private static void WriteMidpointsTo(BufferedStream bs, FileStream fs, byte version, int indexEntrySize, byte[] buffer, long dumpedEntryCount, long numIndexEntries, long requiredMidpointCount, List <Midpoint> midpoints)

            //special case, when there is a single index entry, we need two midpoints
            if (numIndexEntries == 1 && midpoints.Count == 1)
                midpoints.Add(new Midpoint(midpoints[0].Key, midpoints[0].ItemIndex));

            var midpointsWritten = 0;

            if (dumpedEntryCount == numIndexEntries && requiredMidpointCount == midpoints.Count) //if these values don't match, something is wrong
                fs.SetLength(fs.Position + midpoints.Count * indexEntrySize);
                foreach (var pt in midpoints)
                    AppendMidpointRecordTo(bs, buffer, version, pt, indexEntrySize);
                midpointsWritten = midpoints.Count;
                Log.Debug("Cached {midpointsWritten} index midpoints to PTable", midpointsWritten);
                Log.Debug("Not caching index midpoints to PTable due to count mismatch. Table entries: {numIndexEntries} / Dumped entries: {dumpedEntryCount}, Required midpoint count: {requiredMidpointCount} /  Actual midpoint count: {midpoints}", numIndexEntries, dumpedEntryCount, requiredMidpointCount, midpoints.Count);

            fs.SetLength(fs.Position + PTableFooter.GetSize(version));
            var footerBytes = new PTableFooter(version, (uint)midpointsWritten).AsByteArray();

            bs.Write(footerBytes, 0, footerBytes.Length);
예제 #2
        private PTable(string filename,
                       Guid id,
                       int initialReaders,
                       int maxReaders,
                       int depth            = 16,
                       bool skipIndexVerify = false)
            Ensure.NotNullOrEmpty(filename, "filename");
            Ensure.NotEmptyGuid(id, "id");
            Ensure.Positive(maxReaders, "maxReaders");
            Ensure.Nonnegative(depth, "depth");

            if (!File.Exists(filename))
                throw new CorruptIndexException(new PTableNotFoundException(filename));

            _id       = id;
            _filename = filename;

            Log.Verbose("Loading " + (skipIndexVerify ? "" : "and Verification ") + "of PTable '{pTable}' started...",
            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            _size = new FileInfo(_filename).Length;

            File.SetAttributes(_filename, FileAttributes.ReadOnly | FileAttributes.NotContentIndexed);

            _workItems = new ObjectPool <WorkItem>(string.Format("PTable {0} work items", _id),
                                                   () => new WorkItem(filename, DefaultBufferSize),
                                                   workItem => workItem.Dispose(),
                                                   pool => OnAllWorkItemsDisposed());

            var readerWorkItem = GetWorkItem();

            try {
                readerWorkItem.Stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                var header = PTableHeader.FromStream(readerWorkItem.Stream);
                if ((header.Version != PTableVersions.IndexV1) &&
                    (header.Version != PTableVersions.IndexV2) &&
                    (header.Version != PTableVersions.IndexV3) &&
                    (header.Version != PTableVersions.IndexV4))
                    throw new CorruptIndexException(new WrongFileVersionException(_filename, header.Version, Version));
                _version = header.Version;

                if (_version == PTableVersions.IndexV1)
                    _indexEntrySize = IndexEntryV1Size;
                    _indexKeySize   = IndexKeyV1Size;

                if (_version == PTableVersions.IndexV2)
                    _indexEntrySize = IndexEntryV2Size;
                    _indexKeySize   = IndexKeyV2Size;

                if (_version == PTableVersions.IndexV3)
                    _indexEntrySize = IndexEntryV3Size;
                    _indexKeySize   = IndexKeyV3Size;

                if (_version >= PTableVersions.IndexV4)
                    //read the PTable footer
                    var previousPosition = readerWorkItem.Stream.Position;
                    readerWorkItem.Stream.Seek(readerWorkItem.Stream.Length - MD5Size - PTableFooter.GetSize(_version),
                    var footer = PTableFooter.FromStream(readerWorkItem.Stream);
                    if (footer.Version != header.Version)
                        throw new CorruptIndexException(
                                  String.Format("PTable header/footer version mismatch: {0}/{1}", header.Version,
                                                footer.Version), new InvalidFileException("Invalid PTable file."));

                    if (_version == PTableVersions.IndexV4)
                        _indexEntrySize = IndexEntryV4Size;
                        _indexKeySize   = IndexKeyV4Size;
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown PTable version: " + _version);

