConsumerSecret == String.Empty))
                ShowMessage("Please provide your API key in Sample.cs");
            if ((username == String.Empty) || (password == String.Empty))
                ShowMessage("Please provide your username and password in Sample.cs");

            // Instantiate the libraries to connect the service
            TTransport userStoreTransport = new THttpClient(new Uri(UserStoreUrl));
            TProtocol userStoreProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol(userStoreTransport);
            UserStore.Client userStore = new UserStore.Client(userStoreProtocol);

            // Check that the version is correct
            bool versionOK =
                userStore.checkVersion("C# EDAMTest",
            InvokeOnUIThread(() => ViewModel.TheViewModel.VersionOK = versionOK);
            Debug.WriteLine("Is my EDAM protocol version up to date? " + versionOK);
            if (!versionOK)

            // Now we are going to authenticate
            AuthenticationResult authResult;
                authResult = userStore.authenticate(username, password, ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret);
            catch (EDAMUserException ex)
                HandleAuthenticateException(EvernoteHost, ConsumerKey, ex);
            Debug.WriteLine("We are connected to the service");

            // User object received after authentication
            User user = authResult.User;
            String authToken = authResult.AuthenticationToken;
            InvokeOnUIThread(() => ViewModel.TheViewModel.AuthToken = authToken);

            Debug.WriteLine("Authentication successful for: " + user.Username);
            Debug.WriteLine("Authentication token = " + authToken);

            // Creating the URL of the NoteStore based on the user object received
            String noteStoreUrl = EDAMBaseUrl + "/edam/note/" + user.ShardId;

            TTransport noteStoreTransport = new THttpClient(new Uri(noteStoreUrl));
            TProtocol noteStoreProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol(noteStoreTransport);
            NoteStore.Client noteStore = new NoteStore.Client(noteStoreProtocol);

            // Listing all the user's notebook
            List<Notebook> notebooks = noteStore.listNotebooks(authToken);
            Debug.WriteLine("Found " + notebooks.Count + " notebooks:");
            InvokeOnUIThread(() => notebooks.ForEach(notebook => ViewModel.TheViewModel.Notebooks.Add(notebook)));

            // Find the default notebook
            Notebook defaultNotebook = notebooks.Single(notebook => notebook.DefaultNotebook);

            // Printing the names of the notebooks
            foreach (Notebook notebook in notebooks)
                Debug.WriteLine("  * " + notebook.Name);

            // Listing the first 10 notes in the default notebook
            NoteFilter filter = new NoteFilter { NotebookGuid = defaultNotebook.Guid };
            NoteList notes = noteStore.findNotes(authToken, filter, 0, 10);
            InvokeOnUIThread(() => notes.Notes.ForEach(note => ViewModel.TheViewModel.Notes.Add(note)));
            foreach (Note note in notes.Notes)
                Debug.WriteLine("  * " + note.Title);

            // Creating a new note in the default notebook
            Debug.WriteLine("Creating a note in the default notebook: " + defaultNotebook.Name);

            Note newNote = new Note
                                NotebookGuid = defaultNotebook.Guid,
                                Title = "Test note from EDAMTest.cs",
                                Content = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
                                          "<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM \"\">" +
                                          "<en-note>Here's an Evernote test note<br/>" +

            Note createdNote = noteStore.createNote(authToken, newNote);

            ShowMessage("Successfully created new note with GUID: " + createdNote.Guid);
예제 #5
    public static void Main(string[] args) {

        // Real applications authenticate with Evernote using OAuth, but for the
        // purpose of exploring the API, you can get a developer token that allows
        // you to access your own Evernote account. To get a developer token, visit 
        String authToken = "your developer token";

        if (authToken == "your developer token") {
          Console.WriteLine("Please fill in your developer token");
          Console.WriteLine("To get a developer token, visit");

        // Initial development is performed on our sandbox server. To use the production 
        // service, change "" to "" and replace your
        // developer token above with a token from 
        String evernoteHost = "";
        Uri userStoreUrl              = new Uri("https://" + evernoteHost + "/edam/user");
        TTransport userStoreTransport = new THttpClient(userStoreUrl);
        TProtocol userStoreProtocol   = new TBinaryProtocol(userStoreTransport);
        UserStore.Client userStore    = new UserStore.Client(userStoreProtocol);
        bool versionOK =
            userStore.checkVersion("Evernote EDAMTest (C#)",
        Console.WriteLine("Is my Evernote API version up to date? " + versionOK);
        if (!versionOK) {

