protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string EVENT_TRACKER; string SUBFOLDER = "Main_Image"; int hostID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ID"].ToString()); String request = (Request.QueryString["EventID"]); if (request == null) { request = (Request.QueryString["ed"]); } EventServiceClient _eventClient = new EventServiceClient(); EventModel oldEvent = new EventModel(); oldEvent = _eventClient.findByEventID(request); //Editing Address EventAddress currentAdd = new EventAddress(); EventAddress Oldadd = new EventAddress(); MappingClient mc = new MappingClient(); currentAdd = mc.getAddressById(Convert.ToString(oldEvent.EventAddress)); if (txtCountry.Text.Equals("")) { Oldadd.COUNTRY = currentAdd.COUNTRY; } else { Oldadd.COUNTRY = txtCountry.Text; } if (txtCity.Text.Equals("")) { Oldadd.CITY = currentAdd.CITY; } else { Oldadd.CITY = txtCity.Text; } if (txtStreet.Text.Equals("")) { Oldadd.STREET = currentAdd.STREET; } else { Oldadd.STREET = txtStreet.Text; } if (txtProvince.Text.Equals("")) { Oldadd.PROVINCE = currentAdd.PROVINCE; } else { Oldadd.PROVINCE = txtProvince.Text; } EventAddress newAddress = new EventAddress(); newAddress = mc.EditAddress(Oldadd, Convert.ToString(oldEvent.EventAddress)); EventModel _event = new EventModel(); _event.HostID = oldEvent.HostID; _event.Name = txtEventName.Text; //Event Name if (chkBoxPrivate.Checked == true) //Public or Private Event { _event.Type = "Private"; } else { _event.Type = "Public"; } _event.Desc = txtDesc.Text; //Event Description string startdate = ""; string enddate = ""; //DateTime sDate = DateTime.ParseExact(startdate, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); //DateTime eDate = DateTime.ParseExact(enddate, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); //_event.sDate = sDate; //Event Start Date //_event.eDate = eDate; //Event End Date if (txtStart.Text.Equals("")) { _event.sDate = oldEvent.sDate; } else { // _event.sDate = DateTime.ParseExact(txtStart.Text, "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); //var date = DateTime.Parse(strDate,new CultureInfo("en-US", true)) _event.sDate = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Parse(txtStart.Text, new CultureInfo("en-US", true))); } if (txtEnd.Text.Equals("")) { _event.eDate = oldEvent.eDate; } else { // _event.eDate = DateTime.ParseExact(txtEnd.Text, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); _event.eDate = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Parse(txtEnd.Text, new CultureInfo("en-US", true))); } _event.EventAddress = newAddress.ID; //Event's address ID //check ticket field if (!txtE_Quantity.Text.Equals("")) { _event.EB_Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(txtE_Quantity.Text); } else { _event.EB_Quantity = 0; } if (!txtR_Quantity.Text.Equals("")) { _event.Reg_Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(txtR_Quantity.Text); } else { _event.Reg_Quantity = 0; } if (!txtV_Quantity.Text.Equals("")) { _event.VIP_Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(txtV_Quantity.Text); } else { _event.VIP_Quantity = 0; } if (!txtVV_Quantity.Text.Equals("")) { _event.VVIP_Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(txtVV_Quantity.Text); } else { _event.VVIP_Quantity = 0; } //Edit Event Event EventServiceClient _editEvent = new EventServiceClient(); EventModel newEvent = new EventModel(); newEvent = _editEvent.updateEvent(_event, request); bool isCreatedTicket = false; //Ticket Controller EVENT_TRACKER = "Event Edited successfully"; //Import users //string ImportSpreadsheet = ""; //ImportSpreadsheet = ImportData(flGuest, newEvent.EventID); //===================Import guest,staff and products============================// string path = ""; string response = ""; bool isValidGuestColumn = false; bool isValidStaffColumn = false; bool isValidProductColumn = false; int startColumn = 0; int startRow = 0; ExcelWorksheet GuestworkSheet = null; ExcelWorksheet StaffworkSheet = null; ExcelWorksheet ProductworkSheet = null; int count = 0; if (flGuest.HasFile) { try { string filename = Path.GetFileName(flGuest.FileName); string serverLocation = "~/Temp/" + "/" + filename; string SaveLoc = Server.MapPath(serverLocation); flGuest.SaveAs(SaveLoc); path = Server.MapPath("/") + "\\Temp\\" + filename; var package = new ExcelPackage(new System.IO.FileInfo(path)); //// package.Workbook.Worksheets["TABNAME"].View.TabSelected = true; startColumn = 1; //where the file in the class excel start startRow = 2; GuestworkSheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets[1]; //read sheet one StaffworkSheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets[2]; //read sheet two ProductworkSheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets[3]; isValidGuestColumn = ValidateGuestColumns(GuestworkSheet); isValidStaffColumn = ValidateStaffColumns(StaffworkSheet); isValidProductColumn = ValidateProductColumns(ProductworkSheet); // isValidColumn = true; } catch { response += "Failed"; } //check staff sheet object data = null; if (isValidStaffColumn == true && isValidGuestColumn == true && isValidProductColumn == true) { do { data = StaffworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn].Value; //column Number if (data == null) { continue; } //read column class name object Name = StaffworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn].Value; object Email = StaffworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 1].Value; object Occupation = StaffworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 2].Value; StaffModel _staff = new StaffModel(); _staff.NAME = Name.ToString(); _staff.EMAIL = Email.ToString(); _staff.Occupation = Occupation.ToString(); _staff.PASS = "******"; _staff.EventID = newEvent.EventID; //edit to db StaffServiceClient ssv = new StaffServiceClient(); bool isCreated = ssv.createStaff(_staff); if (isCreated == true) { count++; } startRow++; } while (data != null); data = null; startColumn = 1; //where the file in the class excel start startRow = 2; do { data = GuestworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn].Value; //column Number if (data == null) { continue; } object Name = GuestworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn].Value; object Surname = GuestworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 1].Value; object Email = GuestworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 2].Value; GuestModel _guest = new GuestModel(); _guest.NAME = Name.ToString(); _guest.SURNAME = Surname.ToString(); _guest.EMAIL = Email.ToString(); _guest.PASS = "******"; _guest.TYPE = "Private"; Eventrix_Client.Registration reg = new Eventrix_Client.Registration(); // response = reg.RegisterGuest(_guest); sendMsg(_guest, _event); if (response.Contains("successfully")) { count++; } startRow++; } while (data != null); //upload product details data = null; startColumn = 1; //where the file in the class excel start startRow = 2; do { data = ProductworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn].Value; //column Number if (data == null) { continue; } object Name = ProductworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn].Value; object Description = ProductworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 1].Value; object Quantity = ProductworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 2].Value; object Price = ProductworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 3].Value; EventProduct _product = new EventProduct(); _product._Name = Name.ToString(); // _product._Desc = Description.ToString(); _product._Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(Quantity.ToString()); _product._Price = Convert.ToInt32(Price.ToString()); _product.EventID = newEvent.EventID; ProductServiceClient psv = new ProductServiceClient(); // string isProductUpdated = psv.createProduct(_product); string isProductUpdated = psv.createProduct(_product); if (isProductUpdated.Contains("success")) { count++; } startRow++; } while (data != null); //check record if (count == (GuestworkSheet.Dimension.Rows - 1) + (StaffworkSheet.Dimension.Rows - 1) + (ProductworkSheet.Dimension.Rows - 1)) { response = "success: All Records uploaded"; } else { response = "success: Not All Records uploaded"; } } else { response += " Failed to upload Exceel: Check columns"; } } else { response = "Failed: File not found"; } //==============================================================================// if (response.Contains("success")) { EVENT_TRACKER += "\n Spreadsheet Uploaded"; //Create Tickets isCreatedTicket = isLoadedTicket(newEvent, newEvent.EventID); if (isCreatedTicket == true) { EVENT_TRACKER += "\n Ticket Created"; } else { EVENT_TRACKER += "\n Failed to upload ticket"; } } else { EVENT_TRACKER += "\n Spreadsheet Uploaded"; //Create Tickets isCreatedTicket = isLoadedTicket(newEvent, newEvent.EventID); if (isCreatedTicket == true) { EVENT_TRACKER += "\n Ticket Created"; } else { EVENT_TRACKER += "\n Failed to upload ticket"; } //Unable to upload guest EVENT_TRACKER += "\n failed to upload spreadsheet"; } ////Upload images ImageFile mainPic = new ImageFile(); mainPic = UploadFile(flEventImages, Convert.ToString(newEvent.EventID), SUBFOLDER); //Upload Event Main's Image to client directory if (mainPic != null) { FileUploadClient fuc = new FileUploadClient(); string res1 = fuc.saveImage(mainPic); //Upload Event Main's Image to Database string number = res1; } Response.Redirect("EventDetails.aspx?EventID=" + newEvent.EventID); // Response.Write("<script> Alert("+ EVENT_TRACKER + ");</script>"); }