                    _midpointsCached    = footer.NumMidpointsCached;
                    _midpointsCacheSize = _midpointsCached * _indexEntrySize;
                    readerWorkItem.Stream.Seek(previousPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                long indexEntriesTotalSize = (_size - PTableHeader.Size - _midpointsCacheSize -
                                              PTableFooter.GetSize(_version) - MD5Size);

                if (indexEntriesTotalSize < 0)
                    throw new CorruptIndexException(String.Format(
                                                        "Total size of index entries < 0: {0}. _size: {1}, header size: {2}, _midpointsCacheSize: {3}, footer size: {4}, md5 size: {5}",
                                                        indexEntriesTotalSize, _size, PTableHeader.Size, _midpointsCacheSize,
                                                        PTableFooter.GetSize(_version), MD5Size));
                else if (indexEntriesTotalSize % _indexEntrySize != 0)
                    throw new CorruptIndexException(String.Format(
                                                        "Total size of index entries: {0} is not divisible by index entry size: {1}",
                                                        indexEntriesTotalSize, _indexEntrySize));

                _count = indexEntriesTotalSize / _indexEntrySize;

                if (_version >= PTableVersions.IndexV4 && _count > 0 && _midpointsCached > 0 && _midpointsCached < 2)
                    //if there is at least 1 index entry with version>=4 and there are cached midpoints, there should always be at least 2 midpoints cached
                    throw new CorruptIndexException(String.Format(
                                                        "Less than 2 midpoints cached in PTable. Index entries: {0}, Midpoints cached: {1}", _count,
                else if (_count >= 2 && _midpointsCached > _count)
                    //if there are at least 2 index entries, midpoints count should be at most the number of index entries
                    throw new CorruptIndexException(String.Format(
                                                        "More midpoints cached in PTable than index entries. Midpoints: {0} , Index entries: {1}",
                                                        _midpointsCached, _count));

                if (Count == 0)
                    _minEntry = new IndexEntryKey(ulong.MaxValue, long.MaxValue);
                    _maxEntry = new IndexEntryKey(ulong.MinValue, long.MinValue);
                    var minEntry = ReadEntry(_indexEntrySize, Count - 1, readerWorkItem, _version);
                    _minEntry = new IndexEntryKey(minEntry.Stream, minEntry.Version);
                    var maxEntry = ReadEntry(_indexEntrySize, 0, readerWorkItem, _version);
                    _maxEntry = new IndexEntryKey(maxEntry.Stream, maxEntry.Version);
            } catch (Exception) {
            } finally {

            int calcdepth = 0;

            try {
                calcdepth  = GetDepth(_count * _indexEntrySize, depth);
                _midpoints = CacheMidpointsAndVerifyHash(calcdepth, skipIndexVerify);
            } catch (PossibleToHandleOutOfMemoryException) {
                    "Unable to create midpoints for PTable '{pTable}' ({count} entries, depth {depth} requested). "
                    + "Performance hit will occur. OOM Exception.", Path.GetFileName(Filename), Count, depth);

                "Loading PTable (Version: {version}) '{pTable}' ({count} entries, cache depth {depth}) done in {elapsed}.",
                _version, Path.GetFileName(Filename), Count, calcdepth, sw.Elapsed);
예제 #3
        internal Midpoint[] CacheMidpointsAndVerifyHash(int depth, bool skipIndexVerify)
            var buffer = new byte[4096];

            if (depth < 0 || depth > 30)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("depth");
            var count = Count;

            if (count == 0 || depth == 0)

            if (skipIndexVerify)
                Log.Debug("Disabling Verification of PTable");

            Stream   stream   = null;
            WorkItem workItem = null;

            if (Runtime.IsUnixOrMac)
                workItem = GetWorkItem();
                stream   = workItem.Stream;
                stream = UnbufferedFileStream.Create(_filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, false,
                                                     4096, 4096, false, 4096);

            try {
                int        midpointsCount;
                Midpoint[] midpoints;
                using (MD5 md5 = MD5.Create()) {
                    try {
                        midpointsCount = (int)Math.Max(2L, Math.Min((long)1 << depth, count));
                        midpoints      = new Midpoint[midpointsCount];
                    } catch (OutOfMemoryException exc) {
                        throw new PossibleToHandleOutOfMemoryException("Failed to allocate memory for Midpoint cache.",

                    if (skipIndexVerify && (_version >= PTableVersions.IndexV4))
                        if (_midpointsCached == midpointsCount)
                            //index verification is disabled and cached midpoints with the same depth requested are available
                            //so, we can load them directly from the PTable file
                            Log.Debug("Loading {midpointsCached} cached midpoints from PTable", _midpointsCached);
                            long startOffset = stream.Length - MD5Size - PTableFooter.GetSize(_version) -
                            stream.Seek(startOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            for (uint k = 0; k < _midpointsCached; k++)
                                stream.Read(buffer, 0, _indexEntrySize);
                                IndexEntryKey key;
                                long          index;
                                if (_version == PTableVersions.IndexV4)
                                    key = new IndexEntryKey(BitConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, 8),
                                                            BitConverter.ToInt64(buffer, 0));
                                    index = BitConverter.ToInt64(buffer, 8 + 8);
                                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown PTable version: " + _version);