        // Get the URL used to interact with the contents of the user's account
        // When your application authenticates using OAuth, the NoteStore URL will
        // be returned along with the auth token in the final OAuth request.
        // In that case, you don't need to make this call.
        String noteStoreUrl = userStore.getNoteStoreUrl(authToken);

        TTransport noteStoreTransport = new THttpClient(new Uri(noteStoreUrl));
        TProtocol noteStoreProtocol   = new TBinaryProtocol(noteStoreTransport);
        NoteStore.Client noteStore    = new NoteStore.Client(noteStoreProtocol);

        // List all of the notebooks in the user's account        
        List<Notebook> notebooks = noteStore.listNotebooks(authToken);
        Console.WriteLine("Found " + notebooks.Count + " notebooks:");
        foreach (Notebook notebook in notebooks) {
            Console.WriteLine("  * " + notebook.Name);

        // Sample Code To Add A Notebook
        //Notebook newNoteBook = new Notebook();
        //newNoteBook.Name     = "Test Notebook";
        //noteStore.createNotebook(authToken, newNoteBook); 

        Console.WriteLine("Creating a note in the default notebook");
        // To create a new note, simply create a new Note object and fill in 
        // attributes such as the note's title.
        Note note  = new Note();
        note.Title = "Evernote Logo";

        // To include an attachment such as an image in a note, first create a Resource
        // for the attachment. At a minimum, the Resource contains the binary attachment 
        // data, an MD5 hash of the binary data, and the attachment MIME type. It can also 
        // include attributes such as filename and location.
        ImageConverter converter = new ImageConverter();
        byte[] image = (byte[])converter.ConvertTo(Resources.enlogo, typeof(byte[]));
        byte[] hash = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(image);
        Data data     = new Data();
        data.Size     = image.Length;
        data.BodyHash = hash;
        data.Body     = image;
        Resource resource = new Resource();
        resource.Mime     = "image/png";
        resource.Data     = data;

        // Now, add the new Resource to the note's list of resources
        note.Resources = new List<Resource>();

        // To display the Resource as part of the note's content, include an <en-media>
        // tag in the note's ENML content. The en-media tag identifies the corresponding
        // Resource using the MD5 hash.
        string hashHex = BitConverter.ToString(hash).Replace("-", "").ToLower();

        // The content of an Evernote note is represented using Evernote Markup Language
        // (ENML). The full ENML specification can be found in the Evernote API Overview
        // at
        note.Content = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
            "<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM \"\">" +
            "<en-note>Here's the Evernote logo:<br/>" +
            "<en-media type=\"image/png\" hash=\"" + hashHex + "\"/>" +

        // Finally, send the new note to Evernote using the createNote method
        // The new Note object that is returned will contain server-generated
        // attributes such as the new note's unique GUID.
        Note createdNote = noteStore.createNote(authToken, note);

        Console.WriteLine("Successfully created new note with GUID: " + createdNote.Guid);
        // Share The Newly Created Note To Provide Access Using An Evernote URL
        // This Document Will Be Publicly Accessible.  
        string noteKey = noteStore.shareNote(authToken, createdNote.Guid);

        Console.WriteLine("Successfully shared new note with Note Key: " + noteKey);

        // Twitter Integration

            // You Can Find Your SharedId By Sharing A Document On Your Evernote Sandbox Account
            // The Evernote Generated URL Will Contain This Value
            string sharedId = "s1";
            string noteLink = "" + sharedId + "/sh/" + createdNote.Guid + "/" + noteKey;

            // You Will Need To Create A Twitter Developer Account For This Information.
            // All Of The Values Below Will Be Generated From Your Twitter Developer Account
            // Login In To Twitter And Use The Following URL:
            //   1. Create Twitter Developer Account
            //   2. Create A New Application
            //   2. Set Access Level To Read and Write On The Application Page
            //   3. Generate Access Token At Bottom Of The Application Page
            OAuthTokens oaTokens       = new OAuthTokens();
            oaTokens.AccessToken       = "Your Twitter Access Token Here";
            oaTokens.AccessTokenSecret = "Your Twitter Access Token Secret Here";
            oaTokens.ConsumerKey       = "Your Twitter ConsumerKey Here";
            oaTokens.ConsumerSecret    = "Your Twitter ConsumerKey Here";

