private void ExtractSearchParameters() { var qs = NavigationContext.QueryString; var searchParam = new EventSearchParams(); searchParam.Keyword = qs["keyword"] != null ? qs["keyword"] : string.Empty; searchParam.Category = qs["category"] != null ? qs["category"] : "All"; searchParam.Location = qs["location"] != null ? qs["location"] : string.Empty; searchParam.Date = qs["date"] != null ? qs["date"] : string.Empty; searchParam.Within = 0; // Messenger.Default.Send<EventSearchParams>(searchParam, "SearchParams"); }
public void GetEvents(EventSearchParams searchParams, Action<Api.EventSet> onGetCompleted = null, Action onBegin = null, Action<Exception> onError = null, Action onFinally = null) { if (onBegin != null) onBegin(); if (onGetCompleted != null) { const int total = 20; Api.EventSet eventSet = new Api.EventSet(); var events = new Event[total]; for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) { events[i] = new Event { Id = string.Format("{0} - {1}", "event", i), CityName = "City " + i, Country = "Country-" + i, Description = "Description-" + i, Latitude = "3430.0", Longitude = "89.023", PostalCode = "783" + i, Price = i.ToString(), RecurString = "Recuring String " + i, StartTime = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(), StopTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2).ToLongDateString(), Title = "Title - " + i, Url = "", VenueAddress = "Venue Address " + i, VenueName = "Venue name " + i }; } eventSet.Events = events; onGetCompleted(eventSet); } if (onFinally != null) onFinally(); }
private void GetEvents(EventSearchParams esp = null) { if (esp == null) return; Events.Clear(); this._service.GetEvents(esp, eventSet => { NoEventsFound = false; if (eventSet != null && eventSet.Events.Length != 0) { foreach (var e in eventSet.Events) { Events.Add(e); } IsDataLoaded = true; } else { NoEventsFound = true; } }, delegate() { IsEventsLoading = true; }, delegate(Exception exception) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(exception); }, delegate() { IsEventsLoading = false; }); }
private void GetEvents(string date, string categoryId) { EventSearchParams searchParams = new EventSearchParams(); searchParams.Category = categoryId; searchParams.Date = date; searchParams.Location = string.Format("{0},{1}", AppState.Latitude, AppState.Longitude); this._service.GetEvents(searchParams, eventSet => { NoEventsFound = false; if (eventSet != null && eventSet.Events.Length != 0) { foreach (var e in eventSet.Events) { Events.Add(e); } IsDataLoaded = true; } else { NoEventsFound = true; } }, delegate() { IsEventsLoading = true; }, delegate(Exception exception) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(exception); }, delegate() { IsEventsLoading = false; }); }
private void LoadFeaturedEvents() { this.FeaturedEvents = new ObservableCollection<Event>(); // Sample data; replace with real data if (DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool || this.IsInDesignMode) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { this.FeaturedEvents.Add(new Event { Title = "Featured event " + i.ToString(), Country = "Finland" + i.ToString(), CityName = "Helsinki", StartTime = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString() }); } } else { EventSearchParams searchParams = new EventSearchParams(); searchParams.Location = string.Format("{0},{1}", AppState.Latitude, AppState.Longitude); searchParams.Within = 250; searchParams.Date = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(); _service.GetEvents(searchParams, eventSet => { NoEventsFound = false; if (eventSet != null && eventSet.Events.Length != 0) { foreach (var e in eventSet.Events) { FeaturedEvents.Add(e); } } else { NoEventsFound = true; } }, delegate { IsFeaturedEventsLoading = true; }, delegate(Exception exception) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(exception); }, delegate { IsFeaturedEventsLoading = false; }); } }
public void GetEvents(EventSearchParams searchParams, Action<EventSet> onGetCompleted = null, Action onBegin = null, Action<Exception> onError = null, Action onFinally = null) { if (searchParams == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("Search paramater cannot be null"); WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.OpenReadCompleted += delegate(object sender, OpenReadCompletedEventArgs e) { try { if (e.Error != null) { if (onError != null) { onError(e.Error); } return; } using (XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(e.Result)) { var eventSet = (EventSet)_xmlSerializer.Deserialize(xmlReader); if (onGetCompleted != null) { onGetCompleted(eventSet); } } } finally { if (onFinally != null) { onFinally(); } } }; if (onBegin != null) { onBegin(); } var url = string.Empty; if (searchParams.Within != 0) url = GetEventSearchUrl(searchParams); else url = GetEventSearchUrl(searchParams, true); webClient.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(url)); }
private string GetEventSearchUrl(EventSearchParams esp, bool nonGeo = false) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(API_KEY)) throw new InvalidOperationException("ApiKey is invalid."); if (!nonGeo) //var str = string.Format(_eventSearchUrlFormat, API_KEY, esp.Location, esp.Category, esp.Date, esp.SortOrder.ToString(), esp.SortDirection.ToString(), esp.PageSize, esp.Within); return string.Format(_eventSearchUrlFormat, API_KEY, esp.Location, esp.Category, esp.Date, esp.SortOrder.ToString(), esp.SortDirection.ToString(), esp.PageSize, esp.Within); else return string.Format(_eventSearchUrlFormatNonGeo, API_KEY, esp.Location, esp.Category, esp.Date, esp.SortOrder.ToString(), esp.SortDirection.ToString(), esp.PageSize); }