string ImportData(FileUpload flInfo, int EventID) { string path = ""; string response = ""; bool isValidGuestColumn = false; bool isValidStaffColumn = false; bool isValidProductColumn = false; int startColumn; int startRow; ExcelWorksheet GuestworkSheet; ExcelWorksheet StaffworkSheet; ExcelWorksheet ProductworkSheet; int count = 0; if (flInfo.HasFile) { try { string filename = Path.GetFileName(flInfo.FileName); string serverLocation = "~/Temp/" + "/" + filename; string SaveLoc = Server.MapPath(serverLocation); flInfo.SaveAs(SaveLoc); path = Server.MapPath("/") + "\\Temp\\" + filename; var package = new ExcelPackage(new System.IO.FileInfo(path)); //// package.Workbook.Worksheets["TABNAME"].View.TabSelected = true; startColumn = 1; //where the file in the class excel start startRow = 2; GuestworkSheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets[1]; //read sheet one StaffworkSheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets[2]; //read sheet two ProductworkSheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets[3]; isValidGuestColumn = ValidateGuestColumns(GuestworkSheet); isValidStaffColumn = ValidateStaffColumns(StaffworkSheet); isValidProductColumn = ValidateProductColumns(ProductworkSheet); // isValidColumn = true; } catch { response = "Failed"; return(response); } //check staff sheet object data = null; if (isValidStaffColumn == true && isValidGuestColumn == true && isValidProductColumn == true) { do { data = StaffworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn].Value; //column Number if (data == null) { continue; } //read column class name object Name = StaffworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn].Value; object Email = StaffworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 1].Value; object Occupation = StaffworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 2].Value; StaffModel _staff = new StaffModel(); _staff.NAME = Name.ToString(); _staff.EMAIL = Email.ToString(); _staff.Occupation = Occupation.ToString(); _staff.PASS = "******"; _staff.EventID = EventID; //edit to db StaffServiceClient ssv = new StaffServiceClient(); bool isCreated = ssv.createStaff(_staff); if (isCreated == true) { count++; } startRow++; } while (data != null); data = null; startColumn = 1; //where the file in the class excel start startRow = 2; do { data = GuestworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn].Value; //column Number if (data == null) { continue; } object Name = GuestworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn].Value; object Surname = GuestworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 1].Value; object Email = GuestworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 2].Value; GuestModel _guest = new GuestModel(); _guest.NAME = Name.ToString(); _guest.SURNAME = Surname.ToString(); _guest.EMAIL = Email.ToString(); _guest.PASS = "******"; _guest.TYPE = "Private"; Eventrix_Client.Registration reg = new Eventrix_Client.Registration(); // response = reg.RegisterGuest(_guest); if (response.Contains("successfully")) { count++; } startRow++; } while (data != null); //upload product details data = null; startColumn = 1; //where the file in the class excel start startRow = 2; do { data = ProductworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn].Value; //column Number if (data == null) { continue; } object Name = ProductworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn].Value; object Description = ProductworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 1].Value; object Quantity = ProductworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 2].Value; object Price = ProductworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 3].Value; EventProduct _product = new EventProduct(); _product._Name = Name.ToString(); _product._Desc = Description.ToString(); _product._Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(Quantity.ToString()); _product._Price = Convert.ToInt32(Price.ToString()); _product.EventID = EventID; ProductServiceClient psv = new ProductServiceClient(); // string isProductUpdated = psv.createProduct(_product); string isProductUpdated = psv.createProduct(_product); if (isProductUpdated.Contains("success")) { count++; } startRow++; } while (data != null); //check record if (count == (GuestworkSheet.Dimension.Rows - 1) + (StaffworkSheet.Dimension.Rows - 1) + (ProductworkSheet.Dimension.Rows - 1)) { response = "success: All Records uploaded"; } else { response = "success: Not All Records uploaded"; } } else { response += " Failed to upload Exceel: Check columns"; } } else { response = "Failed: File not found"; } //Directory.Delete(path, true); return(response); }