            // Truncate Doc Title If It Is Longer Than 40 Characters
            string docTitle = createdNote.Title;
            if (docTitle.Length > 40)
                docTitle.Substring(0, 40);

            // Truncate Message If It Is Longer Than 140 Characters
            string message = "Evernote Doc - " + docTitle;
            if (message.Length > 140)
                message = message.Substring(0, 140);
            // Add URL To Tweet.  Twitter Will Shorten If Neccessary
            message += " " + noteLink;

            // Update Twitter Status And Check Result For Success
            TwitterResponse<TwitterStatus> twStatus = TwitterStatus.Update(oaTokens, message); 
            if (twStatus.Result.ToString().ToLower() != "success")
                throw new Exception("Twitter Status Not Updated");

            Console.Write("Document Posted To Twitter");

        catch (Exception ex)

예제 #6
파일: Sample.cs 프로젝트: TMizzan/Evernote
        public static void RunImpl(object state)
            if (authToken == "your developer token") {
                ShowMessage("Please fill in your devleoper token in Sample.cs");

            // Instantiate the libraries to connect the service
            TTransport userStoreTransport = new THttpClient(new Uri(UserStoreUrl));
            TProtocol userStoreProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol(userStoreTransport);
            UserStore.Client userStore = new UserStore.Client(userStoreProtocol);

            // Check that the version is correct
            bool versionOK =
                userStore.checkVersion("Evernote EDAMTest (WP7)",
            InvokeOnUIThread(() => ViewModel.TheViewModel.VersionOK = versionOK);
            Debug.WriteLine("Is my Evernote API version up to date? " + versionOK);
            if (!versionOK)

            // Get the URL used to interact with the contents of the user's account
            // When your application authenticates using OAuth, the NoteStore URL will
            // be returned along with the auth token in the final OAuth request.
            // In that case, you don't need to make this call.
            String noteStoreUrl = userStore.getNoteStoreUrl(authToken);

            TTransport noteStoreTransport = new THttpClient(new Uri(authResult.NoteStoreUrl));
            TProtocol noteStoreProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol(noteStoreTransport);
            NoteStore.Client noteStore = new NoteStore.Client(noteStoreProtocol);

            // Listing all the user's notebook
            List<Notebook> notebooks = noteStore.listNotebooks(authToken);
            Debug.WriteLine("Found " + notebooks.Count + " notebooks:");
            InvokeOnUIThread(() => notebooks.ForEach(notebook => ViewModel.TheViewModel.Notebooks.Add(notebook)));

            // Find the default notebook
            Notebook defaultNotebook = notebooks.Single(notebook => notebook.DefaultNotebook);

            // Printing the names of the notebooks
            foreach (Notebook notebook in notebooks)
                Debug.WriteLine("  * " + notebook.Name);

            // Listing the first 10 notes in the default notebook
            NoteFilter filter = new NoteFilter { NotebookGuid = defaultNotebook.Guid };
            NoteList notes = noteStore.findNotes(authToken, filter, 0, 10);
            InvokeOnUIThread(() => notes.Notes.ForEach(note => ViewModel.TheViewModel.Notes.Add(note)));
            foreach (Note note in notes.Notes)
                Debug.WriteLine("  * " + note.Title);

            // Creating a new note in the default notebook
            Debug.WriteLine("Creating a note in the default notebook: " + defaultNotebook.Name);

            Note newNote = new Note
                                NotebookGuid = defaultNotebook.Guid,
                                Title = "Test note from EDAMTest.cs",
                                Content = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
                                          "<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM \"\">" +
                                          "<en-note>Here's an Evernote test note<br/>" +

            Note createdNote = noteStore.createNote(authToken, newNote);

            ShowMessage("Successfully created new note with GUID: " + createdNote.Guid);
예제 #7
    public static void Main(string[] args) {

        // --------------------------------------------------
        // UserStoreオブジェクト作成
        // --------------------------------------------------

        // Real applications authenticate with Evernote using OAuth, but for the
        // purpose of exploring the API, you can get a developer token that allows
        // you to access your own Evernote account. To get a developer token, visit 
        String authToken = "your developer token";

        if (authToken == "your developer token") {
          Console.WriteLine("Please fill in your developer token");
          Console.WriteLine("To get a developer token, visit");