                                midpoints[k] = new Midpoint(key, index);

                                if (k > 0)
                                    if (midpoints[k].Key.GreaterThan(midpoints[k - 1].Key))
                                        throw new CorruptIndexException(String.Format(
                                                                            "Index entry key for midpoint {0} (stream: {1}, version: {2}) < index entry key for midpoint {3} (stream: {4}, version: {5})",
                                                                            k - 1, midpoints[k - 1].Key.Stream, midpoints[k - 1].Key.Version, k,
                                                                            midpoints[k].Key.Stream, midpoints[k].Key.Version));
                                    else if (midpoints[k - 1].ItemIndex > midpoints[k].ItemIndex)
                                        throw new CorruptIndexException(String.Format(
                                                                            "Item index for midpoint {0} ({1}) > Item index for midpoint {2} ({3})",
                                                                            k - 1, midpoints[k - 1].ItemIndex, k, midpoints[k].ItemIndex));

                                "Skipping loading of cached midpoints from PTable due to count mismatch, cached midpoints: {midpointsCached} / required midpoints: {midpointsCount}",
                                _midpointsCached, midpointsCount);

                    if (!skipIndexVerify)
                        stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        stream.Read(buffer, 0, PTableHeader.Size);
                        md5.TransformBlock(buffer, 0, PTableHeader.Size, null, 0);

                    long previousNextIndex = long.MinValue;
                    var  previousKey       = new IndexEntryKey(long.MaxValue, long.MaxValue);
                    for (long k = 0; k < midpointsCount; ++k)
                        long nextIndex = GetMidpointIndex(k, count, midpointsCount);
                        if (previousNextIndex != nextIndex)
                            if (!skipIndexVerify)
                                ReadUntilWithMd5(PTableHeader.Size + _indexEntrySize * nextIndex, stream, md5);
                                stream.Read(buffer, 0, _indexKeySize);
                                md5.TransformBlock(buffer, 0, _indexKeySize, null, 0);
                                stream.Seek(PTableHeader.Size + _indexEntrySize * nextIndex, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                stream.Read(buffer, 0, _indexKeySize);

                            IndexEntryKey key;
                            if (_version == PTableVersions.IndexV1)
                                key = new IndexEntryKey(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 4),
                                                        BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0));
                            else if (_version == PTableVersions.IndexV2)
                                key = new IndexEntryKey(BitConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, 4),
                                                        BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0));
                                key = new IndexEntryKey(BitConverter.ToUInt64(buffer, 8),
                                                        BitConverter.ToInt64(buffer, 0));

                            midpoints[k]      = new Midpoint(key, nextIndex);
                            previousNextIndex = nextIndex;
                            previousKey       = key;
                            midpoints[k] = new Midpoint(previousKey, previousNextIndex);

                        if (k > 0)
                            if (midpoints[k].Key.GreaterThan(midpoints[k - 1].Key))
                                throw new CorruptIndexException(String.Format(
                                                                    "Index entry key for midpoint {0} (stream: {1}, version: {2}) < index entry key for midpoint {3} (stream: {4}, version: {5})",
                                                                    k - 1, midpoints[k - 1].Key.Stream, midpoints[k - 1].Key.Version, k,
                                                                    midpoints[k].Key.Stream, midpoints[k].Key.Version));
                            else if (midpoints[k - 1].ItemIndex > midpoints[k].ItemIndex)
                                throw new CorruptIndexException(String.Format(
                                                                    "Item index for midpoint {0} ({1}) > Item index for midpoint {2} ({3})", k - 1,
                                                                    midpoints[k - 1].ItemIndex, k, midpoints[k].ItemIndex));

                    if (!skipIndexVerify)
                        ReadUntilWithMd5(stream.Length - MD5Size, stream, md5);
                        //verify hash (should be at stream.length - MD5Size)
                        md5.TransformFinalBlock(Empty.ByteArray, 0, 0);
                        var fileHash = new byte[MD5Size];
                        stream.Read(fileHash, 0, MD5Size);
                        ValidateHash(md5.Hash, fileHash);

            } catch {
            } finally {
                if (Runtime.IsUnixOrMac)
                    if (workItem != null)
                    if (stream != null)