string ImportData(FileUpload flInfo, int EventID, EventModel _event) { string path = ""; string response = ""; bool isValidGuestColumn = false; bool isValidStaffColumn = false; bool isValidProductColumn = false; int startColumn; int startRow; ExcelWorksheet GuestworkSheet; ExcelWorksheet StaffworkSheet; ExcelWorksheet ProductworkSheet; int count = 0; if (flInfo.HasFile) { try { string filename = Path.GetFileName(flInfo.FileName); string serverLocation = "~/temp/" + "/" + filename; string SaveLoc = Server.MapPath(serverLocation); flInfo.SaveAs(SaveLoc); path = Server.MapPath("/") + "\\temp\\" + filename; var package = new ExcelPackage(new System.IO.FileInfo(path)); //// package.Workbook.Worksheets["TABNAME"].View.TabSelected = true; startColumn = 1; //where the file in the class excel start startRow = 2; GuestworkSheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets[1]; //read sheet one StaffworkSheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets[2]; //read sheet two ProductworkSheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets[3]; isValidGuestColumn = ValidateGuestColumns(GuestworkSheet); isValidStaffColumn = ValidateStaffColumns(StaffworkSheet); isValidProductColumn = ValidateProductColumns(ProductworkSheet); // isValidColumn = true; } catch { response = "Failed"; return(response); } //check staff sheet object data = null; if (isValidStaffColumn == true && isValidGuestColumn == true && isValidProductColumn == true) { do { data = StaffworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn].Value; //column Number if (data == null) { continue; } //read column class name object Name = StaffworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn].Value; object Email = StaffworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 1].Value; object Occupation = StaffworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 2].Value; StaffModel _staff = new StaffModel(); _staff.NAME = Name.ToString(); _staff.EMAIL = Email.ToString(); _staff.Occupation = Occupation.ToString(); _staff.PASS = "******"; _staff.EventID = EventID; //import db Eventrix_Client.Registration reg = new Eventrix_Client.Registration(); response = reg.RegisterStaff(_staff); if (response.Contains("successfully")) { count++; //====================-----------Send Email TO Staff-----------------=====================================// //=========================================================================================================// } startRow++; } while (data != null); data = null; startColumn = 1; //where the file in the class excel start startRow = 2; do { data = GuestworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn].Value; //column Number if (data == null) { continue; } object Name = GuestworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn].Value; object Surname = GuestworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 1].Value; object Email = GuestworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 2].Value; object Tyicket_Type = GuestworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 3].Value; GuestModel _guest = new GuestModel(); _guest.NAME = Name.ToString(); _guest.SURNAME = Surname.ToString(); _guest.EMAIL = Email.ToString(); _guest.PASS = "******"; _guest.TYPE = Tyicket_Type.ToString(); Eventrix_Client.Registration reg = new Eventrix_Client.Registration(); int G_ID = reg.RegisterGuest(_guest); //Generate OTP string pass = genCode(Convert.ToString(G_ID)); //HashPass GuestModel gWithPass = new GuestModel(); gWithPass.PASS = pass; response = reg.InsertOTP(gWithPass, Convert.ToString(G_ID)); // response = reg.RegisterGuest(_guest); if (G_ID != -1) { count++; //====================-----------Send Invitation Email-----------------=====================================// EmailClient email = new EmailClient(); email.sendMsgInvite(_guest, _event, pass, EventID); //=========================================================================================================// } startRow++; } while (data != null); //upload product details data = null; startColumn = 1; //where the file in the class excel start startRow = 2; do { data = ProductworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn].Value; //column Number if (data == null) { continue; } object Name = ProductworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn].Value; object Description = ProductworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 1].Value; object Quantity = ProductworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 2].Value; object Price = ProductworkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn + 3].Value; EventProduct _product = new EventProduct(); _product._Name = Name.ToString(); // _product._Desc = Description.ToString(); _product._Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(Quantity.ToString()); _product.ProdRemaining = Convert.ToInt32(Quantity.ToString()); _product._Price = Convert.ToInt32(Price.ToString()); _product.EventID = EventID; ProductServiceClient psv = new ProductServiceClient(); string isProductUpdated = psv.createProduct(_product); if (isProductUpdated.Contains("success")) { count++; } startRow++; } while (data != null); //check record if (count == (GuestworkSheet.Dimension.Rows - 1) + (StaffworkSheet.Dimension.Rows - 1) + (ProductworkSheet.Dimension.Rows - 1)) { response = "success: All Records uploaded"; } else { response = "success: Not All Records uploaded"; } } else { response += " Failed to upload Exceel: Check columns"; } } else { response = "Failed: File not found"; } return(response); }