        // Initial development is performed on our sandbox server. To use the production 
        // service, change "" to "" and replace your
        // developer token above with a token from 
        String evernoteHost = "";
        Uri userStoreUrl = new Uri("https://" + evernoteHost + "/edam/user");
        TTransport userStoreTransport = new THttpClient(userStoreUrl);
        TProtocol userStoreProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol(userStoreTransport);
        UserStore.Client userStore = new UserStore.Client(userStoreProtocol);

        // --------------------------------------------------
        // バージョンチェック
        // --------------------------------------------------

        bool versionOK =
            userStore.checkVersion("Evernote EDAMTest (C#)",
        Console.WriteLine("Is my Evernote API version up to date? " + versionOK);
        if (!versionOK) {

        // --------------------------------------------------
        // NoteStoreオブジェクト作成
        // --------------------------------------------------

        // Get the URL used to interact with the contents of the user's account
        // When your application authenticates using OAuth, the NoteStore URL will
        // be returned along with the auth token in the final OAuth request.
        // In that case, you don't need to make this call.
        String noteStoreUrl = userStore.getNoteStoreUrl(authToken);

        TTransport noteStoreTransport = new THttpClient(new Uri(noteStoreUrl));
        TProtocol noteStoreProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol(noteStoreTransport);
        NoteStore.Client noteStore = new NoteStore.Client(noteStoreProtocol);

        // --------------------------------------------------
        // ノートブック情報取得
        // --------------------------------------------------

        // List all of the notebooks in the user's account        
        List<Notebook> notebooks = noteStore.listNotebooks(authToken);
        Console.WriteLine("Found " + notebooks.Count + " notebooks:");
        foreach (Notebook notebook in notebooks) {
            Console.WriteLine("  * " + notebook.Name);

        // --------------------------------------------------
        // ノート作成(添付ファイルあり)
        // --------------------------------------------------

        Console.WriteLine("Creating a note in the default notebook");
        // To create a new note, simply create a new Note object and fill in 
        // attributes such as the note's title.
        Note note = new Note();
        note.Title = "Test note from EDAMTest.cs";

        // To include an attachment such as an image in a note, first create a Resource
        // for the attachment. At a minimum, the Resource contains the binary attachment 
        // data, an MD5 hash of the binary data, and the attachment MIME type. It can also 
        // include attributes such as filename and location.
        ImageConverter converter = new ImageConverter();
        byte[] image = (byte[])converter.ConvertTo(Resources.enlogo, typeof(byte[]));
        byte[] hash = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(image);
        Data data = new Data();
        data.Size = image.Length;
        data.BodyHash = hash;
        data.Body = image;
        Resource resource = new Resource();
        resource.Mime = "image/png";
        resource.Data = data;

        // Now, add the new Resource to the note's list of resources
        note.Resources = new List<Resource>();

        // To display the Resource as part of the note's content, include an <en-media>
        // tag in the note's ENML content. The en-media tag identifies the corresponding
        // Resource using the MD5 hash.
        string hashHex = BitConverter.ToString(hash).Replace("-", "").ToLower();

        // The content of an Evernote note is represented using Evernote Markup Language
        // (ENML). The full ENML specification can be found in the Evernote API Overview
        // at
        note.Content = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
            "<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM \"\">" +
            "<en-note>Here's the Evernote logo:<br/>" +
            "<en-media type=\"image/png\" hash=\"" + hashHex + "\"/>" +

        // Finally, send the new note to Evernote using the createNote method
        // The new Note object that is returned will contain server-generated
        // attributes such as the new note's unique GUID.
        Note createdNote = noteStore.createNote(authToken, note);
        Console.WriteLine("Successfully created new note with GUID: " + createdNote.Guid);
예제 #8
파일: EDAMTest.cs 프로젝트: jarobb3/Noted
    public static void Main(string[] args) {

        if (args.Length < 2) {
            Console.WriteLine("Arguments:  <username> <password>");
        String username = args[0];
        String password = args[1];

        // NOTE: You must change the consumer key and consumer secret to the 
        //       key and secret that you received from Evernote
        String consumerKey = "en-edamtest";
        String consumerSecret = "0123456789abcdef";
        String evernoteHost = "";
        String edamBaseUrl = "https://" + evernoteHost;
        // If using Mono, see
        String userStoreUrl = edamBaseUrl + "/edam/user";
        TTransport userStoreTransport = new THttpClient(userStoreUrl);
        TProtocol userStoreProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol(userStoreTransport);
        UserStore.Client userStore = new UserStore.Client(userStoreProtocol);
        bool versionOK =
            userStore.checkVersion("C# EDAMTest",
        Console.WriteLine("Is my EDAM protocol version up to date? " + versionOK);
        if (!versionOK) {
        AuthenticationResult authResult = null;
        try {
            authResult = userStore.authenticate(username, password,
                                                consumerKey, consumerSecret);
        } catch (EDAMUserException ex) {
            String parameter = ex.Parameter;
            EDAMErrorCode errorCode = ex.ErrorCode;
            Console.WriteLine("Authentication failed (parameter: " + parameter + " errorCode: " + errorCode + ")");
            if (errorCode == EDAMErrorCode.INVALID_AUTH) {
                if (parameter == "consumerKey") {
                    if (consumerKey == "en-edamtest") {
                        Console.WriteLine("You must replace the variables consumerKey and consumerSecret with the values you received from Evernote.");
                    } else {
                        Console.WriteLine("Your consumer key was not accepted by " + evernoteHost);
                        Console.WriteLine("This sample client application requires a client API key. If you requested a web service API key, you must authenticate using OAuth");
                    Console.WriteLine("If you do not have an API Key from Evernote, you can request one from");
                } else if (parameter == "username") {
                    Console.WriteLine("You must authenticate using a username and password from " + evernoteHost);
                    if (evernoteHost == "" == false) {
                        Console.WriteLine("Note that your production Evernote account will not work on " + evernoteHost + ",");
                        Console.WriteLine("you must register for a separate test account at https://" + evernoteHost + "/Registration.action");
                } else if (parameter == "password") {
                    Console.WriteLine("The password that you entered is incorrect");
        User user = authResult.User;
        String authToken = authResult.AuthenticationToken;
        Console.WriteLine("Authentication successful for: " + user.Username);
        Console.WriteLine("Authentication token = " + authToken);
        String noteStoreUrl = edamBaseUrl + "/edam/note/" + user.ShardId;
        TTransport noteStoreTransport = new THttpClient(noteStoreUrl);
        TProtocol noteStoreProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol(noteStoreTransport);
        NoteStore.Client noteStore = new NoteStore.Client(noteStoreProtocol);
        List<Notebook> notebooks = noteStore.listNotebooks(authToken);
        Console.WriteLine("Found " + notebooks.Count + " notebooks:");
        Notebook defaultNotebook = notebooks[0];
        foreach (Notebook notebook in notebooks) {
            Console.WriteLine("  * " + notebook.Name);
            if (notebook.DefaultNotebook) {
                defaultNotebook = notebook;
        Console.WriteLine("Creating a note in the default notebook: " +
        byte[] image = ReadFully(File.OpenRead("enlogo.png"));
        byte[] hash = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(image);
        string hashHex = BitConverter.ToString(hash).Replace("-", "").ToLower();
        Data data = new Data();
        data.Size = image.Length;
        data.BodyHash = hash;
        data.Body = image;
        Resource resource = new Resource();
        resource.Mime = "image/png";
        resource.Data = data;
        Note note = new Note();
        note.NotebookGuid = defaultNotebook.Guid;
        note.Title = "Test note from EDAMTest.cs";
        note.Content = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
            "<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM \"\">" +
            "<en-note>Here's the Evernote logo:<br/>" +
            "<en-media type=\"image/png\" hash=\"" + hashHex + "\"/>" +

        note.Resources = new List<Resource>();
        Note createdNote = noteStore.createNote(authToken, note);
        Console.WriteLine("Successfully created new note with GUID: " + createdNote.Guid);
예제 #9
        public bool BeginSyncTransaction()
            Logger.Debug("[Evernote] Begining Sync...");
            if (ConsumerKey.Equals("your_key_here"))
                throw new Exception("You need to Update the Evernote ConsumerKey!! Open up the EvernoteSyncServer.cs file and look at it!");
            ServicePointManager.CertificatePolicy = new CertificateManager ();
            //ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += ValidateServerCertificate;
            bool versionOK =

            if (!versionOK)
                Logger.Error("[Evernote] EDAM protocol version not up to date: " +
                             Evernote.EDAM.UserStore.Constants.EDAM_VERSION_MAJOR + "." +
                return false;
            string username;
            string password;
            if (!EvernoteSyncServiceAddin.GetConfigSettings(out username, out password))
                return false;
            AuthenticationResult authResult =
                _userStore.authenticate(username, password, ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret);
            User user = authResult.User;
            _authToken = authResult.AuthenticationToken;
            Logger.Debug("[Evernote] Authentication successful for: " + user.Username);
            Logger.Debug("[Evernote] Authentication token = " + _authToken);

            String noteStoreUrl = EdamBaseUrl + "/edam/note/" + user.ShardId;
            TTransport noteStoreTransport = new THttpClient(noteStoreUrl);
            TProtocol noteStoreProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol(noteStoreTransport);
            _noteStore = new NoteStore.Client(noteStoreProtocol);

            //TODO - check if the user has a 'Tomboy' Notebook. If not, add one
            bool foundTomboyNotebook = false;
            List<Notebook> notebooks = _noteStore.listNotebooks(_authToken);
            foreach (Notebook notebook in notebooks)
                if (notebook.Name.ToLowerInvariant().Trim().Equals("tomboy"))
                    foundTomboyNotebook = true;
                    _tomboyNotebook = notebook;

            if (!foundTomboyNotebook)
                // no tomboy notebook found, so try to add one
                _tomboyNotebook = new Notebook();
                _tomboyNotebook.Name = "Tomboy";
                _tomboyNotebook.DefaultNotebook = false;
                _tomboyNotebook.Guid = new Guid().ToString();
                _tomboyNotebook = _noteStore.createNotebook(_authToken, _tomboyNotebook);
                if (_tomboyNotebook == null)
                    Logger.Error("[Evernote] Could not create 'Tomboy' notebook in evernote");
                    return false;
                Console.WriteLine("[Evernote] New Tomboy notebook with guid : " + _tomboyNotebook.Guid);

            return true;
예제 #10
파일: frmMain.cs 프로젝트: calexo/CaMuMa
        /*private ProgressStatusClass ProgressStatus;*/
        public frmMain()


            lblInfo.Text = "Loading...";

            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;


            //Registre = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"Software\Calexo\CaMuMa");
            Registre = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Calexo\CaMuMa", true);
            if (Registre == null) Registre = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"Software\Calexo\CaMuMa");
            myParams = new Parameters();

            //ProgressStatus = new ProgressStatusClass();

            userStoreUrl = new Uri(edamBaseUrl + "/edam/user");
            userStoreTransport = new THttpClient(userStoreUrl);
            userStoreProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol(userStoreTransport);
            userStore = new UserStore.Client(userStoreProtocol);

            sFolderList = new String[65535];


            bool versionOK = userStore.checkVersion("CaMuMa",
            //Console.WriteLine("Is my EDAM protocol version up to date? " + versionOK);


            if (!versionOK)
                MessageBox.Show("Version KO");
                //lblInfo.Text = "Ready...";

            userStoreProt = new TBinaryProtocol(new THttpClient(userStoreUrl));
            userStore = new UserStore.Client(userStoreProt, userStoreProt);
                notestoreUrl = new Uri(userStore.getNoteStoreUrl(myParams.DevKey));
                // Set up the NoteStore client
                noteStoreTrans = new THttpClient(notestoreUrl);
                //noteStoreTrans.setCustomHeader("User-Agent", "Calexo CaMuMa");

                noteStoreProt = new TBinaryProtocol(noteStoreTrans);
                noteStore = new NoteStore.Client(noteStoreProt, noteStoreProt);

                authToken = myParams.DevKey;

                notebooks = noteStore.listNotebooks(authToken);
                Console.WriteLine("Found " + notebooks.Count + " notebooks");
                //musicNotebook = notebooks[0];
                foreach (Notebook notebook in notebooks)
                    // Console.WriteLine("  * " + notebook.Name);
                    //if (notebook.DefaultNotebook)
                    if (notebook.Name == myParams.Notebook)
                        musicNotebook = notebook;
                        cmbNotebook.Text = notebook.Name;


                tags = noteStore.listTags(authToken);
                Console.WriteLine("Found " + tags.Count + " tags");
                lblInfo.Text = "Ready !";

            catch (Evernote.EDAM.Error.EDAMUserException e)
                //mes e.ErrorCode;
                lblInfo.Text = "ERREUR : "  + e.ErrorCode;


                btnGo.Enabled = false;

            this.Cursor = DefaultCursor;